Removing the pedos

How do you deal with the pedo problem all security focused systems have once they're in the wild? In the secure communications thread there was a link to a tox directory and it was nothing but pedos trying to attract other pedos and young kids. This isn't unique to that platform and services like Tor and a lot of community focused websites had problems with CP and pedos.

How do you solve this problem while enabling people to avoid the botnet and secure their privacy? It's not a solution to just ignore the problem unless you want the feds to start raiding random people in hopes of catching a pedo which then makes your entire system compromised and worthless as a security system/scares everyone away. You need to find a solution to remove the pedos and stay under the radar enough not to be paid too much attention to.

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Other urls found in this thread: anal amateur

That's not a bug, that's a feature, closet authoritarian.

Pedolize legaphilia.

Pedos and drug dealers being uncaught on a platform is just a sign of credibility tbh. You can't have privacy+security yet fight against people who need it.

this, they're canaries in the coalmine

This. However, it is a paradox where having them on your platform increases the likelihood of federal agencies expending resources to compromise the security. So despite being secure enough in the first place to host that content, the chances of maintaining security are reduced as you gain popularity.

As far as I'm concerned, they're anti-freedom, anti-privacy corporate/government agents trying to bring down a secure system. They're the new DDOS, so to speak.

You don't. Any system with anonymity by design is always going to attract people that want anonymity for nefarious purposes, and any change you make to unmask them will unmask the legitimate users too.

gee, I don't know op, but make sure to consult with our jewish government to kill and castrate the goyim who do


For some reason I find your pic really disturbing.

I don't know that you need to get rid of them, so much as you need to stop them from becoming the face of your system.

If you tolerate even one then more of them will come. They're hated and despised so any time they find tolerance they will use those places as much as possible. It's like furries, the reason you remove them is they will only draw in more furries until they dominate the place.

Nobody is forcing you to become a furry and you likely won't interact with them, especially if you're not interested.

Hello newfag. How long have you had your smart phone?

Hello, faggot? What's your problem? Did I trigger your autism?

Pedos like that are no different than those creepy old boomer dads who lurk on chatrooms and jerk off to one or two pictures they have saved in their desktop as opposed to just watching porn or having hobbies; e.g. they're out-of-touch tech illiterates who don't have the critical thinking skills to learn how to get what they want and don't have the higher ambitions to simply do something better.

It's actually incredibly easy to find an abundance of child porn without discernible repercussions. It just so happens the overlap between pedos and tolerably smart encryption enthusiasts is a smaller one than you would think.

Unfortunately, he is correct. While the other users on a given platform might not be trying to convert you into a pedo/furry/whatever, as their percentage of the userbase grows, they will grow increasingly intolerable. When they make up a majority of the users, they assume everyone they encounter on that given platform shares their unique flavor of retardation and cannot fathom why anyone who doesn't is even on the platform at all. This applies to everyone's little groups, not just the undesirables.

This only applies on something facebook-like, where everything is made public and almost everyone is connected.
Why would it apply on instant messengers like Wire and Or an encrypted VOIP service like Mumble? How will pedos push their shit on you there?
LGBTQPF won't ever be anywhere near a majority.

This man hasn’t used Frost MS

I think the whole problem with privacy conscious platforms is that they offer nothing but privacy. As far as normal users go, few care about privacy enough in its own right to make the switch from botnet systems without tangible benefits.

So you have two options.

1. Develop alternative platforms that are private by design and offer use cases that appeal to normies. See Signal and Telegram.

2. Raise the awareness of privacy issues on a massive scale so that normalfaggots will pressure companies and lawmakers to do something about their basic civil liberties. See: Recent Faceberg scandal and what the EFF does on a daily basis.

If someone can come up with a third options besides jerk off other autists on insular, small community honeypots then be my guest. Tor is the only platform that has reached household normie status, and it has blindingly obvious security flaws.

In the case of instant messengers and VOIP services, you then have to contend with the reputation that has been built up around it by its users. It's not a hard ask to get John Q Techservant to use Facebook Messenger, but trying to get him to download and run something that everyone knows is used by pedo furry pirates to download cars?

Of course not. But they can have local majority or perceived local majority, which feeds into itself by driving away people who aren't fuckups. One might argue that they wouldn't have so much power to ruin everything if people didn't let them have it, but one would also be trying to change the course of a river by arguing with it.

