Since someone is clearly samefagging/shitposting about this topic we can bundle all your dumb shit in this thread.
Go ahead and tell us how desktops will die soon and how the jews have won.
End of desktops
Desktops don't die but (((they))) want them to die. It's difficult selling new stuff when the old stuff can simply be upgraded and maintained forever. Keyboard is broken on desktop? Buy a new keyboard. Keyboard is broken on laptop? Buy a new laptop. Screen busted on desktop? Buy new monitor. Screen busted on laptop? Buy new laptop. Yeah these examples are stupid, I admit, but I'm sure you see the point.
Desktops "die" because people don't buy them anymore... because they don't need to buy new ones... because their old desktops work just fine and so they buy upgrades like memory, hard drives, vidya cards, peripherals. Hell you can "upgrade" your desktop by buying a new motherboard, CPU, GPU, memory, SSD then put them together in your old Nazi themed case... the point being this won't register in the desktop sales, hence desktop sales going down.
Buy yourself a desktop and maintain it. We haven't reached the point yet where desktops are not produced anymore. That day will be dark. People still understand that a desktop sacrifices neither performance nor upgradability for portability and economy (low power consumption for increased battery life) unlike laptops, netbooks and tablets. So choose what you need most:
Desktops: upgradable and performant
Laptops: portable and economic
There is some truth to this though. I mean for the vast majority of end users, a Core i7 is going to be more than enough for their needs.
...[sent too soon], and as their tasks aren't increasingly significantly in difficulty, that family of processors is going to be "good enough" for nearly a decade.
Not if we keep bloating up everything.
True, but even 16gb ram is quite common these days, and that should be enough to handle the POZ load of javascripts a normal person loads into their 30 tabs.
Why hasn't the collective swarm of gaymur gray-market OEMs (VIA, AOpen, Gigabyte, MSI, ASRock, SiS, Corsair, Fractal, Lian-Li, Silverstone, etc.) blown the shit out of this little farce by defining laptop/tablet/cellphone equivalents of ATX/ITX? They've had at least since 1997 when the first """""""desktop replacement"""""""" notebooks started being shilled to do it.
All it would take is a hierarchy of downward-compatibly user-servicable standard form-factors (for cases including lids, mobos, display panels, mobos, keyboards, batteries, PSUs, various daughtercards, etc.) from a handful of cooperating OEMs, and the entire "escape the low-margin desktop market" scam would be dead in under a year, forever.
True. Grandfather just replaced old laptop with ""new"" P4 desktop that someone was throwing out. All that was needed is few 1GB ram sticks and unless you want x265/high quality video or need tens of tabs opened at once, it's just fine.
We should push desktops to people by showing the awesomeness of custom made desktop cases and modded OEM cases. I've been playing around with ideas for custom paintjobs based on video game and anime characters myself. It's not really about the specs or anything but some people really love having something radically different from everyone else and you can kinda have that over a laptop since laptops are kinda samey and boring.
Long live the desktop.
0/10, not enough cute anime girls.
Not enough LEDs and it's missing the obligatory cotton flag+radiator figurine decal.
This. Reich imagery + anime grills is the perfect combo.
Every attempt at a standardized laptop platform has been considered laughably thick and ugly by normie standards. Without normies there's poor economy of scale.
How would you deal with ports? Different motherboard manufactures would want different I/O options for each model. An ATX style backplate would be weird. Headers + daughterboards could be done I guess.
Actually, I want Tohru or Kanna from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid or just some Nep-Nep themed computers.
(((they))) who? The desktop market is (((the desktop market))). Even AMD stopped making laptops somewhere around 2012.
I'd rather see chink shit like a xiameme with a decent battery and a decacore ARM64 not another dualcore/quadcore jewtel inside laptop with no visible improvement over previous gens (other than lower TDP but 10nm ARM disrupted or will disrupt the jew market soon)
The fact that M$ bought github means they're trying to damage the open sous development of a potential OS that might put the final nail to Jewtel CISC + Windows CISC coffin then they would (((copyright claim))) that potential OS and sue them to death then maybe kill make the developers suicide through their veteran jewish mafia.
Forgot to add:
Remember Nokia?
Why did it suddenly kys'd around 2011?
What is Lumia? Microsoft bought it to EXTINGUISH the birth of Maemo Linux HPC (handheld pc). Nokia went open source and started the QT project then released developer devices. Remember Nokia N950 developer? That's the last powerful HPC out there and you'll know it because of how it's priced today. Then they released Lumia like it's the next big thing but it's pretty absolute shit.
