Anybody know a good place to get a reliable IQ test for free? Need to find out if I'm a brainlet. IQ General
IQ Test
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Just look at what have you done in your life so far. The most reliable and cheapest IQ test there is. Being brainlet is more often a cause of not putting enough hours in whatever you're trying to accomplish.
See if any psychologists, etc, in your area will give you one. You can also volunteer for a psychology study at a nearby university (they might give you an IQ test for that).
Also, don't study for an IQ test. That's a form of bias and will make the score higher inaccurately. If you take one test, taking more than one test will make any scores on later tests inaccurate (re-testing bias) from any familiarity with the test.
This is what every idiot tells themselves -- bona fide geniuses (like Feynman) never have to try; ever.
Brainlet confirmed
It doesn't really matter. There's different kinds of tests that scale differently, and there's going to be variation between tests (both of the same type and different types). The entire thing is just a speedrun through questions intended to test your intuition. You can "study" for it but if you don't have a strong grasp of language skills you're going to be slower and worse at it regardless.
MENSA does them
I have a tested IQ of 73, still managed to get a 1st bsc degree in biochemistry and enjoy reading politics and self help books in my spare time. I'm clearly not intelligent according to the test but I guess you don't need to be intelligent to do most things.
You have a major learning disability the IQ test should have helped you to discover this.
LOL IQ denialism is the most normie thing ever.
creativity > IQ
Call your army unit to get test results by mail, they keep those for 20 years.
What does it mean if I have ~ a 20 point delta between my highest and lowest scores? All three tests were professionally given at 12, 17 and 23 years of age. IIRC, the difference between you and someone you consider stupid is about 15 points, so this kind of scares me a bit.
That's like saying lots of RAM is better than a fast CPU.
It says nothing if the variation is away from the average.
Children have very volatile scores. Once you hit around 20 you regress to some norm. IQ tests in general have several point volatility. 15 points is 1SD for IQ and 20 point delta is very strange.
That's what I was thinking. My scores at 12 were well above average, but by 17, I dropped to just about average. I expected some normalization, but 20 points is scary.
I think it was chemical. My mom had me on Ritalin from 11 to 14 and Aderall from 14 to 16, when I took refused to take them any more. My score at 23 was higher than 17, but still not back to where I started. I'm scared to test again. I'm failing college and can't seem to be able to get out of the house in the mornings without fucking something up.
no shit
No, a reliable IQ test is administrated by a psychologist, I don't know the price in the US, but in my country it wasn't that expensive if you have a job.
I don't recommend any internet test.
IQ tests has been used by the military for about for about 100 years now, since the 1900 if I'm not wrong.
And IQ is the best single predictor of life success.
People screaming that IQ is useless are in denial, like fat people blaming the scale for the numbers of their weight.
What did he mean by this?
this lad.
not only exaplains your IQ oscillation but also your personal issues.
not that I'm shitting on you guy
(((psychologists))) will tell you that you don't measure up if you're a white male, and encourage you to cut your dick off to improve your score.
The one and only official Mensa test
I took that one twice a couple of years ago about 2 or 3 years apart from each test, and scored 138 the first time and 136 the second yet, I'm 23, neet still living with my parents have accomplished nothing at all in life, and I actually feel dumb as fug. Did mensa lie to me? I thought over 130 was supposed to be good.
130 is good whenever you live in a society that worships intelligence.
When the society you're in worships spectacle over intelligence, you're fucked.
Spoilers: If you want to know how smart you are, you're not smart.
how much time did you waste on the internet?
iq isn't what's stopping most of us from leading a good life.
Seems pretty realistic, although I think it's still a bit on the high side. But that's just one kind of test, mostly consisting of pattern recognition and union/difference operations. Some of them are just fuck you level with no clear logic behind them, probably need to be genius level to comprehend them.
There are random shitposters here who are in their 40's/50's and actually know their shit. They will post once in a while when YC/Reddit/Slashdot is too gay just to blow off steam. Those are the only smart people here. The rest of us are stupid which is why we come to Zig Forums.
*Source needed. I don't think anyone that old actually has the nerve to deal with bullshit posted here, unless they have autism or something.
People say things off the cuff that lead me to believe they've seen it first-hand. It's very easy to spot when someone is regurgitating shit they've read second hand and passing it off as their own.
It's no proof, but I believe some people who are saying things only older people would know are actually older people, just because they don't immediately come off as liars. It's irrelevant either way.
Also, you say they don't have the nerve. Just because there's a bunch of kids who can't get over saying nigger doesn't make this a harsh place.
That's true, it could even be a change in their usual way of communication in a good way. I wonder if some of us will be still posting here when we'll be 50. Hopefully they won't shut this site down in the meantime...
most of us are average, this iq cult isn't doing you any favors, it just hands off your responsibilitiy for your life to some random variable.
those old guys aren't necessarily smarter because they're more experienced and knowledgable, if anything you should try to aspire to follow their path if you idolize them.
I doubt on Zig Forums specifically, but whatever place provides actual anonymity (Anonymous Coward doesn't count.)
There will always be somewhere.
