/me/ Micro-editor general

Micro is a text-based modern and intuitive text editor that's customizable, featherweight, able to go fully mouse or fully keyboard with 0 distractions on the screen.
+Written in Go and only Go.
+Blazingly fast
+More lightweight than VIM or emacs
+Plugin system
+Configurable through Lua
+Lots of things automated by default
-Doesn't work on certain unknown terminals by default. Easily fixable

Attached: micro-logo.png (1260x430, 19.48K)

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What a lazy cunt you are, op.

It's basically nano but rewritten in a """modern""" language.


laziness is why people use emacs or vim in the first place, to automate things. micro just happens to automate even more ;)


Fun fact: MicroEMACS V1.3 came on this 880k disk, along with lots of other programs. File size is 62940 bytes, almost 3 times smaller than OpenBSD's /bin/ed.

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Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-10 vim vim.png (730x175 13.54 KB, 16.89K)

Not exactly looking to learn another editor, but the combination of those sound interesting - is that backed up by some measurements or do you have to report anything on that?
Also I'd imagine that some people open very large csv files with their editors, how does a garbage collected language cope with that?

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for one the size of micro is less than vim. it uses 12mb less memory than vim. i'm not sure about exact speed but opening the same file seems a bit snappier on micro. all in all both are great text editors



It's not hard to be more lightweight than Vim. Have you ever looked at Vim?

Go is not a very good language, but that quote never seemed all that objectionable to me. It just says that Go was designed to be conservative in order to be easy to pick up.

Go was designed for mouthbreathing retards so that they can shit out code as fast as possible.

Show us your beautiful software written in assembly, o Great GURU.

When will this meme end?

My sides. Go people parrot "its fast" like a mantra, mate. They can barely define speed. The most efficient way to do I/O on large files is to mmap it and I don't see anything related to that in the repository.

T64K GK O4@ O5@ O6@ O7@ ZF *F KF YF SF EZPF

Eat flaming death.

That'll trigger the GNU folks.

>oops finger slipped i'm doing unsigned

don't have greasy fat fingers then, simple fucking solution

No it will never


Not really, considering that MIT is on the FSF's list of recommended licenses. OpenBSD has their own Emacsen distributed under public domain. Now, that might trigger some people, mostly because it's a retarded thing to do that jeopardizes your own project for the sake of contrarianism.

At that point just install busybox Vi. Better than your shitty meme editor will ever be.


It's probably more about creating a convenient but reasonably small editor without a steep learning curve anyway, not creating something that is "better than vim/emacs" in any way. But some actual data would've been nice.
Actually, everyone seems to parrot that for every kind of software, not sure why

How about you write everything larger than a shellscript in Perl in a way that only you can fully understand. Every time Go gets mentioned, some retard comes out and posts that exact quote, completely disregarding context and reason and lowering the quality of the thread. You're no better than the Unix poster shitting up threads.

They also use comic sans just for shits n giggles and may be the only guys with balls left. They'll take fights rather than pick them, just trash things that don't turn out to be good enough and generally do their own thing.

They also call everything minimalistic.
I'm not asking for some suckless insane "edit C headers to configure your shit" but referring to chromium as minimalistic is laughable.

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There is difference between "minimal computer program" and "minimal (graphical) user interface".

And there is the fact that chromium has neither.

Where did they do this? It's not a very important thing, but I know that nBSD and oBSD both use a nice Times-esque (if not Times itself) serif in the framebuffer on that classic blue backdrop, which I really love.

Go is shit, use Pascal if you want easy language.

Not all of the devs do that, but they're well aware of the joke. It's a long running thing as far as I understand. As for Theo, there should be at least one of his presentations on youtube where he uses comic sans. I remember reading some article, where the "journalist" (or blogger?) tried to use OpenBSD and was very triggered that they dared to be as unprofessional and use comic sans - which in turn made OpenBSD appear less professional and secure to him or something.
Also there's
in one of their release songs - which is also kind of a weird thing you'll only find with OpenBSD.

Well articulated arguments, I guess that makes the rest of your post a trustworthy source of information.

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Go fuck yourself on a botnet computer. I'll use Pascal that runs fine on even small 8-bit systems.

