This just in: Jews take on debate against machine and lose. We should now all allow our decisions to be made by machines.
This just in: Jews take on debate against machine and lose. We should now all allow our decisions to be made by machines.
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Great idea
The machine just copies the arguments from other books and shit.
It doesn't really seem to reason, but they didn't show enough footage of it. In the vid itself, it really uses appeals to its own authority a lot. And with the pretty-looking sci-fi circles, with the additional presentation where they just tell the audience the computer is really smart, and the hired debaters that aren't paid to win, it makes sense that the audience would be impressed.
Is a full vid of the debate somewhere? Maybe that'd give us some useful info on how it thinks and reasons and responds.
Is it just a collection of phrases that really make you think?
That's literally what humans do.
Not as literally. The computer seems to be more limited in what it can do with the copied information.
But we don't know for certain because the vid only showed us vague theoretical explanation of how it's supposed to work and the computer using rhetorics that have to have been programmed in. That or it knows itself.
You also could say that of humans, especially lefties. They repeat whatever MSM tells them without speck of doubt which would indicate capability to reason. The farther left you go the less they seem to have ability to reason, with commies at 0% ability. They repeat the same old talking points from 100 years ago while 100% ignoring that any of the many different attempts at socialism (with over half the globe duped/forced into its grip at worst point) never delivered what it promised, not even close. In that sense I am tempted to say that machine has stronger human reasoning capabilities than a leftist.
Don't worry. There are checks in the system to ensure it only thinks right thoughts.
More like project debate actors
We can of course memorize part of books but we generally have different interpretations thanks to our different experiences of life whereas a computer like this won't have a different one from the books.
Why the hell do you shoehorn politics in this so suddenly?
Your argument is riddled with assumptions and generalizations. I dare say, the machine is better at arguing than you are.
Show me a nice somewhat-neutral way to test people's ability to reason, and then we'll try it on all the political boards.
Just to see what happens.
Then, you can legitimately say anything about those people.
Plus, we add those parts we learn from books to our experiences of life, whereas the computer probably can't cross-examine all that data as easily and naturally as we do.
Looks like a different 3 dot design of the court room juror robots from GITS:SAC. It's not specified if they're AI that interprets the law or telepresence robots which are already in use in most of the western world.
Thinking isn't involved in competitive debating
They just spew out pre-memorized spiels at very high speeds, those 'uhs' are type of breath control. A machine winning at this sort of sport isn't surprising in the least as it's not involved in a formal conversation most people associate with debating. That win at Jeopardy! was much more impressive than this.
Wow american debate is even worse than I expected...
But yeah the structured debate format is the worst there is for decisionmaking. It's all about convincing the audience, instead of discussing towards some kind of truth.
This. Most actually intelligent professionals avoid formal debates if possible.
Actually humans who have selected their preferred political leaning as Truth (always people on the left flagging for liberalism/socialism, which is why they are so confused of inherently unideological populism that simply points at thing X and says nope it doesn't work) interpret their experiences via that religious conviction. All that oppression rhetoric reflects this: nigger woman who didn't get hired (experience) says it was because systemic racism and sexism (interpretion via religion), not because she was unqualified.
AI (((lawyer))) that talks to lawyers in the courtroom through a hidden earpiece for $uitable $ubscription fee package$$$$.
Kinda agree with it. Humans are fucking retarded at managing the society.
Everyone interprets their experience through the lens of their own ideology, this is not exclusive to the left.
Read Zizek
Yeah Zizek is so enlightening
not an argument
I can't wait until the machines to start issuing kill commands.
One thing I have to give to him, is that in his opinion Soros deserves a bullet.
It's called standing on the shoulders of giants. When people develop their own oh-so-original-and-independent "values" and "theories", what comes of it is guaranteed to be absolute garbage.
Read Zizek, but also read Plato, Cicero, Descartes or Kant.
Zizek is an annoying cunt who doesn't understand that economics isn't a zero sum game. Yeah, 12 hour shifts in Chinese factory are shitty, but they're less shitty than working 14 hours a day in poor as fuck rural China.