I suspect that we're getting close to the tipping point for an exodus here, the MSM fags have been lurking (and probably posting) Zig Forums for a long wile now, the page is starting to get the same edgy fame 4chan had on the "golden era" and the thought put behind most of the posts I see on the most popular boards is declining fast.
I find them interesting more than anything. I do think they're smarter because, as you say, they have the knowledge and experience, but that doesn't make them inherently better.
I aspire to do more than sage and say boo lisp did it better. But that's not a high bar to cross.
No. The fact you brought up Zig Forums means you have zero perspective.
It's just one of the effects, why are you so triggered by the mention of Zig Forums?
The same shit happened on 4chan, it got an edgy reputation, specially the nazi Zig Forums, people started flocking in, the community got dilluted to the point everyone who cared about what it had been left that shithole. The same shit is starting to happen here.
It's the usual rise and fall of a community.
Unlike nations the migration can be quite peaceful though, and some of those newfags attracted by the media will prove to be valuable posters enriching our little social club when we inevitably leave for greener pastures.
I have a hard time believing this one is very accurate. Maybe "accurate" for an internet test but there were legitimately 4 hard problems that seemed to take more than two steps of recognition. Maybe I was missing something but it is luck if you are not going to take that type of exam more than one time and you are not some super genius at like 150+
you're not supposed to take it more than one time obviously
if you're this preoccupied with your IQ, chances are that it's very low
Go to your therapist / counselor / psychologist.
I wouldn't trust that cult.
psychologist is the person who has to be actually qualified out of these three.
brainlet spotted. I achieved 139%. That's probably why I'm an employed Rust programmer.
Interesting, maybe that's why I prefer C, too much of a brainlet to understand Rust.
Look at what a 139% IQ Rust artisan can do:
Simply amazing. The raw power of Rust surprises me again and again. This is the final nail in the coffin of C/C++.
Are you retarded? How can you call that beautiful piece of perfection shit? Are you so butthurt that Rust has deprecated C/C++ even before its 1.0 release?
Who is this? I'm German. My history education focused mainly on Adolf Hitler
The one on the left is Fidel Castro.
this but unironically
Your history is wrong.
Castro and Pinochet.
Nice try getting me to run scripts from random sites, my IQ is too high for that unlike the brainlets here.
If you aren't running random scripts on your site to find out what they do then your IQ is null.
Whoever created them, sure is 200 IQ himself.
IQ is bullshit, and you won't get a reliable IQ test on the internet, retard
t. someone who just got a two digit result
IQ tests are bullshit, I had an IQ test once when I was at the worst studied of my teenage years and in huge emotional trouble that I need not explain. I still got triple digits with no prep, a near starvation diet, and an 10th grade eduacation. IQ tests are a kike joke to discriminate against people.
You're supposed to get triple digits just by being a normal person (100 is the median average for a white), unless of course you're a member of some subhuman race (nigger, spic, abbo), then it can be drastically lower (even below 70).
The 10th grade education won't affect your IQ result, the better ones are just pattern recognition that you don't study for, there is no prep. A near starvation diet isn't optimal though.
Start at the dog's asshole and brush out toward its face
Why else would I post here?
Stop worrying about an IQ number from some Jew. It's proven those tests are highly inaccurate.
Take Raven's Progressive Matrices if you want to know how intelligent you actually are.
Good for them. Its not like you have to be a genius to succeed(depending on what that means to you, i guess). And someone "never trying" doesnt make sense. If a person who "never had to try" would be able to solve any and all problems.
Would be an interesting idea to have a message board / forum that only accepts people with high IQ.
How the fuck do people with glossy UI have high IQ?
mensa probably has something like that
Pattern recognition and correlation is my super power. I went to a mensa thing when I was around 13yo and immediately noped the fuck out. If you're gifted with a quick mind you can buy yourself some gold stars if you're into that sort of thing.
IQ tests could be faked though since you pick from choices.
very low IQ
disability and unable to intentionally hurt others aside from their disability and sharing of pain
low IQ
live happy and sad
no great worries
no imagination of pain but able to live normally
medium low IQ
live normal
may hurt others for their own but that's normal
nothing interesting
average IQ
live normal maybe achieve more than the all the latter
high IQ
positivity and able to earn/achieve more than anyone else
fulfill their and other's desires be loved for what they do
very high IQ
suffer from imagination and wear from thinking of the future and possibilities
choices become burden
the purpose and what the cosmos entails
suffer from being aware that all people is about desire and having fun
though you are able to stand higher above those lower than you but stuck in a stalemate position atop a soapbox but only to question why is the self even there...
suffer from not knowing and 'why'
very very high being
do not suffer the problems of the latter.
have experienced the supernatural that draws a line between them and others who haven't seen/sensed
drawn to or knows the real mystic arts and have been communicated
have probably seen arch/fallen/angels, UFO, or something 'strange' that their memories would try to bury forever (not forced kundalini activation from childhood molestation like what the elite royalty sub-families use).
highly likely awakened and aligned chakras.
able to draw knowledge from foreknowledge, akashic records, hall of spirits
scrying not crying