Godot holding an open source game jam

Godot is having a game jam starting on Friday and ending sometime on Monday. They're still voting on the theme framaforms.org/theme-for-godot-jam-june-2018-1528803026 but all entries are supposed to be open source and it's probably a good excuse for some Zig Forums shitposting.
Libbie games when

Attached: Oekaki.png (500x250, 4.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for we're making a fagioliposting simulator

so will /tech go into the gaming industry now?

Depends. Do we have an interesting logo?

Do we have anyone who can make it?

We're gonna need a good game idea first.

These are the themes they're voting on. I'll probably work on a solo project starring everyone's favourite LibreOffice penguin but seeing vidya shitposts from other Zig Forums anons would be nice too.

Attached: gdjam.png (960x819, 45.06K)

What does this even mean? Would everything have to be discrete with nothing continuous, like making it so you can only move by teleporting over to the next tile instead of a continuous movement? Now that I'm thinking about it, wouldn't any game work as long as you aren't using arbitrary percision floating point numbers work for this?

Make a game where you calculate a particle's momentum and position.

This would be trivial in any game engine. It's only "impossible" to measure both at the exact same instant. 1 cycle at 60hz is an infinitely enormous amount of time on the quantum scale.

Are lewd games allowed?

Seems like something he should colab with a certain other board on...

we should*

We should really aim low. Use CC-licensed assets from Open Game Art and make like a simple platformer or an RPG-Maker style game.

There's no rule against lewd games. As long as it's loosely related to the theme, uses Godot, and is released under an open source license it looks like you're free to make NSFW games as long as you check "Has adult content" on the game's page

Attached: adult content.png (2024x3522 44.25 KB, 3.93M)

As much as it pains me to admit, she is the most lewdable variant... But anyway, isn't this all going up on Itch? Didn't the guy in charge there sperg out over Valve's ruling on anime tiddies on Steam?

Owner's spergout or not, lewd games are still allowed on Itch for now. It's probably a good idea to host a backup of the source code on GitGud or some other git hosting service just to be safe.


Godot-chan waifu game with extra fetish fuel

Text-based choose your own adventure?


20 questions


I'm pretty certain of what I'm working on and already have some music for it, but thanks anyways.

Tbh man, I'd really fucking like to do it too.
But I never used Godot so I think I sadly can't participate :(.

Learn Python will ya?

I already know python.

GodotScript is python last I heard

It's really fucking close to Python, see docs.godotengine.org/en/3.0/getting_started/scripting/gdscript/gdscript_basics.html

Fork the engine, then rm -rf *.

The game jam is live, and since the fat fuck picking the theme is AFK they're holding a quick vote to pick the theme instead: strawpoll.me/15903027

Attached: about time.png (625x456, 66.75K)

in syntax only. Knowing python gives you no advantage in learning GDScript

so do we have a logo?

Maff with a tiara that looks like the Godot logo?

>realize my Void Linux install has fuckall for daemons and I don't remember half the shit bloated distros like Ubuntu and Fedora use by default
I don't know what to feel.

Attached: Oekaki.png (500x250, 9.13K)

Idea: Maff in a Math Blaster style game.

Attached: math-blaster-episode-one-in-search-of-spot_16.png (2024x3522 20.45 KB, 4.01M)

How is that supposed to work?

Attached: 1f6199c11ebfd3700bf7f220496a92c5e8bfb3f7d92c044cf5bdb248fbb1f9bb.jpg (195x243, 20.09K)

I have trouble imagining any Maff game which isn't lewd.

Gimmicky shit.

What's the deadline for this?

Who said math can't be lewd?

Attached: imageproxy.php.jpeg (400x600, 33.54K)

gamejams are fucking stupid and this one is blatant shilling for their shit engine

I don't think there's even a prize.


Not seeing that in either of OPs links.


Nice bait m8.


Attached: Screenshot at 2018-06-16 19-33-05.png (1920x1080, 104.68K)

>didn't finish my entry because it requires a better understanding of Godot's UI design nodes
I'll keep fucking around and release my shit whenever I'm done. It basically involves implementing a stacking window manager and some crappy programs inside Godot for a bad shitpost.

Here's the results, by the way:


Oh come on, gamejams produce the equivalent of academic crapware. Not to say it's not important, but it's more important for the developer to produce it than for others to consume it.

Big jewish companies would never do anything risky like introducing novel gameplay anyway, much safer to reskin the same game from last year and re-release for another $60.

Does this have something to do with gal gadot

Just select

Game jams are mostly just prototypes of games people aren't sure if they will work. People make them and run with them from there.

i've an idea for a game, but i think it will require quite a bit of art work and scholastic study of rote facts, not theories. i don't know where to get this kind of resource work. i guess i could do it all myself, but i am a slow artist, and a slow researcher. what do you recommend?