What resources do you use for your independent learning? I currently want to learn new languages and study things like physics and calculus. I read books, but sometimes I would benefit with some sort of class structure. I've heard of Khan academy, but are there any better options out there?
Independent Education
I use a project based approach. Think of something you want to do right now, it doesn't matter how difficult, just name it. Then work out what you'd need to know to make some progress, and chase down all dependency knowledge. As you go a long, you should also come up with smaller sub projects, just so you don't get too lost in the weeds. Perhaps this is called goal directed learning?
Also, there sometimes is no shortcut. If you want to say work with high frequency radio, you need a solid grasp of advanced calculus/analysis.
Not really.
As long as you know THE FORMULA and when to apply it you can crunch numbers without realizing what you're doing.
Once you start to investigate that mathematical black box, you'll need to have a grasp on advanced calculus
And who comes up with the formula, genius? When I say "work with", I'm talking about designing projects to your exact specifications without someone else doing the work. The goal here is "learning" after all.
just hack it until you make it
Work your way through text books and make sure to do enough of the problems. Kahn Academy is good, but it should supplement your learning. You'll need some calculus for physics. In the physics class I took, I think we also used a simple differential equation for a couple of proofs for quantum mechanics
Breathe the spirit, deep.
0x0 - Electronics & circuits:
Practical Electronics for Inventors. Monk & co.
Buy an Arduino/Teensy/ESP32 and start playing:
Blink LEDs,
LCD display,
Button debounce,
Pulse width modulation,
Sensory action/reaction,
SIM card module,
SD card module,
Interrupt management,
Programming FPGAs. Monk.
Buy a Lattice ice40 based FPGA board (very cheap ~20$) and use the icestorm open source
tool chain to run synthesis, generate bitstream and upload to a board.
The hardware hacker. Huang.
Hacking the Xbox. Huang.
PCB reverse engineering. Tiong.
Top projects: phone (i.e. ZeroPhone), a CPU architecture, networked device, ...
Ultimate project: Design a board with an ATmega328p implementing your own CPU and instruction set
with an SRAM/EEPROM module (Memory) and an SD card module (hard drive).
Design a language and a compiler for that instruction set.
Design an OS for the whole board.
Can also be implemented on an FPGA.
--> this should get you aquainted with the embedde world's tools and challenges.
0x1 - Programming:
The Zen of Assembly Language. Abrash.
Professional Assembly Language. Blum.
Introduction to Algorithms. Cormen & co.
The C programming language. K & R.
The C++ programming language. Stroustrup.
Programming in Python. Summerfield.
The Art of Unix Programming. Raymond.
Programming FORTH. Pelc.
Compilers: principles, techniques and tools. Aho & co.
Engineering a compiler. Cooper & co.
The Graphics programming Blackbook. Abrash.
Jim Blinn's work: jimblinn.com
OpenMP/MPI/PGAS/SHMEM parallel programming paradigms
Intel/AMD/ARM documentation.
Agner Fog's material on code optimization. agner.org
What every programmer should know about memory. Drepper.
Code optimization: effective memory usage. Kaspersky.
What every computer scientist should know about floating-point arithmetic. Goldberg.
Introduction to Data Compression. Sayood.
The Art of debugging with GDB: Salzman & co.
0x3 - Security
Applied cryptography. Schneier.
Practical cryptography.Schneier.
Engineering cryptography. Schneier.
Practical Malware Analysis. Skochinski.
Hacking: the art of exploitation. Erickson.
The Shellcoder's Handbook. Anley & co.
0x3 - Math
Concrete Mathematics. Knuth.
Handbook of Mathematics. Bronshtein.
Numerical Recipes in C. Flannery & co.
Hacker's Delight. Warren.
Algorithmic Graph theory. Gibbons.
Scientific Programming and Computer Architecture. Viswanath.
