Dig Deeper - personal tech site

Hi guys, just dropping in to shill my website at digdeeper.neocities.org. Right now it has 6 articles - three about browsers, one rating internet forums by how much they allow privacy/anonymity, one on the Salix Linux distribution and one on my recommended Linux software (unfinished).

Before this, I was helping the spyware.neocities.org/ guy for a long time (much of the stuff on browsers is written by me), but I've decided to expand my horizons. Anyway, check it out!

Attached: masked.png (797x597, 885.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll give you props for making it a simple, clean website with mostly just text. But I think it could do without the obnoxious "binary hacker with face obscured by shadow of hoodie" meme that covers the front page like a sore.

I read the pages on browsers and browser addons. They were pretty good.

Unlike I don't mind the 1337h4x0r image, but the Sand and Ice themes are AIDS. Not enough contrast.

I like it, clean and functional. It would be nice if the articles had a "Last updated" to check for new content quickly. It doesn't even need to have a changelog, just a date to check.

I saw your website a few days ago because it was linked in spyware.neocities.org/, the addons section is really good.

Don't. Take example on mesa3d.org/ or musl-libc.org/

umatrix and ublock don't have the same granularity (requests vs regexp based elements) so it makes sense to use both.

Don't recommend this buggy piece of shit. Over 3000 opened issues and it carries the bugs of both libtorrent-rasterbar and boost in addition to its own. Until rtorrent development picks up again or Synapse gets good enough, Transmission is the only good choice.
Could be worse, Exfalso is really good, but it's slow as fuck (hello Python and gstreamer) and dbus isn't an option. I also remember it writing its own non-standard tags directly into my files, had a rough time cleaning up. I suggest Audacious, Cantata (still dbus shit, though) or qmmp if you're looking for GUIs. Otherwise, mpd (boostruosity) or cmus.

You fell for a bad meme. Install gentoo.

Otherwise, nice initiative. You're still too gnew to teach others.

might as well use kali

this piece of shit literally put google*.* to accept all of their cookies (even restore deleted cookies like a maniac!) contrary to its function. I tried the new one and it seems to be a lot different now but I will never trust it again.
Don't know why it's supposed to do that THOUGH it would be nice to know if it actually puts a fake common google cookie (like blender's common ua) or it's actually a glowing clown addon that even restores a google cookie to fucking track me whenever there's a google syndication/analytics on the website.

I usually use qbittorrent for the search and results filtering. I prefer qtransmission though since qbit crashes itself in secrecy causing the qstalled meme (100+ seeders still no DL) and 99.99999% stall.

It could also plausible that I downloaded the mitm'd harmful version of the addon thanks to (((cloudfront and cloudflare))).
Anyway, the addon section is good. Other sections are still a bit lacking.

Another good test would be to set up your own server and read the access logs and time when you requested an access.
Log the IP, UA, time of request.
If you can't set up a server, use an online IP logger and try to access that link through the address bar or bookmark. You'd be surprised how many IPs actually make the same request (it means your browser have been pwned and still uses google safebrowsing or something). It could also be your ISPs fault if any browser request is pwned but there are browsers that are very harmful and sends all your requests to someone else.

im sounding actually kind of convinced

wait a fucking minute
is this the fucking same person that was making the hoenst gaming website, holy shit fucking die and acutally learn html and css, holy shit so much cancer it hurts

I am have a couple of criticism with regards to the icecat page.
As far as I can tell, none of what you said in this sentence is true.
Icecat definitely doesn't autoupdate either, considering I have to build it from source whenever I need to upgrade it.
I'm using icecat v52.3 and the most recent one is v52.6, but I doubt those things changed between the releases.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-06-18 at 1.53.50 AM.png (777x205 106.73 KB, 50.32K)

It's still a relatively new piece of software.

Completely unjewgled fork (that also regularly maintains Windows, MacOS, and BSD forks) when?

I'm not gonna lie, it sounds like you're under 18 (pokemon forum?listing graphical installer as a feature???). The only interesting bit is the article about using mitmproxy.
But your system based only on addon is shit, for the simple reason that by using multiple addons, you're extending the attack surface.
Qutebrowser is the best browser right now to use, with a very dedicated dev who work on it (obviously with javascript disabled by defaut, using a jailed clean browser only when you need it).
I don't know qbittorrent, but I can't think of anything superior to transmission or rtorrent.
Well, good project, at least you're doing something else than watching anime all day, but we're on Zig Forums.

