The Furry Christian community tackles social justice in tech:
Rainbow-Haired Bugs are Infesting Open Source Projects
Ok, this bit made me kek.
Nice find OP
Banned from youtube in 3…2…1…
The world is doomed when a furfaggot is one of the few capable of talking like a decent person.
I never thought I'd see the day when the furfags actually started looking sane compared to some other communities either.
The pooka has returned!!!
How exactly does that work?
StackOverflow is ded btw
Same way israel and fag-loving christians work.
They're not actually christian, just some random niggercattle that identifies with christian imagery and wrongly claims it is their belief while wholly rejecting it.
Why do some Christians think that being Christian means you love Jews? Jews killed Jesus after all.
What timeline is this?
What are you talking about, Yeshua was killed by the Roman state. You should be angry ant Italians if anyone.
They might not have killed Jesus directly, but they were the reason behind it.
Sage for off-topic
He blocked me on twatter for showing him this.
Open Source is like Protestantism. Like Open Source, Protestants surround themselves with superficial paraphernalia to validate their faith to other people and invest the utmost authority in the rules that dictate their faith, but the blatant irony is that these rules can be changed at their own discretion. Protestantism and most Judeo-Christians are purer atheists than the very atheists whom they antagonize. They're atheists in that they don't respect their own faith systems, but, more importantly, they're atheists for thinking that what they believe in is a natural construct, not a metaphysical one. They're so enraptured in their own antagonisms and their own hatred that they'll discard even a fundamental concern for humanity, love, justice–they all basically mean the same thing.
In a similar sense, I don't think Open Source was a bad thing in sentiment, when it was coined by Netscape and Dennis Ritchie. The idea was very simple: free software proponents are so engrossed in the superficial, in doing pointless rituals and tributes to the ego, to each other (saying GNU/Linux, antagonizing well-intentioned proprietary proponents, refusing proprietary blobs), and in being so absorbed with the superficial, they forgot about freedom 0, about justice. The irony is that these are all the things that describe Open Source today. In a way, Open Source was amazing for free software, because it sucked up a lot of the bad people, but it didn't teach us the fundamental truth about software freedom. They literally just created a system of abuse identical to the one they escaped from.
Although I consider the strong copyleft of GNU and the copycenter of oBSD alike to be free software (just different interpretations of freedom 0), I don't call Open Sores free software. Open Sores surrounds itself with copyleft paraphernalia, in its most ideal form loves the GPL3, has its own free software guidelines–perhaps even better than that of the FSF, in many respects technically superior to that of true copyleft–but regardless of technical excellence, it means very little, because Open Sores will use the authority of their guidelines to feign ignorance to things free software proponents intuitively know is wrong, even if they don't have the technical experience. For example, Linux is technically free software under GPL2, but the fact that Linus knowingly refused to upgrade to GPL3 for fear of angering his employers isn't inherently bad, if there were some continuity in his interpretation of free software that would permit for his decision–which there is. Linus believes in free software, but that doesn't mean you have to respect his interpretation of it. What's more important is that you disagree with Linus in terms of software freedom, not because of his personality, not because of his technical ability. Someone who doesn't believe in free software is Bryan Lunduke. In fact, he's the typical obsessive who procures technically-accurate facts to push an agenda, and he builds his argument based on the authority that he's a neutral party backed by facts, even if his logic is sometimes right and sometimes wrong. He takes the soyboy stance of faux-moderatism, and uses that facade to attack other free software proponents never considering where their views come from. The perfect example of this is when he attacked the head of the Linux foundation for ostensibly using a Macbook based solely on the testimony of a Debian member and using that as the basis of his facts-only argument.
Not furry enough
We live in a timeline where an autistic faggot who gets their jollies dressing up as Mickey Mouse and wanting to fuck someone dressed up as Minnie no longer is the worst thing you can be on the internet.
wanting to fuck someone dressed up as Oswald*
Are you implying that real Christians worship a cuck in a dress that diddles kids?
pick one
Are catgirls furry, user?
Thanks for bringing this channel to my attention. It's truly the literal amalgamation of things I've always been looking for in a jewtube tech channel.
I think that these SJWs are part of a CIA scheme to destroy free software
You're allowed a tail and ears. Anything beyond that is degenerate. That's always been the rule.
I'm not clicking this shit nigger.
I think the ears and tail are cute, would fuck, but #2 and beyond just make my dick skidaddle skidoodle.
fuck off then. nobody cares about you or what links you're willing to click
God damn I hate summer
Hooktube is kill and the webm would have to be compressed to the point that the quality would be worse than shit. Click, don't click, just be sure to drink bleach afterwards.
fuck off then. nobody cares about you or what posts you consider summer
Nothing of value would have been lost and you could have split it.
Hi koolfag, how's that social life going?
Covers the bases pretty well, but one thing is never touched on or mentioned:
Are you new here?
He already said he's basically the subject of part 2.
"Furry" is a diagnose.
Well what's worse ?
Just liking anthropomorphic characters (of course this is just vanilla fur compared to the degeneracy that exist on the spectrum) OR believing that everything is a social construct that you have no control over it even tho you try to control it. That people can change their sex to 100% physically and in their mind. That persecution and murder of a specific group is legitimate because it your side etc....
