It's lains 20th birthday, say something nice to her

it's lains 20th birthday, say something nice to her

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Anime doesn't belong here, this is a Zig Forums-owned board.

Fuck off. Lain is one of the better ones, if not the best along with Renkin San-Kyuu Magical Pokaan.

i definitely prefer it over obnoxious tripfags

where are the lewd pics?

do not lewd the lain

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Lainchan is filled to brim with commies and gays

Probably my favourite animu. I feel old now.

That must explain why its quality is much higher than that of here. A shame it's so slow.

yea, because reading 10 page diatribes about the complexities of getting a yes or no answer on lainchan is top notch "quality"

Laugh at the 21 years old anarchist iberian nigger.

You're one of the LARPers that cause everyone who knows what they're talking about to leave.

That and "boo hoo let it all out ;;__;;" threads

So you're admitting you're one of the people who don't know what they're talking about?

Hi var-g


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Are you ready for the 20 year anniversary tribute album from Boa?

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Hey there, Jac.
You've managed to completely overcome the new moderation rules explicity announced here >>>/metatech/1579
Really impressive work, but maybe it's now time to bring on a whole new level of shitposting.

I think he's shitposting more because 2/3 of the borad filtered him and nobody replies to him.
Must feel lonely.

What's a lain ?

The technology boards are superior.

Objectively wrong, you're all giving me (You).

Thanks for your support fam, it's true that it could be time for more. Ring and guy9000 are AFRAID to even come here, so they haven't done ANY moderation for the past 5 days or so.

Don't even try.

This is still a (You), fam

Wouldn't you rather have a large-breasted foreign actress like Isabella Adjani?

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Post good content, faggots!

Attached: manga-version-of-serial-experiments-lain.webm (854x480, 8.49M)

Your show is very deep because I take drugs and have aspergers so I don't connect with others plus I have 120 IQ.
10/10 - would post with leftypol lusers about haskell again

Attached: lain_amv_20160522.mp4 (1280x720, 11.37M)

I don't care I want my robosucc

Unironically good show, need to rewatch some time. Lain is cute.

Leave my board and leave #templeos. You're a bigger faggot than kenster.

Have a good day princess!
We purge faggots like them

was a good show
at least when I watched it when I was 15

But most of its fans these days are annoying tranny faggots

Happy birthday Lain :)

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You know, I've noticed something
What is it with leftists and functional programming? Like every leftist I know has an obsession with Haskell or Scala.

I haven't seen this show in a while.

Do not respond to tripfags.

Probably their high IQ and asperger's.

Even if everything else about imageboards is absolute garbage, I'm glad I discovered them because it introduced me to you, Lain. What a wonderful show.

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Consider your domain and server purged, Zig Forumsyp.

Can someone explain who this guy is? I see him post around here a lot.

Check the video’s metadata.
It’s gligar13, he’s one of those autists like BG Kumbi that you can’t tell whether they're being satirical or serious.

Lets all love Lain

he's clearly from /g/ since he mentions it

We need more Zig Forums anime.

It's okay, she's of age now.

lurk the fuck moar you filthy newfag

Let's pretend nothing happened instead

Consider yourself gassed, shlomo.

I don't think she has enough orifices for that.

lets all love lain

Let's all love lain!


Reminder that the director of Lain didn't like the commie cancer cult surrounding Lain and eventually succumbed to cancer because of his creation.
love lain