Built on the design philosophy that armour should be more important than, armament, mechanical reliability, maneuverability, speed etc.
Mason Ross
louis theroux is the most over rated documentary presenter ever, how many more documentary's is he going to do on druggies in america or nigger killing eachother, its just so mundane
Yeah because we didn't over engineer on top of said problems making the fact that they guzzelled fuel and broke down all the time less of a problem. Give me a firefly any day.
The later versions were better, the 75mm gun was an improvement and the armour meant it could go toe to toe with a Panther (neither tanks could actually kill each other).
Great tank (the Sherman is the best tank of WW2 fight me) but I wouldn't want to be in the turret of one.
Doesn't higher min wage just kill off small businesses that are trying to compete with the big chains?
It's not even a kraut memi, it came from a book written 10 years after the war with no sources apart from a few veterans saying their tanks would catch fire (which is the same for every tank, even in the modern age).
Right, lads. I've just spent the day looking up serial killers and disgusting shit. Just watched a video of a man with his face removed being repeatedly slashed with a box cutter as a group of men apparently try in vain to behead him. Occasionally he lets out an animalistic scream. My morbid curiosity seriously needs to fuck off. Fucking hell. I feel fucking sick.
Is that the "Tommycooker" memi or the "Ronson Lighters" memi. Because I remember reading an interview with a soviet tank gunner who crewed a sherman and he had nothing but praise for it in comparison to the T-34. Better build quality, better space, more comfort, the ammunition wasn't so volatile that it went up with the slightest provocation.
You've just reminded me that when I visited Plymouth last month, I've notices that most of women had yummy milkers. Hardly any flat-chested lasses there.
Christopher Gomez
Found its mum.
Nearly the exact same types are in attendance, it's uncanny.
It's both, all tanks in WW2 had a habit of going up in flames (roughly 10% when hit) and the Sherman was basically the same as the rest (slightly lower late war due to wet storage)
Hudson Cruz
It'd have to be bloody wholesome to make me feel good.
Yeah? I avoid gore for the most part. I'm interested in killers, but gory stuff really fucks with me too much. How the hell is that guy even alive? Is he dead by the end? Only watched to the second time he screams. I've made the decision not to watch a similar video of a guy having his eye removed. Don't know how you lads can watch shit like this. Fucking south americans smh.
Juan Murphy
not really tbh, it's the same group of unbearable fart-huffing cunts either way.
They REALLY need to focus on this. There is no international quality control on qualifications, a degree from Kanpur is not worth the same as a degree from Cambridge.
Kayden Lewis
These ugly mongs at the Labour conference reminds me of the canteen scene in Star Wars.
I would imagine so. One video I have saved is of some brazilians trying to execute some poor fuck with a machete, but his death-gurgles sound exactly like a quacking duck and I can't take it seriously.