CCC gets raided because of their affilation with RiseUp
Mozilla raid when ?
Besides shitpost this is a not good.

Other urls found in this thread:


Good. CCC deserves to die.

A Tails dev was raided too.

What is ccc?

Attached: a523c90df954c60bb327dfac20b65022.jpg (754x721, 60.62K)



hacker conference which won't even let you use a soldering iron outside of a designated area.

That's weird. Are the commiefags starting to lose government sanction of their operations in Germany? I would hardly believe that, so I assume it's just a pretext to fuck up privacy infrastructure.

This is why you don't accept antifa, SJWs, and their CoCs.

I always said RiseUp was for niggers and that Mozilla should not have donated to them. They called me crazy. Who's laughing now?

Hackers RiseUp

Heads dev wasn't.
daily reminder that poettering is an asshole and cuck

RiseUp has already been touched by FBI before

Commies gets the gas


More like RiseUp your right arm for Zig Forums

I would like to know what this website said, because I doubt it was as simple and innocent as they make it sound.

That 1 inactive dev?

CCC still as a few good conference.
I just wish that the social justice was out of it.

Police's view (according to CCC): "...interpreting the contents of a whiteboard as a bomb making manual..."
CCC's view: "basic chemical knowledge"

My blind view: protests related sites are not the place for spreading basic chemical knowledge

That was at the "hackerspace" or whatever that got raided. As for that, my own blind guess is that they were making stuff for rioting and not for serious blowing shit up. I wonder if the website hinted to that kind of thing and that's what started this.


That's entirely all that is wrong with it. Compare DEFCON with CCC and sure they both have political jokes &c. in their speeches, but DEFCON speakers leave it at one or two mostly and instead joke about the inferiorities of the designs that they are breaking. CCC, they make their presentations entirely around the politics instead of the findings.

This resumes it all.

Please let these dubs be a good omen.

this is not a joke. this is evidence.

Attached: image-1310464-860_poster_16x9-kdvc-1310464.jpg (860x484, 58.29K)

I also found a very dangerous demonstration of the evidence.

Attached: OpenLab Augsburg F-Bomb Launcher v3-g2HDoyKE2W8.webm (1280x720, 6.18M)

CCC are fags, what is new?

That's a potential butt plug device should be confiscated

Watch the video: it's too small to be a butt plug.

Maybe it is for your gigantic hole.
It starts out with paint bombs and goes on to throwing stones and how to best burn cars.
They were also threatening hotels who rent rooms to AfD members with a "visit" of their mob.

Nothing more satisfying that seeing fascists scared and crying


Hey anyone remember when mozilla donated $100k to RiseUp?

I remember

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (830x399, 119.37K)

and by "activists across the political spectrum"

Attached: Ancom-LGBT.png (270x92, 10.03K)

So basically a standard european protest. You should come visit. We have lots of those.

Attached: 67861c602b2930a24500db878a576ad6d2a1433e50a34cd7dd54e87750c37a86.jpg (625x383, 43.71K)

Thanks, though that doesn't seem unusual, as .

Daily reminder to avoid people who use the word “struggle” unironically.

Yeah I remember. Apologists try to gaslight it's nonpolitical crypto community good for all and anything contrary to that is delusional. In reality it is revolutionary communist organisation tightly in bed with antifa and mission statement like this

Investigation into personal ties between Mozilla and RiseUp is greatly warranted, as it would certainly reveal it being money transfer from not just from commies to commies, but between comrades with personal ties.

I hope Thiel is reading this.

checks out.

ITT: tech enthusiasts become first-order bootlickers when their politics don't align

What's the matter boy? The hugbox you thought was there isn't there anymore? You think you can group people under "tech enthusiasts" and make them forget how the left is abusing their power? Go stick a cheese grater up your ass.

Do you seriously think Barack Obama was "left"? It's right-wing deep states that have been civil liberties-violating surveillance machines worldwide. What power does the left have?

Attached: gorilla scratching head.png (426x640, 667.81K)

It's all liberalism.

Noone is talking about obama, nigger.
You seem to conveniently forgotten all the shit they've been puling online the last few years.
They've been pushing people around for at least a decade, and now that they're the ones on the chopping block they want to unite and help from the communities they've been alienating.
Fuck off, and kill yourselves.

I'm not following you.

Attached: preposterous.jpg (600x352, 25.45K)

So I was right, you're a mentally challenged nigger.

>>>Zig Forums

When rightists talk of "they" as in the left at large hiveminded system level, they are always referring to The Cathedral. Since you are oblivious, you need to read this to understand:

Chapters 1 and 2 should suffice to get the picture.

Attached: 1444183262233.jpg (778x1023, 106.78K)

It needs some updating

Turner diaries > Mein Kampf
So go fuck yourself

The Bazaar left and the Bazaar right will work together. The Cathedral of the right is non-existent.

