Will the Internet be split into regional subnets?

tbh, it would actually be interesting to see, whether in real life or at least a sci-fi type theory. Here's some thoughts I have on this:

There's the recent laws in the EU, the China firewall/botnet, the constant fears of cyber warfare, and so on. These sorts of things definitely seem like they could lead to such subnet splits. Laws in different nations or groupings of nations could become different enough to fracture them off from each other.

The question is: how will this split actually look? what groupings of countries will be involved in each? I imagine there could emerge a black market or some under-the-radar way to smuggle media from one subnet to another, assuming there is no legal way for people in different ones to communicate.

Let's assume that there is though. If there is in fact some legal yet highly limited, regulated, and probably very proprietary way to communicate across the nets, what would that look like?

Going back to CPU architectures and hardware, perhaps a long-term split may even lead to all countries settling on different stuff. Like instead of having everyone using x86 chips from Intel or AMD, and maybe ARM if they have a mobile device, perhaps each subnet will have its own standard. If not an actual standard, then certainly a de-facto one. Entire hardware platforms that could be region-specific. We've already seen Russia making their own CPUs, and I think China has been planning on doing the same sort of thing.

How deep could we go? would one of them eventually develop a new networking protocol beyond TCP/IP? Could it be that each net would be speaking completely different protocols at some point?

A lot of this hangs on the time frame here. How long would the net be fractured? If it's not for terribly long, then most of this stuff probably wouldn't happen, or would be at a reduced severity. However, if it ends up that such a split persists for, say, a decade or more, things start looking more probable.

This is actually getting kinda exciting, even as just an autistic theory. Shit, you could even make some kinda roleplaying scenario based on this

Attached: fractured-world-1000x563.jpg (1000x563, 100.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It seems that the current USA centered globalism is shifting towards a multipolar globalism, with the formation of continental blocs. The "fight" in the deep state is a fight between these two visions; there is a part of the true US ruler that want to have the big part of the cake in the new world order, while the others accept to let the world be multipolar.
Now, regarding the formation of these continental blocs, that's exact same thing described in 1984.
So yes, I think that's what we're moving towards to: continental island, separated by an information wall. It's pretty much already the case, but you still can easely get your information from the exterior for a Zig Forums illiterate.
For Zig Forums user, it'll never be a problem, since it's easy to counter DPI (hiding your traffic behind SSL, wishing it's too complicated YET for the government to decrypt on the fly), especially if the state don't punish for that, like in China/Russia (yet, and obviously, if you're not an active political opponent).
Never forget that 1984, or Brave New World never were fiction, but political programs (Aldous Huxley family were globalists, Orwell part of I don't remember globalist group). The future is a mix of the two.

Attached: br.jpg (358x350, 47.2K)

so you're saying 1984 WAS an instruction manual?

Meme aside, that was definitively the vision of the future of some globalists at the time.

If EU Article 13 and 11 are passed, website owners will block users from the EU. It will be the reverse of China. Think of it like privatized censorship of the internet. The only sites that will be left in the EU will be the ones who can afford and have the technology to handle these insane rules, so Google, Facebook, etc. There will be no alt-tech in the EU very shortly. This will make the EU politicians have a very contained, easy way to manipulate the internet.

And 13 and 11 are going to pass, without a doubt. They're pretending this is for copyright, but the real goal is to silence any smaller sites from spreading opinions they can't control. Their goal is an internet just like China, where wrong opinions and things that endanger the ruling class are wiped off the internet. But they don't have the centralized power to make a "great firewall", so they're going to make it completely impossible for smaller websites to exist in the EU. The way this is written, someone who doesn't like an alt-tech or alt-media news site can just go to the comments section, post copyright material, report it, and get the site shut down. This is a liberal's dream tool to silence dissent with false flags.

EU is losing control right now, anti-immigrant sentiment is spiraling out of control, because Europeans can go online and see the truth. They will soon be able to go to these smaller sites, and go

Don't you find it suspicious that they make such a move to censor the EU's internet when Italy decides they dont' want any more refugees and they will ally with the other nationalist, anti-globalist blocks in the EU? This has nothing to do with copyright or intellectual property. It has everything to do with shutting down dissent of the EU, refugees, and other very unpopular EU policies.

