Terry A. Davis

Terry A. Davis
Vanned edition

Latest news:
>(supposedly, the date of recording is unknown) last video was sent to someone by email and uploaded by "The Temple" Youtube channel (youtu.be/1TVFD-Tpeno)
/*actually, to be verified*/ >not in jail, as I checked the inmate database of the counties in the Richland WA area

Older Threads:

Attached: Homeless in Front of Richland WA Library.JPG (4608x3456, 3.48M)

Other urls found in this thread:


If you're wonderng about the new look of templeos.org/ here's what happened.

>Terry was regularly uploading on Youtube (youtube.com/channel/UCJZTn-fPu-uIA55UI47_cXg/videos)

can't get vanned if you're alread on your own vanned

Attached: nig.jpg (675x376, 15.99K)

Terrence A Davis, Benton County, June 25th 2018. The last anyone heard from him was the 24th. When he apparently stole food.
You sure he wasn't arrested OP?

Did we just locate the Priest?

High Priest*

Doesn't pull up results. That's really shitty he has to steal food. What happened to getting meals from shelters?

what is your source on the "stealing food" part?

OP here... I may have missed something...
The date and place of your finding checks out, but... do you really go to jail for simply shoplifting? Especially for this long?
And also this

Attached: 2018-07-17-231547_3200x1080_scrot.png (660x53, 6.1K)

If he went to jail, they probably found out his schiophrenia, and then sent him to a hospital which could keep him indefinitely. usually after 72 hours observation they release someone though if they don't appear to be harmful to others or themselves.


That's close to it. He doesn't have to take the meds, but it adds an additional 3 days on his time for each time he refuses them.


Attached: 2018-07-18-002155_3200x1080_scrot.png (830x219, 30.56K)

Well, that explains it.

That's oddly specific.

does it say anywhere what the charges are against him?

It's when it's light enough they stop glowing, but still early enough terry might be sleeping.

Youtube video in OP.

I bet his case number reveals something about his case.

chill_out economy I'm_gonna_smack_someone FBI good didn't_I_say_that programming surprise_surprise lighten_up homo daunting epic_fail what's_the_plan outrageous thank_you_very_much hopefully astounding vengeful I_didn't_see_that endeared sloth You_know that's_your_opinion You_can_count_on_that you_talkin'_to_me umm_the_other_answer place wonderbread woot hot_air bummer au_revoir


>new look of templeos.org
HTTPS support when?
it's so dumb that this serious project is hosted only as plain text, allowing anyone in the middle to fuck with the God's code.


His personality is fracturing. 😬

Attached: Seance.webm (320x240, 1.63M)

Apparently Terry is alive and back in The Dalles, Oregon.
These are the logs from July 19th (the timestamps show ~3AM because of utc+2) pastebin.com/W4vHCShc

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1280x720, 465.16K)

I'm sure god has some reservations about TLS, just like with USB and resolutions greater than 640*480

If he'd have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into his life this wouldn't have happened.
It's not too late, though.

Attached: 058.png (678x678, 230.84K)

Terry is king you fucking nigger pope.

Back to Zig Forums, sapiens cuckoo.

03:05 where you been Terry?03:05 mental hospital and jail. assalt charge for putting holywater on someone, LOL

He's never going to be able to find a job with a charge like that on his record.

Jobs are for poor people. Terry gets 1400 a month in ssdi. Thats basically a mcdonalds salary for free.

His sole income is from donations.
He hasn't been getting neetbux for almost a year now...

He just needs to find a job, put in the work, chug a monster, go that extra mile.

Attached: f00afd493fee5c72dc06f3daa4f32522638e92098b1d87c6b9b92fc86ed72f3a.png (366x215, 231.2K)

He used to own and operate his own business, and that was after he was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Did his business make any money at all?

From what Terry says, it was successful. He says a bunch of CIANiggers kept him in work for a while, but he got tired of working for them so he said fuck it.

He should have used his position of power to infiltrate them.

