CloverOS containment thread

gentoo stage3 + gentoo-hardened + libressl + X and fvwm + ~/.bash_profile + /etc/portage/make.conf + CFLAGS="-Ofast -mmmx -mssse3 -pipe -funroll-loops -flto=8 -floop-block -floop-interchange -floop-strip-mine -ftree-loop-distribution"

Attached: IMG_20180421_012710.jpg (2448x3264, 2.9M)

Other urls found in this thread:'

Best distro

Reminder that CloverOS is just Gentoo with backdoored binaries and RAT.

reminder that u can run the 2 scripts to build it urself

Reminder that I can install Gentoo myself, with kernel optimization and less gay flags.


Libre-tier camera quality OP

I've been trying to install gentoo myself but I can't figure out which options I'm supposed to enable in the kernel config to make it detect my hard drive and I can't use genkernel because the hard drive is only 14GB and the generic kernel is fucking huge i'm such a fucking brainlet brb kms

wget genkernel --kernel-config=config.amd64 all

I doubt Linux is any bigger than ~10MByte.

reminder that even using computers in the first place is gay as fuck.
use pen & paper and an abbacus you cia nigger.

Dictaded but not read.

This is how you know CloverOS fags have never installed Gentoo properly

By the time it's done compiling df reports that my hard drive has gone from 24% full to 97% full. Generic linux is unbelievably massive.

lol what

My genkernel kernel is 6 megabytes


Proof or gtfo, cia. See webm related.

You could just copy the kernel from installation iso and then try to configure it properly, once you have installed gentoo. Use hwinfo. Read the manual/docs.

genkernel is niggerlicious. It enables a lot of unneeded and unwanted options. On my machine, genkernel (even ~amd64) produces a kernel/initramfs that won't even boot. Configure and compile the kernel yourself; you just save a lot of effort and time in the long run. Use lspci and hwinfo. Read the specs.

Attached: Do You Have a Single Fact to Back That Up.webm (640x360, 87.17K)

Remove -mmmx -mssse3 and add -march=native when you run the script for yourself.

Just the absolute minimum kernel size is around 4MB and it isn't even necessarily bootable.

not trusting a random nigger who runs a binhost, that shit aint even audited

Linux is gay. When are we moving to MINIX? It IS the most popular OS on x86 Intel machines.

I understand the benefits of a microkernel, but why does it have to be *nix-like? I'm not going to say the L word, but I'd really like something different and novel.

You mean

But MINIX has software from 2015 (when they started migrating to NetBSD userland). Also, MINIX doesn't have native USB support anymore.

genkernel works on my machine

lol @ midget jesus necrobumping hsi own thread
go back to cuckchan faggot

Hey retard, those are the unstripped object files from the compiling. Of course they're a few GB in size.

my kernel source directory is 1.2 gigabytes.


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Why did all of's good music go away?

Why does the kernel you use not work with my shitbox? Debian works fine.

Nice autism, retard.

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How can CloverOS take itself seriously if it's not running musl, llvm/clang and the FreeBSD kernel by default?

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Maybe he wants to have working drivers and doesn't care about squeezing every ounce of performance from the network?

CloverOS is a christian distribution of GNU+Linux. Also, FreeBSD is made obsolete by OpenBSD and NetBSD. But MUSL is great (but some programs are stupid and they break) How is LLVM and Clang better than GCC?

Attached: How_to_Install_Gentoo.jpg (1275x1650, 436.95K)

Yeah it's used in ur microchips spying on you with NSA computer chip surveillance machines

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install funtoo

I wish I had that cool of a mullet.

How's the -ports switch going?

Fuck, -kits


Essentially the guy behind funtoo tried to improve portage and the way it handles repositories but instead what happened was nothing works so for months funtoo users have been without package management.

I'd like to know this as well

There was a part of the cloverOS website that included the files in the /etc/portage/ folder but I can't find it, does anybody have it?

Nevermind I'm a dumbfuck it's in their git repo now. Used to be on the website.

How do I link time optimize the kernel?
It seems to ignore make.conf CFLAGS and there's no custom-cflags option.
The kernel would benefit from it, it gets put into and out of the cpu cache often, so if you can increase performance and decrease size with link time optimization we're looking at a theoretical all around performance improvement for the entire OS.

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Can I use CloverOS's repo in gentoo ?
Wanna grab some prebuilt binary when I'm lazy

Any reason why it’s been a month since the gitgud repo got updated? Will it ever get another one?

Also, how easy is it to really convert this to actual gentoo with solving the shitsotrm of dependency conflicts with Perl?

Yet somehow you still didn't have enough decency not to post a completely unrelated image in hopes that it garners more attention to your post. And somehow I still don't have enough decency to not sage my tangential post.

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Funny enough, I've had the same problem and solved it, but you posted some bullshit attention whore hentai instead of good porn when porn wasn't even warranted.

emerge genkernel
ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~amd64" emerge =gentoo-sources-4.17.9
CFLAGS="-flto -pipe -march=native -O3" genkernel --kernel-config=config.amd64 all

Pretty decent review, all things considered. Doesn't go over the preinstalled packages since he's using openbox tbh I agree that FVWM is not the best choice but shows off exactly what is good about cloverOS: it's a quick and easy gentoo install that keeps things as vanilla as possible while giving good defaults. Only complaint is that he should have used menumaker to show off what's preinstalled, like xfe and wbar. However, in a distribution like this, the preinstalled applications are not the star off the show.

