Jewish Technology

Are Jew suppressing our technical evolution by befuddling our our academics? Modern physics is largely the apparatus of the Jew, in which untestable theories are publicized to an eager crop of fresh minds, all too eager to parrot their teachings for the promise of a conferred degree of intelligence (and a lot of debt). In most areas of life, the Jew is regarded with rightful suspicion, owing to centuries of observable deceit, yet for some reason, we give them a pass when it comes to the sciences. It's one thing to let them produce entertainment in which we willfully suspend our disbelief for a make believe universe, but quite another to project the Jewish imaginarium into the real world. To the physicists out there, what current theories should we be exceedingly suspicious about? I'm sure most here realize the world is in fact spherical, but we very likely did not go to the moon. This is also a call for alternatives, I've heard of the electric universe but is it bullshit? For a new student, how much physics can we read before we encounter obvious lies? I would assume classical mechanics is largely judenfrei, but what about electro-magnetism?

Attached: jew.jpg (1920x1080, 75.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:
x86, ARM, and PowerPC are Jewish
I'll now let this reality settle for you LARPing faggots

Is this another round of "Relativity is Jewish"? Do you also believe in Weislehre, or the Aether?
How is this thread not in /sci/ at best?

They're crawling all over silicon valley, both in hardware and software. Obviously we need to beat them, which is why it is useful to provide a roadmap for young academics to sort through truth and jewish lies.

That was a placeholder term used by people who had not unlocked the next bit of knowledge. As humans have made progress, we ignore that theory, but the aether of our day is filled with jewish lies like dark matter, string theory and multiverses.

Dark matter is a placeholder for inconsistencies observed in gravitational interactions at supragalactic level compared to known models. String theory is merely a hypothesis, no one markets it as definitely proven. The term "multiverse" refers to several different theories, which one do you think is a Jewish lie?
Why would Jews even lie about fucking physics?

The Jew lies even when telling the truth would suit him better. One major reason would be the suppression of disruptive technologies.

It's fucking science. If you can disprove some physics theory, write a paper.

Oh wait, the highschool dropout Zig Forumstard is too retarded to. How sad.

You've clearly never sat in a lecture. The professor tells you what is true, tells you what to read, and hands you a test which gauges how effective you are at regurgitating their teachings for the "right answer". If you honestly think you have an opportunity to question scientific orthodoxy, you're very naive. It's just not an option, even with a doctorate. You'll be written off as a loon, with only the faint hope that someday someone will bother to test your nutty hypothesis. Just look what they did to James Watson after he pointed out the obvious (even to the common man) fact that our policies in dealing with niggers are predicated on the idea that they are just like us; an they are not.


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Some Israeli company make one ARM or PowerPC based processor is nothing compared to x86 which was designed and backdoored by Israel by the start.
Also fuck off kike.

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Science isn't a based on a culture of the immutable holy priests who have an exclusive connection to any god. The reason why their word is strong is because you yourself are perfectly free to reproduce their scientific experiments and you'll find the results will match what they've done. If you have a different knowledge, then your experiments conducted according to the scientific method will need to show a different result to the experiments done in the past.

Wrong again. Write the wrong kind of paper, and kiss your funding goodbye. No funding means you can't publish, and then you perish. Without an institution no journal will publish your work, which means no peer review, and no "muh scientific method". Academia is a dirty racket, and a popularity contest that puts teenage girl school drama to shame. I've literally seen people reference papers just in the hopes that the famous author notices them, currying favor with that group of "cool kids".


What you say isn't completely wrong, and there is a lot of corruption and circlejerking in academia (especially in the fields related to social sciences), but it's not like they purposefully shut down research that could potentially get humanity on Alpha Centauri next century. If anything, they throw funds at what has the best chances to get them fast profits.

Scientists are people that try to falsify data so they won't have to go hungry that night. Take the Sorells study on circumcision for example -- you'd think such a nuanced study would put the myth of circumcision having *any* benefits to bed. Of course not! Later, someone tested sensitivity using unfitting parameters (like sensitivity to heat, while Sorells tested sensitivity to fine touch; which is obviously more important). Of course, the newer study is the one news outlets/retards love to bring up when talking about the mutilation and its averred "benefits".

