How would the field of electronic binary calculators have evolved had the Axis powers won the war?
How would the field of electronic binary calculators have evolved had the Axis powers won the war?
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Alan Turing's POZ wouldn't be so evident today.
The same.
We would probably have experienced a boom of alternative methods getting their niche markets, as was the norm with engineering inventions of the past.
If the Axis won we'd be 50-10000 years ahead considering how they wanted to wipe out the kikes - who are hiding the advancements of Tesla and alien technology from us.
We're an endgame spacefaring civilization in those regards. We just don't know it.
No video games.
Emacs would still be turing-complete.
I think computer drive capacity would've been larger sooner considering the germans proficiency of mag tape tech.
For sure tech would be more advanced and less kiked, specially with how that would mean jews within the influence of germany would all be deported to Israel.
Autists instead of intellecual jews would rule over the tech field so no CISC bullshit.
Free software movement would happen later because proprietary is inherently jewish, and 3rd worlders would be the ones to start proprietary software. Its head wouldn't be Stallman because he would have been born in Israel and he would be stuck there.
China would be less of a shithole due to the german-chinese cooperation, assuming in this timeline they didn't have to cuck them for Japan.
Nah. I think the german use of mag tape would've led to prelinary use of tapes quicker. It took decades, at least to the mid-50's, before IBM started incorporating mag tape for storing data. I think having larger data storage would've allowed for computation of larger data sets sooner, which gives greater outputs that could be further used in other areas.
Software patents would be illegal. All software would require being provably correct. Such software would be called Aryan software.
Illegal blackmarket softwares ridden with bugs and malware would be called Judensoft.
There would be the same thing with hardware. All CPUs in the Reich would be provably correct down to the circuit level, with no backdoors. The ISA would be the REICH architecture.
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Fug, I want to visit that timeline.
might as well ask if how the field of electronics would change if my computer was teleported back to the 1960s. Impossible
Free speech would probably not be a thing. It's funny how the current powers at be and a bunch of authoritarian humorless kraut autists can't and wouldn't be able to take the banter and criticisms against them. In all honesty if anything like the internet was allowed to get into the civilian realm by the axis military-alliance hegemony, several counter-cultures would spring up to fuck with them, because of their srs bzns, no fun allowed beliefs.
If that's true, why is getting banned from Zig Forums so laughably easy?
This, but unironically. The spic/nig cycle must be broken.
>It's funny how the current powers at be
Jokes aside, why don't you clear this up for everyone and identify who leftypol believes is running things.
Because the left are also authoritarian cucks, you stupid faggot
Politics isn't "alt right vs mengacommunist left" fucking brainlet
Someone being opposed to an actual authoritarian Fascist state does not make them some sort of Zig Forums faggot you absolute morons
(But you are a Zig Forums faggot)
Tesla is a fucking meme and space is way too big for aliens to have ever visited us.
Haha! Holy shit! You are ignoring that we have been broadcasting radiowaves for almost 2 centuries, and that aliens could potentially have solved the light speed problem. Maybe watch your Star Trek a little more. Ever Star Wars attempts to solve the problem.
Brainlets like yourself need to stop visiting this board.
Ternary computers.
they'd give up and go play outside like human beings are supposed to
I don't think you appreciate just how empty is our known universe. protip: it's far worse than looking for a needle in a haystack
Answer the question.
That's the soviets. We'd use base one. Ein Fuhrer, ein volk, ein base.
ternary computers might make a comeback since they can use less power despite being more expensive
To communicate with aliens?
This. Not to mention (((patents))) and (((intellectual property))) would be non-existent.
t. Brainwashed turd
wed have jew clusters to compute NP-complete problems
We'd probably be a far more advanced civilization, regarding scientific knowledge.
We wouldn't have the cuck licensing nor the jew technoshit...
I can't even list the amount of advances we would have in other areas.
Ternary was supposed to be potentially more efficient with quantumz as the system maps naturally to some physical aspect of it, but it's been 20 years since people were talking about that so I have no idea where it all stands today.
You gay furries are retarded
we wouldn't have been as advanced in computer technology, the only reason the jews even used computers was when they hired IBM to track jews using serial numbers.
90% of the world's population wouldn't exist because without the americans and russians becoming a superpower and warring over communism and such people wouldn't have moved around or murdered.
china wouldn't have been turned to shit under communism or mao and would still retain their old culture and humility.
If Arabs never existed and the mongols never moved into the middle east the world would have gone to the moon in 1500 or 1600 AD and been space faring in 2000's.
Kraut lovers are retarded. Germany was a place of squalor for most of its history, before Bismarck. What were they doing, inventing things like the Mediterraneans/Mesopotamians? No, they were just various tribes, raping and pillaging, like snowniggers do. I say this not as a Jew, but someone who knows history. They've lost almost every war they've waged--the exception being the Franco-Prussian war. Many times Germany only "won" by using blitzkrieg on countries that had a weak army compared to theirs (the Balkans for example). Something Krauts love to deny are the superior tactics of the Soviet Union (you're going to call me a commie in 1... 2...). Also, the "statistics" include civilian deaths, which was a part of their scorched earth strategy. The Crusades? They were mostly failures, the territory gained was given back to the Muslims almost instantly. After waging war on their European brothers throughout history, they've now forced Europe to accept refugees. Germans aren't even the best engineers today, the best cars are Italian, and the best guns are Russian. They have no Roman empire, Greek history, or Renaissance. They had no empire like the British or the Spanish. Yeah, "master race".
you mean 100 years, tops. Radio wasn't widely used until just after WW1.
This means our radio bubble is 80 lightyears across.
This is a list of every catalogued start within 100 lightyears. 500 stars, of which only 41 have planets(one of those is Sol).
41 systems even worth visiting within our possible visibility bubble. Outside that, theres no chance any alien civilization could find us except by pure luck.
Of the billions of stars with planets in our galaxy, what are the fucking chances they would happen to travel through our (tiny) radio bubble and pick up faint broadcasts of Betty Boop singing or the Hindenburg crashing, then decide its a good idea to come here?
English and Spanish are both Germanic peoples, retard.
English? Somewhat. Spanish and Mediterraneans? No, genetic tests show the opposite. You are trying to co-opt Mediterranean history because your own is so pathetic; figured a drooling deutscher would say this. WE WUZ ROMANS AND GREEKS AND SHIEETTT... (Also, the Spanish, Sardinian, and Basque peoples are closest to the original stock of Europe. That's right, the people you call "darkie moors" and "sandnigger rape babies" are more European than you mongoloid snowniggers).
haha holy shit germ men actually believe this
Everybody who knows about the great migration knows this, Moishe.
He's right to an extent, actually.
Member when Goths were actually badass?
I member