How come the majority of self-proclaimed computer experts are mind bogglingly stupid?
You know the kind. They usually work IT for some small company or have their own business but all of them are retarded beyond saving.
Computer "experts"
A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. IT guys are notorious for this, they seem like wizards to the idiots around them so they believe they can talk with authority to tech world at large.
I once read something by a professor of crypto something at some renown university talking about tor and vpn.
Everything was so fucking wrong my mom could have written something better after googling a few hours.
It actually pointed me towards dropping out of uni. I found out that the more verbally aggressive and rigit a professor was the less he knew about his subject.
What you know matters less than what people think you know. The 'great man' is just some loser who's skilled at taking credit for what you do.
I've seen some shit
I can't even imagine being so stupid that you don't know that the data you are downloading from other peers are cryptographically proven not to be tampered with.
I once talked to a webdev who unironically thought that being able to upload and execute random PHP files on a server was totally fine as long as those files were inside a chroot.
I think it's more like the original seeder uploading a tampered file which of course won't change while it's transferred to other peers but it doesn't matter since it was always infected.
Among normies torrents are still seen as virus infested so what exactly do you find so surprising?
loud people are morons
quiet people are useless
you will always be the smartest person you know
Don't download the bit torrents kids!
This applies to any topic. Any thing you read on a topic you're informed about you will find the media is not. for some reason you ignore this on fields you don't know about though.
The emperors have no clothes. Academia is beyond saving. Professors should be gassed. To the gulags!
Zig Forums - a fucking circle of diodes
new banner plz
Here, something to start with
Wait what the fuck I don't know much about electronics but wouldn't it only go through 2 of the diodes? What the fuck is the point of this?
It's a failed attempt at making full bridge rectumfryer. In this arrangement you're effectively shorting the voltage source. If you flip bottom 2 diodes in pic, then the circuit will work as intended, producing pulsating voltage.
You're supposed to put a big ass bypass capacitor on the output to linearize it. Although whatever you're feeding probably has its own buck converter with a big ass bypass capacitor at its output, too.
Because we live in a world where the disparity between the vast majority and people who know anything about computing means that using ls -a to find porn on your boss's mac gets you labeled a 'hacker'.
You wouldn't download a car, now would you?
General media by definition can't know what they're talking about because their subject matter is media, not the subject at hand.
Lmao. Very true.
I remember when those Download a car commercials showed up on the VHS movies I would watch as a kid. Even when I was really small, I still thought “that would be awesome if I could download a car!” lol
I'm afraid I don't know this feel OP.
It's probably like how """scientists""" refuse evidence about established dogma. It's the new religion and """scientists""" are the priests.
watch potholer54 and fuck off
eat shit and choke
You could literally download a gun soon:
Scientists do consecrate some rather ridiculous things. For laughs, I saw the debate Freddy had with a flat-earther. He actually made some cogent points, like how scientists believe in tidal locking/the big bang; both of which are ridiculous. They've also falsified data (and swayed the public) when it comes to circumcision and trannies.
How is tidal locking ridiculous?
you could literally make a good enough weapon for whatever purpose you need if you try hard enough. gun control law is to make the stats look better
Scientists are the least likely to give you a straight answer on a hot topic as they're so heavily dependent on other people's money and data.
No. These are legitimate scientists and researchers providing opposing views to mainstream dogmatic """science""". The simplest example is the incredible political nature that is """climate change""". In reality, there is plenty of evidence to point that there are artificial and natural processes feeding into each other that exasperates the issue; however, do any mainstream """scientists""", like Neil DeGrasse Tyson, consider or discuss this glaring reality? No. He doesn't. He holds fast to the idea that it's all man-made so all carbon emissions must be regulated and eliminated (never mind the excess heat released from current technology for transforming energy to other forms). """Science""" is a political realm made of individual egos and money. It has nothing to do with separating what is true from what is not.
If you have evidence in the contrary, it's easier than ever to publish your study to add to science.
Oh wait, Mr. Highschool Dropout is too retarded to.
Fuck your mother for not aborting you.
He's an actor you retard. Do you also believe the guys in lab coats in ads are real scientists? There are problems with all science fields (for example peer review is shit but improving it isn't easy), but the big problem is in fields dominated by leftists where if you say that maybe there's a chance one of their dogmas isn't 100% correct you'll never see funding ever again no matter who you are or what evidence you have.
Black science guy did some minor postgrad work before showbiz, he at least got a basic education before switching to being a shill. Bill Nye is pure actor, though. The Jews will absolutely destroy anyone qualified to speak against their puppets, people know this, and that's led to them dominating the discourse.