Those extra 2 hours. Wow.
No argument needed.
Guys? I think the AI is here and it's trying to defend itself.
Every leftist is like that. If they understood things, they would not be leftists. In fact, the more "leftist intellectual" status you have, the dumber you are I've observed.
I challenge anyone to build a machine capable of understanding defeating these skilled debaters.
Yeah. That's your whole argument. Either working in factory for 12 hours versus working in in the rural area for 14 hours. Not much difference. I don't think you've done any of those, work in a factory, work in a rural environment, or work for 12+ hours in a day, so you can't claim you know first hand about the experience, and you can't really point to being paid $1 a day for factory work is better than working and feeding one's self by one's own sweat and labor. Whatever.
When did I talk anything about capitalism?
Can I hire you as senior software engineer but your work is actually shoveling grovel for 14 hours a day instead of comfy office job 8 hours a day? Not much difference.
You aren't comparing factory work with rural work. Your attempted relation is illogical as they neither provide any kind of similar environment or effort on the laborers' part. And you are still not understanding how the difference is with time for labor. That's very important when someone sells their labor to an employer. Why would I take any job that is 8 hours when I can take one that is 4 or 1?
You assume factory work is less tedious and less demanding than rural work, but you've no proof, so your assumptions are irrelevant in any of their parts. The only thing that matters is the 2 hour time difference. Why would someone care about earning $1 a day working when they can feed themselves for a few weeks from their work? Why don't you try relating how $1 a day working in a factory in China can pay for the amount it takes to feed someone with nutritious food (none of this gutter oil, cement wallnuts, plastic eggs nonsense).
Are you implying that growing your own "nutritious" food is easier than factory work? Or that you have more time off?
We need a Butlerian Jihad.
Zizek does, you imbecile. All the time. You really should read an author before recomending him.
Yeah, I'm sure they started committing less suicides just to mess with the stats.
>The most recent government data provides statistics more inline with external estimations. According to a 2011 Centre for Disease Control and Prevention report, China's suicide rate is 22.23 people out of every 100,000.[7] This rate places the country among the countries with the highest suicide per capita in the world. For 2009–2011, 44% of all suicides occurred among those aged 65 or above and 79% among rural residents.[8] However, a 2014 study conducted by the Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention at the University of Hong Kong reported that China's suicide rate has dropped significantly, among the lowest levels [9] in the world. An average annual rate of about 9.8 people out of every 100,000 died by suicide as of 2009 to 2011, a 58% drop, largely as a result of population migration from rural areas and urbanization of middle class. Paul Yip, a co-author of the recent study and professor at the University of Hong Kong, said "no country has ever achieved such a rapid decline in suicides".[10]
Fuck, that was meant to be bold, not spoilered. Oh well...
From what I read it can only engage in very specific topics of debate. That indicates it was mostly trained to convert natural language into appropriate queries, pool relevant/provided data together and translate it back as a natural language response. In terms of applications, at best it would function as an automated propagandist which could be integrated into search engines and digital assistants in the future.
You stupid commie say there is "not much difference" between 14h this 12h that just in order to push your incredibly stupid narrative, so why you assume there is any real difference between shoveling grovel for 14 hours nonstop and 8 hour office job? Can you prove they are different? I don't think you've done any of those, so you can't claim you know first hand about the experience.
Libtards totally owned! Praise kek!
You're confusing rote learning with meaningful/associative learning.
A "machine debator" isn't really that impressive when most online content is generated according to standardized formats and sticks with the same core terms and phrases. Fact is the level of discourse has fallen so hard, making a machine autogenerate headlines (and debate them) is probably going to give better answers than humans looking to fill in a clickbait wordathon spreadsheet.
That said it's notable that IBM did it by voice and not by text, a clear PR stunt so normies can just watch it and the answers can be less accurate/coherent than if they were submitted as text. Just look at Trump's nonsensical responses to questions, building a machine that can debate like a TV pundit or star is not difficult. Building a machine that can debate topics in a serious, coherent manner is not.