Freedom of information is the greatest enemy of Globalists, they've wanted to shut down the internet's free flow of information for a long time. And given things like Trump, Salvini, Orban, etc, they are forced to play their hand. They originally planned on making the internet like Brave New World, saturated with so much time wasting, mundane bullshit that no one seeks anything important. But that takes time and is difficult. They are shifting to a 1984 method, a direct "shut it down" mode.

This will only escalate. It sets a precedent that the EU can control the content of the internet by making site owners responsible for the content on their site that other people post. So, their next step will be go to after comment sections by making sure that things like "hate speech" and "racism" are covered in a similar article.

I sure hope so.

right, so that cuts them off from the internet of the rest of the world, or at least most of it, as they systematically shut down the communications of the opposition to refugees.
Refugees continue to move in, and perhaps that forms one of the subnets, made up of parts of what was once Europe as well as the Middle East.

Not every website allows public comments though. So those don't need to block anything.

Living in europe, I think that I'll start to use some obfuscation of VPN going in USA... Godness. And people were crying about the state of 2017.

I'm astounded that the Jews think this is a good idea.

Attached: thread of prophecy.png (639x590, 384.42K)

I hate it, but even though you are obviously antisemite, it seems like now it is just too easy to believe that well.... you jew-hating-biggots were right all along.

A hopeful way of looking at the EU (((copyright))) destruction of Euro internet is, they wouldn't be pushing for this much control so fast if they weren't suffering defeats.

Certainly, but if they're doing it, knowing that the european union is gonna fall, is because they'll keep the laws for after. That was the same with laws being passed during world war 2, that was still in effect after the war.

They're fucking us through major events.

This is why we make a /surrender thread to see that we losing the fight against them. Its just obvious they won now.

It will defacto be split into subnets since there will be no tech to broadcast over oceans with the bandwidth or accuracy required.

By the time the tech exists it will be too late anyway. There will be 1 rich family left fighting 50 billion cyborgs, and whoever wins, who cares.

Finally one of tge few redpilled thread to see shit realistically. More people need to realize there is nothing to be done to stop this. All of Zig Forums is just beginning to realize their loss and is surrendering before they get vaporised by google gods.

Indeed, although I don't agree with a total surrender. I see this as a discussion of what the world's gonna look like several years into the future whether we like it or not, and a way of mentally preparing ourselves for that world should it finally come to that.

The moment furries can't share Sonic porn is the moment mass civil war errupts and everything goes back to normal.

Attached: 1433197807.bigdad_regime_rouge_3.jpg (574x965, 254.63K)

Fuckin degenerate not even posting tails, gtfo

Cucks just gonna calling us cianiggers for actually being realistic of the world. Just watch them be in denial as theyre hopes are crushed by truth.

this sentence makes me revolted and happy

The goal is absolutely not to surrender; history will be made, and we cannot do anything about it. What is important is to preserve ourselves from it. It's to know enough to be able to be free.

In a war, some people eat, even get rich, because they knew the war was coming, and acted accordingly. If you're just one of this "sheep" clueless about things, then yeah, you'll be eaten.
I think that they'll always be ways to make our way through. I hope I'm not too optimist about that. Because when they're gonna truly use all of their surveillance strength and start spreading repression, then maybe it's gonna be too hard. Just look at some third world country with police that simply go execute some people in the night with rudeimentary intelligence compared to modern countries. Just imagine them with one of the most powerful and monstrous surveillance system.

God, future is not gonna be happy.

Me fucking too. It's like were the last smart people on earth.

Future is as this thread described, no question. Sad that not many channers see the future like us do.

Are you drunk or just European?

Itt Based channers from all over world speak of realistic futures and not fucking jack off delusion that think they can fight back.

What is drunk is people who claim that there is a ways to fight back the splitting of internet. This thread is the last here that sees global things with realistic eye.

1v1 me on Tradewars2002 cunt let's actually make a difference in this world.

Some cuck probably gonna go 'well I just can vote my country out of eu XDDDDDD' But actual smart people see this don't work, cos theyll just be the same laws as EU.

Anyone spreading the "surrend" thing are just shills. You never surrender, even if you're under occupation, and you're force to live under their rules. At least in your head and at home.

Don't be demoralised.

Attached: 200-demoralised.jpg (288x325, 26.72K)

Oh look, this child is back here again.

Rejecting demoralization is how society got into this mess.

Wow, there is a shill in this thread.
That's rare on this board.

Until they literaly block connection to external continent, you can still find a way. If it's just poor blocking to block the mass, you'll still be able to work around with, as I said, VPN installed on an exterior VPS protected from DPI by SSL obfuscation.



This is the most retarded piece of text I've ever read. You seem to not know what is demoralisation, and a method of war.
Moreover, even if you're talking about normal demoralisation, what you're saying is retarded.

Free trade will always be thing, especially in a future where there is only one global cryptocurrency.
So they'll always be a global network.
It's just that the split will only be a phase, and a limited one.
The matter is to control information, not to block every information
exchange between countries. That's why Russia/China/Europe now don't block connection to Russia, but ban "russian shilling" in the west, and the opposite. They obviously use that mechanism to destroy political opponent, and new world order opponent.

Accelerationists are retarded, ignore them.

The 70s called they want their meme back.

Not entirely outside the realms of possibility.

The Internet is dead. Long live the internet.

They'll block coms between banks? Between companies that are incredibly spreaded?

Please, be real.

You don't know what you're talking about isn't it?

Demoralization is a wicked weapon. It's an unstable, oscillating motherfucker. Demoralization is how the middle east became the shit-show it is today.

Why is this board pol. Why am I a retard.

It's not a shit-show, it's a perfect win, then you know what is the primary goal of the war in middle east.
Protip: Without the wars, a certain country would have been destroyed in a matter of days. If the wars stop right now, it's just a matter of month.

Sure thing buddy you and your stoner fags figured out the masterplan and amazingly it's the exact same plan your stoner fag parents thought too. Wow what insight.

Your white affirmative action doesn't fill me with hope.

You're wrong all along. I'm no leftie, and things are very complicated.
The only people rejecting things like that are simply ignorant of the subject.

OP here. I have no idea what this thread is about at this point, but it's quite interesting to watch.


I think this will fail because history has shown that the book burners will always lose in the end. It might take years to win but victory is inevitable. The Gods hate stagnation and that is all the NWO is. The Gods are against these people.

You're entirely right. But god we're gonna suffer during the absolute dark times.

wenna da satire issa a priori al dente

Attached: aldente.jpg (506x337, 57.14K)

that would be a really good thing but the jews wont let that happen



Absolutely. The separation of the internet/the world hypothesized in the OP post would eventually end, as all things do. The question is, how long would it go on, assuming it happened?

The idea certainly does go against the whole jewish conspiracy theory thing, because I thought the whole point of that is that they want to bring the entire world together under one globalist CIAnigger rule or something like that. This would be the opposite: a separated, isolated world made so by legislation and political decisions.

who needs arguments when you have parentheses 3-deep. It works for the Lisp fag.


NWO was a plan. It died in Iran in the 70s.

Put your fagcode back on, cuteposter.

he'll get banned again.

I'm waiting for something similar to image where some countries get a completely different news report on what happened and the public gets manipulated similarly.

Attached: twonewspapers.jpg (1096x660, 179.61K)

Who owns copyright to a phone clip? The media doesn't show this footage. So hence it isn't any copyright of lets say Jamal flipping a trash container and smashing a window. What are they gonna copyright, his likeness? Fuck off. If this is their plan, then it's a really shitty plan. It's unenforceable. The only way to do it is whit a bot, and bots can be fooled.

If there's a split it's going to be 3 groups. Every country will probably join one of these 3: Europe/Comintern/USA.
Comintern as in countries that were part of the comintern or comintern aligned, not a revival of the movement.

Yeah that's the kinda stuff i'm talking about. Each fragment would end up getting a completely different view of events, with the truth being harder to piece together due to the lack of communication between them.

Will Oceania get split into the East or the West?

Interesting. That does leave out a few things. For example, what about places such as Japan or South Korea? I'm not an expert in japanese/korean politics, but they are certainly far from communist, and I can't see how or why they would become that either.


It's already happening though. See filter bubble. Youtube is a great exemple.

I think Blender getting banned on Jewtube will be the straw that breaks the camels back that will begin to pop the filter bubble.

it will propagate through the house of cards like a fish out of water

VPNs are explicitly illegal in Russia

Trump gutted Section 230 of the Communications Act because "think of the whore children", USA is already there.

Will forever be a meme unless the transaction scaleability problem is solved

Isn't that what HashMap has solved?

I can't find anything about this anywhere, sauce?

