Are there any that aren't worthless without a smartphone? Why don't they make them as computers in their own right? I can't buy any of them as they exist right now.
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I'm curious about this as well.
I stopped using mechanical watches for that same reason
Get a fucking citizen ecodrive already fags
These smartwatches are nothing more than a display, bluetooth radio and a minimum of processing power. These watches have a operating time of one day. If you increase the processing requirements in these watches, the operating time will not last one day until watch battery technology drastically improves.
I guess it will be a while until I get to be a cool hackerman with a computer on my wrist. Oh well.
Got a smart watch right here.
Your astrolarp goes to shit if you live in a cloudy region like I do.
Hello poorfag
My sundial has gotten too heavy to carry around ever since I threw out my back carrying it to school.
If you want to own a ‘smartwatch,’
Surely a girl you will not know,
For you have but a tiny crotch,
And these tools in the dark do glow.
I've been looking into smartwatches for awhile now to make a monocle/monocular that would use those thermal sensors for Android/IOS phones or for cheap nightvision but the best screen resolution you can get is 480 by 480. Considering the poor refresh rates and resolution on those thermal sensors I'll probably have to wait another 5-6 years for something decent. Finding a cheap camera sensor that has the proper wavelengths is also another issue that will make a multispectral vision device difficult to build.
If you're going to get a smartwatch makes sure it's supported by AsteroidOS so it'll still be useful a few years from now.
do what Caterpillar did with their phone
Have different sensors for different bands
What is Asteroid OS? Does it have a browser application on it? Literally all I want is a standalone watch that can run a browser without making me go through Joogle play store and connecting it to a smartphone for extra surveillance.
The problem is all those sensors are stuck at a 8.7hz refresh rate. Anything above 9hz has stringent export regulations and costs several thousand dollars. The public won't be having access to them anytime soon.
Using several small sensors to capture as much light as possible at a wide angle with an IR light is more feasible for cheap DIY night vision using a smartwatch. Then the problem becomes the low resolution of the screen which won't improve much in the near future.
It's still a very early project so wifi doesn't work properly on it yet and there's no web browser available. You can try it out in an emulator to see what it does.
Then the only option I know of is the Apple watch.
Doesn't the Apple Watch require you to connect it to an iPhone?
Also how do you account for this?
cut yourself