The most secure messenger in the world

XMPP aka Jabber - is most secure messenger in the world

Attached: screenshot_encryption_selection.jpg (1191x628 37.07 KB, 259.5K)

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In before >JUST USE IRC

Yeah, I know.

Jabber is better than irc


Through the jabber you can connect to IRC

Nobody would suspect you.

I use XMPP+OMEMO to talk to friendly people ^_^

lmao nice try botnet

That's a pretty misleading infographic. Let's evaluate the x's on Matrix.
Matrix doesn't use electron. Maybe you are confusing it with the Riot client?
Everyone is free to make their own implementation of the client / servers or whatever of the matrix protocol. You can even contribute to the reference implementation if you want to.
For a new chat protocol that isn't very popular there hasn't been enough time for multiple to be developed.
There are multiple clients for Matrix, but there aren't enough developers to maintain all them or to create enough to be considered "many."
I don't know anything about this
Wrong their encryption protocol has been audited.
You only need WebRTC if you are making a video / audio call. If you concerned with your anonymity (you are using tor afterall) why would you want to do something like that?


XMPP has 6 mature clients with full support for OMEMO and those clients don't consume 600 mb ram on idle unlike [[[some shitwares made by british venture capital firms]]].
- Miranda NG
- Pidjin
- Gajim
- Pidgin
- Gajim
- Dino
- Conversations
- Zom
- ChatSecure

Riot use 99% users!!!!
No! Api is centralized! Nobody can make an extension without approval!
NO! 99% use MATRIX.ORG and RIOT!
>Wrong their encryption protocol has been audited.
In this case, it was found a month ago! Fucking such an audit!

In XMPP, not one kind of encryption.

I'm running Gajim - 32MB RAM!

I'm running Gajim - 34MB RAM!

The electron engine is a Chrome browser, so they consume a lot of memory. The Matrix is shit-tucked into the browser

You don't understand how this works.
That doesn't mean you can't use a different possible.
Protocols gets standardized all the time by a central organization. This allows two different computers to talk to each other without having to know a million different variations for each protocol.
That's not how it works.
This sentence wasn't translated correctly. Try again.

In riot found a vulnerability a month ago. Fucking such an audit!
If someone needs to make changes that do not approve it will be fork.The company was useful to disable encryption to store history.This will be an incompatible fork.
In XMPP is better this is thoughtful

The matrix has collected money for the development of the client on the electron. The rest in the matrix is lousy.

That PGP key won't help when no one has your address

лолифокс протекает

This thread is fucming retarded.

XMPP aims to merge all messengers with one standard.

What would people be able to write from WhatApp in Signai, Telegram etc

Attached: 1421236650_in_article_497cd93207.jpg (675x539, 107.07K)

ignore skid threads
but this is too b8. XMPP is fucking shit, it's not going to unite anything. all the clients are full of bloated buggy libraries, are buggy themselves, and are full of RCE vulns. but what else would you expect from a protocol designed by a bunch of XML/Java niggers who like to spend months "engineering" "flexibility" and "headroom" into their protocols
That GUI makes me feel like if I click OMEMO or OTR, it will break and still send all my messages in plain text. How many lines of code did it take you (and your libraries) to make that stupid J in fancy font in a blue box?


Matrix or bust.

shut the fuck up retard

The matrix is ​​advertised shit. In European countries, the matrix is ​​scrapped. Anons use XMPP

Conversations works fine


Moot point - you should be running your own server


I don't know if it's just me, but using encrypted chat in Matrix over TOR kept changing my IP, so I couldn't read any old messages every time.


Actually sounds pretty good, I'm ashamed for not checking it out before, it sounds like pretty much a mature matrix.

Facebook messenger supports almost everything and is end to end encrypted with the signal protocol and the signal creator personally verified they did it correctly.


In conversation 3 types of encryption
- OMEMO (signal protocol)
Conversations is a opensource

You can download here >>>
Free opensources repository

I usually use xmpp+otr over pidgin and it's worked well so far.

They removed OTR in the new version, though.

Except conversations barely works beyond trivial messaging.

What's your alternative, faggot?

facebook messenger is more secure and works better

I expected no less from a retard like you.

i'm going to take my messenger written by world class engineers rather than an open alternative written by 2 communist dropouts.

That made me laugh.

Do you not understand how much traffic Facebook goes through? You don't run a web operation like Facebook if it wasn't world class.

Seems like lolifox schizos are brigading this board, but nonetheless I'd like to admit how most American anons hopped from 30-years old IRC straight into bloated de-facto centralized Matrix this needs some red pill jokes completely ignoring world-wide known XMPP and it's advancements over the past years.

The people here have some allergic reactions to XML because of autism. Also catv is their manifesto.

Conversation sends files, pictures, audio, there are encrypted group chats
Facebook? You make me laugh. Facebook - is the biggest espionage organization in the world

Attached: snapshot.jpg (640x360, 77.82K)


This is the problem with XMPP. It has all these supposed features and none of them work together.
Great! Now send a encrypted file or encrypted image to the group! Oh shit its fucked because the features don't work together.

