Help decrytping a .kdbx file

my friends dad committed suicide and he got his PC as a inheritance no passwords for it or anything so he asked me to try and get into his dads stuff, I used a live kali usb to edit some files on the hard-drive and made a admin account once i got access to the PC I found a file called user's friends Dads passwords.kdbx with some googling i think they are encrypted files from a program called keepass2 I found some programs that said they could decrypt it but I've had no luck anyone able to help either with fully decrypting the file or putting me in the right direction to finding out how I can decrypt it


To decrypt it you either need a passphrase, a private key or both. Try looking for a private key file and maybe you'll be lucky and it was just encrypted with a private key. You can of course decrypt it using the keepass program itself.

Unless he was an idiot and wrote down the password somewhere, you're basically fucked. It's entirely possible he used both a password and a private key file to secure it.

Learn how to use punctuation.

Well good thing 99% of passwords are total shit and even most people here use retarded passwords

Dad is dead. Leave his shit alone.

Absolutely this. Very very likely the pass is some total bullshit and with it you can just open with keepass normally. Talk to your friend and list some of the dad's basic info, like names of close people, relevant dates, pets, hobbies, etc and just try those and combinations of those.
I barely ever talk to my sister and once she left her laptop with me so I could fix it and forgot to leave me the password for logging into it. Believe it or not, without knowing that much about her life, I nailed her password in literally the first guess and got in. People are that retarded.
If that's not the case here, you can also try to look around his stuff for programs that can generate either crypto or random strings intalled in his machine. Then you might be able to find out what type of more complex pass he's used and maybe try those programs comboed with the first suggestion.

Do post results later. Not necessarily his personal info, but just if you managed to get in or not, and if successful how.

What if his father was a secret spy and has knowledge to cripple the Botnet?
Seriously, however, if it's a suicide, he might have had some form of idea about his will and left something for his son to find. It might be something as minor as some family photos that the son/family didn't know existed, which would mean the world to them.
It could also be his porn stash, which would be funny if not so macabre.

Yeah, the info is just lying there. You'll never know if you don't sniff it. Perhaps he had some little children trapped somewhere to die and OP will save their lives by cracking this. Perhaps it'll just be a faggy little diary talking about his day to day life. Everything is possible, you do not know until you peek. If OP ends up using this somehow against the guy, then that's on him. But if you're in the room and there's a drawer, you open it. What comes after can become incredibly wrong or incredibly righteous, but not opening is just useless.

What if he has pics of diddling his son as a baby and that guilt drove him to suicide and then on discovering this his son commits suicide?

He probably wouldn't use AES encryption to secure something meant for his son or his family. In the most likely case he has credentials to porn websites or SSH keys for his offshore CP stashing server. I hope this guy never cracks the password of that database, who knows what's even in there.

"Password" is a perfectly good password you fag.

And fucking this

Hashcat is your best bet, try and dump LTLM hashes from the Windows registry (If he was running windows) and dump passwords from the web browser and try and REUSE those passwords to see if there is a match for the passwords. If he is smart enough to use KeePass then I doubt he will have password reuse.

"Password1%" is better because it has a digit and a special character no one would ever guess.

Hello NSA

it's an OS login password, you nigtist. but yes, even for important stuff most people will have bad security


t. cia

Give it back Jamal

Joke's on you, my password is " Password ".

"123" is the best.
it's so absurdly bad, nobody would bother trying it.

Hello reading compreehension

1. make a clone
2. compare hashes to ensure the copy is identical.
3. go through all his other shit to determine IVs.initialization vectors, clues, possible passwords the fastest password to crack is the one that doesn't need cracking.
4. leave hashcat running while you learn rainbow tables, unlock it with a give back you thieving nigger, or exploit an old version.
5. profit, or cry depending on what you find.

1. If the dad an hero'd he'd leave the kid a note.
2. If glowniggers an hero'd the dad they should be running, not posting on Mongolian fingerpainting forums for tips to decrypt things his dad was an hero'd for.
3. Neither 1 or 2 is true, therefore Jamal stole it.

Dad hero'd because things like the ones you can find in that drive. so he never wanted people to know what's in it.

if he was smart he'd have stored the key file in the same directory as the database

delete system32 to get access to the hidden backup database

Give it back, nigger.
Start by bruteforcing it in the background with Hydra while you try to find something else.
It might find a result in the first 5 minutes, or you might end up having to bruteforce anyway and you'll be glad you started early.
Operating systems of today were made for multitasking, so you must have multitasking in mind.

Give it back, Jamal.exe