No, moron, it isn't -- you really are a fatuous clown for thinking these people don't have an agenda (and somehow don't silence dissent). Pray tell, why is it that mutilating a neonate is protected _by law_? Right, because our oh-so-venerable oh-so-self-effacing scientists have published delusory papers "proving" that removing a postcard sized amount of genital tissue is safe. Isn't the Hippocratic oath supposed to never be violated? Why does _nobody_ (including yourself, retardo) know who Sorrells is? His paper should have expunged any support for circumcision. Gee, I wonder why nobody even knows his name? I hope your insensate mutilated penis never brings you ANY pleasure, ever.
Do you have any arguments?
No one's going to read some retard sperging out on the internet, go write a scientific article or shut the fuck up faggot.
For fucking your mother for not aborting you? On second thoughts not touching that whore, no.
This is part of my point. Scientists have huge egos and won't let someone come and prove them wrong, so they use their sway within the establishment to discredit the work and deny any further research into the subject. It's all politics (not left vs right). These people have positions of power either by holding chairs in educational institution, organizing and running large grant operations in the realm of hundreds of millions or billions of dollars, etc.. They aren't going to give that up easily, and when they are proved incorrect, that's all it takes to show that in fact they are incorrect.
Please kill yourself before you accidentally breed.
Yes. They do.
This guy is right, Neil is not an actor, he has a PhD if I'm not wrong. He's still a shill though.
If they take your onanating on Reddit seriously, maybe I should publish a paper. I'm still waiting for you to tell me why Sorrells isn't eulogized as the hero he is, surely science is a flawless epistemological system?
Who the fuck is sorrells and where did anyone say that science is flawless?
I seriously wish you had the intelligence to realize how retarded you are so you can kill yourself.
That is how entire point. He could not get his article published because they gatekeep topics they wish to protect. Science is like wikipedia, it has gate keepers who control what is and isn't allowed to be considered official. You can post your shit on a geocities site and no one will ever read it, but if you want to be taken seriously you need to appease the gate keepers or you get blue balled.
A lot of shit that gets published can't even be replicated. And you forget that this is a business. You can post 1 correct article or you can include a minor mistake and get 2. Which do you pick if your career depends on getting published?
You're the retarded one here. You're acting like the Reddit I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE crowd and showing a religious faith in a system which has been disproved in front of you by multiple people.
The only way you could believe in modern science is if you believe all people are honest and trust worthy. Anything else just proves the scientific method is unworkable in reality and the institutions set up around it are extremely corrupt. Same way every other institution on the planet is.
You continue to denigrate me with languid insults; but I'm simply asking why a mutilation is seen as acceptable, if esteemed scientists vet these sorts of things. How can it be that studies proving circumcision is inhumane are ensconced...?
You said I should just write my own paper if I have something to say, but Sorrells did the same thing and was ignored, despite him being right. I wish you had the intelligence to stop drooling over your keyboard; but some things just can't be done.
The humanities are billions of times worse than the hard sciences. Basically nothing that's come out of American economics, psychology or other similar departments in the last half century has any replicability. I wish to fucking hell we lived on a timeline where people started questioning academia's bullshit sooner. Academia is one of the primary sources of cancer in modern society. The only way to save society would have involved burning it to the ground a long time ago.
Well it's quite evident that you have never read a scientific article let alone published one.
"can't get published" "ensconed" Ha!
Thanks for being such outstanding argument for eugenics.
You reek of that k00l faggot; he also loved to fellate science. You said you don't know who Sorrells is, despite me telling you multiple times that he is someone the oh-so-venerable scientific system failed. Put. A. Bullet. In. Your. Head.
(((Climate change)))
(((Peak Oil)))
Basically anything that dribbles out of Bill Nye's cunt mouth
Smoking being the primary cause of lung cancer
>(((science))) is completely pure and trustworthy goyim
What kind of logic is that?
Summary of this thread
Oh, so you're an academic.
Either a troll or a retarded lefty. Stop giving (you)s. and derailing the thread at this point.
If you could actually read, you'd realize that the point of these posts is that replicable data isn't the founding basis of academia. The founding basis of academia is giving the preferred doctrine of the ruling class a veneer of scientific credibility and having junior-high tier drama over who gets to have their papers published because some scientist wants more funding for his pet theory.
