Putin calls to block VPN access from Russia, TOR also affected

Not so long ago, Russian President instructed to develop a new law aimed at combating VPN and all sorts of CGI proxies, which allow to get to the forbidden resources. And, 8 June, the State Duma was introduced corresponding project on the basis of which should be followed by the mass bans VPN and use other ways to bypass the blocking of banned sites. However, there are a number of questions to which answers need to know each active user to the Internet.

How this will work

is very simple. The law provides for a ban on the VPN-services, etc. resources to allow access to sites banned in Russia any Russian user. If they do not fulfill this requirement, their IP-addresses will be blocked. That's all.


The most popular browser that is used to circumvent the ban, also falls within the scope of the law. If it is not met requirements imposed by law, its servers very quickly block and use it no longer be possible.

Search Engines

on the search engines will also be under pressure. They will be obliged to exclude from the search results sites banned in Russia. It is likely to be adopted as another law prohibiting the search engines to give all any reference to the words "free" and other pronouncements. For non-compliance - a fine of up to 0.7 million rubles.

Work VPN

Many companies in the offices set your VPN. Worry it is not necessary, because the access to their networks are only employees, which is why an exception would be made for them, as it says in the new bill. At least for now it is.

This is the end?

Bypass the lock will still be possible. Simply, it becomes even more difficult. Generally, it is possible that the project is modified or new release in the near future, and then to circumvent the prohibitions will not be the slightest chance. But in the form in which the project is presented now, it leaves a small loophole. For example, you can connect to a permitted VPN, pass themselves off as a Dutchman, and from there connect to another VPN and get to forbidden site to the second service user thought the Dutchman and gave access to the site.

This project will take exactly?

Yes. Besides there are 4 simple reasons:

1. It is quite sophisticated.

2. It is supported by almost all the deputies.

3. Roskomnadzor long time asks for a similar law.

4. The order to develop this project is given by the president.

Source: l62y7ilqoioymugj.onion/zapret-vpn.-kak-eto-budet-rabotat.html

Other urls found in this thread:










What are these banned sites?

This internet is getting split up. How many times does this need to be said? You will be paying licenses to access Russian sites or Chinese or Japanese or German or anywhere else if you don't live in the block.

Honestly, I'd pay good money for a smaller internet that didn't contain the retards who joined in 2007.

That's not what is going to happen. You will be subjugated to the big companies, and if you want to access somewhere like here, you will either pay huge bucks (like millions of dollars for a license) or they will have to pay big bucks.

The future won't get rid of them, but it will get rid of the ones outside of your country/collective of countries.

Oh I know, I just want a global 'pirate internet' full of all the higher IQ wrong thinkers. Anything but the bland, sterile, corporate and heavily policed internet we're being corralled into.

You don't get it. You won't have access to any "pirate internet" because encryption and other methods will be illegal and in some countries it might mean a death sentence. Good luck on that.

You cannot stop the signal user, I refuse your black pill.

Signal? You mean radio? Good luck with that. You don't think that they can't afford a gestapo type effort to pick up every signal, jam it, and track it to the source?

It's a saying, you fucking autist

You admit that you have nothing when the laws go into effect and end the internet for what it was once and for all.

I agree with Putin. The Jews have filled the internet with cultural poison and they need to block the poison from pouring into the minds of their people. Otherwise they'll all turn into #proud faggots on HRT like is happening in the west and die out.

First, i'm not him. Proof that we need ids or for tripfagging to be allowed.
Second, how about a meshnet? I know there's been projects to do that for a while, but I mean, there's nothing really stopping two or more individuals from picking up ethernet cables and connecting their shit together. And banning "encryption" wouldn't be accepted by businesses. The OP post does mention an allowance for them, but remember that encryption such as HTTPS is important for the customer-to-business connection, when it comes to purchasing things online and sending credentials. Either these laws are gonna have to be really fucking specific, or businesses are gonna start pulling out of countries that ban encryption outright.

Enough of this "the world is going to shit and there's nothing anyone can do about it other than curl up and die" blackpill stuff. It's not gonna be a "the entire world is North Korea all of a sudden" situation. What I think is really gonna happen is what was theorized in the OP post of this thread , an isolation of various parts of the world. A situation where people in the EU can't talk to people in the US anymore. People in either of those places won't be able to talk to those in China or Russia, etc. They may have differing levels of freedom within their own lands, with some being more controlling and locked down, and others being more accepting of free speech and expression within the confines of their own barriers, but the ultimate point is that the laws in different places will become incompatible. The way copyright will work in the EU, from my understanding, is that businesses will be liable for any "copyright infringement" that happens on their platforms, and that could end up being enforced quite strictly. With that in mind, foreign companies may just decide "fuck it" and pull out. All we'd need is some world war to happen or major conflicts between parts of the world, and they could easily end up isolating themselves away from each other.

