Google Gorillas

Google can't make their AIs not recognize blacks as gorillas so they are deleting, or lobotomizing their machine learning systems, politically incorrect terms from the system.

This is already known widely by people here. It is a common mocking point of Google and the whole AI industry in general on several boards. This isn't thread worthy.

I think it's a mocking point on several boards but not of AI.

Fuck off to Zig Forums

Old news, but just call them niggers.

Muh /poooooooooooooooooooooooool/

old news

It isn't mocking the AI. It's mocking people's responses to AI pointing out what is obvious. Niggers look like primates.

You think redpilled people are some tiny group that can be contained. That's cute.

No, I didn't know about this. Why police the thread when the board is dead enough as it is?

Nice find OP.

In short, political correctness is against technological evolution. As time goes by, advances in genetics will say louder and louder how race is real and different from each other and how men and women are also different. All facts already known but ignored; ignoring reality will be impossible thanks to technology.

yes, please go back there.

Why do Nazis act like they own stocks in white supremacy?

I believe the assertion is the negroids aren't people, so in effect, your viewpoint isn't fundamentally opposed to his. It's just a disagreement about definitions.

They just have to add bias in the AI. So long as it isn't open it'll work as (((they))) want and nobody will be the wiser.

Attached: racist_robots.mp4 (640x360, 5.1M)

Why do Zig Forumsacks have to make themselves so obvious?


Look, I get that people are tired of being bombarded with politics in their everyday lives, but that isn't Zig Forums's fault.

Attached: index.jpg (275x183, 3.94K)

It is Zig Forums's fault when they shit new threads that are not technology but politics. SJW shitting on a person is not technology. Code of conducts are not technology.

Muh commie scum. Go the fuck back to Metafilter.

Do you really think the AI was wrong?

They are, and so are you

This calms me, perhaps the botnet i not growing as quickly as I feared. Obvious Zig Forums bait though