Is possible to be pro free software and still use windows?

Is possible to be pro free software and still use windows?

I've tried to use only linux software, but audio is just so crappy on linux, even lmms has better support on the windows version.

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Using Windows doesn't me you're not for the idea of free software, it just means that freedom isn't the highest priority in your life.

Try OpenBSD, sndio is amazing.

I can't get windows software run on linux, wine is a literal dog pile of buggy shit.

also installing anything that isn't on the official repositories is a pain in the fucking ass and the official repos are so old you need to install outside from the repos.

A lot of repos just give me 404

Also, even official linux ports crash because they need a legacy version of some library and is impossible to install that version because the repos have a newer version that will always override the older version the minecraft official launcher needs.

Yes, just like a woman who is pro-life can have an abortion. People fail to live up to their beliefs all the time.

Wine is hit and miss. I don't bother using it anymore.

./configure; make; sudo make install

Only if you're using Debian stable or similar. Plenty of distros are more up to date. Or you could use Debian sid or openSUSE Tumbleweed.


As for Minecraft, I recently started playing it on Arch. Maybe you should install Arch.

What exactly is wrong with audio in linux? Do you mean lack of good players? QuodLibet. Or something else? I've had a problem with alsa not detecting my USB soundcard a few years ago, but the dreaded pulse fixed it. If you're doing some composing shit, unfortunately I can't help you.

To be clear alsa detected the card, it just wouldn't send sound through it no matter the configuration.

Yes, but you would be a hypocrite.

I couldn't get games working on wine a lot of times.

No. When the rubber meets the road and your ideals fail, you should be willing to reevaluate them, because in truth, you've already abandoned them and it's just a question of coming to terms with yourself.

I think freedom is important, but I don't see propietary software as the devil and I see them more as companies trying to make money, not commit genocide againts whites.

Yeah that's a big problem. I've spent a long time trying to get even very old games to work properly. In the end I've decided it's not worth it (though 2D games work very well most of the time...). Just keep a windows install and turn it on ONLY when you want to play a game. Disconnect it from the net then.

You won't until you want to exercise one of those freedoms.
People like you have blinders on, companies have been controlling your computing with proprietary software, but the users don't see it that way. They don't care that they don't have control over their own computer. Just as long as they can play cat videos, or play their gaymes. I do think a lot of gaymers yearn to have games that are free software. For example if you take a look at Super Mario World, there is a huge scene in modifying the game. Game modifications are a fairly well known concept. While some companies offer some modding apis, there is still things you can't do. Letting the software's master say what you can and can't do is annoying and I'm sure that some realize the problem, but don't understand the solution.

I don't hate capitalism and I think is a better system than socialism/comunism.

I'm more of a free market guy and I don't see a problem with a company having a monopoly on a service they provide.

I never mentioned capitalism. Nothing about free software implies that you can't charge money for it.
I don't like these either
You can't have both. Companies set up an artificial monopoly in which only they can control what their software can do. If it were a free market, you could pay any programmer to take some software you had and for them to improve it and send you back their changes.

most companies goal is to make money, they don't care if you fap to loli diaper shit, they want your data to sell you chinese crap.

I have a Windows install for compiling Windows builds, and disassembling of Windows programs. I don't blame your patience wearing out much if you have unsupported hardware because Linux installs can seriously fuck up in those situations.

Then you probably never encountered the situation where the company drops support and people going back to replay their old games are stuck with something that doesn't work well with their new systems because
a) the company doesn't exist anymore
b) the company sold the ip or some other transfer of rights to another company that doesn't maintain the old game in the least but collects revenue from game sales

You probably never encountered the situation where the developer decides to attract a new demographic and have a game series sequel explicitly cater to that new demographic, at the same time using previous customers' outrage for spite marketing. Meanwhile said previous customers being told to fuck off or make their own game series from ground zero, entirely from scratch, etc.

companies are not charities and they don't have a moral obligation to release their hard work for free.

customers can simply accept a company policy or simply support another company that they think gives them a better service.

Asking for companies to open source their work for no reason other than ideology is not diferent than comunism.

It's not that I disagree with stallman ethics and ethical issues is that he lives in a perfect bubble where everyone is good and perfect, like most communists.

but if I were to pay them $100 for a piece of software they aren't releasing their hard work for free anymore.
I only expect to get the source code when I receive a piece of software from someone. I don't care about the company making it open to everyone.
Free software is not communism since you don't have to share the source with everyone. You can selectively choose who you want to give it too AND you can put it behind a paywall. If it were like communism everyone would be sharing the source code for everything they made for no charge.

you're not forced to buy their software, you can pay a programmer to make you a free alternative if you wanted the code.

