Ubuntu Mate LTS

Ubuntu Mate LTS
Besides sysmd
Is there any reason not to use it?

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fuck off and die

Kill yourself

MX-linux exist.

y u lie?

Unlike Debian, Ubuntu has not made the repositories available as .onion service.


summerfags flooded Zig Forums in very hugh ciphers

Unlike Debian, Devuan is free of software of anti-user nature and has .onion repositories too.

lightweight =/= minimal
Why do you hate logic?


Did you read your post afterwards?

LXQT is the very only sane DE.

No thanks.

xfce4 is king
t. former icewm, fvwm, i3wm, stumpwm, twm etc user

I used to like Ubuntu Mate 16.04, but after upgrade to 18.04 I decided to move elsewhere. MX-Linux is much better. Give it a try!

Yeah, Xfce can do everything MATE can do and more with a similar memory footprint.

MATE has normie appeal. That may not be worth something to you or I (I use XFCE too) but it's certainly a metric to measure DE's on. Some people just don't want to tweak shit and fair enough.

A blunt example is XFCE's default panel is garbage.

any examples?

Ugly as fuck ootb. How customizable is it?

Enjoy the dead board, guys.

It's Gnome 2 with GTK3 bindings. It's not hard to customize.

As pointed out, not that much.
It's heavily limited by it's own set of software and messing around and tweaking it is completely limited to what they give you.

I have stopped using *buntu distros. Even if I find ubuntu MATE a comfy land for new users I find it horribly unstable compared to Trisquel.


ubuntu mate is basically just what ubuntu was before they introduced the horrible unity/gnome3 interface



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The old hardware king is antiX. AFAIK lubuntu devs say it has shifted his focus away from old hardware. There are other specialized distros for old hardware around, possibly.

And i did not get trips.

i use xubuntu and systemd
it just werks

Hipster here, Budgie is the best DE and arch is the best distro (unless you have Ryzen).

I'd kill you for that answer.

Clearly you are from 4cuck. What about going cucking there?

The best Ubuntu derivative is Kubuntu 18.04.

Seriously, guys, try it out. KDE is lightyears ahead of everything else on the Linux desktop.

There are not minimal desktop oriented distros anymore because gtk3 is shit.

Enjoying Kubuntu 18.04 LTS, using it at work, KDE is just fucking awesome, GNOME is shit

I use LXDE daily, how is it broken?

factually incorrect, and not an argument.