Xbox botnet is next console
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I hope firewalls and routers scare normalfags away from this.
They are making fun of you now. This will either push people on the PC, which sells more Windows, or people will just accept streaming bullshit.
I want to wonder if normalfags will fall for this scam. But I wish I didn't know the answer.
GNUerillas running around cutting fibre cables and powerlines assisted by squirrel mujahideen fucking when?!?
It needs to stop
Why bother when big ISP's are literally doing exactly that to local providers right as we speak?
It's been happening for a while now.
You gotta hand it to him, the squirrel mujaheddin was a good idea.
Can't wait for shitty shovelware MMO's with pvp calcs done client-side
they want hackers for their online games???
The problem is that the few amateur programmers will be forced to buy a license from these big companies to get keys in order to send off their code, have it compiled, signed, and sent back. This means that every program will limited to the license terms. This includes things like the python interpreter, lisp interpreter, web browser, etc. If these interpreters don't follow the license terms after interpretting specific code, then they won't be licenseable. Get it?
You should know it's a scam when you have to buy 400 dollar hardware every 5 years to be able to purchase 10 games that are visually downgraded rehashes of previous titles.
Gaming peaked in 2007.
loving the botnet
Imagine owning the OS that is required for gaming on the PC and being out done by a fat kike/Steam. They're still so butthurt about missing the boat on making user friendly DRM for their own platform that they constantly commit sudoku in the console market to hold on to what little they have left. Sony and Nintendo are no better but at least they they're shooting themselves in the foot with 9mm instead of .308.
The ultimate goal of this is to push 24/7 surveillance of every children's bedroom and living room they can. They need that sweet metadata to compete with the social networks. Microsoft is like a limping corpse that just won't die.
They truly are our guys.
Good to see that MS wants to give up the rest of their console marketshare as well.
It's like they doubled down on what everyone hated with the XBone.
But this will kill the need for constant updates and installs, I'm liking it.
Can't wait to see that ship sink as soon as it sails. Seriously, all the servers for these streamed games will die one day and that is data forever lost much like how certain MMO games have died to never be seen again.
Could it be this is what shills actually look like? What kind of cheap marketing line is that?
Could it be that here are people who like trolling on the internet and this is the most bitch basic trolling possible?
I hope shit like WannaCry and the Mirai botnet happen for consoles and kills off Internet of Pajeet for good. If it gets normies to set up actual firewalls (NAT shit doesn't count).
This. Wasting money on outdated, locked down single-purpose hardware is pants-on-head retarded.
Reminds me of the "drink confirmation can" screencap. I don't think I have it on me.
Nobody remembers the dumpster fire that was OnLive?
All I need is a Z80 and 64K RAM to have fun. BASIC, asm, and Forth are the languages of the uncucked future.
Preach it to the fuckin' heavens, brother!
The blackpill is the first step to chan culture. This is a fact that reddit hopeshills refuse to believe, so they subvert our home with delusions of the cloud-only future "never working," which we have thoroughly confirmed over and over again isn't true.
The bigger problem is the proprietary games which are marketed and made for these DRM devices. I wish more free software games were being made
Meh modern gaming is shit and all games suck now. Give me some good games from 2007 like this .
I just use playonlinux to play old games from that era. No bullshit. Lots of fun.
I got banned for saying this on /v/. This is why Zig Forums is one of the last based boards on this site.
An example of the marketing threads bullshit that has infested /v/. If any redpilled user can inspect these and ace accordingly that will be great.
Fucking this.
This belief used to be more unanimous, and very fucking justifiably. But then the shills attacked.
Found another one
You know what to do.
Aaaaand another one
It's the truth.
Truth is subjective. If I spent all my time in a faggy hugbox I'd probably be black pilled too. For example look at yourself. You've been in it so long you don't even know Mark is a faggot and /v/ was lost over four years ago.
Looks like an ordinary fighting game thread that they had to me for years. The only other one I've checked was the ARMs thread and it doesn't seem too positive there. I have a feeling the same would go for the rest of the threads.
An user redpilled the thead on the fact that #Nintendosupportschildrape, and the shills fucking chimped out.
It's /v/, if you visited regularly you'd know Mark is a Nintendo consumer whore and the vols go along with him and moderate accordingly. Anons give him shit about it every day. He openly invited in summerfags and reddit because he can't stand any criticism.
Doesn't look that way besides a sole user going "shekels have been deposited iny our playstation account". That combined with TOR made it come off as too shitpost-y.
You're paranoid as fuck man. People do make threads about games they're excited for and current events. You might not like it but it's true.
When a recent game was revealed at E3 I would have made a thread about it if it wasn't already there.
Like poetry
Fact is Microsoft got so greedy with their own DRM that they pushed every publisher and customer away while a lazy faggot implemented DRM that does basically nothing and managed to get 95% of the market for PC games on his walled garden. All Microsoft had to do was implement Xbox Live on Windows properly and they could have that market.
I don't play video games anymore because I'm not a child.
It puzzles me why all those streaming tards haven't branched out to Nips yet, instead aiming for the halfrican West.
Imagine a Netflix box/smartphone app for seamless Animu+VN or gatcha streaming.
/v/ is run by a Jew. It's weird how many of the top boards are run by Jews and non-whites when you consider how anti-mud people 8ch is. But then every Zig Forums community I've seen has always had like 50% brown people in it for some reason.
Nintendo kiddies are every where. Mostly because no one cares to discuss the modern gaming landscape which is barren as a cat ladies womb. All that's left is the extreme fanboys and everyone else went retro.