True, but people are still being enslaved to the proprietary software they are using. This is why people campaign for companies to start using free software, in order to liberate their users.

I highly disagree with the communism comment.
Take for instance two types of modding scenes.
One is the traditional proprietary one where patches and all are closed source and all rights are reserved by the original author.

The other is a hypothetical FOSS one- I'm not sure if there's any that exist honestly.

With the former, you can observe the controversy of Skyrim's paid mods where the original author's rights are being infringed because there are mods that build off of other mods being sold on the Steam Workshop.
Mods are released for free.
Users don't pay for mods.
Modders aren't paid for mods.
All work is in good will.

The latter, every user has the right to study, modify and sell. In this situation it is perfectly legal for modders to build off another mod and sell their modified version of the mod on the Steam Workshop or anywhere else really.
Users pay for mods.
Modders are paid for mods.
Work can either be in good will or be for profit.

Which is more 'communistic'?

Just because something is FOSS doesn't mean it has to be free of charge. You still buy (or pirate) Quake and DOOM meanwhile their source codes are publicly available.

yeah, that's the ideal.

however the reality is that linux has 1% marketshare and the software with native linux builds is just crappy if is FOSS.

Also, there's not a single good industry quality DAW on linux and good luck gettting windows VST and plugins supported.

There's a lot of windows software that has not simple FOSS alternative on linux.

I'd also like to point out that with Quake or DOOM, even thought the source code is free software, the assets are still under copyright. This means that users can't share assets with each other and every user must either purchase a copy of the game to get the assets or supplement the game with their own assets.

It's still free (libre) software technically, not open art.

Which freedom?
already can
Most of the proprietary software I use has extensive plugin support
Since I own my plugins, I can do this
This is where stallman goes off the rails. This is wholly incompatible with commercial software.

They can. The fact is they wont, so the source code will inevitably be released for free.

Three seconds ago you said that the source code wouldn't be publicly available. Give me one example of free software, released commercially, where the source code is not available for free


I never said that.

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wow, commercial open source software is trully peak capitalism.

So you grant that the source code will always be available for free? How can you pretend this is compatible with commercial software?

This isn't free software. There are limitations, for example, on people reskining the software and selling it themselves. If this is what stallman advocated, I would be wholly onboard. He thinks that this is as bad as anything MS has ever done, when it simply isn't.

Can you though? A lot of proprietary software come with a EULA limiting the ways you can use the software.
This isn't modifying the software though.
This isn't the third freedom. The third freedom is redistributing modified version of the piece of software, not just the modifications you made. You would probably not be allowed to distribute the software bundled with your plugin.
This does not make sense.
You can release your free software including your trademarks and bundled with copyrighted artwork. The user is free to change the binary and that is all that matters. I myself mainly play two forks of Quake, one I use with the original assets and for the other project they redid all the artwork and made the game into a cyberpunk style.
While I hate his guts, Bryan Lunduke's Linux Tycoon was released like this. You buy the game and the source code comes on a USB drive found within the box.

This is a perfect example of open sores software. Just because the source is out there, it doesn't mean it is free software.

I was refuting the claims that free and open source software is communistic. Not that software can only derive it's value through scarcity.

Do you also grant that proprietary software can be made available or replaced for free?
e.g free of charge via piracy (torrents), DRM cracked (groups like CODEX, Razor 1911), free alternatives being made (Xsplit, DXTory, Fraps becoming less favored publicly than OBS), or subject to gradual fan reverse engineering (backstory of some FOSS game engines)?
Does this not also interfere with traditional value-by-scarcity commerce?

Do you also grant that proprietary licenses also force other works to be free (gratis) or noncommercial, e.g fan games, fan works, et al?

Which is more communistic?
Centralized, unauditable development?
Or decentralized auditable development?

nobody that makes music, 3D, art and games in a professional enviroment uses FOSS because is ass.

stop shilling garbage.

I'm not concerned about your personal workflow and toolset.

good luck making professionals interested in linux when is impossible to make multimedia using only linux binaries.

may as well ask why you're using linux.

None of those properties determines whether something is communistic or not. I think you're imagining boogymen that arn't there.

Wrong. Many people depend on free software in producing multimedia everyday. I don't see any reason why you can't do it with the current tools that are out now.

You have to read the thread to see what I'm specifically responding to another poster.

if you're a hobbyst making garbage for your friends, not industry professionals.

good luck having vocal editing with non existing linux software.

That still doesn't detract that you're making shit up.

I have a setup with JACK that edits my voice in realtime before sending it to be used in other applications. I would hardly call voice editing non existent.


You're going to need to specify, not just throw accusations.

why don't you open source your house to some nigger hobos, commie.