I'm sorry, but nobody fucking cares about the reputation of software.

Whole thread:

There's a saying in the "Rationalist" community: "Politics is the mind killer." It seems to me, though, that it is in fact pedophilia that is the mind killer, as this thread aptly demonstrates.

Contrary to the popular pedo meme, most pedophiles (including imageboard and torpedos) are pretty fucking retarded and have shit opsec. They use and parasitize any community which doesn't immediately ban them, whether it's monitoring them or not, including normalfag shit like Facebook and Twitter. The Tox pedophiles are a great example of this: the fuckers are exposing their IPs to anyone who adds them but they don't give a shit because the police ignore them and reporting pedophiles or CP will likely get you in more trouble than the pedo.
There are two solutions depending on whether you're using a moderated platform or not, three if you include physically removing pedos. The first is to ban them mercilessly before they bully the existing userbase into submission or infiltrate the moderation to parasitize your service. The second is to gather any identifing information they provide and either dox the little shits or report them to the authorities (ideally while staying anonymous yourself so the retarded legal system doesn't backfire on you).
Friendly reminder that therapy actually has a good track record of curing pedophiles, the problem is that most pedophiles want acceptance for their mental illness/sickfuckery and not a cure. If they ever try starting shit, ask the little faggots what they'll do when their child brides grow up and watch them squirm.

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There is not a good track record of "curing" pedophiles because pedophilia cannot be cured, just like homosexuality or straightness cannot be cured. However, pedos under therapy are way less likely to commit crimes than those who aren't in therapy.

No, you don't care. That's fine. You're not a mouthbreather. The people who make up the rest of the population aren't so blessed, and they make decisions based on how many other people have made the same decision. If they don't trust it, you're left in the company of your fellow non-mouthbreathers and the kiddy-diddlers that want to diddle kiddies in privacy and the furries that have finally found a home where they can yiff in Hell for all eternity.

Explain prison gays.

Wrong. Pedophilia isn't a sexual orientation, it's a symptom of mental illness or a bad kink.

Thanks for demonstrating pedophilia's mind-killing effects in your post.

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Thanks for literally rehashing what's already been said. It's a good thing you didn't read the thread, or else you'd have to say something original.

Tell that to someone who openly states that they use Tor. It has a terrible, damning association with criminality you dimwit.

Actually I care. I don't want to use Tox if all the public directories for it are advertising CP. I only have to mention to someone in public to add me on tox and the botnet now considers me part of that pedo ring.

You also have to remember you're using these platforms with other people. Unless you're a very small group of people you have vetted into an inch of it's life (think silk road admins levels of paranoia) then you can't even know if you have a pedo among you. Since I don't want to hang around pedos this is a massive problem for me. I am not a tolerant man in general. I am even less tolerant of pedos.

You can't cure a pedo and why take the risk any way? If everyone who got caught or said they were a pedo was immediately hung then people would behave better. It's larping that pedos can be cured which gives them more chances to offend. At the very very minimum all pedos should be in prisons. If you want to be a humane faggot you can make a little pedo village inside a 10 foot fence and they can live there with the other pedos until they die. No messages in or out, no visitors, just pedos living in pedo village.

If you're desperate enough to get your dick sucked you will take whatevers willing or can be forced to fuck it. It means they're bisexual by default not straight though. Straight men won't get hard for another man.

Cut their nuts off.

You lost me when you started talking about your intolerance. You’re part of the problem. I agree with the sentiment that I don’t want to be associated with cretins, but sharing the same platform with someone if I don’t see what they’re doing doesn’t bother me in the slightest. When you say you don’t know if someone else is doing bad things— and this bothers you— fucking why. There’s no bad optics if there aren’t optics at all.

I don't tolerate pedophiles, drug addicts or retards. Explain to me why this is a problem for you.

Any person who has any standards what so ever does not tolerate destructive behaviour. tolerance leads to acceptance and then it leaves to dominance the same way homos have done it. If you kick them in the balls the moment they ask for tolerance they stop asking for tolerance and behave themselves or end up dead.

Why would I give a fuck about optics? I give a fuck about a healthy society where it's visible and where it isn't. I don't just ignore pedos because they have rape dungeons to hide kids in.