You know the people most vocally against gays end up being the ones found out to be doing the gayest shit at the same time. I'm not implying anything... but yeah I totally am.

I have a wife and I'm 'working' on kids. I"m pretty sure you will go through life with neither and leave behind nothing. But at least no one will call you homophobic.


Hopefully Trump will institute something similar after his summit with Putin.

Got nothing to hide? Then you've got nothing to fear. With the exception of legitimate corporate uses (like the ones permitted by the Russian law), VPNs and Tor are used exclusively by criminals and perverts.

I can't even imagine the faggots enjoy the retarded PRIDE-[everything] faggotry that pervades much of the corporate west. It evolved from being mere Jew poison to a commercial vehicle for shaping out a new market from a debased group of GRIDS ridden individuals.
Pro tip: Most westerners don't really care about homos, but they don't want to see it in public. Almost everyone is truly sick of the PRIDE crap, but are too content to rock the boat in going against it, so they convince themselves they're a fag ally or just ignore it altogether.

He (PBUH) would not approve.

Attached: Stallman.png (450x338, 197.14K)

You really ought to take a sex ed class.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a guy who feasts on his feet would chow down on crusty vag boogers from a found pair of panties.

Do not talk shit about my husbando. I'll get my nigger here to beat you up.

Attached: Picking up the cotton _fabb2f17b6242ada926629a6bbd9683b[1].jpg (277x298, 19.49K)

The jew loves the nigger.

Tons of homos got out of the closet after having 3 kids.

TL;DR because OP is a tornigger:


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finally, get those crossposters off my webm threads

Wee-Woo Actual Russian-speaking/reading person here
The article author is out of touch with reality and has no publication date, so it is unclear whether it was written before May or after.
What is present as of today:
= ISPs have to store all traffic for 30 calendar days.
= Websites, ISPs, datacenters of any company providing services in Russia or for Russian citizens have to store user-uploaded data within Russian borders for 6 months (cited as "electronic messages") for all de-facto russian originating IPs and citizens authenticated via ID (internal passport or mobile phone number).
= Voice records are considered electronic messages and should be stored for 6 months.
= Metadata is stored as long as servers can, probably "electronic messages" are to be considered as metadata too.
= First batch of law projects proposed to store all data for 3 years. Not even NSA can afford this kind of disk space, it was diverted to storing all data for 30 days and messages for 6 months as stated above. Although, it is commonly known that Vkontakte, a FSB-tied (webcitation.org/6Bs5Y8Y5I archive.fo/AhjQf) social network stores uploaded photos indefinitely, even if they are "deleted" by user because of possible data fragmentation problems if those files are erased. The files themselves are still accessible over direct links today. Also, there's funny thing with GDPR. As a EU citizen you may request your data via GDPR law from them, and get a simple text file consisting of all your sent messages (even "deleted"), direct links to files, wall posts. Which is no big news for fellow Zig Forums posters. Even Zig Forums datamines it's users.
Source, some belarussss studying in Poland:

Any circumvention or "anonymization" technology providers and servers must implement government-provided IP/domain blacklists.
If it's an intranet VPN, then nothing to worry about since users don't access Internet.
VPN providers have to either comply to law and implement blacklists or be fined and blocked.
If you're an individual running a public circumvention service for others, or giving information on how to circumvent blocks you will be fined and asked to implement blacklist, otherwise be blocked yourself.
Search engines, websites and their owners: if they show or post information on how to circumvent blocks or provide links to circumventing techniques for Russian audiences, they will be fined or blocked too unless they remove this information.
It is unclear whether people who run their own private circumvention tools like VPN server or shadowsocks on abroad servers will be put on list and then fined.
You may work for international company and use their VPN to access Internet without worries of having block lists.
About Tor: people are probably on the list for using it, although not all ISPs are blocking entry nodes yet, and DPI/shaping is pretty basic, so obfuscated bridges work.
TL;DR: you won't be put to gulag for circumventing Internet blockings as a user yet. Don't host a Tor exit node from home and you will be fine.
Source: I actually read laws.
ОП - хуй, говно с какой-то помойки притащил бггг. Ёбаный реддит спейсинг блядь.

Wouldn't the exit node be filtered by the ISP filter anyway?

Not really, I just visited Kremlin website with Tor and didn't even get 403 or captcha. Countrywide IP blocklists are one-way only, certain sites might block Tor on individual basis, there's an explanation of how it works in GoodbyeDPI's documentation. When a computer within network of Russian ISP with installed DPI hardware requests a blocked address or domain name, the DPI box immediately sends spoofed answer. To circumvent this, you have to drop the first packet and accept the second one which originates from real DNS server, dead ass simple, and they spent something like 2 million dollars on developing this system.
It is different for chinese firewall however, which usually drops connection originating from exit nodes without even allowing to reach a web server, however, chinese sites I frequent, load after few tries.