You complain about scientists, but then go on to expose that the real problem is vulgarization. Journalism is partisan and sucks, big news.

We know that "Aether" was just a placeholder and that 99% of the matter in the universe is in Plasma.
And yes, Quantum and Relativity are bogus theories with their days counted, as they fail to explain observations.

Care to prove quantum and relativity, on which modern technology rely, wrong? How do you explain lasers without quantum theory? Mercury's orbital anomalies without relativity?

Christ, you're not only a namefag bait retard, but you also are completely ignorant.
Modern technology doesn't rely on either Quantum or Relativity.
Also, there a logical fallacy in them that's hard to explain to normal people, so you wouldn't know - basically, they, by mistake and unintended, overlap with some truths but describe them wrong.

Well, about Lasers, there's nothing wrong with them, they rely on the same process as plasmoids, although with a different result. The Plasma Focus though, is more insteresting.
About Mercury, go look for something called "Birkerland Currents".

Now fuck off.

Angels pushing spheres around.

The BO should just ban the namefag, like, he's so dumb it hurts.

Disable namefagging and turn on ids!

Can't wait for your Nobel prize next year when you prove a century and thousands of highly intelligent people wrong, user.

He tries sometimes, but he's powerless.

Literally everything you greentexted is a fallacy.

Clocks have to be adjusted because electromagnetism affect them, did you know? Clocks are objects, and time is periodic counting. Clocks =/= Time.

The tunnel effect is also electromagnetism, nothing to do with Quantum, only the dumb naming.
Just like Quantum Computers aren't Quantum.

Did you know the current mainstream theory of the sun has been proved wrong by observation? The current status quo for how it works is: we're not sure.

But you're too dumb to know that, because you're a documentary watcher, you don't work with science, congratulations.

Well user, why don't you link us to some papers proving your claims right? Reddit spacing bullshit-spewing isn't an argument against solid science.

Next time you create a thread like this (which I hope you don't) please be more specific and give examples.
All you really said is "since I see jews, something must be wrong". That's for Zig Forums.

That's technically not reddit spacing. Not that it matters.

Words to live by user, not just for Zig Forums. For your enjoyment, the thread is there too.

It's not solid, this is what you and television think. Basically, you're a normalfag.
Oh nice, you ran out of arguments. Also, my screen is split, I couldn't know - I'm just jumping paragraphs normally, not double.
Here is where we part, I'm not wasting my time on a dump, specially because you're not here to learn, ans because I simply don't like you.
I named various things here, do your research.
Also, go look for what is happening to Dark Matter recently - getting crushed. All major labs in the world are abandoning it and looking for other explanations as we speak, things such as MOND (not gonna make it either).

And stop namefagging, this is disgusting and one of the reasons you'll leave empty handed here.

Very sad, user, very sad

Just how much do you fucking love NDT?

Yes, but what you are being told is also being backed up with reasoning. Additionally, you usually put at least some of it to the test in a lab setting in which you try and verify it.
That is because the probability of that being wrong is extremely low. If you were going to challenge the idea that if you drop a book it will fall up instead of down toward the Earth, of course no one will believe you. There is mountains of evidence against the claim you are making.

Get a job then.

These were not claimed to be some universal theory. They are a better modal than what we had before it.

GPS relies on relativity since it has to account for time dilation.

ring and goy9000 specifically said they were against that. You get the moderation you deserve.

Never try to debate these kind of schizos, user. Your time is worth more than that.

Widescreens are a jewish subversion.

But it does. The very first thing you learn when studying semiconductors is the density of energy states, which is derived by solving Schrödinger's equation. Other anons already mentioned GPS, it would be a lot more inaccurate if it didn't correct for time dilation.

Attached: science.webm (960x540, 4.8M)

mice are a jewish subversion

GPL was a Jewish trick to get programmers to write software for Richard. EMACS, another tool of the Jew was designed to keep programmers stuck in their editor. True story.

That whiny woman at the end... memes have gone too far.

Judaism is a Jewish trick

Are you claiming CPU design is reliant on sub-atomic particles? You really must be dense. Quantum physics (and the modern standard model) have been proven to be bogus.