This is what media wants you to think. Only retards would be affected by media propaganda.

You're then just as retarded as Zig Forumstards who say everyone should hate Firefox because Mozilla is "SJW".

Yea, we should like firefox for firing people for not being liberal enough. That's the way we improve technology, by supporting homosexuals, who then go on to molest little boys.

Fucking genius.

Nigger, I'm not advocating treating childfuckers instead of imprisoning or executing them. If you're a therapist and pedofaggotry shows up as a side effect of the patient's mental condition, try treating his main issue first and if that doesn't cure his pedophilia give him prison or the bullet.

>>>Zig Forums

Never happened.


That's not the way pedofaggotry works mate. It's like being a homo, once the mind virus has you you're uncurable.

Except when it did because the guy had donated to a conservative charity and they lynched him. His options were step down or be fired by the share holders.

We see you you little pedo fucks. You stand out like a sore thumb.

He stepped down willingly. He said so himself.
Oh jesus fuck you're just one of those mentally retarded people. Why did your doctors give you internet access.

See: Brendan Eich

Just like everyone who comes under media scrutiny “resigns.” You have to be the same person who defends Mozilla every time this comes up.

t. pedo

Yes user, prison gay totally doesn't exist and neither chemicals nor mental disorders can ever affect someone's sexuality. Congratulations on being such a good goyim.

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SEE HE RESIGNED WILLINGLY! He picked to resign rather than be abused by us and then pushed off the edge! It was suicide! Self inflicted gun wound to the back of the head!

I'd link the sam hyde comedy skit but you would just deny it was real you little commie dick sucker.

Being gay is a mental illness. The only reason it was declassified is because the homo lobby kept sending death threats and lawyers after the shrinks. Eventually the shrinks just said fuck it not worth the hassle and dropped it.

Now let's see your sources.

The OP's post said absolutely nothing about exploiting their poor opsec. In fact your post is the first one to even suggest it.

Anyway I hate to tell you guys but most pedos actually have pretty good opsec. Not all of them are random Tox pajeets (and even a lot of those guys run Tox through Tor so they're not exposing their IP). So unless you're going to turn hardcore glow in the dark trying to spread compromised binaries of open source software or commit other untrustworthy actions that will drastically harm the community at large (and probably pedos the least since they're the most plugged in to when shit gets compromised because their friends start disappearing), then you're not going to be able to catch or remove most of them.

But that's a good thing. As has been stated earlier in this thread, pedos are the proof that your system is secure. If pedos don't use your system or all suddenly stop using it, then your system's privacy and/or security guarantees have been nullified or were always null (and because computers are amoral agents, not just for them, but for you too).

Any other opinion is just whiny agecuck pizzaschizo bitching.


You're clearly a repressed pedo and self-hating agecuck.

You think pedophilia is a "virus" that you can catch through contact with them? What, did a pedo show you some Candydoll pictures that gave you a boner? Please explain to us why you're so worried about catching the evil pedo virus user. ;)

Pedophilia is a mind virus you can catch through sexual abuse. That's why MK Ultra operations used child sexual abuse to mind break people so they could remold them and brain wash them.

You don't catch it like you do the cold. you catch it through abuse which fucks up the development of the brain, which then has to adjust it's self to deal with the trauma. It's the same way violent parents make violent kids. What is normal to you becomes what you project out into the world. If being fucked in the ass by a faggot is normal to you then you repeat the behaviour on another kid. Which is observable in abused children and one of the major signs of a child being abused so need investigating at home.

You mean rape?

Pedos get the gas. I don't need a source to show it's degenerate behavior that shouldn't be allowed in society. If someone exhibits it they're removed before they're allowed to breed and spread it further. Same situation with the faggots.

Anyone that gives them tolerance is automatically suspect because they're the same faggots that yell about high trust societies that do not have these problems. It's strange how they preach tolerance until they're faced with such a society. People have moved away from degeneracy in an attempt to start a society that didn't have these problems over and over again only to be called evil.

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They never threatened him or fired him. He left because he didn't want a buch of SJWs to shit on Mozilla, which is ironic because it seems like you're doing it anyways.

You're correct. They just dug up some shit from 10 years ago and applied pressure until he willingly quit. Never threatened him at all. People just willingly quit a position like that all of the time because they caught giving money to a wrongthink cause a decade ago.

