Intel CEO Brian Krzanich resigns!
Other urls found in this thread:
They didn't kick him out after he oversaw the whole "every Intel CPU of the last decade has more holes than a sieve because we wanted an edge over the competition at any price" thing, but because he had consensual sex with a woman.
Have we finally reached peak CURRENT_YEAR?
wew lad
We both know that's not the real reason he was fired, but they don't want to hurt his employability by explicitly stating he's done a terrible job
No, every day I have been thinking it can't get crazier than this for the past 10 years only to be proven incorrect the next day.
Could be, but consensual sex with a woman is now considered good excuse for giving boot.
Did you expect us to go
? Goes good goyim, comes good goyim. Nothing will change.
user, you should know by now we don't live in a meritocracy.
Time for some big changes at Intel, if they want to maintain their edge they have to come up with better products than refreshes
How is this related to Zig Forums, besides the fact that it happens to happen at Intel?
Intelel BTFO!
This won't hurt their monopoly though. Hostile takeover by Qualcomm when?
Qualcomm is basically dead.
Oh look, resident commie kvetching and wanting to pretend nothing is happening. What a surprise.
There's an internal Intel policy that goes against romantic relationships, especially between managers and their subordinates. This is why the guy left. The policy itself is fairly conservative.
And it's still not fucking related to Zig Forums. Post in on Zig Forums where people can circlejerk and sperg out without lowering the quality of this board tbh.
That's rich coming from a tripfag. Bump.
Consensual sex involving a white male, maybe. If it is inline with the jews' white genocide thru immigration or racemixing it'll probably get you a gold star and a bonus.
Fuck off cuck SJW. Chans are a place for uncomfortable truths like what is being spitted here.
Stop sweating you agenda pushing motherfucker, resignation of world's largest chipmaker CEO is absolutely tech related.
If you're uncomfortable with people having sex and companies having internal policies, I suggest taking a break from /r/incels.
>agenda: what is to be done
Sure, it is literally impossible to disagree with you without having some sort of hidden agenda. Unlike Zig Forumsintelpro.
Takes on a whole new meaning.
What I like is how both sides are trying to coop this. CNN and others have put "consensual" in quotation marks as if to imply that it was really rape or something. And then there's this shit here.
Spotting agenda pushing is easy: agenda pushers seek to end any discussion that is not in line with single explanation promoted by agenda pusher. You should be permabanned for that tbh.
At my previous job, we had a large contract with AT&T to design and develop their U-Verse Online platform. We were a small-ish company, so this contract was about half of our entire revenue. At a company mixer, I met one of the corporate AT&T execs; kinda bumped into her as she was leaving the bathroom and told her to "watch where she was going" with a half-smile. She was so used to our people kissing her ass that this startled her and she asked our CEO to have me apologize. She was a thicc Latina, late 30's, about 5'4", really cute. We're all half drunk, and I blurt out "sorry about that, I just thought you were cute" and then I steal a glance at my CEO who raises his eyebrows. Her jaw dropped but there was clearly a smile behind it. As the night dragged on and we hopped bars, I was eventually invited to her hotel room. Funny thing was, she was sharing the hotel room with a "male friend" which made for an awkward evening of waiting for the dude to leave the room while we made out for a few seconds, and vice versa whenever I'd leave the room. She eventually fell asleep in his bed, not mine. I was asked not to share the story with anybody in our company. We hooked up a few times after that, she was a bit of a whore. It was exciting keeping the secret from our coworkers that I was boinking the client. Anyways...
Tripfags should leave and kill themselves
>mainframecloud peasants kvetch as they are forced to use substantially weaker "secure" processors or disable swathes of silicon in firmware
What is the downside to this, exactly?
There is no technology in this news. The purpose of this thread is to discuss the personal and business relationship of a couple of people who work at Intel. Technology is not the purpose of this thread.
Fuck off
Sure, just let me make a loli thread, and when anyone complains that it's not Zig Forums, I'll post impact font 2011 antisemitic memes and call for permabans of those who disagree with me... for agenda pushing.
Fuck off
Loli is SJW now
Something something, muh degeneracy, Christian values...
Communist intellectual, everyone!
Pretty much
Are you dumb?
It's only because she also works there.
I'm just waiting for nvidia to crash with no survivors now that AMD might finally acquire enough cash to counter all the proprietary GPU driver jewry in the coming year of the linux desktop.
You do realise that the AMD GPU's don't give you full access to the hardware functions over the PCI-e space right? You have to upload a firmware blob to the hardware on every boot to actually use the GPU. Nvidia GPU's before the GTX 800 series don't need this crap. AMD GPU's that are ancient don't need this backdooring crap. It's all fucking botnet now cause intel's GPU's after haswell also require firmware blobs to be uploaded by the kernel to even use the hardware which is botnet.
Nice trolling, faggot.
