The Dao - Intro
Lesson1: The hacker spirit is; in oneness. "You" don't exist, therefore "your" skills are not "yours".
They're gifts offered throught the many iterative and parallel incarnations and self encounters of the spirit.
Lesson2: The hacker spirit knows no gender. Spirit knows no form and spirit knows no sides. It is the balance source of balance.
Lesson3: The hacker spirit imbudes all and is omnipotent.
Lesson4: The hacker spirit knows not bugs. If bugs, the flesh is week. One must meditate on the Dao.
Lesson5: The hacker spirit wastes not bits, nor cycles.
Writing code and hacking are an expression of an intellect seeking to discover its nature through observation of its many expressions and potential expressions. All of this gender BS that's booming around lately is but the symptom of a malaise that's been lurking around for ages. In the end, it comes down to a "human" identity crisis. Who are we in this cosmos? What are we meant to be? What's the plan?
Whatever you decide your identity to be: white, black, grey, alien abductee, C++ guru, farmer, cop, student, ... you'll eventually get stuck in a psychological drama around elements of that identity taking your attention away from the core truth and driving your life energy into a black hole. These social phenomena never last long, they're not sustainable because falsehood cannot last for too long.
Also, statistically - and for some obscure reason, white individuals (people of European descent) have easier access to education and adequate social facilities. The educational systems aren't meant to sharpen minds but to create individuals with enough automatic skills to complete certain tasks in a vital social component (corporation, official government body, ...). All of this to maintain a certain hierarchy of power and control, and keep the "social fabric" stable to a certain degree. In a corporate environment, the statistics will prevail, therefore, most employees will be "white". In such an environement, a female individual will encounter mostly white men; of course exceptions exist for reality is relative and not absolute.
Now, we all know - through experience and observation - that men are driven and exhibit a certain energy and force naturally. It is in the primitive blueprint of the male individual, both in body (testosterone) and in psychological tendencies (thinking about sex often). When, a male is a puppet of his hormonal system (the body dimension), the chemistry of the body will tend to drive the psyche into the most primitive side of the individual: conservation. Conservation of the body, conservation of the psyche, conservation of the self image, ...
As humans, we are equiped with a reproductory conservation mechanism that is linked to many subconscious and unconscious goals, what I call: the implications of being human.
The survival and conservation of the human species is part of why people crave sex, it's not just for pleasure (orgasms don't last a lifetime). Feeding a deeply rooted unconscious psychological sense of survival is the reason why ~7B people are on this planet (you and I included).
That sense of survival, coupled with religious guilt and all forms of social programming one gets exposed to from early on (including the subject of your post - yes it's recursive), is behind why some men act like assholes making women exhibit their own subconscious primitive response: fight or flight. If we go back to statistics, it's mostly white men. And, tadaaaa! now you know why. Keep in mind these statistical assumptions are related to a certain social environment.
If you move to another social environment, the statistics may vary and yet remain proportional to the assumption, or totally be false.
Conclusion, it's all monkeys fighting for more territory and status. Sit back, relax and enjoy the show.