You might not like it, but Flatpak makes distributing 3rd party games a lot easier.
Cripple Crying Simulator 2O12 : Flatpak edition
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Cripples in a sandbox!
The guys at Flathub have said they'd be happy to host free visual novels. I can think of two others that would be perfect for the place:
By free, do you mean proprietary assets under a freeware license? I'm not being pedantic here, I'm seriously wondering.
They mean gratis, but the original Sunrider actually is F/OSS under the GPL with CC-BY-NC assets.
Truth is most Ren'Py games could almost count as F/OSS aside from scripts.
Don't conflate free software with open source software. Free software encompasses open source software, but not all open source software is free software, nor is all so-called open source software free (e.g. Chromium, which is proprietary).
Oh, yes, of course most Ren'Py games count as free software, except for the parts of the software that aren't free, as well as all of the assets--all the original content added onto Ren'Py. Excellent deduction.
why would one desire to waste valuable drive space+Internets on babby's first spooknovel?
Read Higurashi instead.
All of the game code is GPL. The assets are not covered by Stallman's idea of Free Software. That is a Free Culture issue.
Except for the scripts.
But Katawa Shoujo already has a Linux version.
The scripts too, in the case of Mask of Arcadius.
That doesn't play nice with modern Alsa.
Audio doesn't crackle for me in Arch. Which is more than I can say for the tarball on the KS website.
KS is proprietary.
I know. The VN that I said was F/OSS is Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius. That one KS dev didn't have to be such an asshole though. Come to think of it, most of the KS devs turned into faggots.
Yeah, it's just very common that people think ks is free as in freedom. Sunrider is actually fucking awesome, played it after some shilled on the GNU/Linux gaymen thread.
Games do make more sense for Flapak than most other stuff. You don't have to worry about themes for one thing. And, supposedly, Flatpak helps with backwards compatibility. Again, supposedly.
It would help if you weren't fucking clueless imbecile with horrible reading comprehension. Maybe you would have realized I was talking about the fact that you butchered the FLOSS acronym to fit your soyboy open source agenda.
Somebody hasn't taken his autism pills today I see. And F/OSS was actually a thing before FLOSS.
That's on the verge of becoming the new 'cuck'.
That doesn't change the point in the slightest. Nor does it change the fact that even when you intentionally feigned ignorance by changing the conversation, you somehow still managed to get contradicted.
That's nice boo.
But Ren'Py is GPL, so that isn't possible.
The first two Sunrider games were great. It's just a shame it's been nothing but side-story shit since then.
Ren'Py is MIT.
About the only thing that Flatpak couldn't get around is glibc breaking shit.
No it isn't. It's F/OSS, so that's clearly not possible.
Benis, please.
Assets can be proprietary and the game itself will continue to be free software, as long as it's released under a license that respects the user's freedoms.
The only thing RMS ever stipulated as far as assets go is that they be share-able.
Do any of you make Ren’Py games? I’ve thought about doing it recently.
I am an unimaginative piece of shit with no art skills, so no. I'd love to cooperate with anons who do have the art and story stills though, I'm pretty good with Python and programming in general.
Nigger this game is from 2012.
Honestly, at this point, I'd look at Godot over any other open source engine. Ren'Py is a fork of PyGame, and the internals are starting to show their age.
Meh, who cares.
Call me when they finally make a 64bit version.
You realize nobody is working on the game anymore, right?
Not really. Flatpacks only work on distro's which have the flatpack package manager. It's no different than just creating an ebuild and having it only work on systems which use portage.
What backwater distro are you running that doesn't support Flatpak?
The only major distros that use it are Fedora and Mint. Anything else requires installing it yourself which makes OPs point moot.
'sudo apt install flatpak' & 'pacman -S flatpak' really that hard?
Just make a package for each system you want to support. Else, just use appimage.
>implying (((gamers))) are using Linux in the first place
Is this free software ?
Are we on the same thread?, the fucking point of flatpak is that you only need ONE package that runs on ALL platforms with flatpak no matter how obscure it is. But more importantly, you don't need to patch your package to work with older/newer versions in the libraries of the target platform, your package is guaranteed to not break due to future library updates.
the difference from appimage is that you don't use separate libraries of the same version for each package, that and also the sandboxing is nice.
I've heard fair arguments against flatpak but you just don't have a clue of what you're talking about.
and only 2 have it like I said before.
Not enough tight roll-exe flair
sudo apt install flatpak
sudo pacman -S flatpak
sudo emerge flatpak
and Fedora has it by default
Using the package manager from the terminal is not some 1337 fucking task, everyone who uses linux has done it, and
Yes, KS is F/OSS because Mask of Arcadius is distributed under a free license.
Now you have crossed over from autistic to retarded. I was wondering why this board was so much more dead than the last time I was here and faggots like you basically answer that question.
What are you asking about?
Flatpak? Then yes.
Katawa Shoujo? Almost. The scripts are non-free.
Reminds me more of Mega Man Legends tbh.
That's nice, Boo.
I'm sick of talking to you. If this board is populated with teenage retards like you, I think I'd like to find a better pastime.
Benis, please go.
Nice try, Benis.
Why doesn't it surprise me the sperg is a pedo...
Spoiler that shit.
It's very easy to use. If you have predone assets, a basic outline for the plot, and just a little bit of skill with writing cand coding it would take you at most a month to make a fully polished game ready for release.
Lots of new renpy users will make some kind of "meme game" ( not sure what else you'd call it) where they use unconventional images for character art (stuff like pictures of inanimate objects) and quickly draft a nonsensical story so they can quickly get a feel for the system without needing any art skills or much time spent
here's an example I just found by doing an image search of "renpy game"
I will now always associate Flatpak with the scent of lemons.
Just started playing it today. Not bad. Actually has a game inside of this. The story is a little slow to start, though.
You might enjoy Unteralterbach, too. It has at least one (very simple) mini-game and a number of series of dialogue challenges that are sort of game-like.
Oh, I did.
Better a pedo than a furry, Benis.
Not according to most countries, you literal faggot.
No fucking wonder this board is even more dead than it was last year. There is autism and then there are spergs like this that just run threads into the fucking ditch.
Yes and I also realize that I'm never going to play it again because I'm not going to waste my time installing multilib shit.
I for one am still upset that they never made a Kenji route.
They did though.
We could always remake KS in Godot.
That's not really a route. I mean, that's a bad end. Where is the end where you cunt-punt femnazis and fight the ROG(Roastie occupied government)?
So wait, Flatpak might make Linux backwards compatibility better too?
Wow, you're butthurt.
Whatever you say, boo.
I like this new meme.
I discovered this game on Steam with other VNs which were free as in free beer
After installation it didn't launch, I saw other users with the same issue on Linux and the dev basically said that its the platform's fault and he's not fixing it, what a fag
It is, though. The direct download works fine. I'll help you fix it, user.
It is Steam's fault. You can do two things:
1) Open the games install dir and launch the .sh file
2) Add "RENPY_PLATFORM=linux-i686 %COMMAND" to the game's launch options
This happens because the Steam Runtime is so old modern distros are starting to have more and more issues with it. These libraries are more than half a decade old now.
The game is also free on GOG. That version ran fine for me in Mint 19.
Aren't they old exactly because of compatibility?
Yes. But because they're implemented in the most clumsy way possible, we're starting to see breakage between them and the host system. Flatpak actually gets around this.
Libbie-chan is the good kind of autism. She actually had this place lively for a couple months. user's like that, on the other hand, kill threads.
I don't even know what Flatpak is and I already hate it.