How can I improve my IQ and problem solving ability?
How can I improve my IQ and problem solving ability?
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The same way you improve any other skill: Practice.
play the next game
I dont think you can improve your iq, but as for the problem solving part: develop strategies.
You cannot increase your IQ. You may with practice increase your problem solving ability for certain games.
Go back in time and be born with different genes and into a different early childhood environment.
Depends on the kinds of problems you want to solve.
I'm definetly able to solve raven progression much faster now that i have some experience.
so either IQ is complete bull shit or i got smarter.
i went from 128 to regularly above 140
Because you learned the tricks and patterns to look for. IQ is bullshit in the sense that it's not something we can easily measure (only estimate). Of course it certainly is a fact that intelligence differs vastly across the population, and obviously between ethnic groups.
Bullshit tests are consist with each other. However there is variability even within the same test for individuals. The variability is just a few points though not like 1SD (15 points). Note thats 15 points near the average not the edges.
You are lying. That would put you in the top 0.3% of the population. Every faggot on here claims shit like that.
You can get moderately better at a given test. Nothing extreme. You probably took one of those shitty online versions that claims everyone is a genius.
I also doubt he took a legitimately administered IQ test, but stop and think, for a moment, about how many people 0.3% of the U.S. is. Nearly a million.
Between the U.S., Canada, and the EU (the places from which western imageboards probably draw most of their posters), 0.3% of the population is over 2,500,000 people. It's not outlandish to suggest that a couple dozen of those 2.5 million people have failed enough at life to post here.
Either way, it's kind of pointless to argue about on an anonymous imageboard.
Yep and the odds that hes one of them are real low
genetic engineering
Unless people in that group have a larger disposition to be on imageboards...
Have you seen the quality of this shit
That is the relation with Zig Forums?
High IQ people are generally better at programming.
learn a musical instrument >>>Zig Forums66771
Poo in the Loo.
Music does not increase IQ. Chess does not increase IQ. Learning another language does not increase IQ. There are sometimes short term effects on young children that disappear entirely even with continued practice.
no u
protip: this is actually a major part of IQ and the best way to turn IQ into genius
hmmmm let me see control-f "iq". First off this is not a paper just someones overview. Second cites a single thing about IQ and nothing else from mr uh "Schellenberg". His study was
So fairly small but not horrible
Okay so we have short term effects in children. Which I said exists.
I actually went and downloaded the paper on sci to read more
two music groups had increases of similar magnitude despite differ-
ences in teaching style ( p > .8). The two control groups also had
similar increases ( p > .7)
okay so there is actually almost no difference and this study is N 144.
Lets see what the p value is, this is usually a quick way to show something is bullshit. And the pvalue for the difference is less than 0.05. So... bullshit!
Good luck next time.
user if your IQ is 90 and you train your entire life you will never get 120.
Yes you can't become smarter than your genes just like you can't become stronger than your genes. Is that some kind of reason to never become as strong as you can be?
Improve your nutrition, reduce stress, get a proper sleep pattern.
Music training, besides improving WM, was also found to improve processing speed and reasoning ability.
Of course you can increase your IQ. IQ is a test score, reflecting both innate and learned abilities, including your skill at taking tests. Training on IQ tests can increase your score, although it's not very useful in general.
IQ correlates with a number of things you can't change, and it can be a useful measure. But keep in mind that it's a measure, not the territory.
Correlation is not causation. Notice that it only says music practice is associated with development of working memory.
Try the masterpiece
You will improve in no time
By the way another recommendation is
A specific test, and just a few points. You cannot train for IQ tests in general.
Actually things besides IQ are usually easier to change.
Yes user so is inches and miles per hour.
Strength training has massive clear gains. Training to increase your IQ never will (or a very minor amount that goes away in children).
*wrong poster
Okay lets seee....
low N but not horrible
mostly children. again ffs iq effects can occur in children but the effects are always lost even with extended training
okay so second half his n 64 which is horrible bullshit low. Lets see what the pvalues are
>p < 0.001
user ANY STUDY that has pvalues like this is bullshit. find a pvalue of .3 or something. this is stats 101.
IQ is 70% Environmental and 30% Genetic.
t Guy with 129 IQ
That's an educated guess, but it's not something that's quite sure yet, and thus little more than speculation.
Not true at all. Adoption twin studies indicate 70% genetic by adulthood. IQ only becomes more environmental when very malnourished. Its easy to destroy IQ, not raise it.
You can define IQ as almost purely genetic, remove all intellecual/cultural elements, and you still have a test designed by psychologists.