Believe me, I do.

material design is a minimal interface you fuckwitted nigger

lol wait a minute do people actually think Go is a good language?

It's chickenshit minimalism
This explains it in terms of website design, but it's the same idea.

I see Go as sort of a, in my naive view, better Java. Not the language, but the way that it is applied. It would seem that Go has been applied alot in the embedded-server market.

I say naive, because I would like to admit that I'm a total idiot when it comes to Java and Go. I have only read and written a few lines of each, rest of my knowledge is hearsay from the village.

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If you had to measure it from 1 to 10, how stupid would you think I am for copy pasting a random binary from internet to my /usr/bin?

Tell me about all those 8bit systems you use daily, user

Let's see. My microwave has a microcontroller and I use that every day. Maybe it's not an 8-bit chip, but that's close enough. The point is, I want to get the fuck away from botnet hardware, not increase my dependence on it. So the hell with this "minimal" text editor and languages like Go. You want to do minimal? Write it in Forth, nimrod!

That's not what I said.
You are right. Based UNIX haters poster is better than I.

How's your microwave or Pascal going to help with that? It's not the language that is botnetted. Maybe RISC-V goes mainstream someday, but I doubt it

Your notion was equally stupid and useless for any kind of discussion

It's pretty simple really: old, simple 8-bit chips are the Final Solution to all botnet problems. If software (including programming languages) can't run on a Z80 or something similar, then it's corrupt.
Maybe there's reasons to need big hardware (like scientific applications) but I don't need or want this on my own PC. I'm tired of botnet hardware, and the software that needs it.

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Only Google shills.

You do realize that your ideal computer will never have more power than a Nintendo Gameboy? What do you expect to do on such a machine beyond typing in a word processor and a tiny spreadsheet?

That's flat-out wrong. A machine's power isn't just the CPU, but everything inside it. You can even put hard disk inside an 8-bit computer, as was done on Apple IIgs, and some russian ZX Spectrum clones. You can make the video and sound chips whatever you like, there's lots of choices for that. And you're not limited to 4 MHz or 64k memory, although that is enough for lots of things already if your mind hasn't been corrupted by GUIs, bloated software, and a "need" for 3D video games.
Or you can stay on the botnet and keep inventing more modern languages that make bloated software for overcomplicated cianigger computers. Then you can dream about some mythical libre computer that will exist one day maybe, while giving yourself lots of excuses for adding more bloat. But I'm not buying into any of this dream or the easy path to corruption.

What happened to this? google.github.io/xi-editor/

Attached: xi-editor[1].png (1024x1024, 52.5K)

That's literally all the power you need for watching videos/music at low res. So it's perfect for non-botnet stuff.

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Post your z80 homebrew my dude.


So your idea of computing is masochism? And you're complaining about overcomplicated computers?

Rust happened lol

What's masochist is being stuck on hardware platform that you have little control over, and being at the mercy of constant OS and software upgrades and all the related problems. Huge waste of time and energy, all based on someone else's will, not yours. And worse yet, you'll be doing this for the rest of your life. That's called being a slave in my book.

micro??? is it for people with MICRO penises???

Being more lightweight than vim is not exactly impressive, more interested in how it compares with editors like kak and vis. How many lines of code is micro?

This is true.
You wont master anything if you stay inside your secure sandbox.

You don't need to completely master things. The skill of hitting your thumb with a hammer is pretty much worthless.
Besides, you shouldn't have to be a master of a system in order to use it well.

That's because your example is shit.
You don't become a good mechanic without cutting your hand several times.

The thing is, is that the actual part of cutting your hand is not what made you a great mechanic

The things leading up to you cutting your hand is what made you a great mechanic. Cutting your hand is also part of the experience, humans remember pain as much as pleasure.

I agree.

You mean busting your knuckles?

It depends
Have you ever been near a radiator without gloves?

Attached: death by a thousand cuts.jpg (640x692, 90.73K)

I've only changed two radiators out, both times without gloves, but both were more than a decade ago, so I can't really say I remember what happened. But I do remember busting my knuckles plenty of times trying to break a bolt loose. I see your point however.

People use vim and emacs because they're guaranteed to be on any operating system and be in every package manager repo, unlike this piece of shit.