That would've been cool, but they probably had his vehicular homicide on record and using it against him and keeping him under their control.

CIA NIGGERS technically dont exist therefore there is no record

We need a Benton user to go to court and find Terry or explain the judge he's a schizo.

terry could start a weed farm, he's in oregon after all

Terry could do a lot of things, but he doesn't want to. That's the problem. Like he could've spent the time and money to write drivers for major hardware developers to support templeos, but he didn't.

You're glowing

Bullshit. Every company in the world provides support for developers for the right price. How else do you think Microsoft and Linux can write drivers for all these different hardware? I guarantee you for at least Linux, that the Linux Foundation pays for access to the hardware specs so they can write drivers.

Lazy niggers and beaners drained social services so now there's none left.

archive.org is apparently taking down the archives
if someone can mirror, please do
wget -m -erobots=off ia800600.us.archive.org/31/items/TerryADavis_TempleOS_Archive/
These aren't safe:

yes kid, the archives are being reported by us. get your own server, cuckoo, your shit isn't welcome on archive.org

Serves you right for depending upon centralized services, cuck.

Post made by the KKK
©2016-2018 K00l K1d5 K1ub Inc.

>(((unless it upsets g-d's chosen people)))

The ramblings of a schizophrenic is dangerous enough to invent a new meaning for "all knowledge", meanwhile the same faggot probably pats himself on the back for hosting beheadings.




NEW VIDEO: Perfect Temple Computer


Source on that claim?

None, I'm a dumbfuck. The issue was probably that the archive had too many files to be available from the usual frontend, hence the message "No files available."
In the description there is in fact specified:
>NOTE: if the files are unable to be downloaded from the normal links try using direct server links: bit (dot) ly/2IxeN4f

Why would Terry let a CIA nigger manage his website?

Then why does nouveau suck ass?

Nouveau has to reverse engineer every part of the drivers. They don't get access to any kind of Nvidia documentation.

He's in the Dalles Oregon. Not richland. you niggers

His website doesn't need to be hosted with TempleOS, or at least it could be put behind a local reverse proxy.

Can't you not fucken read?
He was arrested in Richland WA in June 25th, been in jail and then put in a mental hospital.
When he was released, he came back to Oregon (around July 19th) because in Washington they would have vanned him again just to forcefully inject meds.

Anymore news on Terry? Does he have another court date in Washington? What was he arrested for?

He said in the IRC that he was arrested for throwing water he thought was holy water in someones face. Most likely won't go to the court date.

How many bench warrants does Terry have now? I don't remember him going to his last court date when he was van posting last year, and then he disappeared for about a month and find out he was in the hospital. This sounds about the same situation. I guess since all of this stuff is misdemeanors that they won't worry about the warrants.

its a miracle he hasnt been knocked out yet.

updated with GodSong live stream


Any updates?

He joins daily on IRC, he mostly consults the oracle, as usual, but doesn't say much else.
So, no news, still homeless in The Dalles.

actively evading arrest is a felony.


Attached: ClipboardImage.png (600x438, 382.81K)

Attached: feels-good-man.png (400x400, 22.98K)

Terry's camera got stolen and he's considering going back to his parents'
23:46 nigger stole camera23:46 yesterday23:46 o23:46 need money lol23:47 hungry monk 23:47 sad23:47 go back to parents i think23:47 good and bad balance23:47 might be for the best23:48 too many niggers on the streets23:48 KingTerry: how did you upload the video of earlier today? 23:49 quality was pretty good23:49 was library23:49 no the one outside the car dealership23:49 then outside.23:49 --> Me ([email protected]) has joined #templeos23:49 are you in portland?23:49 !gw23:49 bastard peace listen_buddy spunky not_too_shabby awesome on_the_otherhand left_field busybody white_trash It's_nice_being_God smile stoked you're_fired think_you_could_do_better It_grieves_me praying poor zoot bank What_are_you_doing_Dave love what_part_of_God_do_you_not_understand smack_some_sense_into_you ROFLMAO rum_bitty_di sad ice_cream I_didn't_see_that I_was_sleeping don't_even_think_about_it you_don't_like_it 23:49 he's in The Dalles 23:50 KingTerry: do you have the money to get back to your parents?23:50 no23:50 send money23:51 --> Guest30 ([email protected]) has joined #templeos23:52 !gw23:52 don't_have_a_cow it's_hopeless fight pick_me_pick_me no_way_dude sports I_could_swear sloth virtue hobnob Hicc_up in_theory I_see_nothing IMHO ehheh_that's_all_folks energy why_is_it lift you_couldnt_navigate_yer_way_circleK earnest I'm_beginning_to_wonder as_a_matter_of_fact Venus tiffanies charity I'm_grieved vengeful watch_it_buddy I_have_an_idea once_upon_a_time Burp Mission_Accomplished 23:52