At the end, it all comes down to what do you wanna play with. Take a subject get to play with its concepts. Always keep it fun because it is fun. Read code, write code as much as you can, optimize, play around with different compilers on different CPU architectures, compare serial vs. parallel versions, ...
Never adopt a position on a tool or its group philosophy, keep it all pragmatic fun. Religious tendencies tend to fuck up the experience. Prioritise Freedom & collaboration, it always pays back in ways you can't imagine. If a tool isn't good enough, write your own or STFU. And always, RTFM !!!!
I did stress that you can't always take a shortcut though, the project or goal is there to provide motivation to learn, not an excuse to look for a cookbook solution.
It's actually quite elementary.
Mhm, and how much of this have you read?
What is worth learning from these websites? Could you use say Khan Academy and then use that to do decent enough coding or web design that you could make a living off of it?
All of it. I'm old!
You can look that shit up, there's countless places where you can search and find any random formula for your design.
Then they are used to calculate the values of the components you need, you don't need to make up your own formulas.
If you want to understand how the formula came to be, that's another way more complicated thing.
For example, I can tell you that the loss on free space of electromagnetic waves equals 20*log(frequency)+20log(distance)+20log((4*pi)/299792458) and you can test it, and it will be true, why is it true, that's way more complicated.
user wanted to know how to add structure to his self directed learning, even a nigger can look up cookbook formulas, but that does not equate to understanding. What makes you any better than a pajeet who "programs" by copy+pasting from stack overflow?
Which is why I said it should supplement your learning.
Well then, good luck climbing a mountain created by standing on other peoples work.
After highschool, you shouldn't have much use for it.
A search engine and library genesis is all you need.
Holy fuck you're an obtuse brainlet, aren't you? I also figure from the reply time that you're the Kahn Academy advocate in this thread too, Kahn Academy is actually all you deserve.
Other people can teach you to gain an understanding, not everyone has to be like you, and just copy down their results. Whatever it is you do in life, will be replaced by Artificial intelligence. Why wouldn't you, by your own feeble minded admissions, you're actually worthless.
you->it, but I suppose we might as well replace you while we're at it.
Maybe rethink some things.
The absolute state of Zig Forums
I will admit I'm not very familiar with Kahn Acadamy and have only seen a couple of thier videos about Calculus and Physics. I've never used them for highschool level material so I don't understand where you are coming from.
Nope, you got that wrong, I don't stick to a single thread, or even a single webpage.
And you're the one who's obtuse, you don't understand how much shit there's behind that and how many years of cumulative research are there compressed in a single formula.
Oh wow, not even the same webpage!? You're a real scholar mate.
Well let's see, you advocate searching for random formulas, and I recommend learning the theory behind how those formulas are derived, I wonder which one of us has a greater understanding. I'll have to stop this conversation though, because every time you reply I feel more sorrow for you.
Because clearly you have no clue about the matter and you're running out of LARP posts.
What you're advocating for is a humongous waste of time that will get him at most some mathematical entertainment, it won't help OP at all.
hey dad, dig the list. I've half read a couple and have completely read and own a couple more.
thanks for posting, seems like a based and redpilled approach
You will never be hired as an engineer Pajeet. Turns out that mathematical entertainment is a deal breaker.
this guy is objectively correct, it comes down to OPs goals.
cs =! programming
What's next?
He gets the girl at the end of the movie?
No way but the hard way, reading matters not, doing with what one learns is when shit starts to get real.
It depends what OP means by "studies". To me that is an academic track, but to many here that seems to entail no more than tinkering with an Arduino and Plug'n Chug formulas. I frankly don't care what any of you do, my only recommendation was to set a project you can work towards as motivation. It is important to note however, that once you reach a certain level of difficulty, you'll have to learn some math, and I'll also add physics.