It all comes tumbling down tumbling down dumbling down~
And here's the real meat of the article, that is, we now learn of a usual suspect behind all these failures:
Nice meme, sir! You get my upvote!
ImATrackMan is a pretty cool guy.
This should have been a dance thread from the start.
Stop it, we get it, you're baiting and attempting to control discussion. It is Zig Forums and if you don't agree you're free to go back to reddit and cry about it over there. Any real Zig Forumsnician would welcome a thread about Zig Forums lolis and waifus just for the funposting.
You should leave before someone is forced to dox you and show the world what a 13 year old Polish faggot looks like.
This calls for another dance webm
This is probably the case. CEOs are rarely outed, unless they refuse to leave.
Also, who's the new tripfag?
It's multiple tripfags from some IRC circlejerk. They are all members of some secret club and require you to use a trip if you're going to be part of it. They post stale bait, tell people to go back to Zig Forums, talk about communism like it's a good thing and do other stupid shit along those lines. They're all Polish teenagers that have been shitting up the place for weeks now.
For some reason they're allowed to shit the place up but tripfags like cuteposter that actually contributed content from time to time were banned for driving every thread off topic. These tripfags do the same thing and no one gives a shit.
I take back my previous statement, mods are not faggots afterall.
praise kek emperor trump #DrainTheSwamp
le (((Intel))) kikez???? gas the jews fellow Social Nationalist
shadilay GOD EMPEROR TRUMP make anime real again LOL
ben """" kill kike """ garison will KILL the sjw libcuck Zig Forums astroturfer namefagt LOL COINTELPRO
shillary supporter much? pizzagate cuck commie bernie sanders better red than dead
MAGA kekistan will rise again
praise kek pepe lol shillary supporter much?
pol was right again, cuckold Zig Forumsnician namefag
ITS HAPPENING GOYIM hehe le hapy merchant
hello autismosis
Nope, but he was helpful in that he told me everything about your pathetic little club. Enjoy your ban faggot.
if he did, he'd knew we've got the BO under control and simply cant be banned
back 2 reddit MAGAcuck
Nice false flag faggot. If that's true how come your posts got deleted?
Yea I'm sure you did.
because i deleted them myself, faggot :^)
lets wait till the BO deletes the new ones (^:
safe space dindu kek Soros SJW whitey real diversity 👌🏻
(((Intel))) race realism trumpwave 👌🏻 kekistan jew media Soros deus vult
{CURRENT_YEAR} oy vey kekistan muh kek globalism white genocide Soros
real diversity remember the 6 gorillion oy vey 🥛 virtue signaling we wuz kangz n shieeet soyboy kekistan
white genocide Zig Forums kekistan Soros red pill goy our guy real diversity
real diversity safe space globalism nazism jew media goy {CURRENT_YEAR} soyboy
real diversity 👌🏻 (((Intel))) 🥛 lügenpresse western civilization normie virtue signaling
real diversity pepe remove kebab jewish question (((Intel))) cuck our guy race realism
gender studies race realism 🥛 real diversity maga 1488 cuckservative triggered
safe space goy red pill dindu kek gender studies triggered oy vey
{CURRENT_YEAR} real diversity special snowflake trumpwave jewish question edgy shoah white genocide
deus vult white genocide lügenpresse you will not replace us special snowflake jew media cuckservative edgy
race realism shlomo cuckservative virtue signaling remove kebab SJW maga white guilt
oy vey trumpwave jew deus vult mass immigration tiki torch goy Zig Forums
remove kebab our guy multiculturalism globalism mass immigration dindu triggered jew
jewish question our guy shekel tiki torch 👌🏻 you will not replace us race realism its okay to be white
edgy red pill diversity libcuck trumpwave lügenpresse cuck maga
kekistan trumpwave oy vey 🐸 gender studies fashwave real diversity dindu
cuckservative dindu its okay to be white special snowflake nazism soyboy shekel mass immigration
kekistan diversity our guy SJW nazism cuck happy merchant muh
also redditor newfag, learn to check board logs :^)
someone's got a pedophilic fetish
Keep shitting the board up. Either the BO does something about your kind of faggorty or you cause a exodus. Either way we all win and you lose.
Doesn't change the fact that you're a loser 12 year old from Poland. Is this the highlight of your day? Shit posting on Zig Forums? Hanging out on IRC with the "kool kidz"? What a sad life.
How does it feel knowing you'll never become a man?
better than being a libcuck LOL
So, now I'm a libcuck? I thought I was a Trump loving Zig Forumsack? :^)
Someone is really mad, I must be hitting a nerve.
Listen, kid, I know you came here in 2018, but that doesn't mean you have a right to post here.
You might not remember, but before the election this board was calm and the quality of posts was high. This obviously changed after the influx of redditors from r/TheDonald (which I presume you're a part of). Thing is kiddo, I'd rather this board be taken over by low-quality 2007-4/b/ type shitposts than literal stormcucks such as yourself. Either calm down with your "le kike" "le SJW" retardation, or go back to your containment board.