It doesn't even support chrome output, lmao

name a linux foss shit that does the same as melodyne or Vocaloid.

doesnt do formant editing of the voice.

They have to ask the architect for that, not me.

good luck sending midi input from timidity port 0 to alsa midi in linux.


you can open source your gf to some black dudes, lol.

Professional is garbage sold in a shiny package. So long as the tool you're using fulfills your needs, it's all that matters.

They need to ask either God or molecular biologists.

yeah retard, that's called polish.

I don't see any top 40 music from world class producers made on linux.

Yes. See ReactOS.

I bet you wouldn't say the same about Macintosh though, which unironically uses a *BSD distribution. You're just a dumb faggot.

Is this some meme audiophile term? Probably something useless unless you can show otherwise.
No clue. There seems to be a Java vocaloid like program called jcadencii. I've got no clue on how well it works though.

Why do you let Pajeet have control over instructions executed on your computer without you knowing what they are exactly?
Why don't you think your computer is your own property?

Yes. I support free software, contribute to free software and use a macbook in conjunction with a lot of proprietary software. Pragmatism ultimately wins out. Also even if a person is a hypocrite, that doesn't meant that what they're saying is wrong.

Is it freedom if I want to have a choice of not being free?

True freedom is allowing others to choose how they link your code, without infringing on their freedom to distribute software as they please.

Thanks, I needed that.

"The problem with F/OSS is that everyone hopes, and in that hope deludes themselves to believe, that because the code COULD
have been reviewed by millions of eyes, it magically somehow actually WAS reviewed by millions of eyes. In practice, this could be no further than the truth... in fact, a good half of all lines of code deployed currently have never been read - including by their very author."

It absolutely is yes. In fact as much as it triggers Zig Forums, many prominent Linux developers also use or at least have experience using Windows or other Microsoft shit. Its actually detrimental to everyone to keep yourself in a software bubble without multiple perspectives for how to design software.

The idea you can only use one OS or the other is binary/black and white thinking. Which is a symptom of autism, I think that's what the problem is. I have machines running GNU/Linux but I still main on Windows because that's what I am comfortable using. I still like to tinker with GNU/Linux and I am damn glad it will always be an OS to fall back on if Windows dver fails me somehow, but that actually has not happened yet

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Yes, but as Stallman says - you are more free than if you didn't know about free software, but you're still not quite there.
Once you figure out jack, audio is quite good on linux except for pulseaudio. You can route everything you want in to your DAW. Webm related. Ardour works nicely, calf plugins are awesome, there are many soft-synths available... It's not exactly same as in Windows or Mac, but that can also be a good thing.

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Retarded plebeian fence-sitter babbling. Please quietly kill yourself.

These are operating systems, not political ideologies/religions. Are you a fence-sitter between having to use a hammer vs having to use a screwdriver?

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ignore pepe posters
ignore feels posters

You have autism.

The thing is that your goalpost moving isn't working. It's not a duality between Windows and not-Windows, but proprietary spyware (namely NSA/Windows and NSA/MacOS) and the rest.

Using Windows without being forced to and being "pro" free software at once is more than one micron, weak-willed dudebro.

Have to agree with this post. Even if you aren't a programmer, and you just troubleshoot basic hardware and software problems for people, it'd be stupid not have knowledge in operating systems that the majority of people use. I'm different from you though, my intent is to have mostly Linux machines for my everyday needs and only really use Windows for gaming. I massively prefer Linux to Windows, myself.

holy shit, time to check out ardour again.


There is no perspective, at the very most the GUI skin is a bit different and you need to develop for different driver models, but that's under the hood.

Windows simply rapes your privacy.
How is that a worthwhile perspective?
Nothing else is different in a program that is multiplatform.
The program is the same, the operating system is the cancer.

Yes, it's called using wine/vm.

Yes it is. I use Windows sometimes, because my friend is a lonely, sad frog, which can't live without playing gaymes with me, but on daily basis I only use free software (GNU/Linux etc). If he died, I would remove that botnet shit.

What game?
Because starcraft 2, or eve online for exemple works with wine. Yeah, I use to pay at starcraft 2 without a fucking problem. People complaining about wine are truly huge faggots. It doesn't work everytime, but, well, since it's free and free software, you're free to contribute, and not cry like a monstruous assisted faggot to who you have to give everything.

By the way, what's the point of playing such games, especially if you have to install steam, when they're taking so much of your privacy? It literaly scan your HDD.
That's retarded.

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You know what's free? Death.