Only if you're using Gentoo - it has a lot of ugly dependencies.

I'm obviously using gentoo. But who isn't on Zig Forums? There is some monk using plan9, lispOS, *BSD, but everyone else is using gentoo.

pic related.
sayonara had gone past version 1 though the problem about it leaking playlist details to fetch the hd album cover or lyrics is still a thing (firewall fixes this)

Still had a screenshot that it put google into the whitelist though I couldn't screengrab how it ridiculously and magically restores deleted google cookies.

Icecat is just the firefox for Debian like icewasel. Nothing privacy about it except having 'muh free js' stallman add on and geo disabled by default but still having those ff market hello pocket addons ported from the mainfox even the easter egg bloat which proud and loudly tells people it uses a CuckOfConduct

obviously he's a clued up youngfag or a 30yo windows junkie who just finished ubuntu distro hoppip

Attached: huh.png (307x142, 7.1K)

No. I use Arch.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-06-18 13-18-04.png (1680x1050, 57.51K)

Sory for not looking far enough.

So is Privacy Possum as cucked already as Privacy Badger?

I think it looks cool ^_^

Thanks, yeah the themes aren't works of art or anything. I'll try to do better...

That's a great idea, it has been added. Thanks.

Maybe. Personally I'm doing fine with just uMatrix as the content blocking addon.

Despite whatever problems, it does have the search engine, and that's just extremely useful.

Audacious was my player for a long time, but the lack of grouping tags was a dealbreaker. I haven't seen QuodLibet saving any of its own tags yet.

Thanks. It's more just me expressing myself than teaching, but if someone gets some use from the information, that's great.

Don't know why it's supposed to do that THOUGH it would be nice to know if it actually puts a fake common google cookie (like blender's common ua) or it's actually a glowing clown addon that even restores a google cookie to fucking track me whenever there's a google syndication/analytics on the website.

HA! That's really important information. It's a wolf in sheep's clothing then.

It's a great distro to at least try.

Don't just look at the settings, do the tests. That's why I wrote the mitmproxy article.

It's a research article, I don't have to care about any of those topics. And of course GUI anything is a feature.

Yeah but without addons you have no content blocking, no fingerprinting countermeasures, no useful enhancements like the LinkBot, etc...

Dev can be dedicated, without addon support it doesn't matter unless he adds all that functionality in (which would be very impressive!). I know it has some content blocking but it doesn't come close to uMatrix. And then all the other addons...

Thanks, I guess. I don't even like anime though.


Never had to use something else than rutracker for movies/music. For anime there's nyaa for the public and animebytes/ADC/U2 for the private. Seriously, qbittorrent has massive bugs and the devs are more focused on features than fixing them. Avoid at all costs.

Your websites suck, you don't understand software on anything above an basic level, and your definition of what is "spyware" is inane. Fuck off

And just for you...


Also, if you add sites to your New Tab page, IceCat will automatically connect to them whenever you open New Tab, even if you don't visit those sites.


Firefox does this too. It also connects as soon as you have a internet connection, and may leak through your VPN if you don't stop it.

icecat is pozzed af - as is Firefox.
I was using icecat again, but noticed it has LibreJS installed to manage what javascript is allowed to run. However there is also installed lots of other javascript addons (such as Soros group (((petition))) signing addons ). After disabling them all - it turns into crippleware and javascript no longer works.

I had been off icecat for a while, after doing a new install I was using Firefox, but have noticed recently whenever Firefox runs it is using too much upload bandwidth - which my tinfoil autism suggests is some fresh vulnerability being exploited. Also every now and then, there is a burst download (~4Mbps) and I'm not downloading anything.
So I await the major news announcement soon...

(posted via chrome botnet)

>I was using icecat again, but noticed it has LibreJS installed to manage what javascript is allowed to run. However there is also installed lots of other javascript addons (such as Soros group (((petition))) signing addons ). After disabling them all - it turns into crippleware and javascript no longer works.

LibreJS is such a SHIT addon, I just want to laugh. Captures the essence of freetard autism perfectly though...

Why not the ungoogled-chromium non-botnet?

t. user I'll check it out

I'm on a burnt box, so honeypotting before it gets ditched.

