Anyone know of software that I could use to make one of these, but easy to edit?
Anyone know of software that I could use to make one of these, but easy to edit?
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A shitty TV show?
Premiere and After Effects.
I think he means the thing on the wall, with all the little lines between documents and pictures showing relationships
Yes sir, that
I know, I was just pulling your leg
The only similar thing that was taught to me was Microshit Visio and I hated it so much I never looked back at that sort of program.
In this case pen and paper is far superior to software.
Mind mapping?
anyone know any pieces of software that i can write easily and sell for lots of money that havent been made before?
It depends on the sort of idiots you find
If it's easy, it has been done before.
i was thinking some pajeet game for android and lock content behind like a $1 paywall
Then good luck.
I have seen retarded as fuck games explode in the market with code that could be easily run interpreted in a TI 82.
Mind Mapping software is good, but for most things, you're better off throwing together a personal wiki using something like WikidPad, Zim, or Cherrytree (none of which require a webserver). For most applications, you care more about the information in individual items than about all of their relationships. If the relationship is really the important part, I'd personally use graphviz or something, but it depends whether you prefer to work in a WYSIWYG environment or with markup.
There is nothing wrong with Java. It's as fast as C++, has great libraries and great object-oriented facilities. On top of that it runs everywhere, thanks to JVM.
t. nodev suckless fag
You mean on all platforms that a JVM runs on.
t. lard/pol/
Depends on what you're mapping out, maltego is pretty fun