You operate honeypots to remove them. This allows you to police the content of the network without compromising the overall security. After all if it allows total free speech then glow in the darks operating honeypots shouldn't be an issue for anyone. They have a right to use the network just like everyone else. The pedos will fall for it like they always do.

Look how easily you drew them out with this thread. They can't resist some good jailbait.

There is normal sexuality and then there's various flavors of perversion. Nobody is born perverted, and if you're going to justify one form, you have no presuppositions to coherently contradict the others.

But tons of pedos are still complete virgins, having zero sexual experience at all, whether in childhood or beyond. And I already know what some people are going to say to that: "Well then they're pedos because they were never able to move past the proper sexual developmental stages everyone else goes through and are consequently fixated upon childhood blah blah blah", but if your theory is that pedophilia is caused both by kids being exposed to sex too early and the exact opposite of that (kids not being exposed to sex early enough), then it's probably not a very good theory.

The simplest and most sensible explanation that accounts for the observed data about pedophilia is that it's just a genetic issue. For example, pedos are far more statistically likely to have attached earlobes and minor deformities of their ears and feet too, so it's basically just an overarching genetic screwup where the pedophilia part of it is the only significant symptom that modern people care about (since we've become more advanced than to ostracize people for minor aesthetic deficiencies). After all, you can't be socialized or molested into being more likely to have attached earlobes. The "cycle of abuse" theory just doesn't gel with the actual physical/scientific/statistical data we now have about pedos.

Although, most child molestation actually isn't even committed by actual pedos, so maybe that's where the idea comes from. It is quite possible that being molested could make you more likely to become a child molester yourself later in life, even if it doesn't make you more likely to become an actual pedo.

I didn't even ask what you wanted to do about pedos. I just asked for proof of your claim that pedophilia isn't a sexual orientation. You can admit that the science supports pedophilia being a sexual orientation and still want to kill them.

Retards like you are why the right is slowly losing its momentum. It used to be the side of facts, logic, sound reasoning, statistics, and inconvenient truths. But now we've simply let in too many morons like you in who have zero debating skills and constantly try to hide that fact behind left-equivalent buzzwords (problematic = degenerate, etc.). You truly are SJWs in reverse and our greatest failure is that we didn't find some way to filter your kind out back in the Dark Enlightenment days before you became the true cancer you are now.

says the agecucks who made a whole thread to autistically screech about people being to use free software in a way that they don't like.

You think Mozilla when you say they, but it was actually the Firefox community aka users.

Being exposed to sex too young will cause normalization of childhood sexual activity.

Being a mental manchild who identifies more as a child than an adult will warp the usual sexual preferences to become pedophilia. i.e. people want to fuck people their own age. If they consider themselves to be mentally children they will want to fuck children. I remember a story on /b/ years ago about a kid who got on his dads computer at 10 looking for porn. Being 10 he wanted to see girls his own age so looked for that shit. It makes perfect sense.

Pedophilia may have some genetic disposition but you can't deny homosexuals pray on young boys in order to convert more homosexuals. This is predatory mental damage transition and depending on how you define wanting to fuck 10-14 year olds is a matter of STD pedophilia.

WTF am I reading? are you just trolling at this point? If you fuck a child you're a pedo. End of story. And that isn't even true when you look at the data.

Hows TRS these days? Still run by jews?

Welcome to ideology, the world over. You have a handful of people capable of rationalizing and thinking and doing shit, no matter what camp you're looking at. The rest are warm bodies and laborers, schlepping things around and occupying space to make the thinkers look like they have significant enough numbers to matter.

It's not a club or an organization, so you can't control membership with lists or dues. It's not a physical location, so you can't drive the retards off. It's not even a state of being, so you can't feasibly murder the ones who do or do not believe these things because it could change in a heartbeat.

This should not surprise, disappoint, annoy, or dismay you.

"The community" doesn't exist. It's a piece of software not a village. SJWs saber rattled until he was forced to resign. The same way they always do.

It won't be long until the left starts making a major public push for pedo accceptance. They've been laying the groundwork for a while now. Everywhere you go these "debates" are happening, all of a sudden. Civil war can't be far away now.