I didn't read the rest because I already know it's something along the lines of blah blah blah I'm a big Polish faggot.
back to reddit, election cuck
I thought I got here in 2018 though? How about Pic related? Is is kosher faggot? Nice body of work you've got there. I get you're an epic oldfag from 2015! I better watch out!
nice dox kiddo
I understand why you don't get much programming done. You're too busy playing games on your phone
nice dox kiddo
Also nice edgy screen name faggot.
"A zduhać (Cyrillic: здухаћ, pronounced [zdǔxaːtɕ]) and vetrovnjak (ветровњак, [ʋetrǒʋɲaːk]) in Serbian tradition, and a dragon man in Bulgarian, Macedonian and Serbian traditions, were men believed to have an inborn supernatural ability to protect their estate, village, or region against destructive weather conditions, such as storms, hail, or torrential rains. It was believed that the souls of these men could leave their bodies in sleep, to intercept and fight with demonic beings imagined as bringers of bad weather. Having defeated the demons and taken away the stormy clouds they brought, the protectors would return into their bodies and wake up tired."
Confirmed for:
Enjoy your ban.
nice dox kiddo
guaranteed replies/10
Ring/guy9000, stop being a homo. This isn't /b/, this is a technology board. Stop letting these Polish kids ruin the board.
If this is allowed we might as well let cuteposter come back. If this keeps on there won't be anyone effort posting here anymore within a week or so. I'm sorry I gave them attention but it was the only thing I knew to do to bring attention to it.
I ignored all of these trips until they were farming 10+ replies every day over various threads and I had to remove the filters to understand wtf was even going on.
Either remove these faggots or watch your entire user base leave. These are the only options.
I like how most women still don't understand they've turned themselves into radioactive waste in the workplace. My workplace won't even hire women, and it's staffed by stereotypical feminist looking HR women. Even the feminists understand that adding women to the workplace now is like shooting yourself in the foot.
Have a third option, the tripfags are actually an artificial intelligence as are the idiots unironically responding to it. Ignore all the robots and you will be fine, although even the A.I has some useful and yet subversive thigns to write sometimes. It would be better for the board to be dead and only humans remain then to have over 9000 unique /16 ranges and be spammed with nonsensical shit.
And my professor said he won't be alone in room with female student thanks to #metoo bullshit. Feminists claim only fighting for equality and say critics accusing them of fanning battle of sexes are bigots. Turns out critics were of course right, as any leftist entity is lying through their teeth to gain power like psychos they are, we know that from every leftist movement. Feminists can't back down, companies who know what's up proclaim all the support for politically correct causes with a smile while avoiding whole issue by simply not hiring women. It's a nice accidental mutex where entity seeking to reserve disproportionate resources is locked out together with its child processes.
That's what you get for consorting with a 3DPD. Serves him right.
Every web browser that supports JavaScript is literally a sandboxed VM.
Being a male professor today must be fucking terrible. Shrieking #metoo harpies everywhere looking for some way to accuse you of something so they can win victim points.
I started my LLC last year and I purposefully created a business plan around never having more than 14 total employees (12 actually so I have some buffer room) so that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act doesn't apply to my company. That means I can hire only men and never open myself up to any legal attacks.
You're probably one of those faggots who thought Five Guys' antics weren't gaming related either?
White and couldn't find anyone else to fuck like red necks who can't find anyone besides their mother, aunts and sisters.
Well if he was black, he couldn't have had an affair with a coworker. He'd be long-term unemployed.
There are ways to make a loli thread Zig Forums related. Be creative, faggot.
no thanks
that alone should be a gassable offence KURWA
Bumping this thread, good slide job guys but I'm going to bump all the Incel threads.
It didn't get slid the last 30 posts were tripfaggots and shitposting so they all got mass deleted.
I still see a bunch of garbage slide attempts.
just look at all the anime girls
I understand now you're just retarded
So what's next for old Brian? Torpedo executive trick at Qualcomm?
Weeks? Make that years. Kool Kids Klub/[k00l] faggots have been here since 2016 at least.
This is what happens when you listen and believe even once. GG Weinstien.
Rearranging the deck chairs I see. I hope they pick a vibrant Asian woman, SJW-class, not Su grade. Intel needs to kill itself and they're doing a bang up job so far.
people are being paid to ruin the chans, they fear the free flow of information
Intel should choose a sassy black woman as CEO to show that they are more diverse than the Asian female in charge of AMD.
Praise Kek! With these repeating digits Intel enters into ever-escalating leftist purity spiraling it will never recover from!
Praise kek indeed, fellow kekistani.
Libtards BTFO!
Go on, tell more. Who's gonna take the ARM market by storm?