Actually he's (or more likely you same-fagging) is objectively wrong. Without being well versed in the theory behind the formulas you're reading, you will not know how to apply them properly, or you'll pick the wrong one, or misconfigure it. His/your worthless posts were just a trauma-induced response because the math recommendation reminded the poster that they were a brainlet.
irrelevant to the argument
demonstrably false
oops sorry ignore this and thanks again, thought you were replying to
I hate you the most. Do us a favor and stay out of learning advice threads. OP even mentions he wants to learn calculus, so I am not sure what you are attempting to prove; other than your own stupidity.
Revelatory. I guess I can just throw out my RF microelectronics textbooks eh? I'll just "google shit". Idiot.
Where is that even implied? As for OP's goals, they are partially specified in the OP. He want calculus and physics, not your formula books. Double nigger.
I hope all three of you are actually the same person, otherwise we're in a sorry state folks.
That's nice, boo.
How is searching for information in your microelectronic books functionally different from searching it on google?
Also all this shit started because I told some moron that no, you don't need to understand every concept behind radio to work with radio.
You morons assumed a load of shit about me and I just limited to reply back.
You're asking the wrong question, because a reference book or a reference website could do the same thing*. What you're really asking is the difference between a textbook and a reference. That is simple, since a textbook is pedagogically arranged information to teach in a progression that lends itself well to comprehension, where the information is coupled with worked examples and problem sets. A reference will be a terse presentation of facts to aid someone who already has comprehension of the subject matter. You may find that some textbooks are useful for both. If OP wants to learn, I recommend he studies a textbook instead of using a blackbox formulas.
*The big advantage with books is that they are more often than not, well curated and self contained as opposed to scattered notes you might find online.
user is just saying that more advanced topics will require more advanced preparatory dependencies. I am not sure why you resorted to contrarian sophistry.
The bad side of the books is exactly the good side, you find every bit of information already curated, there's no mistakes to learn from, but there's no mistakes to get mislead with.
Now comes the age old question, do you learn more from having someone with a charred hand tell you that fire burns or getting burned yourself.
Also the philosophy behind learning here is bad, really bad, you guys take the whole subject and throw it at people without even knowing their background, if you do that you're going to overwhelm the people that are starting to learn and possibly scare them away.
It's best to start simple, with the matemagical black boxes, once you have a good grasp on the general idea you should start getting deeper knowledge about specific stuff, for example, still hanging onto the radio shit, ionosphere reflections.
I won't object to the idea that you need to mix theory and practise, and also that many textbooks are quite awful (go with what the top universities use). If playing around first helps than OP should do it, but at a certain point, you're going to need to a certain mathematical maturity to understand the wave equations.
The famous Art of Electronics textbook is a good example of a textbook that tries to really push intuition over theory, but from what I've seen, it's just a bit too hard to grasp for students as an introductory electronics book (it goes from 0-60 quite quickly). After a basic and boring circuits course, suddenly it becomes an amazing resource.
Don't conveniently ignore the last part of my post where I say that you should start building the background up by looking up equations and messing with them until you get the general idea.
IME, people tend towards a more theoretical standpoint when preaching programming pedagogy (as seen above). While I agree with this for my own goals, if you just want to roll a simple script, you don't need to understand the reasoning behind a lot of formula and concepts. This is where the other guy was objectively correct. For example, if you want your program to compute the area of a square and you're comfortable being a turbo brainlet, look up the formula and square away.
It's analogous to learning how a car functions mechanically vs learning how to drive, in a sense. The most important thing of course is finding out OPs real goals here, not prescribing him with one's own individual and biased approach.
And no, I'm not that other guy, but he had a point despite it being wrapped up in anti-maths brainletisms.
Ahh, I think it just came across a bit as.
kek yeah. I guess maybe I'm projecting a little bit because personally I'd be a lot more productive and battle-hardened if I'd read less and smash code together via copy+paste and tinkering more (and tackle some projects in /dpt/ and such). I guess what I'm getting at is there's certainly a balance to be maintained somewhere in between both sides of the argument.
Quick question. How many books have you read?