That's a pretty good joke. Outside of pure math, data is garbage. It's incredibly rare you're even allowed to see the original data let alone check if it's bullshit. If you think CS has it bad with paywall horseshit like ACM, you have absolutely no idea how dire the situation is in other fields.
How is this some plot? There is a finite amount of oil, and there will at some point be a maximum rate of oil extraction, after which levels will begin to decline. This would apply to anything, you could hide easter eggs in a garden and chart the amount that kids find over a period of time and there would be "peak easter eggs" at some point, after which there would be a continuous decline. Considering we aren't aware of all oil reserves on the planet, premature predictions of when peak oil would hit were fatuous, but you can't pretend it won't occur at some point.
That or:
I see no actual refutation of the fact CO2 influences global temperature.
Whether global warming exists or not is irrelevant, what it's been used for is to get western nations to cripple their own economies while allowing other nations to run wild. China gave no shits and was happy to run the CO2-producing factories that we shut down and we paid them to do this. It's a scam and part of the western genocide.
Hi, I'm PhD and an engineer with "real-life" coding experience and constraints and I've been teaching for quite some years now and I can only agree. In my whome academic path, I had only 3 passionate and well weathered teachers. I teach computer architecture and most teachers I work with have no notion of reality, they keep talking about abstract concepts in a religious way and students - who are treated as children - get almost no realistic case studies where they can themselves implement and understand the basics. By the time they get to my class, most of them are discouraged and have no passion for code or tech, they just want to aquire information with which they can pass an exam, get a degree and go get a job ...
No skill ... And that's because some schmucky teacher with no passion and fallacious religious abstract technical beliefs.
Reminds me of Jesus with the Jewish Rabbis who ended up putting him on the cross. Passion seems to be accessoire.
Zen people are quiet, dangerous people are quiet, truth is wordless it's done.
Because there is irrefutable proof?
And yet China is a dystopian shithole with large parts of its country in unlivable condition. But hey, I'm sure Alex Jones is right.
Stop arguing with a retard. You have presented enough evidence for a third party to see who is correct on the matter and all you're doing is shitting up the thread.
Dude, the planet is so big and old I don't think we'll fuck it up or even get close. She will wipe us out before. In nature everything has a defense mechanism. We live on this heavenly body that sustains life and it's far larger than our minds can fathom. And, it has a defense mechanism. Nobody can understand the complexity of a planet ...
From my humble point of view, scientists should STFU and reevaluate their processes of experimentation and discovery rather than present fallacious conclusions based on meaningless sampled data (whatever the amout of data one collects on natural processes, it's never enough to reach a categorical conclusion).
Science seeks constant never-changing equations and processes. Nature is evolutionary and the amout of parameters is so large our little tin box computers and tech that makes us so arrogant as a species will burn before we get anywhere (quantum included - it's all BS).
Our civilization is not sustainable, it is dying and from it's death will arise a new civilization, much like we did. There were many before us, and many will come after us. But what's a civilization really?
The way I see it, kick back, relax & enjoy your life in the peace of the Supreme instigator of the universe and Creator of all. Fuck civilization, fuck science, fuck politics, fuck all that rubbish.
This planet isn't ours, and we're to evolve willingly or die forcefully if humans are to suceed in establishing a peaceful colony on this holy heavenly body.
Any species that is truly peaceful will die due to evolution. Your entire post reads like hippy garbage who doesn't understand evolution and why no species will ever be selected for being nice and passive.
You have a point, but:
Farm animals are not passive species. If you piss off a herd of cows they will run you the fuck over. And that's without talking about the males of the species, who are known to be extremely aggressive and have ramming weaponry on their faces.
P.s. just because you're a tard. Nature isn't a magic force. We could nuke this planet and destroy all known life in the universe and there is nothing it could do to stop us. Evolution isn't a mystical force, it's 1 creature acting then another acting. If you spend any time researching the matter instead of smoking pot you would know this. We're not even the alpha predator on the planet, let alone ones able to control it's destiny. The alpha predator would be diseases and viruses like the cold and flu. Shit which kills us and we can't do shit to stop only hope next year isn't the dooms day event.
You're correct that replicability, even in the so-called hard sciences, is a problem. There are lots of reasons for that: for example, experimental data is often poorly archived, lost when a researcher fails to make backups, moves to another institution, or retires. The situation is much worse in the soft sciences. Psychologists are still coming to terms with the fact that many of the psychological "discoveries" of the past 50 years or so are highly questionable, and when they do have some validity, are only applicable to white middle-class college students, who've been over-represented as research subjects because it's easy to get them to participate in studies are a course requirement or for extra credit. Add to that sloppy experimental design and hucksters like Zimbardo, and it's a mess.