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Works on my machine(tm)

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neck urself trendy faggot>>934811
degenerate loli porn on desktop but not riced out?
do you even lurk?

is that seriously nigger weed?
do you enjoy being a soyboy cuck?
do you have a personality?

Huh. It's working now. I guess it just wasn't buffering correctly the other day

You better still write that blog post about der jude. I know you want to.

I tried to dual boot my Win10 with CloverOS, when I was supposed to choose my WM, I choosed OpenBox and it appearead "Error fetching binhost package info from '' after that appeared "there are no packages to satisfy "OpenBox" and after "Please connect to the Internet", also I installed it on a partition of my sda1, wich is sda3 and I no matter how many times I reboot the computer, it loads to CloverOS, I can't even choose, please help
If you're minding wich size is my CloverOS partition, it's 225Gb

Are you using a desktop on wire connection or a laptop with wireless?

A laptop with wireless

Tried to boot on my Thinkpad T43, got the error that the kernel isn't i686 compatible. I guess the .iso file is 64 bit only, anyone got a 32 bit image?

Packages updated
Kernel updated to 4.17.12
rtorrent-ps replaced with rtorrent

New ISO:

Attached: Dj3J1rZXsAAe0AR.png (1366x768, 242.7K)

Are there any benchmarks of CloverOS vs gentoo with -march=native and -O2?

did you fix the nvidia drivers script?

As far as booting, you'll need to run os-prober and update-grub as root. This should let the bootloader find Windows and add it to the list of possible options. As far as wifi, you'll need to use wpa_supplicant. I'm more of a fan of ceni myself, but i know there's a gui version shipped with CloverOS. So you have three choices: 1. Boot into fvwm (the default) and use the gui to connect to wifi, 2. Look up the terminal command for it, or 3. Use ethernet to get openbox and then use the gui or install something like ceni, which is ncurses but very straightforward and friendly.

or he could just execute wpa_gui

Is there anything wrong with

./ 4sudo emerge nvidia-driverssudo depmod "$kernelversion-gentoo"sudo eselect opengl set nvidiasudo eselect opencl set nvidiasudo sh -c 'echo -e "blacklist nouveau\nblacklist vga16fb\nblacklist rivafb\nblacklist nvidiafb\nblacklist rivatv" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf'

You updated to using a newer version of nvidia drivers
396.24 i think?
Well, the simple thing is that it doesn't work well with older generation nvidia cards.
Example would be my 750ti, if i was to run the script it would all install normally but upon restart i'd be stuck with a black screen.

I have test 390.67 drivers and they work fine, but i needed to do a lot of leg work to get them running, like getting dkms support so i can use the latest kernel.
I made a post in the end/tech/ thread about it.

typical cloveros user

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reminder that using pen & paper and an abbacus is literally gay, use a fucking aurora borealis wizard boy.

Nothing of value was lost.

new ISO, ~/.bash_profile has complete WM list now

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are nvidia drivers working yet?

unironically looks about 90 times better than the vast majority of pictures of imageboard-users that I've seen

"init freedom is the most important fight out of generation, if we lose this we lose everything" - Creator of CloverOS

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It's cloverOS actually good for everyday use?

Just use Void stupid faggots

gcc 8 update
Kernel updated to 4.17.18
Packages update

All packages rebuilt with gcc 8

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Are nvidia drivers working yet?

Have they not been working?

Source on image and character ?

clover only uses the latest drivers, anything legacy is a pain in the ass to get working.
Also, no dkms for some retarded reason.

I just plunged my external hdd and don't see shit, don't tell me I have to mount it manually every fucking time

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it works like gentoo does, and you can emerge dkms via overlay

for that you'd also need the kernel headers and that requires a complete recompilation of kernel-sources using genkernel.
Cloveros doesn't keep a local version of the kernel sources so it becomes a massive pain.

Also, the script that cloveros uses to change from binary to source based is terrible.
Good advice is to not use it at all and edit the make.conf manually, otherwise you'll find yourself not being able to use the binhost at all.

Have fun with all those overflow vulnerabilities.

1. are those flags safe?
2. is there a noticable performance difference on say an x220 or something

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Sorry to tell you, man, but it seems like you're at the very tip of the iceberg with this stuff. No, you won't have to mount it manually every time. I'm not sure on the specifics of CloverOS, but there are two likely issues.

1) Your drive is formatted in some Windows shit that CloverOS won't mount without drivers.

2) You need to write the drive into your fstab for it to automount.

How do you install Clover?

No USB boot or no no USB at all? If former, use Plop Boot Manager on floppy to workaround it. If latter, don't abuse such an old piece of hardware with Linux distros, install 386BSD or something.

You might have an easier time just editing your Fstab.

I think you can do it. Good luck :D

good idea. thanks user.

You probably have nigger IQ if you can't even read the ArchWiki


i don't think my x220 can get any faster

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nvidia drivers working yet?