Alright, I'll help ya, promethean fire from the tribe to you. These will melt your goy brain if you don't read them roughly in order. Read as many in parallel as you can. Physics in red
Have you taken the Ashkenazi Pill yet? It's a tough pill to swallow
And a Sieg Heil to you too. Stay doing maths instead of social engineering subversion and you don't get gassed. At most deported if you step out of your containment desert.
I was only pretending to be a Jew. TFW National Socialist at heart, but conflicted over respect for many positive contributions to the sciences that Jews have made, even if Einstein's are slightly embellished. During the National Socialist period, David Hilbert even commented on this:
Perhaps the best solution is to confine Jews to things they do quite well, and stamp out the social engineering for good.
[cont] Perhaps I'll do an "Aryan pill" list of math and physics later, but it's really hard to avoid Landau. A "soviet pill" would be easy to comprise thus, which would allow me to strongly recommend Shafarevich's linear algebra text. Funny enough he's was accused of anti-semitism.
if you haven't already done at least calculus and can't comfortably do proofs, for the love of god don't take this anons meme-troll advice OP, for your own sake.
They're all excellent recommendations and top tier books, but if you're rusty in basic high school math this will just be an enormously inefficient use of your time. Courant is notoriously difficult, even more so than Spivak. Shilov is a very difficult and non intuitive introduction to LA, as it is meant for a second treatment, and rightfully so.
And as a response to this user, have you read all these books personally?
Personally, I do agree with starting just above your comfort level in maths and filling in the blanks as you go along (as opposed to going back to first grade maths and inching forward). But the above list is a bit much unless OP is already a maths major or equally self educated.
If you're rusty with high school math, start with Stewart, if it's too ez try Spivak. Fill in the gaps accordingly as you go.
after stewart/spivak, start with a physics text if that's what you want. but don't worry about that yet, you'll be able to make a better book choice after finishing stewart/spivak, and either one is a big, long book, so it's gonna be awhile anyway.
im still tryna learn how to learn foriegn languages, so no advice there, but glhf
Use a book that's on what, it's 16th edition? No one should touch that literal faggot's college scam book. Spivak or Apostol are much better alternatives to Stewart.
Courant's book is designed for someone who has finished highschool. I am also making the assumption that a person on Zig Forums has a higher IQ than the average man. You could also read his 'What is Mathematics?' If you wanted a more general survey of the landscape, and if your highschool was shit, Gelfand has some elementary books on Trigonometry, and Algebra.
Pretty much with the exception of the Landau series which I have only made slight progress in. I either have familiarity with the others or have gone through alternatives I deem of comparable difficulty. In some cases the more 'difficult' books are easier than those listed, but I was sticking to a (((theme))).
you can pirate any addition. I should say that the stewart recommendation only holds if OP isn't looking to buy necessarily. though it is often dirt cheap at thrift stores around unis. There is a plethora of intro calc books that will suffice, but this is the one I had personal experience with.
Secondly, I did misread Courant - I thought you were referencing his "differential and integral calculus" book. I have no experience with the book you've actually recommended, but it sounds more applicable at least.
WiM? and Gelfand are both solid recs. I also like Axler and expii.com
nice. I hope to be there soon enough, I'm about halfway through the list if you include "alternatives I deem of comparable difficulty".
rec some /prog/ books?
Argh, I cannot stand reading on my computer, so despite the fact that I have over 50 gigs of books on my hard drive, I do have to buy deadtree books for ones I really like.
I unironically like this one, but it is only something I dip into every now and then, I won't claim to have read it cover to cover, but it's absolutely full of gems.
And of course for each language, try to read from the designers themselves, or those on the language committees.
Probably forgot to list some good ones, but I'm more interested in learning physics and electronics at the moment, so that's where my mind is at.
I know ereaders (actual e-ink readers) are computers too, but fwiw they make it somewhat more /comfy/. not quite dead tree levels of comfort, but certainly closer than the traditional laptop LCD squinting that I also dislike.
thx for the recs, I see ur also a patrician meme-canon master.
interesting and sensible, thanks! I'll keep that in mind ffr.
if you don't mind another question, is
Feynman is good, but you need the problem sets that are sold with it to make it more useful.