What utility do you use to know this stuff?
So you can see that traffic but you don't know where to or where from? Maybe the tinfoil hat is obscuring your brainwaves. Seriously though. Start Firefox and let us know what IP it's downloading stuff from.

Hey OP, for your forum page I suggest lurking around theadminzone.com for awhile. All the owners of major forums have an account there and they openly discuss how much they do not value the privacy of their users. If you need content from private areas on that site let me know I have several old accounts with access.

protip: librejs will stop the botnet

That isn't true.

Its only major drawback is that auto-updating extensions is disabled.

Dude, soften the contrast of your text a little bit.
My eyes hurt while reading.

As a noobfaggot, I can't talk much about the hard data of your info, but I appreciate the effort, definitely more than half the shitters in this thread would ever do.
Keep it up OP

Any articles planned?

Attached: drstrangelovehd_pub.png (1200x675, 440.65K)

OP, is Iridium really not a botnet? is it actually good? I am using firefag atm, and I have been thinking about switching to Iridium for a while, but it has looked a bit suspicious to my autism.

nice contribution, summer faggot. It really shows that you are trying to fit in.

bumping the thread for this question

Hey people, I didn't have internet access for a few days. Let me reply now:

The forum article will be entirely redone soon. Because I realized that some of them allow other proxies but not Tor, and that should be a separate category I guess. But thanks, I will visit that website when I get to it. And sure I'd be interested in the private areas...

Not better than uMatrix.

Why are you guys repeating these claims without doing the tests?

Heh, thanks for the nice comments. Sure I want to write about search engines and email providers, but I need to do more research.

Not a botnet I guess, but it does connect to google for the safebrowsing "feature", so I recommend ungoogled-chromium these days.

LibreJS added to the addon page. New article available - Refuting Freetardism! I bet that will ruffle a few feathers here, haha.

You went full retard. Well, that was expected when seeing the rest of the site.

Hey, if I don't have any arguments, I'm doing no worse than the FSF, which has no arguments proving that "free software" actually increases real freedom. And by pretending that it does, they're manipulating people with language.

"Specifically, goodsex denotes only heterosexual relations exclusively for procreation; and no pleasure (sexual or emotional) for the woman. All other forms of sexual relations are classified as sexcrime (sexual immorality)"

Goodsex = "free software". Sexcrime = "nonfree software". And of course we've defined "free" in a way that does not correspond to actual freedom.

How come it has no arguments proving that? Ever read "Free Software, Free Society"? Thought you didn't. Here, grab a free copy: gnu.org/doc/fsfs3-hardcover.pdf

Your entire "point" is that it's not freedom because the average joe isn't a programmer. This point was already addressed by the FSF: you can pay someone to do it for you. Also, you retarded fuck contradict yourself by saying that any schmuck can't program but then you talk about disassembly.

tl;dr the freedom to modify and redistribute is better to have than not, even if it means you may have to learn how to program if you don't want to pay someone to do it for you.

No, it's not the entire point. You didn't read the article. I could also pay someone for a disassembly BTW.

Section 1 I've refuted in the article. I don't see anything else in there which proves that so-called "free software" creates a free society. And then 50 fucking pages about licenses - exactly what I'm critiquing...Did YOU even read this shitty book?

You guys are just proving that freetards don't think clearly. Freetardism is a cult.

Don't give the tripfag attention

Read section 1, 5. Your claims don't refute any of those points, they are merely contrarianism. RMS explains clearly why the four essential freedoms are crucial for software freedom.

Anyways, on your website you claim:
Are you retarded? If the software isn't free software, you can be 100% sure it spies on you. You can't just speculate it doesn't. >inb4 disassemble it retard lmao

Also, if the license forbids it (which in most cases of non-free software is a ToS, which does forbid it), reverse-engineering and disassembly is a crime. You simply cannot modify software, it's illegal for you to do so.

You actually believe that decompiled software is a legitimate way of modifying software. I can tell you that it is as legitimate as intentionally disabling yourself from working and calling that a practical way to work.

About as legitimate as wading through Firefox' source code. The Pokemon disassemblers accomplished way more with hacks such as Pokemon Perfect Crystal, than any firefox fork ever did.

Sounds great unless you're a poorfag that can't into programming. It's amusing that they're pro-commie until you bring up this point and suddenly they turn capitalist/free market.