Because the nip market isn't worth shit. Niche weeb titles are now selling more copies in with digital global releases than they are in Japan. Big western liked titles (like Dark souls, Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid) have completely warped Japan's gaming design focus. They're not trying to pander to the same Call of Duty market to get those incredible sales figures. These days Japanese games are either dating sims/VNs or they're pandering to the West and hiring western designers for that reason.
Notice how Japan has embraced the international market with services like Crunchy roll, netflix funded animu and putting episodes of series up on youtube within hours of airing in Japan. The days of Japan being an isolated eco system where really interesting games leaked out is gone. Now it's nothing but pandering to NEETs wanting waifus and the Dark souls 3 market.
Gaining a foothold there'd make subverting ethnic Japanese culture much easier for (((them))) though.
Literally everythig in this post is fucking true
Now watch none of these shills evn debate this because even they know you're right
Guess that cinced it. Eveyone who claims to enjoy anything past 2007 is shill as fuck or an extreme fanboy. Nothing else.
See , and feel yor anus bleed with the despair of having your shill beliefs finally exposed by one wall of truth.
And your shit gets immediately BTFO by and you can't even respond properly. All games after 2007 officially and finally BTFO. Forever.
Are you this naive about history? Japan has been under (((American))) control since the end of WW2. They've an occupied nation that has to do the bidding of the Americans. They are pozzed beyond belief and "muh based animu" isn't an argument against it. Consider how many animus contain niggers hooking up with white chicks and you will see how "poz free" Japan is.
You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!
You're quoting me pointing out that retarded fanboys exist. I say only the fanboys are left and they don't need to be paid to shill.
See the response above.
/a/ BTFO for fucking ever. Let's see how they respond to this.
Exactly my point! None of us here are fucking retarded enough to find unironic enjoyment in that shit anymore, while the rest shit up the board with unpaid marketing threads.
See the first part of . You fucking lemming.
Nice try /tv/, but I'm not going back to watching (((hollywood))).
What kind of shit did you watch to reach this conclusion? 黒 Niggers are extremely rare to come by in anime. I only remember seeing one in Steins;Gate and that curry guy from Kyoukai Senjou No Horizon. But
is a quite an overstatement. I think you're confusing anime with some obscure hentai you found on some shady dōjin forum, which is run by some 500lbs burger guzzling degenerate, sponsored by Goldberg institute of contemporary arts with headquarters in Israel.
this has a nice cyberpunk/dystopia feel to it
Almost every animu contains a black guy. Gundam is probably the biggest animu outside of DBZ and it contains constant black guys. The latest one had a black mechanic marrying a blonde chick. And they were one of the few people to survive the bloodbath at the end of the series.
Egil in sword Art online is another example.
It goes on and on and on if you just pay attention to it. Almost every anime has a black tough guy everyone else thinks is cool. You can watch Tokyo Tribes 2 if you want another example of niggerdom in anime. Or how many anime openings feature shitty rap music?
If it was a world tournament shounen anime then sure, there's going to be some non-mutant eyed snow white looking mother fuckers. But this isn't the case in most animes and we still see a based black guy feature.
Japan is desperate for the international money now only otakus are watching anime. They're going to start going full pandering the same way hollywood does. It's not going to be 1 based black guy but a group of animerimutts of various brown shades and then waifu bait.
Now watch as /a/ DC's the fuck out of this post. Oh wait, they already did!
This doesn't detract from our truth any, kid. Enjoy your Japanistan entertainment, we'll just laugh as the country slowly turns into Asia's Sweden.
You reek of goon.
that's false, it's whatsapp spacing, because for every sentence they use enter
How does any of this relate to the thread?
It doesn't. I was just redpilling the lurkers on the goon menace and their connection to Reddit.
The Goons fear the anime
The doujin scene is still pretty good. Capcom and the others have cucked due to SJWs but the natives still producing content for their own volk are still putting out good stuff. You don't know about it because it isn't translated most of the time. VNs and Hentai has been around forever, again you didn't know about it because it wasn't brought over in the past.
I play games in Japanese. I'm aware of what is and isn't translated. I know about them and I knew about them for years now. You're talking to an experienced weeb. That's how I know this shit is fucking cancer. I've seen it and I realized it wasn't "muh based anime" but "muh blacks are the strongest and coolest side kicks". Same way buddy cop movies were in the 80s.
You just give it a free pass because you made anime your identity.
Why are you weebshitters always _only_ obsessed with Otaku culture, and nothing else the venerable Nihon peoples have made? Watch a Japanese New Wave film; faggot.
You're right, but sadly no matter how hard you keep redpilling these cucks, they will never listen. Japanistan will cuck out, and all of Zig Forums agrees with me on that.
He's in denial of how pozzed his country truly is.
Did you even read what I said?
We could also discuss how kids TV in Japan is adding more and more gaijins to it. super sentai is adding gaijins to major roles at this point.
But this is derailing the thread so we should drop the topic.
TV anywhere blows ass. What is your point? My point was that imageboard weaboos never talk about *anything* besides anime when referring to Japanese entertainment; but they have a lot of great literature and film to watch. No idea what you think I'm saying.
His point was that Japanistan is the fucking reality whether you like it or not.
Japan is raising a generation of Marxists, whether you like it or not.
Also, still has not been properly debated. Guess /a/ gave up on the fight.
Those smugs sure are triggering aren't they?
Why are you including me? I simply think it's sad that weebs only care about anime/manga, when there's all kinds of great entertainment from Japan.
Posting smugs to scare away the goons.