Use Linux here on multiple machines for everything except one "poz my shit up fam" PC running Windows on a free license. I turned off as much botnet as possible but that one is for gaymes only, segmented to its own network, and untrusted for anything else.

freedom isn't free


Not completely wrong, but also because professionals are wankers and poofters. FOSS is for machines and robots obviously, which is why only autists can use free media creation tools.

h-h-hey, umm, can i.. can i borrow your post? I, erm, wanna put it in my cringe compilation. thanks, a-user

no, Windows can be a means to an end in removing the strength of proprietary software

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dead by daylight
Partition with GNU/Linux is fully encrypted, so Windows can't see it's content, but you're right, thats retarded. I should use Wine and sandbox, or tell my friend, that he's faggot.

That's not me.
You meant GNU/Linux faggot

Explain how perpetuating the continued use of Windows would lead to its end.
If you think REACTOS is ever going to match Windows you're sorely mistaken. I would not recomend Windows, nor any proprietary software to a user.
Flick off, Windows!

Majority of the reason why there's a lot of software development on Windows is because of the amount of people that use it. By using Windows, you're still contributing to that incentive placed on software developers.

Most professional Windows development is done with Visual Studio, and I don't blame them since using MinGW or msys2 can come with odd quirks.

If you want to use windows it's best that you run it inside a sand boxed environment such a hyper visor, aswell as using iptables to dorp any telementary packets.


You can pay and get some decent audio software that will run on linux. Of course it's still going to be better on windows so.

No it isn't.

I only turn on my Windows PC when I wanna fuck around and play PUBG once a week.

It's pretty useless outside of that. Why don't you learn to use GNU/Linux properly, user? I know audio can be a bitch to set up correctly but surely if you know how to use a computer you can probably figure it out with some effort.

This may have been covered by others, I couldn't be bothered to read most of the sperging.

There's nothing wrong with starting off on using a large amount of free software on windows. Over time as you become comfortable with your setup you may then re-assess what you need, and find at that point you can move to even more open source software.

It's like a diet, if the first time you eat a piece of cake you decide "fuck it, I've failed" and go back to your old way of eating then you have failed. Whereas, if you can say to yourself "I'm not perfect, this was a step back, but I am getting closer to what my ideal is" then you are succeeding.

well out of the windows it goes (no pun intended)

The clearest example I can think of is how RMS uses a credit card to pay for flights and hotel fees, while also warning about the privacy risk of using them and advocating for using cash only in your daily life. It's the same with phones too. He doesn't own one, but that won't stop him from using one if the need arises.

However avoiding those is much harder. There's little reason to keep using windows except "muh games".

Well yes, but perhaps you're forced to use it for work or school as is the case for many, I'm sure. Work needs documents in Word format, and school prof needs that essay in double-spaced Times New Roman 12pt font, submitted as a Word doc because they've never heard of any OS that doesn't have Word on it OOB. I've literally heard this from an English professor.

For the issue of flights, you cannot travel by plane anonymously. If you are flying, you will be identified (and recorded) at control towers and airports. If this is the case, the use of a credit card to buy a plane ticket isn't going to reduce the amount of tracking being done to you. In normal daily life, the vast majority of businesses should not be requiring your identity in order to do business.

Stallman objects to owning a cell phone because cell phones are government controlled surveillance devices that also have microphones. Stallman will happily use somebody else's phone because that phone doesn't belong to Stallman, it belongs to that other guy. When Stallman uses that other guy's phone, all the records associated with that phone will carry the assumption that the other guy made the call thus Stallman remains untracked.

Why does your workplace require you to do business on your personal computer? Your work place should always provide a company computer that should be exclusively used for company work. The same can be said about school computers: the school will normally have school computers explicitly intended for students to do school work.

School computers often require student credentials and use captive portals to identify you when you use the school computer network.
Company work can be reports or data entry that the company would rather be done at home than at the workplace because morale could be damaged when they don't see you moving about.

I know that. That was the point I was trying to make. I have a phone running Replicant and a Librebooted laptop with Trisquel, but I still need to use Windows and a phone for work too.

If you're at school, then why are you allergic to being identified when you make use of school resources? Schools have to keep account of the services they provide which means keeping track of whomever is using it.

I also question your company who is too poor or too niggardly to issue company laptops or company desktops for you to take home and do unpaid after hours work.

It's like saying I see the benefits of software that don't oppress the user but I pay to use software that oppress me. Windows doesn't even let you dual boot Linux. It destroys the boot loader every time there's a major Windows update. Does that sound like freedom? Microsoft doesn't own your hardware yet they are telling you if you want to use Windows you can't dual boot it with Linux.

I've used Windows my entire life and still do. 90% of the software I've written and contributed to are OSS, including my professional work.

is there a port of sndio for Ganoo+Loonix?

type UNIXKernels = enum Linux, MINIX, BSDwhen Linux != BSD: "You are a faggot".echo

Modules or bust, faggot.