They bought github to fuck with android and other os development then EXTINGUISH it again. Prove me wrong? Nah: See it burn. Maybe grab that FIRE EXTINGUISHER while you can
>>>Zig Forums
dude, I am on a computer from the mid 2000's and all the javascript on this thing sucks to handle. Not to mention the damn bugs in the thing that cause the engine to loop infinitely until the tab is closed, it really gets those cpu cycles chewed up. Normal people can't or won't afford computers with 16 GB of RAM and 2x 4TB HDD in RAID. Normal people either get hand-me-downs or buy a desktop computer that might come with 3 GB and a 1 or 2TB HDD or a 500 GB SSD. They won't touch anything hardware wise about it again. This is why people continuously buy new hardware instead of just upgrading what they have. People will notice that their brand new $350 off-the-shelf computer is no better than their $100 off-the-shelf burner phone. The numbers don't lie, they are choosing to use the burner phone over the desktop platform.
Fucking pathetic, you can run a fully functional desktop with browser on less then 256MB of ram, 512 if you want a modern web browser. Just git good, as you don't even have that option with phones. Once the manufacturer abandons the phone, you won't get updates. Meanwhile that desktop from 2000 can run better and faster and with more security updates then the software from 2000 you would be stuck with using a phone.
still >>>/oven/
Go do it and screen cap it for me, k?
won't make your Javascript faster. Not sure why you even mention it.
If those standardized laptops/tablets/phones were half the price (or 1/4 if you're one of the few who build it yourself) of incompatible ones, I'm sure people would learn to ignore their being slightly thicker and less rigid. Remember much the same was said about the iPhone's seemingly unassailable marketshare, but Android gradually clawed Apple into a niche.
What? The closest to this I can actually remember was VIA taking a (PicoITX) swing at a UMPC form factor. Or for something successful, Intel's little-known "Common Building Block" standard used by ODMs like Foxconn and Quanta to have just enough standardization to share production lines among integrators like HP and Apple, but not enough to let users and a free market of OEMs interchange parts.
Nit picking arguments is for idiots. It's just an example of what normal people don't buy with their computers.
I don't even care about the rest of your post. Tbh I forgot what it was about.
Then kick rocks.
no u hue hue hue hue hue hue hue hue ayyy lmao
Workplaces are even shifting away from desktops. They just remote in to a cloud computing server.
I guess that's why the bring-your-own-device trend has spiked this decade? Seriously, people just need to realize that this the way the corporate world is herding consumers. If consumers don't want to be force fed the mobile platform, they can revolt and pool their money together and create something better, but they won't because they are too attached to their money and won't get up out of their La-Z-Boy to even get a drink. Out of a few hardcore, techno-conservatives who understand the value of owned hardware, I won't surprised when mobile devices are licensed to consumers instead of sold to them. It's already being implemented with modems and routers, what's the difference at this point?
Now you're getting it. The cloud-only future is soon. This is a future that everyone on Zig Forums sees.
SAY IT Zig Forums!
Hopefully, we can get enough people on the whole "your cloud on your own hardware" bandwagon before then.
puppy linux runs in ram and has versions that are about 220 MB, so I think his claim is not only correct, but has in fact been done. Taking in to account that it's just a regular distro, not some highly customized and optimized system, it's not unreasonable to assume it would be possible to do in even less than that.
>puppy linux runs in ram and has versions that are about 220 MB, so I think (((my))) claim is not only correct, but has in fact been done.
Until you prove it, it's not proof. Just saying words doesn't mean shit. Go watch YouTube on that shit and tell me the web isn't a horrible mess.
I don't think that's the problematical part, since there are plenty of OSs that have sufficient feature parity with *N*X/Windows (QNX, OS-9, VXWorks, etc) to run a modern browser, but since they aren't utter antiquarian VAX hand-me-down dogshit like *N*X/Windows they can comfortably run a full DE in under 1MB RAM/HDD.
The problem, rather, is that running a modern browser, especially for modern web pages, especially especially more than one tab even of the same site that should dedupe shared assets, literally consumes multiple GB of memory all by itself, even ignoring every other process and service on the typical desktop system.
Why are you even arguing about this? Just buy some fucking ram sticks. Any mid-2000s desktop should at the very least support 2GB of ram, which is still enough for even the newest firefox if you don't go overboard with number of tabs and set number of content processes to 1 or 2. Yes, if you just can't help yourself but leave a number of tabs with buffering videos, you'll have to buy something newer, but that's what you get for behaving like niggercattle.
