They were sent a cease and desist by Google according to some /b/ user. I can't find a source for that though.
RIP Hooktube
Well, it was fun while it lasted.
just make a library that hooks into another program that uses the youtube api
It is possible to write a client-side solution. I did a very primitive one with Emacs, but the thing is, like most sites, you need an api key and therefore an account to do so, and, at that point, the existence of a third-party solution is redundant. The only exception to this, I think, is twitter. Even if the backend is proprietary, having concerted, freely-accessible api's, in my opinion, is more libre than even having a federalized, "open source" solution in an Internet where the client/server model is the de facto standard.
You don't need the API to get the source video file from the youtube obfuscation of the location.
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
I actually had to write a fucking firefox extension to unmeme this shit.
Well, considering all you had to do was change the YouTube url in precisely the same way that you would with YouTube overlays before HookTube, I'm gonna call bullshit on you, larper.
It's a way for youtube to continue receiving data from users.
exactly. I was getting tired of doing it manually everytime I clicked on a hooktube link.
why? Do you think writing an extension that replaces hooktube with youtube is so hard to do that someone from Zig Forums can't possibly do it?
I'm gonna call bullshit on you, retard.
to be fair nu-Zig Forums can't really into computers
I'm not nu-Zig Forums though. I'm an employed Rust programmer.
I think this just affects the search. Use ddg and !yt to find the videos. Bonus, ddg will offer to show you the video itself.
oh + the ff plugin that redirects jewtube to hooktube url
Care to answer ?
Doesn't that defeat the point? I don't want to send any requests to
case solved
This garbage thread made me go to /g/. Fuck you Zig Forums.
Just end yourselves.
Why did they even comply, tho? I know it'll seem like the "Zig Forums doesn't do shit" meme but if some megacorp sent me a cease and desist I'd just limit myself to publishing a kindly felt "fuck you"
And how would you rate this solution privacy-wise?
Rest in piss, hooknosetube
No difference in privacy.
RIP. Back to smtube then, I guess. As good a solution as any.
An alternative is eachnow (using adblockers and uMatrix is recommended though).
am I right that the main feature (playing videos) is still there, as in youtube-dl+mpv?
you aren't getting stuff for free goyim
it costs money to host massive collections of videos you know
you should be milked in exchange if you want to use it
Replacing "you-" with "hook-" still works.
spotted the kike
Would you please care to explain what would the difference be once you have any cookie related to Google blocked?
the webpage is lighter.
how many % compared to the video you're going to ownload?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
Can someone please explain this meme to me? What is the purpose of hooktube?
youtube-dl working in cloud, promising to not mistreat your activity logs + some bells and whistles on top of that
I don't know, I haven't checked how much more it weighs but look at this shit.
What's the purpose of hooktube anyway?
not wasting bandwidth in google telemetry
gurggh me down sindrom euyttchh drrrr guize wot purpoose ov hubtub prrrtttt der der der
Did you upload that extension anywhere? I'd love to have it. Can't fucking stand hooktube.
look, e-bugchasers!
Wew. So does anyone any good alternatives now that this one is gone?
*anyone know
Hooktube is stuck at "Hooking up..." animation, help.
Read the rest of this thread
If I wanted to use something else I would have already done so.
How do I:
-download video
-download livestreams
-read description
-view author's profile
-view playlists
-read comments
of YouTube videos using only free software on a desktop GNU/Linux system?
youtube-dl can only download video and audio files, but that's it which is not enough, granted it also supports few dozens of different websites in one package.
I use smtube. The only features I wish it had were playlists and groupung comments that are responses together. Otherwise it works great.
So any browser-only alternatives?
There's no escaping the botnet, unless you want someone to pay for a server which will waste bandwidth relaying videos to you.
God, you are so fucking stupid. Why don't you read a man page before you open your ignorant mouth to whine and beg people to spoonfeed you, you lazy ass?
I did search manpage for anything related to video comments and haven't found a way to download them. Now I'm interested in this kind of software too. A free youtube viewer for Android exists, but not for desktop linux?
Yeah because it's ~1% usage.
One percenterâ„¢ and proud.
There is. If you literally just read the thread, you would know that there are several, fucking imbecile
SMtube looks like a good replacement
Hooktube does the same thing, though.
FreeTube, under GPLv3
It needs some polish, like making auto-play optional and supporting external players like mpv, but it's fine as it is.
I wonder what the next jewtube will be now that this one is gone.
That shouldn't be too hard to add IMO.
On the other hand, I don't know how they implemented the autoplay, yet.
Now that hooktube is dead, streamlink is subverted, and youtube-dl is taken over by google, what program can I use to download protected youtube videos that is FOSS? I looked into avideo and another youtube-dl clone to no avail.
I wonder if anyone can/will make an addon that restores the features to hooktube
literally, URL="$(echo $INPUT | sed "s/hook/you/")"
pafy, it's a python api for youtube that mpsyt uses.