However I'm not even talking about that narrow definition I'm talking about actual IQ. The thing you can increase just as "easily" as strength.
Here's an example go practice vocabulary. You will actually become smarter.
Read a book on computers, after like a dozen you will be smarter than 90% of the industry.
If that is what this thread is about then lol just practice taking IQ tests it's as useful as playing videogames.
Except you cant because you could measure it. With strength you add on more pounds and see that the part goes up.
Knowledge is not intelligence
Just as the kilo is designed by physicists and the sprint by athletes.
It will only help trivially and only for that test
What does that mean?
Do you mean that 70% of the real-world IQ differences are caused by environment, and 30% by genetics?
In which population?
He probably read some shit study done on 8 year olds and concluded it was representative of the population.
By getting off this website and not going to >>>Zig Forums.
Too bad even the fellow in OP's image was just shown to be politically incorrect.
xd no they're not you retard.
What nonsense are you on about faggot.
"Why socialism?" doesn't sound like Zig Forums to me.
Why don't you pay attention to the news? Search, "Einstein racist" or "Einstein xenophobe". Furthermore, Zig Forums is a National socialist board, just not the pathetic kind leftypol champions in which the worthless are exulted at the expense of the successful.
Maybe you should read a fucking book and not listen to retards all the time. Preferably about Einstiens to understand that Nutsac ideology is incompatible with his politics.
Yeah you obiously can't measure an increase in IQ. That's unpossible.
lol sure thing
Einstein's 'xenophobic' travel logs, and his opinion on national socialism are two different issues. Are you really so retarded that you have to keep reiterating that, or are you just scrambling to have a quick retort (because you nothing useful to say).
Not the user you're arguing with, but you're wrong. A cringe analogy would be: Intelligence is the processor, and knowledge is the size of the data stored on a harddrive.
This is what 95 IQ looks like folks
Hi troll. Here's your fucking quotes.
It's obvious his politics is in no way even close to match your not socialist ideology.
Just did. Rather find the primary sources.
Why don't you pay attention to books?
Never said it was. I said he was "politically incorrect".
Sure, it's published in a Princeton journal.
I am an avid reader.
There you go:
Another book you'll never read. I also discovered where you went wrong, you misconstrued my pun that Einstein was "politically incorrect" (which he was) with the concept that it must mean he shared Zig Forums-ideology (because that's the full name of the board).
Einstein wasn't intelligent. Tesla and Newton were tho. Einstein was just a bigot thief. He was also jewish.
Thanks, sorry for the misunderstanding.
I'll read the first chapter. (because I don't have to pay for it.)
PC shit is for dumb liberals.
I've never understood why the Jews didn't choose von Neumann as the paragon of intellect. While also a Jew, he's one of the brightest minds we've seen in a century.
Also here's a funny account of von Neumann pestering Einstein. And he's also one of the rare geniuses who liked loud distractions, it's typical for such guys to want total silence.
Thanks for reminding me that Zig Forums is full of retards spreading misinformation.
You can increase your IQ by simply taking IQ tests, retard master.
Dunning-Kruger in action.
Yeah, the IQ test is flawed and doesn't show how smart or intelligent you are.
Proof is that you can easily score higher if you have the right knowledge. This doesn't mean you are smarter, just that the test is shit.
Your intelligence sounds dumb. Fast maybe, but dumb.
How much knowledge to reach the moon? How much knowledge to load CNN?
what the fuck do you think is in an IQ test geography questions? No fucko its pattern prediction, spatial rotation, etc.
A little bit, for that specific test, not in general.
If IQ is genetic then where is this IQ gene/genes?
If it is genetic then why is it not possible to empirically test it?
Why is all the tests done to try and to measure it is somehow wrong on it being due to eviroment?
Doesn't seem like this "IQ" thing exists and it is just a excuse to push for your own agendas.
That research is on going.
It is difficult to measure, not impossible. This remains true even if it were not genetic.
I have a hard time understanding your lowIQ ebonics, but the raven's progressive matrices approach was designed to eliminate cultural bias, if that's what you're even getting at.
This is a wishful thinking conclusion that you cannot deduce from your premises. Wouldn't it be strange if human beings were obviously different in all manners of physical aspects, yet somehow, intelligence was magically EXACTLY EQUAL amongst all people?
It's a decent analogy, because intelligence is both processing speed and processing ability. Some processors might be faster, but have fewer cores than others or less built in 'features'. Intelligence is the quality of the hardware involved, obviously it's quite hard to quantify unless you reduce the problem to specific tasks; that is even true when we attempt to benchmark processors. Some are going to be better at computation, while exhibiting lower geospatial comprehension than others. Perhaps the best benchmark we have is success in life?
