Google brings Wi-Fi to 400 Indian train stations

By Brian Fagioli

For many in the USA, having access to the internet is a given -- we don't give it a second thought. When you are home, you have broadband and Wi-Fi, and when out and about, your smartphone has LTE.

In other countries, however, access to the internet isn't as ubiquitous. India, for instance, has many locations where getting online is a hardship. Google has been looking to change this with its "Next Billion Users" initiative, and one of its projects -- "Google Station" -- has seen tremendous growth. You see, the search giant has been gradually adding free Wi-Fi hotspots to Indian train stations, and today, it announces a huge milestone -- there are now 400 stations with Wi-Fi.

"Today, we're proud to announce that Dibrugarh railway station in Assam state, northeast India is the 400th train station in India to be powered by public Wi-Fi. There are now over 8 million people getting online with Google Station every month. On average, people consume 350MB of data per session, roughly the size of a half hour television episode and over half of the people using Google Station engage in multiple online sessions a day. Some are watching videos, some are chatting with friends, but like Shrinath and Helen, they are all actively seeking that Wi-Fi connection to get things done during their day," says Caesar Sengupta, VP Next Billion Users Team, Google.

Sengupta further says, "Although we have hit the target of 400 train stations, our journey remains unfinished. India has the second largest population of internet users in the world, but there are still almost a billion Indians who aren’t online. There are millions of other life-changing journeys that still haven’t been taken. We realize that not everyone in India lives or works near a train station, so we’re moving beyond train stations and into the rest of the cities. Google Station is now also available in 150 locations in Pune, Maharashtra and more Smart Cities are coming soon."

Google Station is quite inspiring, and it is heartwarming to know the company plans to expand even further. True, while internet access is not as important as say, medicine, food, or water, it is still critical to success in modern times. You never know -- the next internet billionaire may get his/her start by getting online at a local train station, and that's a good thing.

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Now finally they can shit while watching youtube videos of other indians shitting

Horrifying is the correct word.




Why not Ukraine? Ukraine is about as poor as Assam state. Wrong colour, Google?

Well, they have to find their enjeeteers somewhere after all.

Why doesn't India get their own citizens online? Why does google give a fuck?

They're poor.
They want to build positive brand recognition and have 1.2 billion more people to datamine. They're late to the game. Facebook has been doing this kind of shit in India for years.

Ukrainians are evil racists that committed genocide against the native khazars by starvation...

lul to be exact
I forgot to turn off my phone with a fresh install of the latest google play so I can download a certain game that's not available in their official page and I don't want a botnet app with fake sig and ask what happened?
I was playing my guitar and shit then when I opened my play store it FUCKING suggested tuner and music apps.
I was like "Holy shit. It knows"
My phone doesn't even have a fucking Google Now to enable that kind of audio snooping but W H A T T H E F U C K
It recorded my shit. I wouldn't be surprised if I hear my personal music compositions on some (((unknown))) artist these days.
I'm gonna kill Google if that happens and I will show N O F U C K I N G M E R C Y.
Try me, google.

Just fucking try, google.
I will destroy you. And I will bring down your stock.

Just fucking try.
they're fucking stealing everyone's intellectual property.

great more indian spam on the internet
"big bob girl hi"

It seems to be yet another shoah story. Another cry from the jews. I bet they'll ask money from them. Khazar gtfo.

Excuse me goy, but those ukrops are all nazis! Perhaps I'll my good old buddy Vlad to import more refug- er I mean rebels to restore their internet.

Attached: based russian.png (623x484, 653.36K)


Just what we needed. Thanks, google.


I'm not saying that they don't spy, but if you play guitar there's a decent chance that you've looked up stuff about guitars before, and since the recommended section usually has shit apps, you only cared to look at it this one time.

user are you proposing MUKBANG for SHITTING?
are you fucking insane

This is your problem now.3

ps your flood detection is retarded

Will find it's viewers in first world, especially one particular country in central Europe.

Fuck this timeline.

We need to build the firewall.


how to use the mobile on the train?
opppppsss, on the roof of train.

This is your problem now.5