This article (en espanol, negrito) piqued my interest in how access to newer technologies spreads from technological centers like the US to shithole countries like Mexico and African countries. Does anyone here live in a developing country and can attest to this? Are there are services and technologies that are useful that are offered in underdeveloped countries but overlooked by more technologically “advanced” countries?
Third world tech
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Classic spicland
The mismanagement is astounding.
3rd world countries have access to general purpose computers and the internet. Any difference is due to the population being subhuman.
t. 3rd worlder.
3rd wordlers are phoneposters and there is high probability of their pocket spying devices being more powerful than Zig Forums's 12-year old thinkpads.
It's not like they're going to do anything with that extra power.
like Zig Forums isn't gay enough to buy brand new iphones at launch. get with the times.
Not to defend the spics, but they are the 15th largest economy in the world, and 10th most populous. They could build a nuclear bomb in a year if they wanted to.
Some of the problems are problems you see with large government programs. Wasn't the UK's NHS hit by WannaCry because they were using obsolete computers running obsolete Windows XP? The county assessor where I live in the US was using a VAX machine until very recently (within the last 4 years). I was developing for Windows XP until 2016, when management got the picture that they needed to update the machines when our labs accreditation was threatened. When you own a fuckton of computers, you either have to update all of them (which is expensive to do) or you update some of them (and now you have multiple system configurations on your network, which is expensive to maintain).
Other problems, like paying for seven computer systems when you only have one, are the problems of a corrupt, shithole government.
If only they could fuck off.
I'm also going to point out that the are considering all computers older than three years obsolete. I don't know if any of you have worked with government, but holy fucking shit. The US gov waits 10+ years, even though it's probably buying better hardware. Still. Fuck, the US ICBMs use computers that have 11" floppy drives.
Obsolete is a special term. It's used in consumer markets to push new GPU's for games, new CPU's for businesses, and more RAM because people are idiots that think the newest software is the best software.
If it works, it works. That isn't obsolete. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. That is obsolete.
You're thinking of halfchan /g/. The only confirmation I've seen here of any anons buying new technology was that one guy who bought the Talos system.
Some user said that he got an overclocked pi3 with overclocked wifi
SBCs are the main exception, since even some of the more powerful ones seem to be in the price range of your average poster here. Besides, isn't the Pi 3 several years old at this point?
No but there's a new one
There's been two updates, the 3B and now the 3B+
I'm waiting for the Pi 3 Turbo Hyper Fighting version
I forgot about the 3+ model. Probably need to replace my half-broken Pi 3 at some point, preferably with something like an odroid or orangepi.
Weirdly, there hasn't been a model a since the first one.
slaps my head. this is my mistake. i actually feel comfort knowing that Zig Forums finds use, constructive use, with old technology.
What do you mean? The people hopping the borders? I imagine they don’t like having those optics. The cartels probably facilitate that as well. Shithole countries will be shithole countries. I’m sure none of them like Mexico as it is, but a lot of government officials are complicit for self interested reasons. Plausible deniability of individual accountability for sweeping problems across the country is one hell of a drug.
8-inch floppy disks actually. And the interesting thing is that the bigger surface area, the more resilient the data is to corruption. That's assuming everything else is equal, but the 3.5-inch disks got completely trashed in the mid 90's when production was sent to China. But even older 3.5-inch disks have more errors now than 5.25 ones.
That happens because it always feels like nobody but yourself gives a fuck about doing things properly and you can't believe how quickly you get burnt out with that shit.
Haha, fuck no, we look at you grigos as gods and we just imitate whatever you do at a minimum of 1 year of delay, this is not just with technology, this applies to everything we do, including memes (this is the worst part of all), god I fucking hate being a 3rd worlder.
I've actually seen Google's And Faceberg's initiatives and documentations on how to build websites for real third world shitholes like Burma or Equatorial Africa, Venezuela where data connection is unstable and everyone uses a smartphone at best, feature phone on average. It still doesn't match with old WAP and PDA versions of pre-2009 websites because apparently both Google and Facebook want their datamining scripts running even here.
Also, third and second world peoples heavily use messaging apps instead of web because some of them, like Telegram has built-in feature to convert web pages in markdown, not even mentioning chinese all-in-one chat applications that replicate the operating system themselves by serving applications inside an application.
I buy flash carts, but granted I haven't got one recently. Polite sage because second world tech for pirating first world software is as far off topic as it gets.
That’s just living in any imperfect society I suppose.
This is well known in Spicland.
Whenever first world outlets clear their stock, it all lands here. You can find tech stores with new laptops dating as far back as 2013 going for 300-400 burgerbucks here (most of them bearing crappy Celerons and Pentiums with 2-4 GB of RAM, which makes them worthless for anything but Kikebook), and people will happily buy them without a care.
That's common currency here. Buy shit for peanuts, pocket the difference.
Hell, the last 2 presidents of my country stole at least 11 billion burgerbucks (pretty much confirmed) over 12 years. "Unofficial sources" say the sum was closer to 140 billion eurobucks (a whole year's GDP). I believe the latter figure is closer to reality. Corporations are just as, if not more corrupt than our government (see multiple 'accidental' spills of cyanide-containing water by Barrick Gold in Veladero, Chevron causing the worst oil disaster in history in Ecuador, use of glyphosate in soy crops, etc.).
there is high probability of their pocket spying devices being more powerful than Zig Forums's 12-year old thinkpads.
No fucking way. No one would waste 500-1000 burgerbucks on a phone with $300-600 wages. That said, plenty of people prefer phones because they're more efficient purchases than wasting 400 bucks on a crappy Pentium CPU that can barely boot Wangblows.
This is pretty much what every 3rd worlder with a conscience feels.
Imagine how "first worlders" who live in "good" parts of the world feel when they fail to accept all the social norms that dictate how people live. I live in one of those places, but my conscience does not sit well with the fake meritocracy we have here.
More on those Chinese chat services?
im just gonna say that im displeased
Not sure if this will make you feel better but that was almost certainly a cuck's fantasy, not a woman's.
This. Pretty much all the degenerate shit we see women do in porn and I should note porn actresses are a tiny tiny minority of women came from the brain of man.
Women actually have pretty pure minds for most things, but a small fraction are financially corruptible, or easily pressured by violence form male assholes.
The irony is that you are perhaps the biggest misogynist in this thread. Your condescending, postmodern logic is the same one that makes Monica Lewinsky claim she was a victim of her own approaches.
Hilariously false.
it's a laugh
there were at least six of them in that thread assuming it wasn't a single turbosperg samefagging to shill it.
What's wrong with that?