Networking and internet are my least favourite subjects in computer science and I'm shit at both of them. How should I approach these subjects (recommended books/lectures)?
Help a gay retard learn networking
Ring or star?
hubs > switches
I beg your pardon?
I went to college for this. 20 years ago. One thing I can tell you for sure is.... I have no clue about how it works now. We didn't even have https. And I had to walk to school.
Wear kneesocks.
He doesn't know what a ring or a star is, he's far from worrying about protocols.
We even used to connect computers with wires and telephones with wires and connect computers to telephones and modems to telephones. Wires to wires so many fucking wires. When you connected to something across the room the wire was to short. When you connected to something right there the wire was 75 feet long. Nothing was straight everything was a tangled mess.
Really a Wikipedia article would provide the information you're looking for. I recommend taking a semester at a junior college to be proficient.
Can't do that. Any books or lectures?
We use ghost waves for everything now. You have a short wire to your ghost emitter, which has a short wire to another, bigger ghost emitter, and a lot of those talk to ghost emitters in orbit. It's all ghosts. The internet is spooky as fuck.
The hardest thing about networking and internet is learning network classes and protocol hanshakes and whatnot, and even that is piss easy.
Jeez ur a retard
Andrew Tanenbaum has a book on networking "Computer Networks" but it's a gorrilion pages long and reads like a slow paced novel instead of like a tutorial. Wouldn't recommend it unless Beej's guide is not enough for you for some reason.
Also, the absolute state of Zig Forums. Stupid insults and /b/ mannerisms.
fucking pleb
Go back to plebbit pleb
Generally, when you start learning networking you start with a vendor's books on the subject, the most common being Cisco, and work your way through the certifications. Alcatel-Lucent (now Nokia) has the NRS tract and Juniper has the CCENT tract. Having worked as a network enginner for 4 years at a major ISP I can tell you that's there's no substitude for real field experience though. There's a lot you'll never read in a book. It's a shame you don't like the subject because it's actually pretty fascinating, particularly the optical side of it. But this is a good starting point for a book:
Cisco's literature gives you a lot of perhaps unnecessary historical information on certain things and thier exams contain questions on obsolete topics no one cares about anymore. But my job concerned mostly Alcatel/Juniper boxes.
You should probably start with network topologies, what routers and switches actually do, why networks are built the way they are, and then move on to protocols/OSI layers from there. Learn about OSPF, ISIS, BGP, MPLS. Real network enginnering really only involves layers 1 through 4. You could even buy a cheap, old Cisco switch and router off ebay and make a small lab.
LMFAO FAGGOT just read PHYICS BOOKS FAGGOT. OMGF network "engineers" are retards who memorize acronyms in cook books that don't even understand how their technology works LOOOOOOOOL. Like they don't even know what FOURIER OR LAPLACE transforms are HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA FUCKING FAGS MAN CANNOT INTO MATH. CANNOT INTO ELECTRICAL ENGG. CANNOT INTO PHYSICS LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLLOLO KYS TBQH
White man: This is easy. I understand continuous and discrete time signal processing. I took queueing theory for fun. I understand all the major routing algorithms, and even put my name on some.
Get Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach or Tanenbaum's book
Also see this -->
I think it broke.
Old used textbooks are in oversupply, so get the best-rated intro to networking book for $2 and read it.
You don't completely forget things in 20 years, especially if you went to college for it. You may need a refresher, sure, but enough fragments should be present in your mind to reconstitute that "lost" knowledge rather quickly.
Spoken like a true brainlet.
here, they had us reading this in paperback when I took classes like 4 years back
Now this is Zig Forums posting. Exemplary, please comment more often.
Fantabulous memextravanganza