The progression was ruined slightly by the theme, but two books you might like are Kleppner's introduction to Mechanics, there is a nice one on Newtonian Mechanics by A.P. French, a bit wordier than Kleppner. I haven worked through Kleppner, but it seems to be quite popular, and supposedly contains hard problems (I don't believe it has any Lagrangian mechanics). Definitely read anything by V.I. Arnol'd afterwards though.
complete bullshit
is it even worth learning to code any more?
Depends. Why do you want to learn?
pic related
how funny you say this, I've been reading this as a somewhat of a back burner brainlet screening before beginning something more hardcore that relies on the intuitions gained from a first year mechancis exposure.
Have you read Sussman's work on mechanics? SICM? Anyway, thanks. Sounds as if I'm roughly on the right path toward the anti-brainlet-pill, yet also and regrettably careening towards the corporate-knowledge-worker-wage-slave pill
Depends on what is your intent. If you're interested in the art of programming, to learn what it takes to craft the software we use everyday, then it is worth the effort. If you're interested in being a professional coder, I still think it's worth the effort because I don't see the use of software decreasing in the near future.
this , git gud or die
Khan Academy is shit. Get a nanodegree from Udacity instead.
fuck off
At what age did your obsession with dick begin?
As a means to make an income in a first world country.
The problem with saying the need to code won't go down the number of shitskins isn't going down either. You can always hire a pajeet company to copy and paste the code together than hire a team of 2-3 guys in a first world country to fix it up once it's done. This is how 3D modeling is working these days. If it's not a main focus of the game they outsource it to India, China or Korea and then have someone in the big home studio pick the good quality ones, discard the rest and fix up what needs fixing up.
If you believe that asian programmers will do a good enough job, then there is no point in hiring non-asian programmers. If this is true, then don't study programming for the purpose of getting a job because that job won't exist for you.
That very much depends. If your book has a quad-digit page count, the e-reader wins due to the sheer weight difference.
Which part of "comfort" you do not understand?
Did you grow up on the moon or something, what sort of bitch boy finds heavy books uncomfortable?
One who has to deal with multiple books daily. A scholar and a researcher.
I see where the confusion lies. Courant's classic which he wrote in the 1930s was later revised by one of his students, Fritz in the 1960s (I believe). The new work comprises two volumes and includes the above along with some introductory chapters. The difficulty should be similar to Apostol or Spivak.
Textbooks back then were fantastic, because they didn't need to dumb the content down for an audience of retards. Now that even niggers (and waste of space NPCs) are put through university calculus courses, you have a whole host of uninspired watered-down texts which don't demand too much from the readers. As far as I'm aware, Russian and German books are still top notch though.
But that's rayciss'! How will all those Syrian future engineers learn then? Have sympathy for your fellow black citizens.
It's just very sad what has happened to Germany. In a sense, you could say that we're all going to suffer for that loss, as they'll never be the Optimal Deutschland they should hav been. Hopefully Switzerland and Austria can step up, high quality people there too.
What do you research, soy?
Theres more subjects than computers, although they are fascinating.
Add practical subjects like automotive, carpentry, how to control people, management, finance, criminal forensics to know what not to do.
We'll have AI doing computer programming, so its becoming obsolete.
And who programs the AI, genius?
based oldposter
I don't understand how that would happen until we have some kind of reductionist model of general intelligence. Do you have examples today of AI modifying any software to better achieve user desires?
What an amazing resource, thanks a lot. I've often thought about comprising something like this for when I have children, but now most of that work has been done for me.
Get a book and read a chapter/section, try the examples, try modifying them and do the exercises. Don't underline or take notes during the first reading, instead re-read the chapter/section and take notes/underline on the 2nd reading. Try to find relevant lectures on JewTube. Try watching some MIT lectures, for example: youtube.com