well shit there goes 4k 120hz+
"leaked" nvidia gtx 1180/2080 turing bla bla bla pcb leaked
Mid Range I assume?
Around 1080ti oc to titan v oc level but nowhere near the gv100
About as bad as those people foaming over the newest star-wars trailer to be honest.
4k is a meme
1920*…/240hz is everything you need
Have fun not being able to see shit in the distance except for blurry pixels
Even industries best temporal as can't fix it with adaptive sharpening
It's pretty silly when there's nothing even on the board so he's just pissing against a wall in the wind
That aside, I wonder if AMD is going to die-shrink the Polaris cards to 12nm, a "RX680" running at 1600 MHz plus and/or with lower power use sounds good to me.
I aint playing counter strike
Nah 12nm is over a year old at this point they moved straight to post Gcn arch like navi+ 7nm in 2020 for the Ps5 launch
but how many shekels can i mine with it?
I wonder if AMD/nvidia bin their chips by mining shekels on them now.
Won't be very cost effective
because I sure do give a dam about the non focused background. Go back from where you came shill
I own
1080 I am a shill
My jaw hurts. Thanks for the laugh.
Leave it to the red team to fuck up their production volume again though.
whats 6xtimes faster is Ray Tracing, thats it
and its more expensive for small like 20% perf bump from die shrink
So back in 2002, you could buy a top of the line Ati card that absolutely demolished the contemorary nvidia cards for only $399.
Thanks for the feels user. My Radeon9700 Pro still works. Just need a Tribes or TFC 1.5 server to go own some plebs. They'll never make good FPSs again.
what in the serious fuck am I reading. Another user in the tribes scene. If you only knew...
I don't play games anymore, but I get the feeling gameplay wise we have only declined. Battlefield 1942 and the Desert combat mod were the pinnacle of "arcade style" infantry/vehicle combat.
No cancerous weapon upgrades, micro transactions, streamers, etc.
Sure they look like shit by todays standards, but the gameplay was solid. Now imagine if the advances in gameplay mirrored those of graphics.
No doubt the new battlefield will be complete cancer with no skill vehicles and niggers everywhere.
Opinion discarded.
but muh lighting, muh reflections, muh refraction's. I don't vidya any more either but watched the NVIDA kynote yesterday out of curiosity. All this hype of light effects is fucking wack.
It will look the same as it does up close, provided the textures/lod are the same too
Its about getting closer to photorealistic real-time rendering, and will make lighting maps in games much easier, meaning less dev time and better looking maps, especially for open world games that otherwise usually have buggy shadow areas and whatnot.
The dealbreaker for me, though, is whether it can do 60fps. Seems a bit dubious as of now, so im going to wait for actual game fps benchmarks before deciding whether or not the 2060 is worth 600.