Those who wish to trade liberty for false sense of security deserve neither

alright, but don't flash your wee-wee in public next time, mate.

Ты понимаешь, что все наши законы работают либо против народа либо не работают вообще (впрочем как и в любой уважающей себя падшей империи). Когда надо на тебя всякого навесят и траффик твой просмотрят, и а что это за "юзер"-данные с рекламным баннером девушки сомнительной возрастной категории (скажем ей 17 лет 11 месяцев и 23 дня) - все в тюрьму, быстро главным петухом поставят. Надеюсь ты не забыл тот раз, когда какого-то лифтового инженера посадили за то что "наговаривал на уважаемую лифтовую компанию клевету, но из-за не его вины упал лифт, но виноват он" (на зассаном теперь пикабу кукарели и успакоились, ведь детки не пострадали). А тот раз, когда одна дама насмерть ребенка задавила посреди двора, а оказалось, что это 5-летний малыш был мертевецки пьян!
Ну нихуя себе, это должно было быть ясно всем мудакамгопникам еще в "верните мне моем" 2007 году, когда его траффик уже превышал терабайты в месяц, а у многих и в-мкадышей безлимитного тырнета не было, а какой был летал на скоростях ниже 1 Мбита в секунду. Ясен хер что такие мощности серверов, такой объем траффика, такая ширина канала, такие сверх-точные данные о школах и вузах говорили о явных связях с ФСБ (а ведь одноквасники на тот момент имели по 5-10 одинаковых школ созданных "не нашедшими свою" пользователями).

Да ты, блядь, видимо, эру локалок не застал, когда чтоб поиграть не локальном сервере контры приходилось платить ежемясочно отчисления, чтоб в вайтлист твой айпи прописали. Залочат, да еще и как!
Ты сечешь, что крупные игроки как и крупные телеканалы могут себе позволить платить лимон штрафа в месяц, а подсадные казачки быстро убьют перевыполнят план по количеству найденных сайтов с "детской порнографией"/"экстремистскими материалами"/"националистическими взглядами"/"пользовательской шифрацией".
ключевое слово!
А ты думаешь, что раз не вызывали, то дело не шьется? Характеристику рисуют с больницы/яселек/детсада, далее больше. "Малыш мало общается со сверстниками, предпочитает небольшой круг друзей, слишком быстро выполняет математические задачки, постоянно убегает за территорию детсада". А в школе так вообще овощем признала группы из старых 40 летних облезлых кошатниц.
Раз ты сюда дошел, то значит, ты давно уже высишь на вычислительных мощностях.


да, блядь, почтовой сервер Трампа до сих пор позволять подписывать заголовок через него, а ты про наших "впереди идущих"; и это еще спам ботоводы не додумались через такие сервера прогонять свой траффик боятся на крупных насесть, только представь: "Я - Дональд Трамп и я одобряю и лично пользуюсь этим шведским увеличителем пениса!"
лично для меня не работает, ростелеком - магистральный провайдер, что-то намутили что я давно уже хуй сосу; и ведь проблема даже не в том что не могу зайти на анонимную филипинскую ферму по разведению свиней, а что сидя на работе мне приходится пользоваться VPN от оперы (бля, спасает!) чтобы зайти на малоизвестные сайты которые нагнули ссаные сексоты какой-то хуйней, которая оказалась в блэклисте фотками "детского порно" (ну ты понел как это бывает).

OP here. This is already starting. Since the acquisition of 2ch by Loki Technology Inc. and subsequent rebranding to 5ch, anyone from a foreign domain needs to either pay them 3600 yen a year or presumably go through a VPN with a relay in Japan to be able to post on the site.

It's called licensing. The businesses pay huge license fees to use encryption for customers. If they can't, their customers go elsewhere. They will pay them too.
Most people live far away from each other and won't shell out the ethernet repeaters for such a thing. It already exists in most parts of the world. You just have to lease the lines from the company and run your own network.

I’m a Russian myself and to this very day I cannot understand why some of us have less comprehensive phrasing than Terry.


cyka blyat

Hey OP use tor OBFS4 bridges with dnscrypt and unless they stop blocking https traffic you can always use tor.

Using obfs4 makes all your traffic look exactly like https traffic no matter how much deep packet bullshit you use. As long as there's https you can hide traffic. Even with http you could hide it just more difficulty is involved.

This exactly, call me when russia is up to china's great firewall level of DPI for obfs4. Until then you can't block tor unless you block all https traffic which will get buisnesses hating you.

I'm so fucking stealing this spelling...

lol Is this what you kiddies actually believe nowadays? Kek

A better world is possible, I see a lot of people here who want the same thing. We all need to collaborate on a project for our own network.

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