I don't get it.
Don't use palemoon because it's owned by a furfag
He's a parrotfucker, though.
If you're going to stop using software over things like that you're just setting yourself up to only use software whose developers you're unfamiliar with.
Don't use Palemoon because of its developer's attitude to free software and user choice. Or just decide to use it anyway.
Zig Forums is retarded.
A thread died for this
I don't see the relevance of your statement.
This is different from feminists how?
I've skipped to the end for everyone. Also, horseshoe theory is retarded.
t. lolbertarian.
Stallman is a degenerate jew.
Krita is not owned by Tyson Tan, and neither is LO.
Your premise is flawed.
Zig Forums can't seperate the creation from the creator.
The community of furries are furry, including fans of Tyson Tan.
Animal mascots have been a thing with normalfags since time immemorial.
The head maintainer of Krita is Boudewijn Rempt, his vice is being a Christcuck, not being a furry.
Does Palememe have a cute and marketable mascot? Do you know there is a difference between Kiki, Libbs, Gracie and pretty much all the mascots Tyson has made and the kinds of degenerate furshit that Moonchild faps to, right? Pics related:
Trips don't lie...
Kiki and Christchan OC when?
I'd say you don't really have to be a furfag to support Tyson since he's been forced to stop making lewds.
holy shit MC is a furry? wtf i love palemoon now
Yes, if it wasn't evidenced by the fact HE CALLS HIMSELF MOONCHILD.
Am I suddenly on /b/ or /tv/?
To be fair that could just be a King Crimson reference.