Do they have the technology for cryogenic chambers for humans yet
Don’t wanna live in this century
Do they have the technology for cryogenic chambers for humans yet
Don’t wanna live in this century
You'll probably die while in it, or never wake up ever again.
Yes. Whole body is expensive, but you can freeze your lifeless head for like 50k. Just don't forget your brain is full of water and once water is frozen it expands, breaking anything on the way so it may be impossible to undo.
There are easier ways to fix that.
every other century are going to be shit if you don't remove the (((problem)))
Why would you trust your life to a company which may just carve you up and sell you as soylent green?
Could be worse when you wake up.
There's already research being done to reverse burns, reversin whatever damage that comes with freezing should be possible "eventually".
What I dont trust is paying some company 50k and hoping that they take care of your dead body for possibly centuries.
Not really, as water turns to ice its size grows and end up bursting the cells.
a bit like a soda can in the freezer.
once the cell is blown up there is no way back.
This is inevitable and will happen to every cell in your body
Money would be better spent on research towards putting a brain in a robotic body.
I want to be robololis with Zig Forums and scavenge the ruins of civilization together.
I want to be a super-soldier of sorts with a neat exoskeleton, not some faggy lolibot.
seems like you are the real fag here
Lolibot body is obviously superior but you can be a faggot LARPing as a Gundam if you want.
Thats not a damage, its a destruction.
First replace all water in body with a compatible chemical that doesn't expand on freezing.
That's like, pretty fucking hard innit?
I know they're already replacing your blood with some other chemical before they freeze you but replacing ALL the water in your body?
Just reincarnate nigger.
Great plan