Bullshit, pedos go anywhere they aren't actively hunted down or purged. Facebook, Twitter, and IRC aren't remotely secure yet they have loads of pedophiles.
It's like you pedoniggers are so removed from reality from wasting so much time fapping to CP you don't even bother learning the board culture. Congratulations on being a mentally ill normalfag.

If you ask anyone who's worked in the navy or at a prison, nope. Otherwise straight animals often do the same shit if they're locked away from the other sex for long enough, and there's cases like that gay bull LGBT activists saved from the slaughterhouse only for him to lose all sexual interest in males after they moved him to a smaller, comfier farm.

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Interesting that the left has also been pushing this narrative super hard recently. Constant spam about how anything related to female anime characters is pedophilia. But at the same time they're also trying to get pedophilia normalized. It seems to be some stratagem to get people to associate pedophilia with anime while at the same time somehow accepting (actual) pedophilia. Anyway, leftists need to be purged.

I didn't make the claim. I don't care if it's a (((sexual orientation))) or if it's claimed to be one by various (((scientific papers))) and (((studies))). Anyone with a brain knows most science past the year 1899 isn't worth looking at because it's (((soft science)))). I'm not the one in here defending child fuckers. Why don't you post some sources faggot.

If that means I want to live in a high trust, white, society with morals then I'm guilty as charged. Don't confuse unwillingness to debate with lack of ability. I don't debate pedos and faggots because they have a mind disease and experience has shown me that they will not debate the issue and will instead argue in bad faith like you're doing by calling me reverse-SJW, telling me I'm the cancer that ruined Zig Forums, and finally declaring your victory because you found some sources from left wing rags to backup your retarded arguments.

My beliefs are simple and backed up by years of proof: Sex outside of monogamy and marriage without the goal of procreation is bad for people. The more partners one has sex with the less likely they are to bond with any of them. Faggots have sex with more partners than anyone. Hence their degenerate behavior and constant need to new kinks. If they had few partners in life like normal people and actually respected what marriage is they wouldn't be such a cancer in society nor would they spread AIDS at the alarming rate they currently spread it. This is why they're constantly on the hunt for new young assholes because people aren't born that way and must be brought into the fold. They should not be raising children simply because they take those children to their faggy parades where people walk around naked. Which again, if they wanted to be accepted into greater society they wouldn't be doing. No one wants to watch men parade down the streets in thongs.

Yes user it was the users that plastered shit all over major websites like OKCupid encouraging people to lynch him for not supporting fag marriage. Perfectly normal things that could happen to anybody.

I'm right as fuck but I can see a link between lolicon slice of life animes and pedoish. Lots of people picked up fetishes from hentai they wouldn't other wise have.

I like you. Never trust any one who claims logic and reason are the only merits in life. Logic and reason cannot compete with the unreasonable. If someone is insane and wants to smash your face in with a rock you cannot reason with him and no amount of logic can change that.

People need to understand that the illogical and the lie is often a better tool than the truth. As long as you win it doesn't matter how honest you were. If you lose then you're dead so it doesn't matter how honest you were.

Understanding the truth is important but it shouldn't be the hill you die on.

If you don't believe pedophiles are parasitic, watch how they try attaching themselves to any growing movement or community. Entry level Zig Forums-tier beliefs are growing more common so imageboard pedos try insisting they're an integral part of the right, while at the same time allying themselves with the left's diversity push and squeezing themselves into security-conscious tech communities. They have no real loyalty to any view, they just want protection from anyone with power so they can spread their degeneracy and find more opportunities to exploit children.

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What a stupid post

SOL shit is often sexualized. Lots of crotch and ass shots.

Pedos are scared of Muslims. That's why the homos have latched onto the alt right or whatever you wish to call it. They know Muslims will murder them so they're trying to co opt the right movement in order to get rid of Islam and save themselves. There's a good podcast called Third Jimpact which covers a lot of the gay mafia's shit in the alt right sphere.

Your reasoning is a classic post hoc fallacy. No matter what the premises are, you'll create a story that makes them support your conclusion, because you do not actually want to evaluate any premises independently but are rather instead entirely precommitted to that conclusion being true. If I told you that some pedos had no taboo sexual contact as children and also lost their virginities at normal ages (which is true of plenty of them as well), then you would (and probably will) find some reason to explain why that also was the cause of their pedophilia.

