Is it possible to boycott this company? I dont trust the Bezos I think hes taking over the world. Im publishing my book on Smashwords instead of Kindle. Im not a libtard so I dont go to whole foods. Im not a cuckservative so I dont read Washington Post. I also fucking hate Twitch and do all my online shopping on ebay. But amazon web services is everywhere. Fuck do I do?
Boycotting Amazon
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Ok, but while successful he hasn't taken over the world.
I suggest you conduct business without regard to political concern. Think like a Jewish banker: Republican, Democrat it doesn't matter. Business is business. The great con that people fall for is getting involved in politics before they are old men, it's a waste of time and energy that can easily sap your youth and make yourself miserable for nothing. Imagine the people who wasted 8 years of their life protesting Bush. He's gone, now, and all their work and emotion was for nought. If Bezos can help you make money, or save you money, losing that opportunity for some pathetic 'resistance' is foolish business, and ultimately pointless.
Also, what are your thoughts on politics in the technology sector?
Technology should remain apolitical.
I hope it stays that way, too. In the sense tools should solve problems.
Yes, because Alan Turing won the Nobel Prize for completely apolitical reasons. Because the industry role of the audion, diode, and radio engineering--and by proxy the entirety of Silicon Valley--were in no way catalyzed by a certain World War.
You don't need to be suspicious of Amazon to have a reason to boycott them. They're fucking suffocating the economy. The leech off the taxpayers' money and don't pay taxes in comparison to their competitors. They shove proprietary software into nearly half of all American households and harvest the buying habits of 80 percent of Americans.
Your ignorant faux-suspicion is ironically the reason why laypeople aren't as wary of Amazon as they should be. Because they listen to idiots like you who don't even grasp the immensity of Amazon's abuse and decide it's a reasonable sacrifice to make for the sake of their own convenience.
Hopefully this is the same person, otherwise we have two fools.
And here's the problem. AWS is Amazon's biggest cash cow and anything you do will have limited effectiveness unless you can put a dent in that monstrous operation.
You can try to convince people not to use AWS, but:
No because they are directly funded by the CIA/federal reserve. You will sooner kill the federal reserve then you will amazon.
Can you prove that? Amazon sells services to the CIA, but you're implying something far deeper.
Ebay bots suck balls :(
delete this
Wasted quads.
Literally what else is there to say? He works for the CIA beyond the shadow of a doubt after the announcement of launching sattilites into space using spacex on behalf of the government owned monopoly that is (((AT&T and timewarner))). Then there is the mechanical turk roach that is essentially the CIA's. Then there is the myriad of USA gov service hosted by amazon. Then there's the cloud dedicated to USA gov services. There's even more then that if you dig deeper. So lurk moar.
Yeah it's called ebay
And there's Newegg, Monoprice, and Tigerdirect to buy chink shit
Your initial accusation was that Amazon is funded by the CIA. I will discount your multiple references to Musk and SpaceX, because they are irrelevant to your position. The only evidence you cite is that Amazon provides cloud services to the CIA and that they are bedding to provide the USA gov service. This is a wholly different context to being 'funded' by the CIA. I also note that you dropped any further defense of the claim that the Federal Reserve is behind Amazon. Since your claims are unfounded I will dismiss your argument and subsequent implications out of hand.
the fuck
Elon Musk has nothing to do with Amazon, you vile schizophrenic cretin.
He surely has with Ebay tho
The site is already shit compared to eBay because it doesn't calculate shipping costs until the moment when you add everything to the basked and press "pay". I'll never buy anything from that shit store.
Amazon has flat shipping costs from it's self, it's outsider sellers who do different shipping prices. I've never had a problem telling which is which.
Boycotting ebay and amazon is easy, you just go to the retailers websites directly. Almost all online sellers have their own site then use the big super stores as well. You will get slightly better prices on their own store as well. The only real exceptions is electronics which you basically have to chase the best deal which maybe amazon.
It doesn't state the shipping cost anywhere until you see your total bill.
Yeah, no, Amazon is trash.
Use your local amazon then faggot
I don't have one.
why would it not be? i never bought anything from amazon
with how they treat their own workers, they should feel some repecussions
They aren't Israeli, so you can legally boycott them. Few people will follow you since it's inconvenient, but Amazon for sure is one of the worst companies out there.
Proptip: if you say israeli instead of jewish everyone instantly knows you're CIA/NSA
I was referring to the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, which makes it illegal to boycott any company from jewland.
They've received so much bad press about that, but it doesn't seem people care. That's the world we live in, everyone just thinks about themselves first, and to be honest, you get trampled on yourself if you try to do otherwise.
Fuck capitalism and fuck fake lolbertarian individualism.
-- Sent from a Chinese worker slave product from a comfortable basement of a house built and sold for profit in a housing market fuelled by predatory bank loans.
You will never be free of it goy, just embrace it!
They've stayed out of each other's territories for now, but I would expect Taobao to start seriously threatening Amazon as both companies start to push into emerging markets. Taobao, if you don't know already, is Chinese Amazon and like many other Chinese companies they've just begun to expand into developing economies, most notably Africa and some South American countries. There is little hope in a smaller company surviving against these two, but it might be more useful to go out of your way to use Amazon in China and Taobao everywhere else to encourage more local competition. This is inspired by the anti-surveillance strategy of using Chinese phones in western countries since it's certain that any phone will spy on you, but also that the Chinese government will not want to share this information with western governments so you can use this to your advantage.
Venezuela-Cuba is to be repurposed as West-Socialist-Communist Paradise. Every single western left-winger is deported there, and it is supervised that it will not engage in non-Marxist policies so they can't claim it wasn't real communism if it fails.
All the communication to rest of the world is cut off so they can't claim it was CIA sabotage and bourgeoise propaganda. They are not allowed to trade with capitalist countries so they can't claim they were subject to imperialist economic dictating. We give them their own intranet so they can't claim Russian trolls and hackers on steroids breaking their democracy. We put Chomsky as their leader, he has been longest telling everyone how things should be ran, so let's see him run things for once, give him full reign over 200 million people. Of course, people inside West-Socialist-Communist Paradise are free to replace this initial leader with whomever they feel is better for the job.
This complete liberation of everyone on terms they themself have propagated as true freedom is, in fact, the greatest possible display of selfless human empathy. By preemptively enacting safeguards to prevent their often self-stated reasons why their system failed before, we are assisting them to find full happiness. As for emigration from there, returning to oppression is not to be permitted as a basic humane principle. Any left-winger popping up outside West-Socialist-Communist Paradise is promptly sent there, no questions asked, no objections allowed. It is after all a humanitarian duty to help people complaining of oppression and exploitation to live in place where no such thing is allowed.
This way, everyone is happy forever.
Why do I even bother with this board? There's only so many morons I can deal with, it's all so tiresome.
Why's that idiot (((chomsky))) so popular in murica? He's literally the image of your average joe on muh new left.
Because he's the intellectual mTV. He's the text book definition of what controlled opposition looks like. He's done nothing but tell lies his entire life about how anti-system he is while being paid for by the system.
CNF is a lie, you heard it here first.
lol u suk dix
Amazon is a godsend for books.
So is Prime Day, scored a 970 Evo for far below the average price in my country.
As much as I hate Amazon and Microsoft, they have basically cornered the market on the cloud and cloud computing. Even Netflix has to by bandwidth from Amazon. As far as Azure, as much as I hate it, the shit works.
buy bandwidth.
I need to stop watching tv and typing.
I just ordered a couple hundred dollars worth of school shit does that count ?