But the idea the researchers purposely introduce errors into their published papers so that they can "fix" them later is hilariously ignorant. I'm not going to claim that it has never happened in the entire history of research, but that fact that you would suggest that this is the way things are done in academia/academic publishing makes it clear that you really have no idea what you're talking about and aren't to be taken seriously.
sage for offtopic
China owns half the US west coast and many of our multinationals you stupid fuck. Get your head out of your ass and look at what's happened.
I'm not a fucking hippie. I just saw what most of you refuse. Sure, now, it's shit storm and we were conditionned to fight or flight and ego find it accomplishing to fight and show superiority, but ego isn't sustainable, suffering will bring us down to our knees and we will surrender. We didn't make this planet, nor did we make the Sun or anything else but tin cans and shitty ravioli. Humble your mind and you'll see for yourself.
This civilization is meant to perrish and it will. There will be no traces left of us but plastic bottles and shitty Intel chips. We have built no pyramids, nothing sustainable.
There's no such thing as replicability in a relative universe. It's only a logical illusion created by the mind to cope with the fear of ignorance. A primitive psychological behavior.
Talk for yourself. I'm pretty sure the post-human nigger hybrids will venerate my AWK scripts etched in stone tablets.
Maybe you can AWK, but you can't etch ... Humble yourself!
The public was swayed on circumcision and trannies by religion and SJWs, respectively. Big bang and tidal locking are venerated and undeniable truths, whether you believe in a god or not.
Who do you think etched the script on the tablets? Moses?
I don't think ... Humble yourself little one, your arrogance is taking you down a rabbit hole. Wake up.
But on the actual thread topic, I haven't had very many STEM professors who seemed to be completely ignorant of what they were teaching, but I frequently encounter IT guys who have less knowledge of computers than I do. IT is probably going to be one of the first computer-related jobs to be automated away.
He's not faking being smart unlike bill nye is what I meant.
I always thought the idea that the big bang is mutually exclusive with creation is kinda dumb. A creationist says that the universe is created, he doesn't say how.
I didn't even discuss how you could quote fake papers and no one will check on them, how you circle jerk with allies to give credit to their obscure articles in order to look legit or just straight up lying but using enough gobeldee gook to appear legit.
Poor little scientologist can't handle the truth of a corrupt system. It's like he was raised where science is how religion and he hasn't realized it's true merits yet.
The complete opposite is true. Any animal which does not have to fight for something will wither and die. They become dysfunctional and end up refusing to have children or care for those they do have. A hippy utopia would not survive more than 3 generations before children were abandoned and aborted.
Except it isn't. There is no hard evidence for the big bang because it's an event we can never witness first hand. We can only look at the after effects and try to reverse engineer how it all started. Short of a time machine or finding a way to make/travel to another universe and witness the event first hand we can only ever estimate what happened. And even then the big bang theory isn't even a scientifically valid theory. "There was nothing and then an explosion happened and stuff existed" isn't something you can possibly test or work within our current physics models.
Remember our universe model still has "dark matter" and "dark energy". A literal "we don't know WTF is going on so we named it dark until we figure it out" making up a massive chunk of the universe. As such it's really really easy to deny the big bang because it's based on a physics model with a huge gaping hole right in the middle
Science was used to dismantle the religious power base that would oppose the degeneracy we see. If you want to corruption spiral into baby fucking and transniggers then you need to destroy everything which would hold up the old system. Through infiltration and propaganda they turned people away from religion and replaced it with liberalism. The comedians are the preachers, science is the new holy book and people even get a little good feels for thinking they're smarter than those dumb flat earthers/creationists/Scientologist/climate change deniers etc. etc. It has all the perks of controlling people that religion has, but none of the noble actions of using that control.
IT isn't going anywhere until the halting problem is solved, or more likely, until general purpose AI exists. Most attempts at automating IT (as in fixing people's busted-ass computers) to date, to put it kindly, eat a bucket of rancid dicks. I see very little progress on this front.
Yep. Secularism is cancerous. You've got a whole group of people chopping away at the base of the tree of society they're standing on, without even knowing why they're doing it other than PROGRESS GOOD.
Wake the fuck up. Hiipie utopia DAFUQ you're talking about? You're not conscious of your thoughts, mind, body, and the whole of Creation.
