I mostly see people bitching about stuff here. It's time to get /comfy/ier
Here we post about all around good software. Try and keep things on focus and not derail into an all-out brawl on what is good and what isn't. No obviously shit software like GNOME, systemd, modern web browsers, ect.
I'll start.
FVWM window manager
-oldest surviving window manager (at least in active development)
-minimal yet looks great out of the box
-low memory usage
-programmed by creator of rxvt, other veterans also/have work on it (including tmux creator)
-active community
-openbox. less memory usage than fvwm, tons of themes but almost no new updates since 2010 (creator considers it a finished project)
Good software thread
- StumpWM
Very hackable.
- cwm
Simple, and stays out of your way.
- ImageMagick
Does everything I need.
- Emacs
RMS holds this project back* but it's still excellent.
- mpv
Everyone uses this.
- Links+
Best browser.
- Lynx
Supports gopher.
- scsch
Best shell.
- es
Second best shell.
- transmission-daemon
Best torrent client.
- SeaMonkey
Pretty much the only usable modern browser that supports uMatrix without depending on poetteringware.
Lynx is my web browser of choice. Next is uzbl
Ack, sorry. Instead of uzbl I now use LuaKit
Is that project still alive and kicking?
Yup. They still consider it in-development though. I switch between luakit and uzbl. Uzbl is a lot more stable
Never heard of it. Is it anything like zsh?
Luakit seems interesting; I'll try it out. What are some of its distinguishing features?
It's kinda like a functional rc.
qBittorrent - torrent client with a search engine! Nice clean UI.
Quod Libet - Music player with, again, a nice clean and CUSTOMIZABLE UI. Advanced filtering capabilities. Supports grouping tags. Probably the only one with this set of features.
GParted - well, a partition manager that just works. Clean UI. Not much to say.
Geany - lean IDE that has everything you need. Only depends on GTK.
Hardinfo - just shows you the specs of your computer.
yay happy thread! ^.^
-comfy terminal email client
-highly customizable
-allows you to write the emails with your text editor of choice
-can be used with gpg without it messing with your keypairs (unlike enigmail, which is clearly made by bakas)
-the standard text editor.
-not as bad as all the memes and jokes would make you think
-I unironically use it every once in a while
-most lightweight editor that isn't written in assembly
-smol wm
-super fast and light
-config is really easy. config.h is well-commented
-doesn't take much ricing at all to look good
-remove telemetry from (((Moz://a)))'s Firefox, leaving you with just a really nice browser.
-of course lots of privacy extensions and cool features
-honestly not too RAM heavy in my experience, at least compared to some FF and chrome pics i've seen
-both great imageviewers for command-line people.
-sxiv is lighter, has better licensing, and has a really nice looking gallery mode
-feh I think also has some kind of gallery, but its main cool feature is being able to easily set your wallpaper on a tiling wm
OP said no browsers...
>-remove telemetry from (((Moz://a)))'s Firefox, leaving you with just a really nice browser.
And this claim isn't true anyway. spyware.neocities.org
Neither is it for icecat it just has no article yet.
I never really liked ed, edlin (early DOS) was my jam though. There was also some MUD editor that was like edlin but I think it was some builtin version of the elm (email client) editor.
FFmpeg, obviously. The codecs are not all friendly but as an overall containment project super great.
Blender, holy fuck blender. How does this even exist in our shit reality? The UX is alien but consistent.
oh I just thought of another!
-transmission-daemon is the nice daemon that handles all your torrents
-remote-cli is the really cool ncurses interface to control the daemon. even though it says remote, you can just use both on your local system just fine!
s-sorry! also it would be interesting to see the icecat article.
glad to see someone else who can appreciate line editors
wait.. elm had an editor?
mutt is based on elm, at least design-wise, and just has you use whatever your current text editor is to compose the emails.
I guess elm worked differently?
good : undefined constant
/g/ thread spawned
We're waiting for version 60 to come out, but 52 has a lot of spyware in it.
I'm not sure if it was BUILT IN to elm or was packaged with whatever system they were running. I never got like shell level access to what it was doing. It wasn't ed and it wasn't any version of ex I recognize.
I also had some notes drawn up if I ever decide to just flat out write my own editor. Definitely line&command based.
vis - text editor
cmus - music player
dmenu - menu/launcher for Xorg
weechat - irc client
mupdf - pdf reader
smplayer - gui frontend for mplayer/mpd
i3wm - simple tiling window manager
transmission - torrent client
urxvt - terminal emulator
aria2 - download utility with multipart multiconnection features
Don't. Use github.com
ratpoison and mrxvt are pretty decent after configuration
feh for images, sxiv for GIFs (supports rewind, pause, frame stepping, etc) mrxvt, Links, youtube-dl, mpv
GPG is bloated as fuck but just for the few purposes it's actually useful for (signing,encrypting) it works
pcmanfm is shit slow and crashes all the time and has bad a keyboard interface but i still haven't found a less aids file browser. that one that uses QT (dolphin?) was alright but still had more issues
I suggest xfe, if you don't want superior TUI solutions like ranger or vifm.
this gon be good
no, but i'll try them anyway since all the GUIs are retarded bullshit. xfe does seem worth looking more into despite the initial retarded shit though
I really like qBittorrent, but I really need it to support WebRTC or WebTorrent so I can seed PeerTube videos.
Is scsh truly usable?
Why bother using the command line when you have emacs and stumpwm, literaly an elisp and a common lisp repl running that can interact with the terminal through stumpish?
ratpoison is deprecated. Use stumpwm now.
xfe doesn't cache thumbnails - it generates them every time you open the directory and it will freeze until they're all done.
great. i just used it a bit more. whenever you use it to open a PNG in feh and then close feh, xfe becomes a black screen for 3 seconds and the cursor becomes the loading/pending symbol
Reminder to use sxiv and not feh, if you need to set your wallpaper use hsetroot.
feh is extremely bloated, I didn't know anyone still used it.
so what, you can't use it because noone is tweeting about it?
Do you have some resources about it?
Moreover, please answer
Have any of you tried spectrwm? It's similar to dwm but has some nice defaults and uses a plaintext config file. It seems like you can't use polybar/lemonbar with it however.
Why wouldn't you be able to?, unless you mean you want a workspace indicator, but if that's what you want just use spectrwm's bar.
both ratpoison and mrxvt are deprecated software and mrxvt is culnerable CVE-2017-7483, which can cause the terminal to crash. It was removed from OpenBSD ports due to this
that's pretty fucking retarded
yea, that's why i use spacefm
Portage isn't good software despite what you might think. It's programmed in Python and takes forever to calculate dependencies. It's like a snail, a beefy snail, but a snale nonetheless.
and that's where you're wrong
works fine here
My whole machine locked up hard when running ratpoison in the recent past. That shouldn't be possible in Unix, but there you go.
After reading the thread I don't think I have too much to add. Here's my list:
ed and vi for quick text editing if Emacs is not running. I like line editing, but I only use it trivially
Emacs for development, large text and 日本語テキスト input (emacs even has its own IM, C-x C-\, switch with C-\)
Anthy for Japanese text input in other programs other than Emacs
Tagaini Jisho dictionary for Japanese with kanji drawing guide and other features. Excellent if you're trying to learn the idiom
mpv for both music and video
feh (the lack of animated gif support sucks, but it's not a big deal)
Speaking of feh, if you prefer to do your browsing in text, you can create a named pipe redirecting to feh to show pictures as soon as you save them:
#in the same directory you started your browser, for instance /tmpmkfifo iwhile [ -e i ];do tee img
So why don't you use sxiv?
I learned about it in this thread. And I don't have many gif images, so that's why I said it was not a big deal.
I forgot to add to the list mupdf it's fast and with few dependencies (I also it on Android).
AviSynth is one of the greatest applications ever devised by man. I'm old now but I hear the legacy is being carried on by Vapoursynth. Also Aegisub, which is the best application I've ever used for timing/subtitle work.
One valid reason to use feh over sxiv is that feh works without X.
Is it possible to make suckless surf work without X.org?
There's no advantage to using Stumpwm over Ratpoison unless you're a lisp hacker.
sxiv doesn't let you delete files on disk. With feh you can easily go through a folder of stuff with "feh -FZd" and delete the files you don't want. I guess sxiv has a thumbnail viewer but it doesn't let you delete the files from there.
I'm using ROX filer and FVWM too. Pretty good.
sxiv can do that with it's keyhandler.
Stumpwm is made by the same author of ratpoison, and it is its evolution. Some people even started to build the evolution of stumpwm, paulownia (there is too the beggining of "stumpwm 2.0"). It's factual.
After, if you don't want to learn a great programming language, and keep using an outadated wm, do your thing.
Firefox Nightly
Ghost Commander
Kingo Root
Simple Calendar
Open Camera
Simple Gallery
K-9 Mail
Barcode Scanner
Neko Project II
Emerald Launcher
BeHe Keyboard
I get the bar is set really low here but do please try to maintain some level of standards
user, why do you do this to yourself?.
Ken Thompson has an automobile which he helped design. Unlike most automobiles, it has neither speedometer, nor gas gauge, nor any of the other numerous idiot lights which plague the modern driver. Rather, if the driver makes a mistake, a giant “?” lights up in the center of the dashboard. “The experienced driver,” says Thompson, “will usually know what’s wrong.”
Firefox is a good example of software.
Can't you come up with something that's actually yours?
Oh, nevermind, that means putting effort in something other than bitching.
what alternative would you suggest?
I love CL, actually use and have contributed to Stumpwm, I'm just not part of the Lisp nonsense that's been going on here. I think it's a great WM, and I love hacking around on it, but you're not going to get much out of it unless you know, or want to learn, CL. The out of box functionality is basically the same as Ratpoison and customisation is less straightforward. It's only when you start playing around with the internals that it becomes interesting.
As for development the creator, Shawn Betts, no longer maintains either. Even under the current maintainers the most recent major changes to Stumpwm have been a reorganising of dependencies and sticky keymaps, both of which are invisible to a user who isn't invested in the codebase.
Drop the idea that a programme needs constant changes, no matter how minor, else it becomes depreciated. Both StumpWM and Ratpoison are very mature projects that don't see much activity because they don't need it. Ideally once a project is feature complete and bug free it should be allowed to rest and enjoyed by users, not forced to compete in some kind of arms race of recency.
Pawlonia isn't anything more than an idea, it's been inactive for over a year and there's still no concrete plan for what it should be. It's much easier to gradually improve what we have.
Makes sense on hardcopy terminals, to avoid wasting ink.
So you can't drive either?
Well, software rot is a thing, and I doubt all bugs have been found and fixed. Every single program requires a modicum of constant maintainance, but I agree that we shouldn't expect eternal major version releases all the time.
Can you give an example of why it's good?
For example, dwm is great once you change keybinds and use tags, if you don't then dwm is just another shitty twm.
That's what the github social psychological hamster wheel of green squares would have you believe.
Is there an image viewer better than irfanview?
It has one big flaw, which is that when you load a new image it freezes and doesn't show anything until the image has finished loading. It should a. not freeze the GUI, and b. load/show a thumbnail first if the file is big.
It keeps the user in the driver's seat at all times without any fluff.
This might be my autistic tendencies talking, but I can't stand WMs that move around my windows without permission. In Stump/Ratpoison you define a frame layout, each frame contains a stack of windows that don't move around and nothing resizes either. Static tiling isn't unique, Herbstluftwm - which I used to use - also behaves this way, but Stump gives much finer control over navigating frames. I can instantly jump to any frame, select windows from a list, pull or push windows to the current frame, and so on. It's the one WM I've used where I don't really find myself using virtual desktops because the control over windows is so good, even if they're all on the same desktop.