Thats what an IQ test is
hurr durr what are twin studies
IQ denialism is retarded its literally the only thing that replicates in psychology
No IQ is a measurement of correlation between cross domain tasks. The entire point is that its GENERAL. The difference between patterns, spatial, language, etc are minor (measurable still though).
Turing thought like that. He had autism.
Is it possible for processors to be autistic? Or is it a hard drive error.
Your average person can vary as much as one standard deviation depending on the time of the day or how they are feeling. Retesting also kind of spoils the result. Some IQ test problems are also based on learned knowledge, and that would be measuring wisdom over raw intelligence comes to mind an exercise that was based on matrix multiplication; anyone that hasn't studied or even forgotten how it worked would have had a harder time identifying the solution. Also, IQ mostly measures quickness, and offers completely different results when the time limit for the test is removed.
As far as science goes, IQ testing is an insult to proper methodology.
Intelligence isn't magically equal, it's simply flexible and the limits are not hard wired to a maximum level. People seem to think that there is a maximum intelligence for each person.
How many more millions of dollars do we have to spend on educating niggers until you realize that is wrong? The extent to which an individual could improve even with neuroplasticity, is hardcoded by their DNA.
Just because you fail at it and get 80 doesn't make it invalid, it makes you retarded. It is arbitary and yes it doesn't answer to philosophical question of "what exactly is intelligence" that psychotic cat ladies in university gender studies like to throw around when confronted to justify their position as bigbrain in university and marxist claims that there are no differences between intelligences of genders and races.
Here's the thing: is IQ test produces results that have strong predictive power. It doesn't matter if you and your kind (cat ladies, feminists, niggers, jews, trannies, soyboys...) doesn't believe in that methodology or its definition of intelligence. It measures something and that something has predictive power. You can call it The Force if notion of being stupid drooling retard is so offensive to you. I don't care. Test doesn't care.
IQ results have no predictive power. It's an arbitrary score that has no meaning to real life.
How many more millions of dollars do we have to spend on educating niggers until you realize that is wrong? The extent to which an individual could improve even with neuroplasticity, is unrelated to their DNA.
Yes they do. I'm not going to spoonfeed you, although IQ 80 cretin like you understandably has great differences using search engines let alone reading research.
Literally neither of you is right.
Not usually, and not with repeated testing. Take say 3 tests and you will get a clear result.
Short term, for a specific test, with minor changes.
Then its a bad test and should be replaced by one of the many that dont
Yes user if you take an hour to add 2 numbers you are a retard
They are one of the single best predictors available
You know people actually measure as different heights throughout they day?
I guess height is an arbitrary social construct with no meaning.
Take PDE4A and PDE4B inhibitors. Things like Rolipram and Apremilast are generic PDE blockers and they might cause digestive issues and depression but anything for the next breakthrough.
Wait for CRISPR
This is correct, but you probably can't change g, but at this point anyone should realize it's irrelevant.
Learn and practice a real skill that is in demand instead of obsessing about meaningless abstractions that might be useful in a limit of N->infinity.
Barely. There is a result from studying and repeated testing but its not substantial. You will never ever get from -1 SD to +1 SD.
It's actually quite similar to IQ scores in real life situations. It's all about bragging rights, everyone lies about their score, and there are some benefits to it.
The fears and projections around both topics are ridiculous.
You can lie about a few points but no one will ever believe a -1 SD person is +1 SD just like you will never convince some you are 6 feet tall when you are 5 foot 6.
Did anyone ever claim that? Are you serious.
Yes, in real life the differences are quite clear, but on here we all have an IQ of 130.
Very few people actually take valid IQ tests, most figures you see come from some silly website and people deluding themselves.
That is the implicit claim everyone makes, that IQ is a wrong measurement because you can train for it. What they never ever say is adding the tag "a little bit".
At least with IQ there is some chance of figuring it out online compared to height.
I totally agree. The general public has no idea how IQ testing works, or the properties associated with IQ.
What a ridiculous assumption.
Wrong, this is what people think. That it's just like everything else. They think if you just go to college and have good teachers and have money that this will make you intelligent. But its not like strength training, its not like learning an instrument, etc. Almost person AFK thinks things like this on the left and the right.
So you think IQ is fixed and can't be increased? And you are arguing this point by claiming if it could be increased then it could be increased by any arbitrary amount oh and also
No, the researchers are correct :^)
Reading and practice.
Did you make this thread because you knew it'd vitiate into shit flinging? Good job OP.