True software freedom only exists in a system that doesn't support retarded copyright law. This is why the GPL and related licenses will always be retarded. If they were serious about the freedoms they speak of they'd have done more work to get existing copyright law out of the books instead of using it to promote their own form of cancer. Before you start no I'm not the BSDcuck that used to constantly shit up every thread. I do agree with him on the point that the BSD license is actually more free in that it doesn't impose as many restrictions on users as the GPL does. In an ideal world you wouldn't need any of these retarded licenses in the first place because everything would be free by default.

Attached: 09c0cbfc1c7b1ee465c3a07fc77732ae6807c37b453437dc75e348a0ef546e7d.jpeg (500x500, 34.16K)

That's a strawman. The only people who call the FSF a communist are trolls. The FSF do not promote communism and have never done so.


i was half working on a list of retarded sites that block proxies/require Recaptcha, etc, as well.
wiby.me has a lot of sites like this. i'll submit your site to it

shut the fuck up bitch. the site is perfectly fine

If that's your idea of what the FSF is supposed to be, I feel very sorry for you. I can't imagine what it's like to be schizophrenic.

-Richard Stallman

Sharing isn't synonymous with communism.

Attached: 2018-06-24-172221_885x245_scrot.png (885x245, 55.98K)

oh yeah i'm a communist because i wrote a 100 line script and didn't make a marketing campaign around it (which would have literally been worse profit than just giving away the script). shut the fuck up you retarded nigger

Another pile of bullshit from freetards. "Free" software is subject to monopolies just as much if not more.

Fork it, faggot.

Nice knee-jerk nonreply. Exactly what's expected from freetards...

Where's the argument. Because the ability to fork certainly is one.

Go fork firefox and tell me how it does then.

Holy shit, rope yourself fucking tardo.

Do you even comprehend what you read? Freetards claim that "the source code is a precondition for this" and the Pokemon hacks prove it isn't.

1) There already are forks. Chromium also has some.
2) You just understood that Firefox is used only because of the company behind, not its technical values. Bingo!
2) What's your point, anyway? Being able to fork is better than not. Are you implying that successful forking never happened, or what?

Take you pills, m8. This isn't "you vs freetards" as you think it is, but "some autistic screeching by a retarded gnewfag seeing freetards behind every corner".

Do you think rms was too dumb to know about disassembly when writing this. It's the last resort, and it shows that you don't intend to share your program with others.

Yes, and disassembly & reverse engineering is illegal in most countries.

This is my issue with Stallman. He's obviously hard left which is fine but he likes to pretend the GPL wasn't spawned out of the ideas you generally find on the left.

I still stand by my point: If he cared about freedom he'd have done more to move us towards true freedom. If a true free system I'd be allowed to horde my code and you'd be allowed to use/release/fork/whatever with it if you ever managed to steal it from me.

To extend on this a bit: In a system without copyright you'd likely not have money either. If you had it you wouldn't expect to have to exchange it for things that can be copied indefinitely. This applies to software and entertainment at this time but in the future it'll be true for many other things. People do not need money as an incentive to create things and share them. Most people will do it for pure enjoyment and/or attention. People have been sharing their creations with each other without exchange of money for most of history.

For the world to move forward existing copyright law has to fall. I'm all for not having things like the NT kernel source code, 100 year old cartoons and movies, and all the music behind the copyright laws. We would all benefit from them becoming public and the right to fork/remix them freely. GPL does not help us do these things. I can see the use of GPL to protect your wishes of the source code always being free but do not pretend it is actually enforced or respected in any way. There is tons of GPL code in commercial products and you'll never be able to prove it. The argument Stallman makes about the monopoly is true for free software as well. There are tons of widely used projects lacking proper support and with progress stalled due to internal politics or lack of care. Cry just fork it all you want, it's an easy excuse but we both know you'll be back here next week complaining about people forking projects too often and not making real progress. All the meme linux distros are proof of that.

Stallman fancies himself an authority and freedom fighter but beyond running his mouth he does little for the cause he claims to have made his life work. He's cut slack you'd never let anyone else get by with simply because so many have bought into the Stallman meme. If he had any direction in his life the GNU Hurd would have been useable at least a decade ago.

Great post.

Oh, you're THAT kind of anti-GPL tard. The GPL fight for the freedom of the users (who can also be devs), it's not for edgy anarkiddies.

You make with what you have, user. The GPL is an incredible gift, considering the minimal power rms and the FSF have.

