I have no idea how to phrase this so it sounds bad title wise and I apologies.
Many of us here are way outside the realms of acceptable opinions. We clash with pretty much everything the tech industry is doing now but we also love tech. This leaves us in a bad situation where we want to be involved but have to completely lie about ourselves to do so.
How do you go about it? What do you find helps you get in people's good books and lets you build up associates? How many times have you failed and what was the results?
Are there any books or videos you would recommend for people trying to improve their social skills for networking purposes?
I recommend seeing a doctor first. If you have bipolar or anger disorder then anything social will be pretty useless if you always end up flipping the table like the retards in the other threads.
Dominic Morgan
Has there ever been a doctor that wasn't a normalfag moron?
Mason Scott
Just because you're retarded doesn't mean everyone else is. Very few people can sit in a room full of morons virtue signalling for hours on end and not lose their shit.
Anthony Rogers
This is how I broke my social anxiety but I must warn you it's easy to get addicted to the drugs and lifestyle. I wouldn't suggest doing it more than once or twice a year. Also, most of those people you meet there aren't going to become real friends so don't expect the "love" to carry over to normal life. Use them as practice for other interactions not involving drugs and be happy if you see them once or twice a year at other festivals.
David Nguyen
How about just don't be a retard afraid of talking to people?
This is a thread about networking skills in a pozzed environment. Not a juggalo thread.
Lincoln Johnson
Doctor will just put him on drugs that fuck him up more. He just wants to learn to communicate better.
Jack Wilson
This Drugs only amplifies problems that you internalize.
Jeremiah Hernandez
MDMA is used is various therapy to help people overcome fears of social interaction. Drugs are just tools. If you become an addict from one-two time use of a substance you had bigger underlying problems.
I take MDMA maybe once a year, LSD maybe three times a year. Both help me explore myself and overcome problems. I often find novel solutions to problems I have in programming through the use of LSD. It also caused me to take up art/bonsai and eat healthy/exercise. Don't discount the usefulness of these substances because people become retards that take them too often. With all the information out there today it has never been easier to obtain high quality/real drugs and use them safely. Your ancestors have been using similar drugs for all of human history. How do you think all the major religions got here? Do you really think "the flesh" of Christ is some cracker?
I actually think everyone should have at least one DMT session in their lives. It's of short duration (15 minutes) and is very peaceful. It's less harmful for you than alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, and most socially accepted drugs. I actually found religion through the use of Dipropyltryptamine and while it was one of the most important experiences of my life I doubt I'd ever repeat it.
Drugs aren't for everyone but don't discount them. If you are going to partake do research and do them safely. MDMA is very harmful is used irresponsibility but anyone with a brain knows how to limit themselves. A music festival is the perfect place to interact with normalfags/NPCs because they're
You may even find a group of like minded individuals. I once found myself surrounded by people I'd known through the internet for 15 years. We all just happened to attend the same festival and figured out that we all knew each other from working on an open source project together several years ago. It was a crazy coincidence considering two of them were from overseas and none of us knew the others were attending. Some of us hadn't spoke online to each other in other a decade.
They are tools under controlled hands not under your own.
Owen Brooks
I bet you drink coffee.
Aaron Long
Then get a sitter Then do it in a controlled environment with a doctor that also likes to do LSD/MDMA.
Jackson Brooks
Not even, 95% water, 4% sugary drinks from time to time and 1% of alcohol on special occasions.
People have different physiology and mental state, what worked for you will not necessarily work for him, of course he can't know if he does not try but most people don't even log in their perception and effects before and after to know if they should continue or not.
Noah Peterson
Lucas Nguyen
I agree he should be careful but he seems like a young man seeking answer and I can only give advice based on my own experience. I'll be the first to admit drugs promote a bad lifestyle and should mostly be avoided. I've been addicted to opioids for several years only recently did I get clean. A doctor got me addicted when I was 15 and the Oxycontin fad was in full swing. If I had been smarter/less trustworthy of doctors back then I wouldn't have even gotten hooked. If I'd known he was giving me what was basically heroin I would have never taken the pills. But I had to work and it was the only way I could for many months. Eventually the leg healed but I was left with an addiction/dependence that took a decade to overcome.
Ironically, it was my use of DPT that would finally break me of those chains. That's why psychedelics would become an important part of my life. They saved me from opioids, helped me accept that there is a greater power out there than myself, and slowly allowed me to integrate back into society. I've not found anything harmful about using them. There have been difficult experiences but they were all things buried deep down in my psyche that I needed to bring to the surface and deal with.
Excluding e-tards I've not met any true addicts in the psychedelic scene. Most do them at home a few times a year with their girlfriend/wife or trusted friends. I know of one person locally sitting on mountains of various substances and he rarely if ever partakes. They're simply there for first timers, close friends, and the rare group sessions. He stocked up on a lifetime supply just so they'd always be around in case we could no longer re-supply from the darknet. He refuses to sell them even though the bitcoin he spent on them could have bought him a life without work. He likes to work and you'd never know he was into this stuff unless you got lucky and got introduced like I was.