If your theory is true, then what is the proper age for an individual to be introduced to sex that makes them the least likely to become a pedo? There must be some "sweet spot" if your ideas are consistent.

Do they "pray" (it's "prey" you fucking retard) on young boys in order to convert them to homosexuality, or do young boys who already have homosexual inclinations tend to be more drawn to adult males of their kind?

If some guy pisses me off and I shove a metal rod up his ass to get back at him, am I gay? If I've banged 10000 chicks and 1 guy because I was curious, am I gay? There are obvious non-pedo motivations for sexual contact with children: pure sadism, mental illness/compulsive behaviors/weird OCD shit, curiosity, wanting to try something taboo just because it's taboo, and opportunity ("I'm horny and can't find an adult. I'm not really interested in kids but a hole's a hole and it's available."), which is probably the biggest one.

It's the same reason why a lot of men become gay in prison: greater availability. A guy who would choose an 18 year old over an 8 year old 1000/1000 times if he had the choice isn't a pedo just because he resorts to the 8 year old when he feels like he doesn't. True pedos are at least *more* attracted to the 8 year old than the 18 year old (even if they have some attraction to women too), otherwise the word has no meaning. There are even stories of brain tumors causing pedophilic behavior in people too.

lol every single of one of your brainlet faggots does this exact spiel:

Do they produce you retards in a factory or what?

I was naive enough to believe that forcing people to confront uncomfortable and unpopular truths about race, sexuality, gender, immigration, human inequality, etc. would filter out retards in general. It's clear that was wrong.

That's pretty funny when you remember Islam's infamous tolerance of pedophiles, especially gay pedophiles. A pedo's biggest worry under a caliphate would be competition.

Yeah, pedos never get arrested. Child porn busts never happen. People sharing CP on Facebook or Twitte have zero to worry about, which is why all of the main CP hubs are hosted there and not darknets. You're a real smart one.

l m a o - Please, oh master of the arcane and hip, enlighten me with more knowledge of these until now uncovered Laosian zoopraxiscopes. You are the first person to discover them.

>I didn't make the claim. I don't care if it's a (((sexual orientation))) or if it's claimed to be one by various (((scientific papers))) and (((studies))). Anyone with a brain knows most science past the year 1899 isn't worth looking at because it's (((soft science)))). I'm not the one in here defending child fuckers. Why don't you post some sources faggot.

I did post sources. You just put your ebin kike parentheses around them and ignored them. What sources do you want me to post? Also, the designation of pedophilia as a sexual orientation is based off of neurological evidence, hardly soft science at all.

Colonial Delaware was a high-trust white society with morals. Its age of consent was 7. So you're okay with that?

lol the truth sure makes you butthurt, doesn't it?

Harvard endorsing objective observations of neurological differences between pedo minds and non-pedo minds = "left wing rag" - This is why you're a brainlet.

So we should make sure that girls are bequeathed to their partners as young as possible, before puberty even, to make promiscuity as unlikely as possible? Since we know niggers and other shitskins don't care about the law or any standard of morality, promoting the age of consent is just creating a universal policy for white men of "Tyrone and Muhammad get a turn first."

t. anita sarkeesian - listen and believe goyim

SJW phrase detected

Pedos have been on *chans (and spreading racial redpills) far before you The_Donald pizzacuck migrants.

What the fuck are you talking about? Muslims worship a literal fucking pedo who married a 6 year old. (Look up Muhammad's wife Aisha.) Why would pedos be afraid of them?

Congratulations: your post is by far the most retarded thing I've read all year. Really, you want to invite Muslims into your country to kill pedos? The same Muslims who worship a fucking pedo? How low is your IQ?

Brainlet Sargon fanboy confirmed

I wonder why pedos are so drawn to these sort of communities. Maybe the mods can come in and clear up the thread a bit. Mass ban any one supporting pedos and white knighting them.

Who is the next boogeyman you're going to use as a brainlet buzzword?

The point was that pedophiles hang around anyplace they aren't quickly cracked down on, and nothing you said invalidates that.
Nice strawman, faggot. You saw two popular anime girls, one of them a popular Zig Forums icon and the other an adult, then used it as an excuse to screech about anons you don't like being closet pedoniggers. You being familiar with them just makes your "posting Lain/Holo == closet pedophilia" screeching even more retarded.

Here's your (you).