Not for Richard but for free in general. It was typical subversion of trust a paranoid jew doesn't experience with goyim.

Why do you need to publish in a journal? The World Wide Web was designed for scientists to publish their work.

No, it was designed for general use by the public.

You could do both, but the journal is so that you're taken seriously by putting your work in front of eyes that matter, instead of some post you make on seen by oddball cranks.

Yes electron is a subatomic particle, someone has to design those transistors and to do that a model that accurately describes behavior of charge carriers is needed. Werther you like it or not, quantum physics works remarkably well for this purpose.
You have to provide proofs to support your claims.

Electrons have been proven to be bogus, as I said. Electricity (the kind that goes through your CPU) is in fact electromagnetism.

Provide proofs that electrons are bogus. Just saying that they are is not proving anything.
Yes, you can look at it that way, but you'll have a hard time describing a behavior of transistor without quantum mechanics.
You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

Electrons aren't the only charged particles.

Not sure what your poin't here is. You first claimed that electrons and the standard model are bogus and now you are implying that there are electrons and other charged particles? Pick one theory and stick to it, if you're hoping to have any chance of spreading your bullshit around.


Your work should be taken seriously by the content of the paper, not the publication where you find the paper. A science paper is supposed to report an experiment that is repeatable and falsifiable. Getting published in a journal only means you have money to spend for editors to proofread your work, they don't spend their time reproducing your experiment.

I've never heard this one. Is there an alternative model to explaining the charge of a particle? What constitutes the electric current of fixed metal if not the flow of electrons?

It doesn't matter if you have a half decent argument or not if all anyone sees is your tripfagging waving around like the gay pride banner that it is.

>responding to communist (((intel))) shills
user pls

I don't care about spergs

sage normie threads

Perhaps in a perfect world it would work that way, but the journal acts as a filter to keep out the trash from wasting the time of serious people. You may not like it, but whether people read your work depends on your name, your advisors names (if you're small), your institution. This goes for undergraduate too: two students in separate buildings, with the same quality of teachers, could learn the exact same content over four years, but we give greater credence to the one who learned inside the more prestigious building.

And that is why science has become a religion.


I don't think it is fringe to point out that there are certain dogmas in the scientific community. Some things are just taboo, such as eugenics, for no reason other than "muh feels".

Inb4 Holocaust denial

and how do you think the electro part of electromagnetism works.

True, but in regards to electronics we are almost always using electrons as our charge carriers. You can prove this with an experiment using the Hall effect.

That's the problem though, it's tarnishing the entire field because of a group you don't like. A strong eugenics program would actually really benefit developing nations like Africa, to short circuit evolutionary progress.

*nations in Africa.

Did you know you could delete your posts, newfag?

Yes. Did you know that deleting is not as quick as just adding a minor correction and it can ruin the conversation chain?

Xe literally said "muh shoah" and you responded. wtf user.


I'm taking a risk by posting this in public but It cant be helped.
Our community is recruiting people such as yourselves.
Please do not repost the connection details elsewhere.
Mumble 64738

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Naming the jew really brings in the kikeposters it seems kek

Attached: 1530311139502.gif (480x270, 1.76M)

They don't use quantum physics, they use a book called Black Magic.

Well of course, they have bots which report to the JIDF when a topic like this comes up.

You literally posted your mumble server on a lot of boards, wtf you talking about "risk"?
Stop being overly dramatic twat

It's probably a honeypot server with mumble, someone finally realized that people rarely fall for discords.

In the case of negative eugenics, like the Nazis tried to implement, who gets to decide who lives and who doesn't? Who gets to make the criteria? Unless you're an unironic Nazi, in which case I recommend suicide, surely you can see the problem with giving a group of people the power of life and death over others.
And even then, Sparta, which practiced some strong eugenics, eventually died. Nowadays it's a 30k lost town in southern Greece that no one really cares about.

I'm all for positive eugenics, but we're only getting there this decade and the two next ones.