The fact that it's programmable whilst running - the config file is just another file evaluated by the lisp REPL - and all the internals are easily available for one's editing pleasure means that you can create any functionality that might seem useful or just novel. Cycling windows between frames is kind of useless, executing one command in another frame without moving there is extremely useful. The WM provides many useful functions like generic menus with fuzzy matching that you can use in whatever way you please. It's a dream if you like playing around with Lisp. There's a lot of functionality implemented but not really used by default, tags for example, meaning you're free to do what you want with them. Directly programming to customise your environment is a very different feeling to just editing a config file.
It's the kind of WM that's pretty ugly on first glace, but you won't want to leave once you've tweaked it to your liking. It also helps if you're already familiar with Emacs, since a lot of the concepts are the same or work in a similar way.
Sounds pretty interesting I'll give it a try.
Could you share your keybindings, and now you move between frames?
I, for exemple, use s-SPC to jump between the two last frame.
what the fuck are you talking about? software rot only matters for fixing known vulns and updating the software to work with newer versions of its dependencies (for example because the old versions of the dependencies have vulns, or because the system already has a newer version and is to doodoo to let you use two versions at once). new software is buggy as fuck and isn't better than any older software in the slightest
I use dvorak and put most things on the top map, beneath super, so it's not a very typical config.
My movement keys are bound to ijkl (on qwerty), M-key pushes the current frame to a neighbour, while C-key pulls from a given direction. C-M-key does both (swaps windows). Things are generally set up this way across commands and across scopes (current frame, screen, desktops, etc) If a command could have some expanded scope, it's often used with shift. b opens a list of windows on the current desktop, B lists for all desktops.
Apart from this I have commands that work on instances of the same program, batch pull/push/delete and so on.
One simple addition that makes a world of difference is automatically snapping the mouse pointer to the centre of the current frame. I rarely use the mouse, but when I have to it's always where I need it.
This snippet achieves that.
Quick ReplyNameEmailSubject New Reply>>929166I use dvorak and put most things on the top map, beneath super, so it's not a very typical config.My movement keys are bound to ijkl (on qwerty), M-key pushes the current frame to a neighbour, while C-key pulls from a given direction. C-M-key does both (swaps windows). Things are generally set up this way across commands and across scopes (current frame, screen, desktops, etc) If a command could have some expanded scope, it's often used with shift. b opens a list of windows on the current desktop, B lists for all desktops. Apart from this I have commands that work on instances of the selected program, batch pull/push/delete and so on.One simple addition that makes a world of difference is automatically snapping the mouse pointer to the centre of the current frame. I rarely use the mouse, but when I have to it's always where I need it.This snippet achieves that.[code](defun centre-pointer-hook (to-frame from-frame) "Reposition pointer in the centre of current frame" (declare (ignore to-frame from-frame)) (let* ((frame (current-frame)) (x (floor (+ (/ (frame-width frame) 2) (frame-x frame)))) (y (floor (+ (/ (frame-height frame) 2) (frame-y frame))))) (warp-pointer (current-screen) x y)))(add-hook *focus-frame-hook* 'centre-pointer-hook)
I've been toying with the idea of having a complete functional stack
so far the idea is:
what else? what "modern" web browser that is usable could there be?
Windowmaker is great, better than fvwm.
I'll add pass - the dead simple cli password manager.
Also 2bwm
more like .... BAD SOFTWARE THREAD
I don't know of anything that isn't using webkit. If you're just after customisation in a functional language there's Nextbrowser which uses CL*.
* Obligatory footnote that Common Lisp isn't a functional language, Scheme is the heavily functional lisp.