The new retard vol thinks he can make Zig Forums his own hugbox, like he did in #templeos. From what I gathered, he learned about Zig Forums itself from the k00lfags, after he became interested in TempleOS from what I think could be either reddit or cuckchan.

Going back with his parents is probably the best thing. Hopefully he can get back to working on TempleOS

Would his parents even let him move back in?

if he takes his meds

A bunch new videos just got posted

Any good ones? Is he still drunk posting?

he's trying to convince people to ditch their jobs and live on the streets, which would be pretty fucking awesome if enough people did it



Took the words out of my mouth. If enough people did it, they could band together and protect each other from the street walkers.

the only thing keeping capitalism going is that people keep buying into it. that and the fact that people are largly incapable of acting as a group to accomplish anything unless it benefits them in some way in the short term.

People like not starving or being exposed to the elements

Everyone would be content as a hunter-gatherer, even moreso than today, no suffering, social problems, and overall a better life. Capitalism, and to a larger degree post-agricultural technology have caused unimaginable suffering to the human race.
You can find the most important resources (ISaIF being the MOST important) here: 8ch.net/luddite/resources.html

True, but it is a leftist act to side with a group. We need a tipping point for industrial society (perhaps an acclerationist approach?), and right when it tips start an anti-technology movement to implant humans with the idea of technological suffering. This can be done via propaganda, but propaganda that influences more intellectual people than the masses. For example, instead of saying "americans are fat and eat so much", you can say "the capitalistic system has caused immense suffering to the americans".

Capitalism is nothing more than trading excess resources for needed resources. It has nothing to do with accumulating unncecessary wealth for greed. The only reason a capitalist would accumulate monetary wealth greater than his need is to spend it wisely more than the poor who he knows would spend it poorly, wastefully.

Yes, let the rich decide the fate of the poor.
Jesus christ, I can't believe you actually believe in this.
Do you [b]really[/b] think humans should not be able to decide for themselves? Decide their fate? Defend their life?

How's those welfare programs working for those poor minorities? Are they starting businesses? Do they still murder, rape, steal?

Great strawman. You can go back to Zig Forums now.

Deflecting the argument just means you are a loser.

lmao you people are a meme of a meme

It's not a website. it's a board, you loser.
Ted used technology to bomb technology propagators as well. It's a necessary evil. I don't know what's so hard to comprehend here? Am I supposed to fight the industrial system using a wooden spear and two rocks?

tools are too high-tech, life never should have developed beyond the level of prokaryotic single-celled organisms

Attached: 0d14a82211bfab141a43117080d6e956a1e0235c4de901a8024cdb8b11e58b11.png (374x289, 150.15K)

[red text]This guy is a moron[/red text]


tools arent the problem. its when we started straying away from planned marriages and children and then populations started to grow so small scale villages were no longer viable. after that the growth continued into large scale unsustainable civilizations filled with insane wealth inequality and suffering.

Medicated Terry was a nigger compared to King Terry. Who would want that uncle Tom back?

Somehow he needs to get off the streets. If people are donating money, why isn't he using it to pay for a weekly-rated hotel?


Thats like $4-500 a week, how much do you think people are donating?