Use TOX and you can do that. It's better too for security since it is P2P and E2E.

I use tox and conversations as they are the best FOSS shit out there right now. Tox group chats suck though. Not persistent, cant do files, fairly glitchy, you need a bot alive all the time to keep them up. Conversations works much better on mobile though. Can deal with switching networks quickly, has offline messaging, group chats are persistent, etc.

Really they are both fucked though no good options.

You're telling a lie . Now everything is working well.Install Conversations with the server
You're telling a lie. I already sent the encrypted file to the group. 404+Conversations works just as well as other messengers

TOX? P2P ? Ho-Ho-Ho!!
I can look at your ip and break your computer

Then run tor u retard

lol no. what you did is uploaded in cleartext to the server and then the clients downloaded that cleartext image and inserted it into your chat window. it sure looks like its doing secure file transfer but nope.

We must remove myths. Everybody knows about TOX, MATRIX, Telegram. Nobody knows about XMPP

In TOX recently found a leak ip through TOR)
Intelligence agency - create your imprint through P2P. Metadata in tox is not secure.
Intelligence agency - write down your protected messages

citation needed
then use tor

TOR does not protect against the leakage of metadata in TOX

decentralized development is a dead giveaway that it's good enough
anything centralized is (((centralized))). if there is only a sole client app provider then it should be immediately recognized as a botnet. bonus for phone number registrations

Which meta data specifically are you talking about. Where is your proof.


Okay retard "onion" here does not mean tor. This is the built in tox onion routing system where you can interact with a user without being friends. This does NOT leak your IP if you are on tor. It leaks your IP if you DO NOT use tor. Please read about how the tox protocol is implemented to understand the context of this (old) bug report.

Any metadata in the tox, contacts, time of exit, protected messages, time of their sending are intercepted
This is a P2P babe

Through this, users' addresses were found and computers were broken)

TOX dirty trash

Not tor users. Non friends were able to find the IP of non tor users. Read the protocol so you may understand how the onion routing system in tox works. The onion router is not the same thing as the SOCKS tor proxy.

user your friends list does not leak, and your messages are still secure, and your IP is hidden.

Hello pajeet.

Attached: 3c632198ff9850a72e59c7bfbc8a598faf1500a7666bef4554cd7f8339c646fa.png (1333x600, 36.67K)

Security vulnerability Toxcore

That vulnerability has nothing to do with tor, onion module does not mean tor integration, tor users were not effected.

TOXS leak the ip, in Russia they found users of the TOX after the TOR. Metadata TOX is sufficient information to hole a TOR

This is shilling. Where is your proof? Where is the bug report? When did this happen? What you linked before has nothing to do with it.

There are naive fools who believe that p2p is directly. P2P is:

Attached: 5454.jpeg (212x237, 14.96K)

>YOUinternet provider DPINSAinternet provider DPIMossadinternet provider DPIKGBinternet provider DPIFriend
TOX and P2P is cool

Attached: p2p.jpeg (243x207, 7.01K)


Exactly and the non p2p version is:
YOUProviderNSAProviderSome Other Fuckers Server MossadProviderKGBProviderFriend

NO! The metadata to the server is encrypted

YOUOther Fuckers ServerFriend

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 9.87K)

Attached: 1528025433-tor-xmpp-movim.gif (586x800, 2.36M)

What metadata does XMPP encrypt that tox does not do with tor. Hint: Nothing. Fuck off shill.

Attached: DdEYo1cUQAAtgys.jpg (412x623, 49.52K)

TOR no metadata is encrypted. This is a P2P dumbass

TOX no metadata is encrypted. This is a P2P dumbass

Just name one thing. A single thing that is leaked.

Contacts list. Your index TOX. Time send messend. Encrypted TOX messages were saved by the intermediaries

The contact list is absolutely not leaked. That is not how the protocol works. Your English is also very difficult to read. Typical Pajeet.

You are a unique server. P2P and TOX fucked shit for privacy

Attached: TOX.jpeg (225x225, 6.64K)

This board is English only.

Attached: DbPhiwHXcAYlBnd.jpg (1024x768, 101.47K)

Stupid. Your contact seeps when you write or call him. When asked whether he is on the network.

You mean a DHT lookup is requested from an anonymous node uncorrelated with any identity.

Attached: 38a06bf079f727be1fd04016b5bf9494987511f9e45ef20f8751f363de482150.jpg (492x661, 105.25K)

TOX litter metadata on servers Intelligence agency and internet provider

user you need to go back to school to learn more English and understand technology.

I'm not talking about this. But here you can be hacked.

Again wrong.

You do not understand the presence of intermediaries intercepting and recording all your actions. TOX hole

Attached: lol.jpeg (284x177, 7.42K)

Its over an encrypted tunnel retard. Two tor users talking to each other leak nothing.

They lose metadata. Messages can be decrypted back if you hack a computer. TOX and P2P hole

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