What is the oldest forum or chatroom you still use?
for me, pic related
What is the oldest forum or chatroom you still use?
Other urls found in this thread:
Mens Tennis Forums, created in 2003.
Unless you mean for me? Then Zig Forums, I think since 2014.
Zig Forums is all I use anymore
KnightRiderOnline I guess, forums have been up since March 2002 IIRC
This and occasionally some of the stackexchange sites (not PajeetOverflow). The math ones, physics and electrical ones are still good.
I'm not telling you. You're not going to spread your cancer over there.
Soon: nothing.
All the internet will be trash soon.
The main Serebii site seems to be one of the last examples of a website that has resisted Web 2.0 bullshit though that's probably just because Serebii Joe is too retarded to understand it.
Try loading it in elinks or another terminal browser. It's almost perfectly intact, and the worst usability problem is has in relying on Jewgle for searching.
I've never looked at the forums though.
Gaia Online.
Post the full thing, OP. I want to know what fucking resource gets replies to comments from 1994!
none. they all died or had hdd corruption or got taken down by 'insert eagle logos'.
None, haven't posted on any forum for over a year. Unless you count a few chans, but those don't require user registration, so it's not the same as forums.
That has to be a joke. There weren't any chans in 1994. Forums back then meant Usenet or a text BBS.
Some autistic furfag alt.* Usenet newsgroup.
no rizon niggers?
I use QuakeNet, but it's not like I used it since its inception.
me, but one channel once a week
It's very telling that the same studio that fostered all the Tatsuo Sato and Michael Arias masterpieces so evocative they stand out in the Eastern Canon is making lowest-common-denominator garbage like "One Punch Man" to stay relevant, and all the spinoff studios are doing their best just to get by. And the ostensibly contrarian mango/animeme forums are too fascinated with the banal Monogatari series that not only is offensively bad but underplays the one redeeming strength of Shaft of stylish slice of life's.
I'm idling in one right now.
kek, so the well-known redditspeak is actually usenetspeak?
So the cancer here can infect my old bunker? Fat chance.
runescape forums
An anime forum that has existed since 2001. The location of this sacred homeworld is a secret, not for normalfags to know.
supercars.net general chat
i dont actually go on there but i used to and it seems the same guys from 10 years ago are still there posting
That was just a reference to that one skunk from that one show, who talked like that.
90's furfaggotry's fuckin' weird.
ambrosia forums
You worry too much. All anime communities, big or small, are terrible normalfag hellholes and almost entirely interchangeable.
Same with this user.
I'm still on Gaia Online,
And IMVU that trash heap of *asthetic*
BBS was the shit. Dial up fun
I expected to see at least one person on slashdot and phoronix. The FreeBSD forums weren't so bad, but I have neglected them for the past couple of years due to lack of interest in that OS.
GameFAQs, occasionally. Now that Gamespot is literally in the fucking URL I don't think that will be for much longer.
I know jack shit about tech but this is stylish as fuck. I'd get into tech for this type of shit. Fuck dns keep it direct connect.
((I know it uses dns but direct would be sweet))
A scratch built threaded forum from the 90ies in perl
Looks fully modern because some talented fags riced it with css
Nah, I gave up on /. when they added moderation and made anonymous posts default at -1 (along with making 0 the default visibility threshold).
Oh and they fucked up the interface too. Without javascript enabled, it works like ass. So can't use Lynx or Links anymore.
/. new owner is a literally who San Diego-based company.
zabij sie wykopku xD
Doesn't seem to be a problem. Every time I go there the first comment is some "TRUMP FUKKED YOURE MOM" drivel from an user that has turned into a huge debate.
AOL recently died, whats the oldest existing chatroom still around?
Unix-hater anime version.
ssij jaja murzynowi.
something awful forum since 2003
raspberry heaven irc
Spoken like a truly disgusting weeaboo that no one would ever willingly associate with.
patrz wykopka jebanego, wypierdalaj małpiszonie
Show newfags in Zig Forums this screencap when they tell you furries, faggots, and waifus are a recent phenomenon.
Zig Forums is more than aware degeneracy, vice, and sin have existed for thousands of years. That's the entire point of avoiding these things. Maintaining a higher standard of yourself shows you're not willing to settle for being an animal.
Slashdot became less interesting as more mobile posters came around. It would be 6-7 years since I last read it. The only exception being I once saw it linked because they were shilling John Flint's patreon link.
That is a problem considering Slashdot used to be an interesting website to read for technical reasons. Their Tales from the hellmouth comment sections were some of the best shit I've ever read online. It's a historical event recorded in real time by the people experiencing the backlash to columbine. No one learned shit from it but they could have if they read the like 10,000 comments on those posts.
Retrojunk, a forum on a musician's website.
The oldest one that isnt super obscure that I know of is sdf but thats a bbs.
8ch is legit the only one I use at all anymore and it has been for years. Before that it was 4chan. Before that it was the TESF, the old one that had the default green theme before Oblivion was announced.
This might make it even more clear. Videos are on youtube.
Leave, Zig Forumsyp. This isn't your board.
Jak dotąd nie
Literally 99% of Zig Forums's ideology is made of ad naturam fallacies based on a poor understanding of nature, you people are savages and love it.
Nie trzeba od razu się denerwować lewaczku.
obcognij pale kaczynskiemu pis pedale chuju
Les nègres du cia ont niqué ta mère.
Widzę że ciśnienie skoczyło
None, stopped talking to people years ago.
The state of Zig Forums
I'm aware the cancer is ancient but a lot of newfags think it's a recent thing. We'd all be better off if they were educated on the subject. Furries have been ruining everything they touch for a looooong time.
Zig Forums held itself for a higher standard before the election brought every newfag and shill on the planet into the ranks. I suggest watching this: hooktube.com
Oh wait you're already a lost cause. KYS instead. I thought I had all you faggots filtered by now?
chyba w chuju jak twoja stara mi obciagnela
that was my LITERAL relative
Widzę że ból dupy mocny u ciebie.
Not even by 14th century standards of what constitutes science.
u twojej starej jak ja ruchjam lol
If cuckchan is so great then why don't you go back there?
O kurde ale dojebałeś mały
You can still use usenet
dobra juz wykurwiaj na pol ONR'owcu
Polish facts;
Widzę że z nerwów zgubiłeś swój pedalski tripcode.
You forgot to mention the pope
H8 chan.
Everyone should be saying ims
I don't think Zig Forums understands evolution at all
Zig Forums on average may not understand it on highest academic laboratory experienced researcher level, but they sure as fuck aren't willingly delusional full idiots either