For hardcore social anxiety I still think MDMA is the best choice for breaking it. It's certainly better than spending a lifetime on xanax/Valium/SSRIs or alcohol. In one time/rare use cases it's less harmful to the mind/body than those substances as well. The only time you run into problems with MDMA are when it's mixed with MAOIs/SSRIs or when it's done many times in a row without breaks in between. There is a strong desire to chase the state it puts you in and those that don't respect it as a tool quickly get into trouble. I'm pretty sure the OP is smart enough not to fall into that trap.
Jace Morgan
more like
Ayden Davis
Only in the US you can get a medical certification without having 10 years of fieldwork before to the contrary of UK,FR,GE.
Aiden Green
4 years cuckiversity + 4 years medical school + 4 years residency = a lot of debt to pay off with those oxy scripts
Cooper Diaz
It's a racket, doctors in America are basically just legal drug dealers. The problem was really bad a decade ago, they've shut down a lot of the pill mills but it really didn't help anything. Now instead of oxycodone they give you suboxone. For $200 a week you get the privilege of monitored urine screens in return for legal opioids. You also have to attend group where you get to sit around with a bunch of addicts talking about how much you love doing the shit.
I never shot up but I did just about everything else. Once the doctor cut me off I had to go to the street to starve off dope sickness. Pills quickly went from $0.25 to $10+ as the pill mills were shut down. Then came heroin and later heroin mixed with fentanyl. I only bought two bags before I decided things were getting out of control and I needed to stop. At one point the pills I required to go to work were taking half my weekly pay or more.
I ended up getting DPT by accident. A vendor sent me some by mistake and told me to keep it and he'd re-send my original order (which were opioids). By the time it came in I'd already tried the DPT and flushed them as soon as they came in the mail. I quit cold turkey, went through 3 months of hell, and came out clean on the other side. That was 5-6 years ago now. It took many years before I even started feeling like myself or could get pleasure from everyday things. Opioids rob you of your life.
Jason Cook
Get a decent job doing programming or whatever, so that you make decent money and can attract some friends who rate high on the psychopath spectrum. They are parasites; you'll have to buy them beer and weed. But they'll give you access to friends and women in their social sphere, and your autism will be like a complementary sidekick role to his charm. So then meet some people through him and dump the psychopath before the parasitism escalates to physical danger, and keep the other friends you made. Also, being around people like this will improve your ability to socialize. You can be the quirky nice guy who is really smart. It works.
Jackson Long
Gavin Young
Zachary Stewart
This is horrible advice. Those parasites he's speaking of will not leave you alone. You're going to end up with an asshole that comes knocking on your door at 3am with a story. Doesn't really matter what that story is because it's going to be bullshit. These are the type of "friends" that go on binges then come crying to you when they need money or want to "borrow your firearm for protection".
You don't need these assholes. Go to public events relating to your hobbies. Try to hide your power level/autism and don't comment on the pozzed nature/people. There will be non-crazy there among them. Talk to people, figure out whose those folks are, and if they seem alright start making plans with them and hanging out. Don't get too close to anyone until you've figured out if they're prone to being crazy/violent/an asshole or not. Make sure you can tolerate their presence and realize you aren't going to agree on everything with anyone.
It's best to make friends young and keep them than it is to attempt to make friends when you're older. By the time you hit 30 most everyone your age has either
Isaiah Sanders
I never said anyone should become a dealer. You gift that stuff to people you want to share the experience with. A gram is 5-6 doses, you only need 2 for yourself at most. That least you enough to gift to 1-2 other people at the event. Only an idiot would openly sell drugs to normalfags at an event like that. You're asking from trouble from both the law and the idiots already there doing it. You take your own so you don't have to buy it from some shady asshole in the crowd.
By all means don't do the drugs. Just go to the event sober. I'm just saying it's the best place for OP to practice. No one really cares who you are so if you spill your spaghetti all over the place you don't have to live with the shame. You can just walk away and try again on the other side of the crowd. Being everyone is doped up you'll rarely be worried about getting into a fight or embarrassing yourself. Hang out with the straight edge kids and laugh at everyone on drugs if that's the group you feel like you fit in the best with.
Personally I like finding a girl about half my age and dancing. Dancing is something I never do unless I'm at a festival. It's really fun even when sober but I would have never worked up the courage to do it without MDMA initially. I had crippling social anxiety especially around women from age 13 on up into my mid 20s. MDMA changed that for me. I'm still under 10 total lifetime doses of the drug and I doubt I'll be taking any in the next few years. I keep enough around for when I feel it's needed. I find it useful for taking solo/at home as well. It allows you to think about the relationships you have with the people in your life without your ego getting in the way. You can sympathize with them in a way you'd never be able to do while sober.
I would never force psychedelics on anyone but I think they're an important part of life and I feel like they're here for a reason. I do believe they inspired all religions and I'm pretty sure most prophets and early followers of them were all consuming psychedelics in an attempt to communicate with God/Mother Earth/whatever you call it. They aren't there just to get fucked up on and I can understand why people that attempt to use them that way usually have a bad time. I also believe that dumb people don't get much use from things like mushrooms and LSD. They are a thinking man's drug.
Levi Morgan
Learn to read more >>>/pdfs/ Learn to be healthy >>>/fit/ Learn to fight on >>>Zig Forums Learn the truth >>>/polk/
Brody Fisher
I like to sit in my cabin and mail typewritten letters to my friends along with gifts.
Hunter Garcia
This worked for me too. There is science behind it.