Cuckservativs vs alt-right (which is part of Pentagon's most wanted ideology list), know the difference

The idea that progressives have any love for the state department is just as funny. Liberalism is not the same as progressivism, but it's clear this author is just your typical cuckservative more interested sniffing their own farts while attacking straw men than ever picking up a book.

germany is botnet
fuck off polniggers
fuck off polniggers

It's accurate. Progs scream bloody murder when StateDep gets less funding or is even in danger of getting less money because their kind works there and obsessively want to defund Pentagon because their kind does not work there..

Nah, progressives likes the EU commie dicks, liberals just like to kiss Starbuck's/Apple's ass.

Fuck off newfag >>>/cuckchan/

exactly what one would expect from a tripfag

It's running both the Democratic AND the Republican party for the last half century if not more, retard. Why do you think a centrist common-sense outsider like Trump is getting as much flak from supposedly "his" party as from the nominal opposition?

stop browsing the internet and read a fucking book. hell, even a physical dictionary would do you some good.

Communism in theory is not communism in practice, also EU has communists parties ("The leftists") unlike the US.

The EU runs under a black-box bureaucracy just to function as a way for business owners to import cheaper janitors. it's the most liberal bullshit in the world

Ameriga has communist parties as well, but since third parties always get the shaft they usually cling to the DNC.

Sounds like someone with paranoia or someone who has been attacked.

I think it would be better if someone just hit them with it.

The EU is simply not communist. It's easy to get confused when you look at everything, because there is a lot of confusion. Commies had this thing about liberating oppressed people according with the ideal of classless society. But muhpression is the only area where the neolib order lets them make any serious progress now, and they've been completely duped into going with it. So you may see commie faggots talking about economics along with worshipping squat brown women and gay shit. Those people may even have power and influence. But do you see collectives and common ownership everywhere? No, it's all brown women and gay shit. That fist they hold in the air is to go in someone's ass. Note that this is not a complete view of the situation.

When did Zig Forums became this boring and retarded?

influx of Zig Forums brainlets


guessing it's a brain-dead safespace riddled with virtue signaling incompetent commies that chased out anyone with actual skill.

>>>Zig Forums and summerfags

guessing you've never been there. There are many virtue signaling incompetent commies, lots of skilled people who can build anything that Zig Forums dreams of, and even a few people who are in both groups. Quite a number of them are regulars on various imageboards, including Zig Forums. It's an open secret there.

So I'm right and wrong? ok

Statement from the Tails team:

Told ya. Too bad, CCC has always been great in my books. They need to choose apolitical route and purge their organization from radical left. If police under ultracucked Merkel government does this, it must be serious.

but free software IS communism

Yes. You're wrong about these parts:

Never gonna happen, ever.
Politics isn't that simple. Merkel is conservacuck, while CCC are leftist cucks. They never liked each other.

I guess she doesn't want to conserve Germany's European population.

When the tripfags showed up.

What do you not understand about the term 'conservacuck' (or sometimes called 'cuckservative')? Are you new here?

Not yet at least. CCC still has a pretty good legacy, so it remains to have good talks at least for now.

saged because politics thread
uh oh
Can't wait for copyright-loving McEU to start banning encryption. Thanks Christian conservatives and neoliberal-"left" dictatorcucks.
Time to strengthen i2p.

He is implying the cucking is so hard that calling her a "cuckservative" at all is too much

Is there none on this thread talking about how many TOR nodes and bitcoin wallets were doxed because of the seizing?

Lot's of people had to move, remove their identities, etc., it disclosed a lot.

Good, sites like riseup should not be allowed to perpetuate the illusion of convenient online privacy where "good guys" can be protected but only "bad guys" are doxxed. You either have privacy or you don't.

and nothing of value was lost.TOR is shit anyway.

I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.

The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-EIGHTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.

Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Trumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site already.

Where did you find that pasta? Or is it OC?

He found it In reddit, where he belongs.

Attached: plebbit.png (1235x494, 62.92K)

Remember: If you think punching right is okay but this is not, you should leave.
See: Patreon, CloudFlare, PayPal, YouTube, Twitter

That word comes from politics, right? I don't remember it being used to describe web sites, gopher sites, Usenet, BBS, or other stuff in the 90's.

Are you sure about that? I'd personally love to see Mozilla go down in legal hellfire for being party to communist shit.


Yes what I see as a waist of resources in free software communities is when you go away from your initial objectives. What did mozilla was simply a waist of resource like they often do. Same thing goes with gnome and the Outreachy program it's a waist of resources put into virtue signaling for diversity instead of simply looking for people who are motivated.
Yes it's not a good thing because even tho mozilla is a piece of crap it's still free/libre software, it's the only free/libre browser that is normie acceptable. We are between a rock and a hard place at the moment. Mozilla needs to get more share of user market but if they need to do so the have to be compatible with what the W3C imposes since it's going to be implemented in other browsers too. Aka eme for netflix and other crap. Mozilla is desperately trying to get more usage while google chrome was installed on computers in the ways of a malware.
What do you do when you are desperate ? imo you do like RMS and don't compromise otherwise you finish like mozilla who became a clustefuck of ideology who can not make the difference between a ten+ year old ceo's personal opinion and a public statement.

That's a bad thing in my eyes.
It means normies get introduced to libre software and see shit that is literally worse than non-libre software on all fronts.