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Everyone fuck off, none of what you're posting has to do with technology or the OP anymore.

The answer to OP's question was fairly simple (ban them on moderated communities and collect their dox on unmoderated or distributed services) so there's nothing left to do besides sitting back and watching autistic pedophiles scream.

You mean Indian pajeets and random Eastern Euros who live in shithole countries with little law enforcement presence? How many pedos in Western countries are hanging around Facebook sharing CP on it? If you're going to use pajeets as your standard of argumentation then why not claim that pedos have a habit of shitting on the street too?

Anime girls are absolutely designed to emphasize neoteny. Your agecuck self-repression doesn't change the fact that they are implicitly pedophilic.

Also, they are *chans. "Imageboad" can refer to a *chan-style site or a *booru-style. The imageboards that aren't *boorus are *chans. Of course you are a true newfag so I wouldn't expect you to understand the distinction. We never should have raided Habbo.

says the autistic agecuck brigade that made a whole thread to screech about people using free software in way that they don't like in the first place.

They do not turn homosexual. They temporarily decide to have sex with other men because it's the only way they've got to satisfy their sexual urges. Plus, when it's about raping and forcing others to have sex, it's more of a domination thing than actual homosexuality.
When it comes down to it most people have flexibility when it comes to their sexuality. That doesn't mean they will become bisexual or even have sex with people of their gender, all it means is that under the right circumstances they may have homosexual encounters.

It is a sexual orientation. The key difference between pedophilia and homosexuality is that grown men can consent, comprehend and safely have sex together without harming each other. Kids cannot consent, they don't comprehend what sex is or means and lack the emotional and psychological tools to not be fucked up when engaging in sexual activities. That's why homosexuality is permitted but pedophilia will always be forbidden.
Another example would be asexuality. That's a fairly rare sexual orientation, yet psychologists don't usually catalogue it as a disease because they do not suffer or hurt others by being like that.

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Except both autistic sides are screaming. Anyone discussing this further is an idiot.

citation needed

You're a real piece of work. Even if you've truly been around this long, you're doing a terrible job of fitting in and that's a real accomplishment.

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[citation needed]

The idea that kids don't comprehend what sex is in the age of the Internet is laughable agecuck garbage.

Since you insist... anal amateur

This. Well, kids over 12 at least.

Why would I want to fit in with newfag retards when that would just mean being a shittier poster?

Ask me how I know you're a virgin.

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The average age that an American child discovers pornography nowadays is 8 according to statistics, and you can expect that to get lower.

These days retarded thots in their 20s and 30s still don't understand the purpose and responsibilites of sex, what makes you think some smartphone zombie under 12 is going to fare much better? More importantly, how will you cope with your child wives growing up?

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Ask me how I know you're a hysterical moralfag agecuck. We used to make fun of fat retarded middle aged housewives on places like this but apparently they came back with a vengeance to possess the bodies of the young men that used to mock them.

Gee, it's almost as if women are braindead cattle who don't need to understand anything about sex other than how to use it to please the men that own them, and thus it doesn't matter how early their male owners decide to teach them. Mind expanding, isn't it agecuck?

If it were really immoral to have sex with someone less mature than you, then all male/female sex would be immoral as women never mature.

Yep, virgin.

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good question OP, but this is the worst possible place to ask it as you can see how quickly this devolved into a shitfest of people defending toddler rape

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lol you agecucks are the ones obsessed with interracial because you want to guarantee that any girl you might have sex has had dozens of opportunities to get non-white dick inside of her before your precious morality allows you to even flirt with her.

Fucking immature people is a bad idea: this is why fucking thots is a bad idea and it's also why pedofaggotry is an awful idea.

Not only that, in spite of babbling about how the right needs to accept his degeneracy he's using the very degeneracy the right despises as an excuse to tell them they need his own specific brand of degeneracy.

classic agecuckery

Oh look we have a feminist. One who denies sexual violence has anything to do with sex.

t. still gets his cheese pizza from cuckchan

that means you agree and people who rape kids under another "magic number" should be removed?

Then you aren't allowed to bang any woman ever except maybe the rare one over 50 who has already had 5 kids or so and has been sobered up a bit from her natural feminine irrationality by the realities of child-rearing. Enjoy you agecuck faggotron.

How's it going Dworkin?