1) 2-4GB of RAM is rapidly careening toward "obsolescence" in favor of >32GB solely due to insane NodeJS/Electron devs
2) Practically no mobos since the early 2000s with DIMM slots have more than 4
3) Higher density DIMMs cost a ridiculous amount more per GB
Also, though I hope this will be headed off by more multitasking support in the future of iOS/Android, the fact that mobile OSs and browsers tend to secretly freeze background processes/pages has caused mobile devs to become used to monopolizing an entire system as an acceptable performance target. Combined with the increasing power of flagship phones/tablets, this could make modern streetshitter code completely unusable on even the fastest desktop PCs' CPUs.
Maybe if you're a fucking moron. You don't need dozens of open tabs, where half of them are shitting up ram with video buffers. 4GB is more than enough for web/video/music/documents for anyone that has IQ above 80.
$100 buys:
the market failed, obviously. only media specialists, gaymers, and devs are the only remaining desktop consumers
next we'll see 500GiB microsd/emmc and 16GiB RAM in the cheap and desktops can finally retire..
It's not an issue about RAM. It's an issue about the inefficiencies of javascript. Websites today are designed to constantly be checking some version or rattling off some request unnecessarily. This churns the CPU. It's the CPU that's the bottleneck, not the memory. Why are you being such a dingleberry about this?
You like minimalism because it forces a mobile form factor.
You like mobile because you don't like to work.
You want your boss to think your little mascara case with news headlines is how you move mountains.
Those who write good desktop software know otherwise. Desktops are going nowhere. They are staying right put. New software is coming that will transform desktops and make a mockery of mobile toy devices.
Mobile workers aren't serious workers. Call them out.
Protip: URL bar says 8ch, not 4chan. Nobody here wants your stupid phones.
Servers aren't going away any time soon and as long as they're making server hardware there will be desktop hardware. Once the cryptofags settle down RAM and GPUs will come back down to sane prices. CPUs have stagnated to the point where you can pick up lastgen Xeons for $100-$200. Normalfags are constantly throwing good hardware into the garbage.
Yep, and they last for years. My current machine has 5 monitors and three of them are either from old computers I built of things I dumpster dived for. Unless you're a fag that buys into every 4K/Ultrawide meme that comes along monitors are not a major expense and you probably have multiple good ones laying around already.
Yet you have to type everything with your thumbs on a device that gives no real feedback other than vibration. There were good slide phones on the market when androids first came out but everyone had to copy Apple so real keyboards had to go for style points.
As long as there are people doing actual work there will be desktops. They aren't going anywhere.
Are you going to spend thousands even tens of thousands for a desktop? Look at the talos II and its current price. When companies like AMD and Intel eliminate the desktop and produce only server/mobile products, they will reduce the amount of CPU's they produce for the server lines to handle demand while limiting costs.
They make keyboards for mobile devices now, and external monitors too like through screencasting or hardwire.
You're failing to see that the work doesn't require a desktop to actually be completed. Companies are making their mobile devices larger and compatible with all kinds of smart crap so that the mobile platform can be extended. People will use keyboards and monitors designed for mobile instead of relying upon a desktop. There are too many reasons why businesses would see it an advantage to switch to mobile only rather than continue to support desktop machines.
You can sit idly by, twiddling your thumbs, saying nothing is going to happen because you aren't a part of it, or you can do something, be a part of it, and actually make sure that the PC doesn't die in the next decade.
I've been using shitty mobile dual core for the past six years and I don't have any issues. A dual core desktop cpu with sse2 from mid 2000s shouldn't be significantly worse.
Try it and find out. You think those websites you're visiting aren't optimized for mobile browsers?
I know that they're just fine on my mobile Llano CPU which does not have significant architectural improvements over mid 00s CPUs.
Yeah I'm sure that's gonna turn out real good for those companies. It's not like all that smart crap isn't going to be hacked every which way. It's not like all the current Intel bugs are enough trouble, gotta have smart crap just to make sure your network get pwned every single day and without any way to patch it easily, because the holes are everyfuckingwhere.
I actually use my T60 with a dock as a desktop. Why? because its Merom CPU has no IME botnet - Conroe is the desktop equivalent, but I'm uncertain if later versions of the CPU have the IME; better safe than sorry. It's good enough to playback 720p 10-bit video, and I use it with my CRT and old mechanical keyboard for an authentic feel. The point I'm making is that you can still use these antiquated devices if you feel so - CRTs and T60 ThinkPads cost next to nothing. The only people buying them are autists like us.
some asshole came over to my house and touched my monitor thinking it was a touch screen like they never used a mouse before
This. Even jew companies won't make their devs work on fucking smart phones.
