web browsing and chans are fundamentally broken
this is how it looks for me today:
1. open web browser
2. open chans and websites
3. open a lot of tabs
4. start reading chan tabs and answering in them
5. leave them open because more replies can come, also I plan to save tab to PC when it's done. or write some text on my PC after reading that tab
6. go sleep
7. reply to tabs from previous day & open more tabs
8. repeat, repeat, until I end with thousands of tabs
9. ???
I do not understand what I should do with all of chan and website tabs. And when. Web browsing is broken.
I cannot close them because they can get replies, or I want to save them, or do some follow up.
follow up - for example if I read that jews are evil, a follow up would be to kill them or plan to kill them, or write some text related to this.
Web browsing and chans are fundamentally broken
nigger, i too have tab compulsion
when you want to get support group going?
I don't think the website's native JS will assrape you, user.
Fuck off
Sounds like (You) are what's fundamentally broken, m8.
The website's native js is merely the lube. When you've enabled it, in comes Jimmy Watkins with the syphilitic dick.
Just close your tabs. I never have more than five threads open at a maximum because I know I can just come back to it later.
I save a link to a thread I responded to in a text file.
Come up with a page limit. For example once a thread goes past page 10 I close that tab. As long as you are regularly checking the board itself, you'll see if that thread gets any updates.
Plus the archive means that if a thread dies, you can still read those last posts, albeit minus unique images.
That's impossible. Chans aren't that active.
Found the newfags.
Just use the Dashchan app :^)
It must suck to have millennial goldfish memory
i use catalog and my memory to revisit threads i found interesting, and not a single tab was given.
You're wrong. The only thing broken here is you. My web browsing works for me.
how to know which threads and tabs are important? how to not consume all of them?
Why bother with all that though? I just browse with Links or Lynx, which have no tabs or javascript. If a thread is so important that I want to see replies later, I just bookmark it. Then I delete the bookmark when thread expires. But most threads just aren't important at all, and maybe I'll only see them again if they get bumped later on.
that's very inefficient
Install gentoo
You could build a CLI tool to check on threads.json for "last_modified" of every thread you want to watch.
watch thread and threads get closed after so long
We could have had kekchan and shitposted in holographic blockchains forever but they sent Fortress to the shadow realm.
using the web for anything is fundamentally broken, the least broken being simple static documents
Found the newfriend
Word™ would like to have a word with you
top notch logic.
so what? it all runs in a sandbox anyway.
Use bookmarks, FFS.
Most people who use "chans" are talking about cuckchan and this place and no one likes cuckchanners here.
Follow Chuck's mantra of intentionally avoiding of cramming your head full of useless shit from the internet / popular media. Issue you're describing is why I got rid of more than 1000 RSS feeds. I bet more than often, after 3 hours you also notice this kind of thing puts you in sort of a tired trance state where you can't even recall what 'content' you read or viewed 30 seconds ago. How fulfilling is that..
That being said, I wish 2-way, RSS sort of like API thing was a universal standard for fetching JUST the content from web servers and filling in data that usually goes in HTML forms, since web designer-developer subhumans are not inclined going back to plain HTML / WAP-like experience and so I can read stuff and reply to stuff on my terminul or wherever. But, unlike web-DRM introduced by (((W3C))), these things are not profitable (you don't see big orange RSS buttons in websites, even now it's still often there, instead get offered a (((newsletter))) ), so one can only dream.
Actually, it's very efficient. I had totally forgotten about this thread until it popped up to the front page of Zig Forums again. And now I'm about to go to sleep and forget about it once again.
i love charls
No, your brain is fundamentally broken. Stop being a fag. Never have more than 3 chan tabs open at the same time. Turn off you pc when going to sleep. Learn to let go.
Yep. You are better off with mailing lists.
If they're on boards where they don't 404 in days there's no point in keeping them open. If they are, you shouldn't be opening hundreds anyway since you can't keep up with them.
You've been bitching about this meme for a decade, maybe it's time to lose your anal virginity instead?
ask reddit about this, they know the answer