How come net neutrality which didn't matter at all was so over hyped while there is an actual threat to the internet (Article 13/Link Tax) haven't been hyped at all?
How come net neutrality which didn't matter at all was so over hyped while there is an actual threat to the internet...
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to keep redditors voting democrat
Because leftists are underhanded liars.
Because no Net Neutrality means that big companies like google lose money. So google, netflix, everyone, funds a media campaign trying to keep it around.
If those companies dont lose money because of something, then it doesn't get hyped.
It really becomes the duty of Internet users to defend the Internet at this point. The OP is likely asking why no one on the Internet is fighting to keep this shit down.
OP: People are lazy as all hell. There needs to be some incentive to get them going, otherwise the sheep will keep grazing until slaughter.
The whole proposal is a stupid idea made by people who have no idea how this "magical technology" works. All this is going to create is 101 different ways of circumventing said restrictions. How long will it take before someone creates some new blockchain link storage? What will they do with decentralized services? Fine people who use them?
As long as I have an ability to send data no amount of laws is going to stop me from distributing memes. Hackers will always be one step ahead of bureaucracy.
No. They will force ISP's to lock all ports except for 80. Makes deep packet inspection that much easier.
I hope you're not actually believing that. If you do I feel sorry for you.
Even if they implement that you can just encrypt data.
That is hypothetically the worst thing that could happen. As long as encrypting data is legal we're fine.
Because "net neutrality" (always be vary of orwllian language like this) was a push towards more capitalism, giving away control of government to corporations who are to duke it out in free trade
This one is the opposite, nobody can say "no, stop what you are doing" to government or union of governments. They are literally too big to fail. Corporations arent.
Do you have anything to support your claims?
I can't help but read this with a German accent
How so? Wouldn't they have benefitted?
Don't dismiss it like it won't happen.
What do you chategorize under "anything"?
Just pair that encryption with stego to hide your messages in pictures of sinks.
I can claim the opposite, that "net neutrality" takes away control from corporations. Who's right now?
Because the EU and UK censorship machine has probs stopped that
Net neutrality has been meaningless for almost 15 years. The threat it was intended to prevent isn't relevant anymore as we use centralized services now rather than protocols.
The threat used to be that an ISP would see traffic going between the same endpoints and throttle portions of the traffic depending on the protocol, for example, to take money from Microsoft to degrade AIM but not MSN. That was the fear of 'deep packet inspection' with the classic example of a post office that opens your letters to charge you more to send knock-off hallmark cards. But when you're centralized, the ISP doesn't have to do DPI to fuck with you, and you can't force them to improve their peering.
So, net neutrality today is to get liberals to vote. It's their version of "for the children" legislation.
Because burgers don't give a fuck about other people.
They couldn't even place germany on a map, so asking them to take a stand and help their fellow Zig Forums anons about an obscure article in an european union treaty is far far beyond their capacity.
They prefer to sperg all day about lisp machine, unix etc.. rather than actually code in lisp dialects, or code in other languages.
The government and the administration belong to the corporation anyway, so this whole "I don't want government control!" is just pure circlejerk, since it's mostly a matter of organisation, since ultimately, it stays in the same hands.
Why not?
Is she /ourgirl/ ?
It does sound good... until
Bitch is a false Opposition who should get the gas
Most definitely not. She has some good ideas but in the end she's still a brainwashed commie.
surprise, politics isn't one dimensional.
Of course it is not one dimensional, but she checked so little boxes that she is NOT /ourgirl/, even Dugin and Zizek are better than her
She's opposition tho
Right conservatives are just the puppets of corporations. Can't believe that even on Zig Forums there are so many willing cucks.
you can have her to yourself
Google isn't an ISP.
Nice joke but there is no right in europe, at least one with so much representation.
in what kind of deluded world do you live?
Net neutrality is still fresh in the public's mind. Kike companies know this. Their antics will change in a few years. Prepare yourself for heavy throttling and metered internet.
There were large companies in favor of net neutrality, and there were large companies against net neutrality, which meant lobbying and attention-drawing from both sides. Net neutrality actually is good for the people, but that never came into it - all that mattered is that it's also good for certain powerful companies and that it's marketable.
So my guess is that no large companies are particularly worried about article 13, because they're already doing filtering of the kind article 13 requires.
There's no need to even ask yourself whether something is good or bad in these cases - just follow the money. Companies want profit, and don't particularly care whether they get it in a way that harms consumers or a way that benefits consumers.
One in which sadly you're alive.
redditors are synonymous to retards at this point
I wouldn't even be surprised if others think of this too
It only affects eurofags, all of whom like it in the ass. This same law in the US would be unconstitutional.
How come?
what amendment?
because we want euro-fags to keep making themselves more and more irrelevant so they'll stop ruining the internet for the rest of us
Karma police, this is what happens when you try to de-nazify europe.
This is the taste of your own medicine.
Wow man no no no there MUST be a conspiracy behind it, preferably with the same boogeyman as always. There's simply no way companies in a Capitalist world possibly want to make money at all costs!
Just let the internet die so new generation can rebuild it
Accelerationism at its finest
The corporations belong to the hedge funds, and the hedge funds belong to the central bankers. They're the ones pushing inconsistent narratives to enslave you.
This fucking pic m8.
And yet another barrier of entry will be created for anyone wanting to compete with the big boys.
But Detroit still has niggers
It's your responsibility as a non-normalfag to tell lawmakers to fuck off with your actions. They wanna tax links, create massive pages full of them, spread them like hell across temporary hosting and social media, generally fuck up all their shit and demonstrate how retarded they are. You've been visited by the link of taxing, you will be taxed unless you repost this to six more groups. Etc.
Because people are tired of trying to stop retards screwing up the internet
Net neutrality is beneficial to Google and Netflix because they wouldn't be throttled.
Nice try at jedi mindtricking, but you're assuming decisions like these aren't taken for the benefit of big corporations.
The only ones getting throttled would be the small guys.
Google for instance could just strike back at an ISP and say something like "it would be a shame if your ads were removed and people failed to find your websites on google".
A small guy like say DuckDuckGoGo on the other hand would have no choice but to budge.
Net neutrality had (all big ISP's and people who actually have to foot the damn bill for all that crap) big business behind it, while this time big business want this bill to pass. Although the fact that this isn't even a fucking joke is the most scary shit ever, but I guess it pays to be a britfag.
*all but
That's the sad thing, the opposition tends to be kosher. How can you try to oppose the EU if you want stay with EU ?
Would be nice to see actual opposition.
Even if that were the case you still could use OBFS in tor to make your traffic look like it goes to a normalfag web service and get data across it just fine like the chinks do.
I don't understand this post. So the ENF voted for corporate censorship and its somehow the left's fault? It's perfectly fine to hold an entire continent hostage to insane IP laws to get back at "the left"?
Why would they throttle DDG? ISPs only care about saving money, which bandwidth hoggers like Netflix and Youtube make them lose it.
I really hate this kind of two way discourse just like the people who goes
One can oppose the EU as it is today but be for keeping the economic part (which should be changed, the way it is rapes weak economies) and even the free movement (which is outdated, it made some sense before sandniggers, now it's time to kill it).