"Refuting Freetardism" article has been heavily expanded upon. There's much more to write, but it would require a book.

New article about e-mail providers is up.

I tried some of your tests about the mitm (I was the first one who talked about icecat). There's a lot of exceptions I had when testing this, but for the most part you're right about everything except auto-updates. For some reason I don't have any problems with geolocation, but that might because it apparently does it once when you first open firefox according to this.

Despite safebrowsing being disabled, I also see icecat contacting safebrowsing servers despite the screenshot I sent you saying it should be disabled. According to this you need to do more to completely disable it.
The first link from mozilla suggests you can disable it a different way, but I think this is just for preventing it from working instead of stopping connections all together.

Finally, you seem to be right about the newtab page. For some reason it only seems to happen for certain websites, and I don't have this problem at all on my custom profile, but the default profile regularly connects to wikipedia, desu.la and fsf if they're on my newtab page. The most problematic thing about this is that icecat does what the first link I show you suggests to turn the feature off, yet it still happens. So despite it only occuring in certain circumstances, there's currently no way to turn this off which isn't good.

I still think icecat is much better than firefox, but you did point out some flaws. If you look at some of the changelogs in the mailing list for icecat, all the anti-features listed here were addressed, but for some reason they either didn't do it properly or forgot to change it in future releases.

Thank you for showing me the mitmproxy tool as well as showing some of the flaws icecat has. The tool is extremely useful, and now I can try to fix some of the flaws .

And the idiot added an invite only antifa email service to the recommendations. Have fun getting shoahed when riseup decides to rat out the "scary right wingers" to please their faux-activist buddies.

Hey OP cool idea i would like to recommend you an awesome simple small css kit to make your website absolutely more amazing than it is yet


You're actually missing a point. That point is that users are responsible for their own computing. This means users are responsible for supporting for their own selves whenever the software needs updating. This means users are responsible for forking software that they need. If users today fail to do this, the reason is because users today do not value the meaning of freedom and responsibility.

Thanks for doing the tests and not dismissing it. Yes Icecat is obviously better than FF but it's not enough. I mean most of these should be simple about:config changes - ungoogled-chromium is made by like one guy, and it has zero botnet whatsoever. There's no excuse for icecat.

It's the best you can get. Or maybe you have something better, smart guy?

Bloat ^_^

That's impossible in practice.

At least make your website HTML 4.01 compliant with mid 2000's aesthetics and properly aligned text.
PS: your email chart is shit. You compare their authoritative bureaucracy instead of technology they offer.

get out

Stop using so much emphasis you fucking redditor
It makes your shit underadable

Invite only antifa service that was raided by FBI and removed it's canary
hilarious more to say
haha where are the broopfts:D
See what this retard writes about cock li:
>However, I've tried to register for 5 of its shitty domain names and couldn't login at all, so I assume it's a dud for now. Update: - turned off my VPN addon
He uses some shovel ware "VPN" addon instead of Tor and expects it to work flawlessly, then blames server for not responding.

Here is a good against any javascript-based webmail for those who haven't seen it yet:
archive: archive.fo/cWOtn

ProtonMail is a scam, much like Lavabit (although the nature of the scam differs). Lavabit at least had the decency to shut down once they realized their claims were fraudulent, once the government told them how they lied and that they would like to take advantage of those lies please.
They deliver JavaScript to the browser to decrypt messages. While it's true that they don't have access to user messages for as long as they remain honest, that's a profoundly useless property to have. You can just be honest and not try to access messages, which is what Fastmail does. There's no point in handcuffing yourself and holding on to the key.
As soon as a system administrator feels like accessing the messages (either out of curiosity / government order or because an unauthorized user gained administrative control), they can deliver modified JavaScript to the browser that sniffs the password and decrypted content and sends a copy somewhere. This is, very literally, "being able to decrypt data."
The encrypted messages that are sent to non-ProtonMail users require visiting a ProtonMail website to decrypt the message, which has all of the security concerns as above. Furthermore, it's pushing the line of what counts as "email". Fastmail is clearly advertising themselves as an actual email service, where you send content over SMTP and it shows up in the recipient's email client. You can't do that with ProtonMail encrypted messages; the recipient gets a link to the content.
You can build a new protocol that has the properties we'd all want out of a modern messaging system. You might be able to replace email. But it won't _be_ email, and Fastmail is email. If you want Pond, you know where to find it.
And snake oil with a well-designed website, $500,000 of crowdfunding, and a team of PhDs is still snake oil.