That depends on whether or not "desktop" means just a KBM workstation that might be hooked up to a mainframecloud service, or an actual PC for each cubicle. Certainly desktop software with a WIMP GUI isn't going to be replaced by the like of nuApple's multitouch consume-only interface, but desktop PCs could easily be "obsoleted" back to the TTY&mainframe days before the Apple ][ liberated us.
Youtube drezzled all 360/480p h264 videos? No, use youtube-dl to download them and watch.
Call them PDAs with LTE modem.
You guys try to tell me that mid-2000's desktop or notebook is perfectly fine for doing ll every day tasks? But a modern smartphone can do exactly the same thing, all of them and better, actually smartphones are more or less capable of doing tasks with speeds compared to sandy bridge laptop but with 24-hour battery life. Docking stations solve the problem of expandability and "workplace comfort", same monitors and same mechanical keyboards can be added. Since newer generation never had experience with old desktops, for them buying a new (or old) one for their daily activities would be similar to you buying an IBM-i mainframe just to run vim on it, an extremely niche activity for enthusiasts.
How many smartphones have DisplayPort? Besides, people have been preaching the end of desktop since laptops appeared, but dockable laptops - the most likely candidate to succeed in fully replacing desktops - haven't gone very far, instead the market focuses on what laptops are good at. How are tablets any different?
That's cool and all, but the phone is still botnet even if it is superious in every other way. You are a normalfag to advocate for being stolen from/giving up your privacy which allows people to steal from you with laughable ease. You go use a phone and be stolen from, Zig Forums will continue to use desktops you can fix yourself and have more privacy/not be stolen from.
I was about to buy a thinkpad but they increased the price so I bought a different brand with core2duo Intel P8600 and I'd say with confidence that it can definitely play back 10-bit 1080p with arch linux assuming you have configured your intel.conf properly and use the GM45 drivers from the AUR.
Is there a thinkpad that has a core2duo P8600 out there?
I'm not really well-versed with thinkpads but I am assuming that I can take out the processor of my other laptop then put it in a librebooted thinkpad if it has the same socket?
If not I'm just gonna resell my device since its keyboard shit itself lately
You can put a X9100 inside a T400 (it has the same socket).
I'm kinda reluctant to getting a new (old) thinkpad as my daily driver as it would have a terrible battery life and it would be counterproductive to my use case.
you can install replicant which is fsf approved.
the only requirement for a fully free phone is to compile your own kernel then pray that the bootloader gets released and is replacable so the botnet becomes truly dead.
if only microsoft didn't kill nokia then we wouldn't suffer like this.
nokia abandoned their symbian platform and started maemo linux which could've saved us all from the botnet but it's also coincidental that nokia died right after.
they killed the company then bought it so the maemo project loses its funds.
good thing nokia's qt project remained.
All phones have baseband and are botnet by design. Yes even your meme phone running meme droiddistro. If a phone can replace a desktop for your work load you're a normalfag and you should leave.
too bad tablets these days have baseband now. you won't find a tablet without LTE today and most are marketed as phablet.
The device my grandmother plays solitare and sudoku on. She does actual work like type setting on her desktop. You're literally more of a normalfag than an 85 year old woman.
ARM TrustZone runs on its own security processor, is prescent in all modern ARM chips, and runs on a proprietary firmware that has access to cryptographic data including passwords and DRM. TrustyOS is an example of such a firmware Google uses for many Android devices and its based on LittleKernel
it all boils down to the goyim system. they're trying to ID everyone NESARA GESARA 666
TrustZone is not only typically burned into ROM. but most Trusted Firmware implementations (including TrustyOS) run a proprietary fork. Its just as bad and even somewhat worse than Intel ME. You're fucking retarded
Not even close. These are for doing two different things and are not the same.
Intel ME is only (((coincidentally))) based upon ARM trustzone as admited by intel, right goys?
I'll one-up you, all wifi has "baseband" or opaque firmware excepting certain very rare hardware, same with ethernet.
Serial is the way to go.
You are an idiot. Trustzone is just about having a trusted environment to execute code. It's not locked out of the owner's reach. Additionally, unlike iME trustzone is built into the CPU itself and is not a separate coprocessor.
analog my friend, analog. it is the only path of light.
That's dumb as shit. Git is distributed by design - there's no "Master Server", and no leverage over projects gained by owning Github. It's just a web interface with a few nice features added. Serious projects host their own git and merely use Github as a mirror.