Crdationists are not wrong, they believe. Proof is their but science jumps to conclusion too fast. Everything on this planet is in tune, there's an intelligence far beyond our little monkey minds that creates and sustains all of this. It is the reason you are capable of making sense of a bunch of memorized pictograms which resonate as a sound in your inner mind. This intelligence is far beyond rationality or logic and it creates perfectly. For you a tree might just be a tree, but what is it really? A bunch of cells packed up together which happened to learn how to turn light into life?
You cannot understand life by studying dead stuff. Only life can see and understand life. Microscopes and data are death and outdated.
You are an arrogant species that copy pastes everything and stuck in boxes of paradigms and theoritical concepts that turn into doglas out of fear and selfish egoic tendencies. You are a species unaware of its own potential that steals from nature and gives not credit where credit is due. This universe isn't ours and we will not understand it the way we believe we will. Civilizations tried before us and we are here, they are not!
Religion is BS for mind and emotional control.
When strip it down of all what remains is:
Be still and know that I am God.
Traslation: Sit down, watch your breath, watch your mind quiet itself, watch your heart fall in sync with the cosmos and all will be revealed.
None of the shit we do matters, we'll all die in at some point and life will move on. Why get stuck with shit concepts and fight over BS rather than discover who we are from within.
So, Humans, sit the fuck down and RTFM.
What a sad worldview. Just because humans have badly manipulated anything and everything does not make those foundations false.
I'm an atheist but I prefer Christianity than this esoteric shit.
Christianity teaches us to be kind, and sometimes "Christian" is used a synonym for kindness. Christianity helps us cope with the suffering in the world, by believing (wrongly in my opinion) that it serves some higher purpose. Christianity teaches monogamy, but (unlike Islam) it's a humane, culturally enforced version that doesn't treat women like literal property. And finally Christianity teaches that the world is real, while atheist or esoterically inclined scientists tend to drift into the idea that the world is an illusion and mathematical abstractions are real.
You don't believe in Christianity. That is not what Christianity teaches. You believe in a corrupted and weakened religion that serves no purpose. It's liberalism in the closet rather than liberalism at the gay pride parade.
A prime example is treating women like property. This isn't something you can get around if you wish to survive. Either your means of reproduction are controlled or they misbehave and destroy your society. There is no other options in this matter. A creature evolved to incubate a child is different to a creature designed to fight and protect the incubator. When the incubator rules the protector they will sabotage them every chance they get. Monogamy is the basic way you prevent this sort of behaviour. It doesn't matter if the women thinks her mate is unfit, she is attached to him and must make the most of it. If you don't enforce this then the woman will shit test every man until he breaks and then move onto the next. It leaves nothing but broken home after broken home and a trail of men unprepared for this reality.
Islam might be fucking retarded in many ways but you cannot argue that it isn't a more fit way of living than liberalism. Liberalism destroys people's souls from the first day they come into the world and offers nothing but oblivion on your death bed. It's revolting. I fucking hate Islam but at least it keeps a family structure and offers peace in death not eternal nothing.
Christianity is nothing but jewish drivel. Europeans used to worship gods representing european values: strength, courage, honour, cunning, victory in battle, etc... instead of glorification of meekness and weakness.
It also was the red carpet for its successor: the religion of equality.
computer "experts" = youtube ;)
Pagan larping where you sacrifice people and animals isn't exactly the way to go either.
This is a good point. I wonder how many people are considered experts based on youtube subscriber bases rather than actual knowledge.
they are so dumb they dont know how bad they are so they think they are good
There was little to no sacrification in pagan religions. In abrahamic ones, homever, you can see a FUCKTON.
If you're a true european, you should praise european gods. The indo-european cultures thrived until the arrival of (((abrahamic))) cultures, and our cultures were forcibly replaced.
It's not really about "oh this religion kills people", it's about culture and heritage. If you don't know that, you're probably an amerimutt idiot.
Since this is a thread about experts and you wish to claim to be one on European religions. You might want to look in the mirror with that Amerimutt claim. Europe is not a universal nation, it has many distinct and unique groups within it. These would all worship in their own way and would go to war with each other over their religious shit. Claiming there was one true European religion shows you yourself fell for bullshit.
Ever heard of the Indo-Europeans? No you didn't. You're right, they don't believe in EXACTLY the same things, but they all have a common root. It's been proven by linguistics MANY times before. For example, Proto-Indo-European *Dyḗus Pḥatḗr is the stem of greek Zeus, illyrian Dei-Pátrous, the norse god Týr, and vedic Dyáus Pitā.
Read up, amerimutt: