Tinder is making a petition to add IR couple to emoji

Tinder is making a petition to add IR couple to emoji. emoji.tinder.com/

Do you think that falls within the original spec and intention of unicode? I personally think that if they have gay couples and skin tone modifiers they should also have IR couples. But the best result would be keeping everything abstract. So each emoji would be genderless/raceless. Looking forward to hear your opinions.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-20_18-52-00.png (631x453, 43.5K)

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Tinder is for fags.

I wouldn't want to promote beasiality the same as I wouldn't want to promote pedophilia.
Additionally, having colors in your character set is gay.

yeah colors in fonts is really weird. I don't think it was a good decision at all to add this. it's too late now though. Even in programs that used to be originally plaintext only like IRC clients, terminals, you can these crazy full color mini graphics.. Weird.

At this point you might as well put jewish prayers and Guevara and antifa symbols into it. Emojis in general shouldn't be in unicode.

they have an ad-hoc rainbow flag, and there is also a kind of ad-hoc antifa emoji.

the rainbow flag will probably be accepted for real in unicode despite it being against policy. The antifa flag wont but they do this with combining characters and clients CAN implement this. Someone on Zig Forums a while back added a nazi flag based on combining the swastica with a flag actually. Anybody remember that?

fucking americans at it again

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u7.jpg (550x491, 18.61K)

of course it's black man on white women.

pathetic kikes

you heard me

it flips through random IR couples, I took the screenshot about 5 times until I got BM/WF cause thats my favorite

Tinder is made by a bunch of jews you idiot.
Hook-up culture, together with the whole sexual revolution, is an attack on traditional western family values.
It causes major issues such as single parenthood, a tendency towards low investment parenting and stifles upward mobility.

Exactly this. Tinder is for fags.

I think what people obsessed with emojis really want, whether or not they realize it, is a gaia-like thing that lets you make a little cartoon avatar of yourself. If you came right out with it, most people would think it's autistic and cringy. But it's pretty much what emojis are turning into.
Not saying it's good or bad, but I think that's what a lot of people desire deep down.

USA is basically Israel, all you "white" men have mutilated your penis to some jew cock, just fuck off you SJW originated nest of bullshit spreading like a disease

Applel is already doing this

Your country is a migrant camp though.

brutal comeback LOL

Absolutely disgusting.
It shouldn't be its own emoji, but a sequence like [person] + [skin color modifier] + [zwj] + [holding hands] + [zwj] + [person] + [skin color modifier], or to make it simpler, just allow the existing holding hands emojis to be modified by multiple skin color modifiers.

It's a slippery slope. Next they'll want interracial gay and lesbian couples, and then a codepoint for age differences, and then to represent all the different races. Fuck that shit. Just use zero-width-joiners and modifiers the way they're designed and leave implementation details on the font designers. This does not need a unique codepoint.

2 day ban on /g/ for making this thread: warosu.org/g/thread/S66429236
salt /g/ mods can't cope with actual technology discussions.

Can we please get rid of that bullshit altogether?
Having anything that isn't a letter / number / punctuation mark in whatever the hell script in Unicode is utter nonsense. I hate downloading shit from YouTube and then having hearts and planes and crap in the filename. Plus, most fonts don't even support half of that shit, so it's all boxes.
It gets really awful on cli, most usable monospace fonts have none of those symbols implemented.
What was wrong with just punctuation marks? Yea, chan faggots get triggered by that, but I'll take xD over the garish Unicode emojis any day.

Judge my wife's children not by their charset but by the content of their emoticon.

What kind of shit are you downloading? Most respectable videos on youtube don't put emojis in filenames.

Yes, but it's too late for that now. They can't roll it back.

That's probably what they want.

Of course it's a nigger ape paired with a "white" woman.

Weird way of spelling kike, ignorant faggot.

See , you can blame OP for that

Attached: accurate.jpg (1280x720, 47.4K)

I'd rather have interracial emoji than gay emoji. That said, emoji are a mistake in the first place, but they are a great way for the Unicode people to keep their jobs, so I don't see emoji going anywhere.

There actually need more than that.
What about midgets? Disabled? Tall? Obese?
All those combination should have their own codepage IMO.
Probably 0XFAA6 It'll be easier to filter afterward

Yes, everyone should be pointed, critical and dead inside like us. That's how humanity will prosper.

Attached: nofunallowed.jpg (1080x810, 587.79K)

That would be Grindr. Tinder was an attempt by fags to make an equivalent degeneracy hub for non-fags.

Unicode was poison to begin with. 8-bit ASCII or bust.

Attached: 8f6e3b32b0eb00778d011c1b4739acfcf43565ac1c288af03c8b028a382748f6.png (509x414, 154.01K)

This is actually preferable to supporting it. Boxes look better.


Kill your neighbor, Jack. Free yourself from the kikes! Until then you are all just amerikikes.

Attached: amerijews.png (595x587, 67.26K)

You know, being dead inside also helps with not giving a shit about humanity and its future

Most people speak more languages than English. How about Polish, Spanish, German, Finnish, etc.?

Romanization, bitch. They don't like it, they can make their own computers.

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low blow, imo


I was only being half-ironic.

Attached: bigbait.jpg (500x500, 18.18K)


Emoticon/emojiis were literally made yellow to avoid shit like this being an issue, and it still wasn't enough. That's really all I have to say, other than emoticons never should have been part of unicode to begin with.

One of the primary reasons for Unicode was precisely the fact that even 8-bit extensions to ASCII were an utter shitfest.

They should just make all males black and all women white tbh

And brown people will code it. It's perfect.

 -= ∧_∧
  -=≡ ( ´∀`)
    -=( つ┯つ
   -=≡/  / //
  -=≡(__)/ )
   -= (◎) ̄))



kys cuckchanner.

I support it simply because it triggers the Zig Forumscucks, who don't even stand a chance at Tinder anyway, and maximizes the keks for the rest of us.

No, that's Grindr.
Also "fags"? I would love you to say that out loud. I'd love you say to half the things you write out loud and actually see what the world thinks of you - you'd fit right in with those edgy pre-pubescent teens. Whether you're an adult or not - learn to act like one.

Just further proof that emoji was a mistake

As expected from a Polish tripfag. I find it odd that you constantly attack Zig Forumsacks in every post. You project so much you've mistaken your own flaws for those of the average white man on here.
The only way to fail at using Tinder is using tinder at all faggot. The only legitimate use would be checking to see if the current woman chasing you is signed up for it and telling her she's a slut and should fuck off to her face. The only people using that service are sluts and their cuck boyfriends. Not that you would know considering you haven't had pussy since pussy had you.

Leave faggot.

I say fag, nigger, and anything else I want constantly and I have no shortage of women wanting to jump in to bed with me and men wishing they could be me. Sounds like you have a personal problem. Most likely you're a Polish faggot too. You should also leave.

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Attached: loveislove.jpg (1080x1080, 48.18K)

This is so fucking critical.
They made them YELLOW. Like LEGO. No bias at all. They're humanoids, functioning humans successfully anthropomorphized them, everything was fine. This would never have been a fucking issue except SV striver faggots had to find a new way to turn themselves inside out over niggerdick and so stirred their melaninized pets into a frenzy demanding "representation" in smartphone hieroglyphs, when the status quo was defacto universal representation. Representation just meant explicit niggers.


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