It also has a terminal command that works almost like youtube-dl.
because Zig Forums is really just a bunch of larpers that won't do shit, let alone have a Zig Forums related job at any point in their lives.
That's no problem though. Proper way to get subs and the such going is by doing how NewPipe does it, just sub to the RSS feed of the channels or export the RSS list from NewPipe. Use an own RSS feeder like your lazy ass should do and automatically open the feed in hooktube. No functionality lost.
That's no problem though. I don't watch videos at all. No functionality lost.
That's also a way to do it
If you're going to use a desktop RSS client, you might as well just use youtube-dl -g to get the direct video URL and then open it in mpv (or vlc, etc.).
Though almost no videos use those anyway.
You're better off using SMTube, NewPipe or the YT webiste with cookies off and blocking all the scripts, except the "youtube" and "ytimg" ones; which were loaded by Hooktube anyway.
Nothing of value was lost.
I stand corrected, apparently the dev did release Hooktube's JS under the GPL. Though it still loads nonfree JS from Google and Cloudflare.
Can't it just do what NewPipe does? NewPipe is free software, just look at what it does and try to port it to whatever hooktube's written in. It may take longer, but then you'll be less dependent on Jewgle's shitty API that locks you out when you get too many users.
That said, I only trust hooktube with shit I don't mind if any random asshole knew I watched. Jewgle is going to know I'm watching it anyway, so better only one entity to know than two. Hooktube serves a much lighter webpage though, which is why I use it at all. Ideally Zig Forums would implement some extra server that does nothing but grab youtube videos with youtube-dl in whatever quality will fit the file size limit and instead of embedding it, convert the user's post to a file upload in mp4 or webm. Videos that are too big send an error. It would definitely need a per-video captcha or something to prevent abuse as well.
FreeTube looks good aside from the mobileshit interface. And there's always the terminal clients.
SMtube is literally just a fucking browser that opens one of those shitty youtube cataloging websites, you retards.
O-o-or you can just fucking use mpv with youtube-dl… Yes, even 3D.
I was referring to youtube you retarded kike, not hooktube.
hooktube BTFO (this comment will be ignored)
FreeTube seems good. Do all clients share API keys? Is there any way botnet can still work through it, assuming you don't simply watch the same obsure videos as you did while in the botnet?
what did she mean by this?
Anyone who clicks a random link deserves to get pwnt. Learn to converse.
Where do you think you are? Some place of competency?
I like this, but it still embeds.
spamming this
inb4 muh github
I prefer mplayer, but yeah, it's that easy.
just gimme yours
Why not use free tube?
What's with streamlink?
I just play videos with VLC via Tor.
I usually just run `torify vlc `
Works well, and for my subscriptions I download them when I start my computer with a cron job. All tunneled through Tor, of course.
Europoor here, it proxies to the US so it works perfectly fine for me.
It's not something that works if you are already in the US.
because hooktube is ultimately a website, not a downloadable program
this means it is fully plausible to kill hooktube by sending a C&D to their host or regristrar, in a way they cannot easily fight. Meanwhile programs have no problem endlessly spreading because people run them on their own machines
I should get a throwaway one for whytee. I'll try to do that in a few days.
Blow me
HOOKTUBE IS BACK, BOYS For now at least, it could be a glitch
Searching is back and so are channels. (random example
You have to search for a channel yourself now, though. You can't click on them directly from the videos anymore.
How come he can do this now?
I spoke too soon, he just implemented that as I posted. You don't seem to be able to do it from the front page, though.
Maybe he was just trolling before? The changelog hasn't updated yet.
Or maybe he spoke with Jewgle and they allowed him to keep his foreskin as long as he didn't put up any ads.
Oh wait oh fuck
There are only embeds now, he got rid of the direct videos links
There goes Hooktube, can't even download the videos anymore either
I can. All of the features are back. HOWEVER, , it seems like hooktube's video fetching itself isn't working. Guess he had to pick between the site doing the thing it was supposed to do and having features? He hasn't updated the changelog, his gab or his twitter. Wonder wtf is going on.
I hope to god he's just experimenting right now, Hooktube was my last way of viewing YouTube without giving shekels and data to Jewgle. If the site stays this way I'll have to stop using YT altogether.
Well you had to allow scripts for "" in order for Hooktube to work. What's the difference (tracking-wise) between allowing scripts from that domain, which is clearly run by jewgle, and allowing scripts from ""?
I emailed him asking about it and this was his reply:
So I guess there's no legal way for him to keep doing the video fetching, presumably because he ran ads? Here's the new changelog:
>July 16: YouTube api is back but mp4 is replaced with the standard YT video embed. HookTube is now effectively just a light-weight version of youtube and useless to the 90% of you primarily concerned with denying Google data and seeing videos blocked by your governments.