Remember, these tripfag JIDF must be purged

Isn't it contrary to board rules now to use a tripcode outside of a thread where your identity would be relevant? Not that it'll actually be enforced- but the eurosperg tripfags could at least keep their ego-tripping and IRC drama contained to a single thread.
inb4 "you're just a irc dude with beefs"

Threads like this - tangentially related to technology, written by Zig Forumstards with no grasp on reality, filled with people denying the physical reality of the universe because someone may be Jewish... Absolutely fucking inane. It's positively unbelievable how fucking retarded a single demographic could be, yet here we are, an entire thread dedicated to arguing over well-proven "Jewish science" (which is also not related to technology, this thread should be on /sci/ or /b/).

There is no way to discern if the OP is real, or a shitpost.
Zig Forums is long dead. Goodbye.

I want tripfags to leave and fucking kill theirselves

Good luck with that buddy

I don't give a shit about board rules, I do what I want and ring doesn't dare to do ANYTHING.

Your tears are delicious

Consider the following:
GPS is closed source, even the hardware is completely closed. Modern "space" technology is a fraud. There is simply no need for sattelites as GPS could just be based on groud-based, fixed stations, happily transmitting their data in some long-wave pattern so that it could span long ranges. The mere idea that your dumbphone acutally picks up a signal sent from some mysterious thing 20.000km away in stationary orbit is just ridiculous. Why would you prefer the overly complex explanation over the simple one?
The audacity of "proving" relativity using GPS as an doesn't get more jewish than that...

Stay mad, attention-seeking faglord. It seems IRC doesn't give you enough of it.

Attached: Zrzut ekranu z 2018-07-03 22-26-58.png (447x392, 162.43K)

Why are you making things difficult for everyone around here? There is no reason to use tripcode. You're like an immigrant that doesn't want to integrate in a civilized society.

How is it difficult? The tripcode doesn't make a difference. You can just treat us like any other user. It's your dumb mind that's making up this «difficulty».

I post with a trip, you bitch, cry and whine. If you weren't a newfag, you'd know you can filter all of my posts.
Or you can continue shitting up the board and cry to ring and goy9000.

Into the filter it goes

уσυ ωση'т ∂ινι∂є υѕ, αηση. тнιѕ ιѕη'т уσυя вσαя∂.


Yes, I wonder why military doesn't make GPS open source. They should also probably adopt a CoC if we're already talking about modern technology development practices. Also GPS is not the only one satellite based geolocation system. There is GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou... I have a feeling that you're trying to convince us that all those systems from different countries are all part of global conspiracy to hide the fact that earth is flat.
Yes, US surely built ground based stations in middle east so that they could fly drones there. Quick tell terrorists to destroy those transmitters, there would be no more air strikes. There are also geolocation beacons in the middle of oceans, because they're a lot easier to implement and maintain compared to satellites.
Before you lecture us about GPS geolocation, you should at least try to read and understand the basics first. Your astonishment about GPS receiver in phone shows that you also don't have any idea about basics of wireless technology.

And this is why (((they))) came up with that massive psy-op. I never implied anything with "flat". The whole flat shit was just brought up by them to discredit any sincere debate about anything fringe.
All I want is to raise concern about the narrative. What I'm implying, though, is that there are simpler explanations as well as technical realizations for all those things that satellites supposedly do.

Hypocrisy is very strong with this one.

I'm still waiting for a good explanation why someone should use a tripcode on anonymous imageboard.

Here you go, newfag. Learn to use your own «anonymous» imageboard.

Attached: Zrzut ekranu z 2018-07-05 15-01-32.png (616x376, 42.38K)

Found a smart guy who really took the time to think on how things work. Gee man, congraulations, really.

Kek. And still you are wasting your time responding and justifying yourself. Also:
Ok, if you say so m8.

Removing cancer for another cancer ?


Dude this thread is pure bait, if you take this seriously you have yourself a problem, it's the same thing as shitposting, it's hard to recognize but you know it's inane and it will probably attract either more shitposters and also disturbed people.
And ? it's the same thing about the whole internet and who cares if it's true or not ? it's your own thinking process that matters:
If you identify it as shitpost either you go with the flow or take it with a light heart if you want to refute the bullshit that might come from it.

But what if there is a thread in which usage of a tripcode is appropriate? For example the blazechan development thread. Am I going to toggle this setting each time I want to read it? Also, what if I don't want to enable JS what then?

You still haven't given us the reason why you must use a tripcode when the situation doesn't call for it.