Thanks you. I have pretty much the same. I have only one monitor, so I use only one frame most of the time. I split in two when I program, or if I need my terminal and my browser. But most of the time, I only have one frame at the time. I don't even use the mode-line (I should use it through, I'm just not happy with my "rice" of it).
uxterm- Good for ranger file manager
fish- Works perfect
mpv- All multimedia playback
firefox- best extensible Open browser
pcmanfm- 'ffmpeg thumbnailer' webm's
mocp- terminal music'mocp -e uxterm'
I wish I could turn back time.
mplayer - like a command line VLC. Does frame grabs, screen recording, listen to radio streams, etc...
ffmpeg - Make a 16Mb movie
ImageMagick suite - convert, mogrify, identify...and many other powerful image tools.
even palememe is better than firecuck but it's still not anything near "good software"
it's doodoo. it crashes in every fucking edge case you can possibly think of. for example opening a big folder and changing the file filter before it's done loading (ctrl+E space enter)
why the fuck does it focus on the URL bar when you open a new tab. if i wanted to do that i'd press ctrl+L
when you delete a file and press the up or down arrow, instead of selecting a file near the one you just deleted, it goes to the end of the page and you have to scroll all the way back there
i guess the most complex application niggers can make is a window manager (ratpoison). a file browser is just beyond the threshold and a web browser is hopeless
is shit wordfiltered?
Why does he have company logos on his autism jacket?
Check out grafx2.
You would actually know the purpose of ed when you understand that most terminals for UNIX were developed for a teletype.
NetSurf is a surprisingly good lightweight web browser if you don't mind not having javascript. I'm posting this from it. You can watch youtube or whatever with mpv/youtube-dl.
mg is basically a lightweight c port of emacs that's included in OpenBSD. It's pretty nice, although it doesn't support utf-8.
What is it?
I do mind, but NetSurf is still surprisingly nice. I wouldn't use it as my main browser, but I can appreciate the progress on it so far.
oh, and the fact that it can apparently run in a framebuffer is amazing. More browsers should support that functionality
idk i just think its cool cause you could run a browser without starting x or wayland and tbh a browser is like 80% of the reason i'd want to bother with those so umm if a fully featured browser could work in a framebuffer i'd be able to just live in framebuffer only uwu
I'm posting from NetSurf now. Looks pretty nice. Kind of like Dillo but just a little more intuitively laid out. I don't see the option to run it from framebuffer though. I checked the man page and didn't see anything. Is there a specific command I'm missing?
There's some screenshots of it
That's neat. Wish they had documentation on it though. Wouldn't be super useful often, but I could see myself using it now and then.
WM: Openbox (I used to use IceWM which is also very /comfy/ I forgot why I switched, though)
Email client: Sylpheed (feel free to redpill me on [neo]mutt)
Editor: GNU Emacs
File Manager: thunar (I also used to use GANOO Midnight Commander)
Music Player: vlc (kek) or Clementine (but I was redpilled on quodlibet recently)
Image viewer: feh (but i am thinking about switching to sxiv)
Image editor: pinta (I am too stupid for GIMP)
That's portage's only flaw. I think portage is the best package manager. Also, if speed was your top priority, you wouldn't probably want to use Gentoo anyway, tbh. (compiling gcc/clang can take a long time)
Thanks for the tip. I have just recently started learning Japanese.
you forgot LineageOS, KISS launcher, nori (booru viewer), Tachiyomi, Clover and OpenKeychain (PGP).
XnView if you are on windows
imo, it's just the least bad option.
No, afaik
Perhaps framebuffer support isn't compiled in? (Disclaimer: It's just a guess) I really should try NeetSurf...
To all the people who say ricing their computer is a waste of time, start doing it when you're wageslaving or something.
I did all the work of removing KDE from my gentoo install and replacing it with i3 through SSH while I was away with nothing else to do.
Now I just need a non-botnet way of having my computers detect when I'm not home so they can run stuff when I'm out.
Install SpaceFM.
But why?