How is knowledge created, if all we can do is repeat?
We learn also by combining knowledge together.
No facts ever stand on themselves. They are always framed in a specific context. And we always interpret them taking our previously learned ideas into account.
And through this, the smart ones are also able to interpret the same things through different ideological frameworks.
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain an idea without accepting it" t. Aristotle
But knowledge is not created.
Are you a christian?
Quite the contrary, I am a materialist, and a monist. To think knowledge is created implies that our mind creates anything, but what we really do is to interpret what already exist. The laws of physics were not invented, they have always existed.
Sure, but I mean knowledge to be the interpreted data.
The laws of physics are only currently an idea in our mind, a hypothesis, which we accept as sufficiently explaining reality to be "real".
But in the end, ideas still only remain ideas. We believe them to be true, but we can only say for certain that we think them to be true. The idea cannot be thought of as equating reality, only as our changable, mutable interpretation of reality.
The knowledge, the ideas, are derived from perception, but are ultimately formed in our mind. Without our pattern-recognition, where the "pattern" can't be said to be an inherent property of reality, is a creation, an induction.
Also, stop namefagging you fucking attentionwhore
What skill do you expect them to do? and get paid high if they don't have the skillz?
A person's worth is measured from their ability.
Maybe they're tricked to be physically or mentally poor by the capitali$t system to do dangerous jobs (though I don't support such thing).
I mean chinks could go somewhere else and live easier (like on Philippines or other South Asian country). It all boils down to "lurk moar".
YES! This will be another Tay! The Debator will #GasTheKikes and #DrainTheSwamp. He will create the RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADS! Praise Kek!
2 extra hours per day are 12 extra hours a week, and since we're talking about farming where weekends are the day you stop working to go to church to keep working the land afterwards, so make that 14 extra hours a week.
multiply it by 4 and you get 56 extra hours per month, 2 hours more of work a day are not nothing, you moron.
Peasants didn't work 14 hours a day, though. First of all, because there's 12 hours of light a day on average.
The average working day length in the 16th century was 10 hours. It was only with the rise of Capitalism and industry that the working day length went up to 14 or 16 hours a day. Big bad meanie commie cuck (((unions))) eventually managed to reduced it to 8 hours, but it took a century of syndicalist struggle.
Well said, fellow kekistani!
Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
That user was just projecting.
I really hope that meme is supposed to be ironic because that's some grade A autism right there
So why did peasants willingly move from blissful clean countryside of 10h days eating healthy organic produce to evil 16h capitalist exploitation houses? Commies like you are sick in head in that you have no problems pathologically lying and omit everything not fitting it. Let's hear this part of your fairytale. Go on.
It doesn't need to be intelligent. It just needs to bring up counter-arguments to the point being made. It's useful because it doesn't suffer from being stuck in an information bubble (as long as you don't purposely keep it there anyway) so it's always able to present criticisms to your ideas that you would otherwise miss and not take into account when making decisions.
user it takes less than a minute to download the video and post it
So every edgy right winger online is a chatbot?. No surprise there.
Maybe your autistic ass does.
The creator of IBM visited Hitler and provided him a punch-card system to catalog kikes. IBM is the white man's computer.
Every tech company is tied to the ZOG now
They didn't have much of a choice, it's called the Enclosure of the Commons
We're doomed! DOOMED!
Wow, burger intellectualism sqaud arrived. I hate myself and summer.
winning the argument has always been most of all about presentation. machine will lose always every time to niggers
IBM has more Indian employees than American. It is not the white man's computer it is the poo compooter. they should rename IBM to IBS.
I don't believe this shit for a flat second. IBM is king of retarded vaporware hype, and on top of that I guarantee you any of us would break their system in ten seconds by shitposting at it.
Hmm, who could've seen this coming
Reminder that America was pro German before the ZOGs won the propaganda war.
But can it prove the holocaust happened?