I'm sure it can be avoided by loading a javascript web application from localhost instead of their servers, which is easily available for Tutanota but it would become no different from simple mail client and server configured to encrypt all incoming mail.

I like the browser addons article and the mitm proxy one, but the others are mostly shit, especially the one about freetardism, I'm not even a full-on freetard but some of your arguments are just completely retarded.

(((Telemetry))), (((Your software requires activation))), software that requires you to connect to the creator's servers (mostly games but not always).

Those hacks are just that, hacks, most of the times it's just about flipping some bits to change some values, and even that takes a lot of work, work that is not meant to be done by a human, source code is for humans, you are a complete idiot to think source code and processor instructions are comparable.

Which is where freedom 3 and 4 comes into place, nullifying the entirety of this argument have you ever even heard stallman talk?.

It fucking does?

This is just stupid.

You use ungoogled chromium, a browser that is made possible by the fact chromium is free software. Because it's free software people are able to modify the source code, it took years of work (most of which was taken from other sources of years of work) to get to where is is, do you think it would've ever gotten there by reverse engineering?. Because it's free software people are able to develop it openly in github where everyone can collaborate and improve it, do you think it would've ever gotten where it is if it had to be developed hidden from Google because it's breaking the license's terms?, where they would only have a small anonymous team and it would be hard for anyone to reach and help?.

The only conclusion I got from your article was "we don't need free software because we can just do it this other way which is 100000x worse!!!", Anyway, I'm not gonna go into everything you said for obvious reasons, and while some of your points are right, you don't deserve any credit, yeah, free software is not perfect, there are still some problems that free software doesn't solve (e.g. the firefox situation), but claiming that there is "no advantage for free software to be found" is just forcefully being a contrarian, a very harmful one while we're at that as you're basically rooting for the evil team, free software is for the good of everyone, there is no reason to oppose it if you're not part of the evil that is Microsoft and its equivalents.

E-mail article updated with pretty pictures and two more entries (Hushmail and Fastmail). aMule added to software article. Also writing a new article about bad software design choices.

You don't need to release your program. If your program is GPL and someone steals it from one of your computers then they would be allowed to redistribute it freely, although it is likely they would be charged with computer trespass.

Looks like complete shit. You've no idea how to format your content and have put little to no effort into giving unbiased consistent analysis. Just like the anti-consumer companies list from /v/, you have no idea how to make your content appeal to the demograph that needs the information the most. The only people you're going to attract with your site that looks like a thirteen year old pumped it out over an afternoon are the ones that do not need this type of basic information. Otherwise you're preaching to the choir and making the entire effort pointless.

Is this just an elaborate troll?

No. Op actually believes what he writes without irony. He has no desire to seek an objective truth, only to spread his own personal truth. Trolls don't care to believe if what they say is accurate or not.

So any actual refutations? Or you're the ones trolling. You can always make your own sites, you know...

Refute what? I gave you clear feedback: if you want your site to be taken seriously by normalfags (i.e. the people you want to be educating) you need to do a more professional job in presentation, content and analysis. If you're aiming it at enthusiasts then you should be doing more interesting content than obvious shit like Firefox's anti-privacy stunts.

You say "obvious shit like Firefox's anti-privacy stunts." and yet many Zig Forumsies worship Firefox, or claim it's all "FUD". I mean how many denied that IceCat has spyware in it? But it does and there's proof.

What's wrong with the e-mail article for example? I list every email provider and briefly say what's wrong with them. How is that not normalfag friendly?

Reread 'you need to do a more professional job in presentation, content and analysis' until it sinks in you faggot. Even shitty blogger tech sites with 'top 5 browsers you should know about!' click-bait articles go more in depth than you do. And you still haven't answered my fundamental question: who is this aimed at?

Yes and those top X lists never provide any actual logic.

It's aimed at anyone who's interested. Some articles might be more advanced, some less so.

You have no actual feedback, fuck off.

You either must be a troll or a cocky 15 year old with too much time on his hands buddy

All your articles are shit and not worth reading

10K people disagree ^_____^

this tbh

Just out of curiosity, why is Slackware/Salix a bad meme?

You keep spamming and bumping this thread
Ofc people will click on the link

Stop bumping this shilling thread and see how many people will come back day after day in about 6 months