Your reasoning is a classic post hoc fallacy. No matter what the premises are, you'll create a story that makes them support your conclusion, because you do not actually want to evaluate any premises independently but are rather instead entirely precommitted to that conclusion being true. If I told you that some pedos had no taboo sexual contact as children and also lost their virginities at normal ages (which is true of plenty of them as well), then you would (and probably will) find some reason to explain why that also was the cause of their pedophilia.
If your theory is true, then what is the proper age for an individual to be introduced to sex that makes them the least likely to become a pedo? There must be some "sweet spot" if your ideas are consistent.
Do they "pray" (it's "prey" you fucking retard) on young boys in order to convert them to homosexuality, or do young boys who already have homosexual inclinations tend to be more drawn to adult males of their kind?
If some guy pisses me off and I shove a metal rod up his ass to get back at him, am I gay? If I've banged 10000 chicks and 1 guy because I was curious, am I gay? There are obvious non-pedo motivations for sexual contact with children: pure sadism, mental illness/compulsive behaviors/weird OCD shit, curiosity, wanting to try something taboo just because it's taboo, and opportunity ("I'm horny and can't find an adult. I'm not really interested in kids but a hole's a hole and it's available."), which is probably the biggest one.
It's the same reason why a lot of men become gay in prison: greater availability. A guy who would choose an 18 year old over an 8 year old 1000/1000 times if he had the choice isn't a pedo just because he resorts to the 8 year old when he feels like he doesn't. True pedos are at least *more* attracted to the 8 year old than the 18 year old (even if they have some attraction to women too), otherwise the word has no meaning. There are even stories of brain tumors causing pedophilic behavior in people too.
lol every single of one of your brainlet faggots does this exact spiel:
Do they produce you retards in a factory or what?
I was naive enough to believe that forcing people to confront uncomfortable and unpopular truths about race, sexuality, gender, immigration, human inequality, etc. would filter out retards in general. It's clear that was wrong.