I swear that classic Apple symbol is always a sign of someone based who actually has knowledge of how things will forever work soon. Thank you for your service in actually redpilling the board population.

Don't bother, it's forever a meme just like we agree crypto is


If your opinion of apple fanboys has being serious then I'm envious of you. that seems like a fun mindset.

It doesn't matter if he's being serious or not. The vernacular he uses is what makes him stick out like a sore thumb and makes me think he's trying too hard to fit in.

I screwed the name, it is called this

Sites offering VPN services are blocked. VPN traffic is not blocked.

Attached: 1454704142749-0.gif (800x800, 49.8K)

No, fuck off. Worldwide collaboration would become nothing short of impossible. Also I hate the spic web. All they ever post is old, cringey, stolen or plagiarized, badly translated memes. Only good thing is the rampant amount of piracy because publishing kikes don't have as big a foothold here and haven't affected people's minds with their propaganda as much
Also it would be the software, media, and publishing industry kikes' wet dream: getting to gouge your eyes with geo-locked products and services as never before.
Fuck off again, I like my hardware and software to stay interoperable (though this could be greatly mitigated by free software and cross-compilation). The trend in spic countries is to offer "more affordable", stripped-down (read: SHIT) versions of products existing in 1st world regions (a la Windows Vista Home Basic and Windows 7 Starter).
And then there's happening, so fuck off.

do you have any friends irl?

I can only hope for that, maybe then EU would reconsider its decisions. It's like sometimes to make the government think twice you must make all the people in the country suffer.

The Internet is just a series of tubes.

Attached: bjk4ves7t0clszqzam5f.png (3518x1985, 513.01K)

I'd rather shitpost in a Mongolian animated picture cave than socialize with tech-illiterate kikebook and twatter-obsessed, kikeflix-watching drones.

Who wants to cringe?

Attached: oi-you-got-a-loicense-for-that-mate.webm (1280x720, 9.72M)

Look at what this filthy Oceanian is saying about us, Eurasians!

Yeah, us euros may be fucked over currently. But that pales in comparison to those mexicans in NA and SA being only 56% white and 44 percent fat.


If you're so free why don't you solve europe's problems, muttfag?

nope. we also have the freedom to not do that, sit back, and enjoy the butthurt

Soon enough yall gonna be 100% muslim

Holy fuck, this actually looks plausible, though I'll need to read more about it to be sure. That said, I'm really more interested in blockchain-type stuff as a means of holding secure and trustworthy elections electronically, or constructing darknet sites, than making deflationary "sound money" pyramid schemes, so a cultural shift among devs is hopefully the next step.

Sorry user, if internet access is walled off, the only option will be the meshnet meme. And after that, if normalfags become lag-tolerant enough for OnLive-style dumb mainframecloud terminals to be accepted, you won't even be able to buy anything outside devkit-licensed turnkey systems with a general-purpose CPU or local storage to hack anymore.

Attached: X874jGd.gif (320x215, 4.49M)

They just want to scare people in to doing it. They don't have the ability to make it impossible. But if they can punish 1% or less in a way that scares everyone else in to compliance, they'll have won. Much like how individuals, sometimes just kids, were sued millions of dollars over copyright infringement cases for p2p to the point that enough people just stopped altogether.

Not happening. We're already shutting down mosques.

Is it just me or all of the current cancer culture and politics originates from USA? SJWs, BLM, LGBT, antifa, 3rd wave feminism... Thanks to large US based tech companies, this shit tends to spread here and creates unnecessary problems. Things were a lot calmer before mass adoption of smartphones.

I'm not entirely sure. The Amercan left has always had this weird desire to be "just like europe" though. I'm sure the cancer is free-flowing at this point however.
And hopefully the EU next.

>postmodernist relativist anti-structuralist crit-theory sophistsphilosophers all originated in continental europe
Never really understood this either

It is in the nature of the white man to war with each other in any way shape and form imaginable. From the dust will arise new breeds of whites and the entire process will begin anew. Until there is only one.

Attached: I love Being white.jpg (390x533, 65.83K)

What's wrong with Muslims? They share all of your values, they just happen to interpret a Jewish religion in a slightly different way.

I don't like arabs. Would like em more if they were back to the oriental roots and never suffered inbreeding for 1400 years.

Attached: Niggers.jpg (460x355, 48.35K)

Multipolar is the vision of corporations that control thesr continental blocks. They used USA for last few decades to get to this point.