Technologically savvy haxxor girls

Where can I find a chick who likes to fuck around with GNU/Linux? I’ll even take a BSD nigger. Getting desperate here. I don’t care if she’s a cow.

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Do you care if she's not really a she? Every time I find a "girl" who's interested in tech and is actually competent, it's always a tranny.

Go orbit iJustine on youtube.

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You must literally find an Asian Woman

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Stop looking for a chick who already likes Linux and just find one who's intelligent and introduce her to it.

asian women...

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Do you care about politics? Because most of the one's you will find are very left leaning.
And I sincerely doubt you won't care about looks considering the picture you posted.

I’m not sure where I’d even look around here.

You could always pork Randi Harper

I’m not picky. That doesn’t mean I fetishize ugliness.

She’s definitely a cow, I’ll give you that. I’m not touching someone related to Zoe Quinn with a ten foot pole though.

What's going on with Iowa boys, kek? Remnants of Hitler youth?

More like the gay nigger that made that chart doxxed himself.

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This tbh, finding smart girls is hard enough. Finding one that's into Linux is needlessly difficult.

You want a woman that cannot take care of herself looking after your children?
Find someone cute, who is pleasant to be around, without signs of obvious degeneration and a nice ass helps too.

Women just aren't smart and the smart ones know not to invest time in autistic shit when they can use their tits to get some autist to do it for her.

A smart girl lays on the beach all day doing nothing but having multiple beta orbitters.

You can probably find some pig faced Orc like bitch who uses tech circles for attention but then you're competing with 1,000 other guys in the same circles and will end up cucked.

Keep your woman away from your hobbies. You need space away from girlfriends if you want to stay sane. This goes doubly for women with masculine interests. Not only will they fuck up your hobby but they will take all your friends with her if you break up. Likely she will also sleep with some of your ex friends if she doesn't do that to break up with you.

tl;dr keep the fuck away from tech girls. They're dumpster fire tier.

Not even with your cock.

Women are incompatible with freedom. Just visit communities/boards inhabited by women and observe. They use proprietary software, don't mind whoring on social media, use discord where they collect their orbiters, their desktop threads unironically consist of windows 10/android screenshots. If it claims to be a woman and uses GNU/Linux, try looking under it's skirt, you'll be surprised.

Microsoft wageslave tier.

Remember Naomi Wu is garbage.
t. Chinese

100% of "haxxor girls" are in it for the attention. If you want to find a legit tech-savvy female, you'll have to look at older women with actual merit in tech.

Problem is that these women are not haxxor girls. They do not fuck around - not just with Linux but in general. Lisa Su is not going to install Gentoo with you.

saging because not Zig Forums native i'm just board surfing shit's slow mangs
Dude the last thing you want is a girl that shares your fucking passion. Trust me, it is fucking terrible. I'm tired and can't be fucked elaborating, but it isn't fun sharing every aspect of your life with someone, it's oppressive.

My Mum.

She did the FORTRAN punchcard thing when I was a baby, became the sysadmin of a DataGeneral Nova at a national car dealership as the only computer-literate secretary there at the time. She's been a FreeBSD and Ubuntu weenie since those came out.

She was fucking pathetic as a mother, though-- tell me to go to friend's birthday parties in my school clothes, living in poverty because of her cigarette habit, and so on.

Is she hot?

obviously not

She has Boomer-era teeth, and needed dental plates by 40. Also

How come this thread is fine but mine was b&?
There are some surprising, tech-literate girls coming through possibly due to recent social changes. user above was right about them generally leaning left, but I believe that is also true of the industry in general. There's a reason why FOSS and anti-gov hacker culture are so popular.

Just be gay op