Hey Nerds

Which future universe do you think represents our path the best? Star Wars? Or Star Trek? Which will best represent our future in the next 100 years, 200, 300 years?

Attached: startrekmeme.jpg (1280x773 16.04 KB, 61.33K)

Delete this.

Fahrenheit 451.


Starship Troopers


Bladerunner, except without the replicants. Just a bunch of ghettos everywhere and a few rich fucks who live on top floors of corporate buildings.


star wars fans will have special movie theaters where they can be dropped off by the train car load to watch spaceballs for 72 hours straight before being gassed and disposed of.

Star Wars, with Kikes as the Sith and National Socialists as the Jedi.


Blade runner mixed with total survelliance envorced via social norms. No replicants tho. Rich fucks can do whatever they want, there are a lot of ghetto and poor areas. Tech will get super cheap to a point that beggars walk around with AR glasses.

Surveillance will be everywhere, with no possible escape. Enforced similar to Smartphones via social norms (what, you don't have WhatsApp/Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat?).

Aside from the AR glasses, this is literally the world we live in.

Terminator 3


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That is backwards

Not in Japan/Korea/Taiwan/HongKong it isn't

Depending on the worldline we'll either destruct ourselves or emerge as a type I civilization, meaning we can harness all of the Sun's energy that reaches Earth. If all goes well we'll reach this status in 100 - 200 years. If we're lucky we'll get to live long enough to witness this or at least see the destruction of humanity. Transitioning to type II is where space exploration will really take off. Space mining missions, colonization and the monumental task of building a Dyson swarm around the Sun. Some say this is possible within a couple of thousand years. Once this is complete we start expanding to the whole galaxy, harnessing it's entire energy output. Reaching this stage will take upwards of 1 million years.

It's possible or even certain that people of the future won't exist as a biological life-form. Even type II civilization has the capability of building a star sized computer capable of simulating minds of more than everyone currently living on Earth. In the "dark era" this will be only way civilizations can exist. Once there is no more stars you'll need to harness your energy from black holes, feeding them mass. Once even that source of energy goes bust you die unless you manage defeat thermodynamics. Computation without energy input is impossible.

For most of us future will be cyberpunk themed, so I would say Ghost In The Shell.

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Where do you think you are?


well, minus the magic shit.

Disney will only use the Star Wars franchise to push political correctness for the next 60-100 years

Cyberpunk 2020, Deus Ex or similarly CyberPunkish reality, only sans Corporations bearing fancy names.

Star Trek, no doubt.