Hold my beer
Actually, Christians should love Jews, but love of course means wanting them to share in the salvation of Christ. Love is not merely tolerance, but wanting the best for others. That means love is corrective and based in wisdom. In other words, Christians should insist that Jews convert to Christianity. If they won't, then corrective measures should be taken, such as exiling them from Christian society because light has no fellowship with darkness. But missions should still be made in attempts to convert the Jews and their children.
Of course, the Jews wouldn't receive this well, which is why they were frequently exiled from Christian countries.
Captcha: fukedr
There you go nigger, you better be watching it.
Well, god fucking damn it.
Fucking Evangelicals
I can do it at an acceptable resolution but why would I want to? It's a furry commentary fag so I'd probably just use the audio tbh fam. Nothing of value is there so I'm not wasting my time with it.
I'd like to see you not shilling your furry shit on the board.
So we're putting up with furries because Zig Forums has a hard-on for some waifu? There is a reason that shit is mostly restricted to its containment thread user.
Where do you think we are
I got 3 seconds in and saw KOTH, skipped to a few minutes in, saw his persona and closed the webm. Thanks for the webm though user.
The video isn't completely useless, it features screen-captures of certain quotes and shit like that, so yeah. I'd rather have a full-text version though.
You need to get out more. user. Libbie posts are happening on Zig Forums and /v/ pretty often these days.
Nice meme.
The fuck are you talking about?
Excuse me, meant to respond to and . I didn't know Libbie is showing up on Zig Forums.
There are even Nazi edits of her now. I'm pissed I forgot where I saved them.
I hate furries with buring passion, but this guy is right.
furfags out
Love you too, metafag~
I-I have no idea what you're talking about, user goy.
Don't talk to me or my language's compiler ever again.
Did mods change the original video link?
Cause I don't think it's pic related
is probably the original but I can't understand his name nor find the original from the vid. I only get the guy he referenced in
what the fuck mods? put it back, now.
Get fucked, furnigger.
The subject of the thread is the title of the video
ah, I'm an idiot. Thanks
remove furry
Mods be salty~ Seriously, no fucking wonder Zig Forums has basically gone back to being a dead board after the LibreOffice happening ended.
This is not a technology thread. The purpose of this thread is to discuss politics. News about social justice is not news about technology.
News of social justice subverting the technology field is inherently news about technology and it's current state. Cease the damage control [k00l]nigger, and perhaps consider that there are other boards- more suited to avoid breaking your bubble.
Did... you actually do this just to make Maff's boobs look even bigger?
shalom, rabbi!
It wasn't my group, it iwas just this superclass of my group that interprets the exact same instruction manual as me slightly differently.
inb4 'i-i-it's not furry because muh mascot'
Seems the mods have anchored the thread. This is really pathetic. Enjoy your dead board, guys~
Wow this video is really nice. It neatly summarizes several controversies in a hilarious manner.
Here's the node.js controversy summary I have saved:
Post or link the full version
Are you kidding me? The tweets pretty much speak for themselves
yeah im going to post on 8/g/ now
So much for k00lfags having control of the BO
It’s all meaningless…
back 2 plebbit friend
I think I'll stay. Make me move faggot.
Nigger, Zig Forums is a zombie board. Hell, most of Zig Forums is a ghost town outside of /v/ and Zig Forums, don't kid yourself. And did you even bother to watch the video? There is nothing bait about it.
Fun fact: That curry nigger shadow bans anyone badmouthing MS in his YT channels comments.
I know of the perfect website for you.
That pajeet until recently didn't even comprehend the concept of nonfree javascript.
Did I say it needed to be as busy as halfcuck? Nope~ But when you still have threads FROM A MONTH ago up, you have a traffic problem. Accept the fact.
Yet he's trying to cozy up to the FOSS community, The poo literally is wearing a tux shirt with Windows 10 on screen behind him in most of his videos.
i you don't like the k00lfags then come join us at
FOSS, CoC-less, cuck-free and full of redpilling fun
they've been on /g/ too
this is not good
abort abort
This is news about politics. The fact that there are technology companies or communites involved doesn't make it about the technology. The politics that affect technology companies is not technology, it is politics. Technology is strictly about the tech.
Since fuckin' when? Were all the threads about Leah and his autism, *just* about tech with no political component? What about all the threads we've had about COCs?
It's a clapistani thing. (((Clapistani Christians))) are good goy as befitting the citizens of vassal state of Israel. They refer to Jews as the Chosen People and all that dumb shit.
All the threads about Leah that was only about the people are not technology. Libreboot is technology, the people behind Libreboot is not technology. All threads whose purpose is about codes of conduct are not technology. If I could move those threads to Zig Forums, then that would be the best because they are threads dedicated to discussing political matters.
It is about technology if the people and policies talked about have direct control or influence over software and the companies that make them. They bring those threads on themselves by willfully bringing politics into technology. By your logic, if a law was passed requiring all computers to report your location to the government on an hourly basis, or if some blue-haired fucko put spyware in their shitty electron app- that wouldn't be relevant here because of "muh politics belongs in Zig Forums". Your posts are obvious damage control, and it's not even subtle. You glow in the dark.
Anchoring this thread was a bad move mods. This place is hurting for active threads and you go and kill one.
or do they?
how are you different from these SJWs if you think you don't need to prove your point and refute opponent's point?