Books I absolutely must read related to computer science, I am a newfag brainlet

Books I absolutely must read related to computer science, I am a newfag brainlet.

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This. When you say brainlet, are you talking about lacking knowledge or just being stupid? If the latter, it might be easier to avoid computer science.

Attached: Clrs3.jpeg (297x335, 19.64K)

The C Programming Language.
The Art of Unix Programming.
The Art of Computer Programming series.


Obilgatory: Not everyone is as dumb as you.
We used CLRS in our first year at uni. Don't go down the route of assuming you have to buy lots of easier books first, they are just a waste of your time, and allow shitty universities to squeeze more money out of their students. The handholding approach is for worthless niggers, but you only need to look at the textbooks produced in the 60s to 80s to see the level white people should be taught at.

I usually recommend TAoCP and SICP because I regret not starting with them in the first place, instead of building on an unsteady foundation of shit for decades. Either they can learn the right way and get up to speed, or they can fuck off to another hobby.

Taking an algorighms class and using it as a textbook is different from reading it alone. Stupid fucking redditor.

Only three words in, and you've already convinced us that you're an imbecile... it was just downhill from there.

go back to reddit and stay there, retard.

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Stop projecting for a moment, and offer your alternative suggestion for a textbook. If you're going to be the thread fool, we might as well see how many more laughs we can get from you.


Nah, algorithms are evil

Give me something GOOD

Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets - Peter van der Linden
Test-Driven Development by Example - Kent Beck

The Unix Programming Environment by Kernigan and Pike is another good one that doesn't get mentioned too often. God-tier if you happen to be learning C at the same time.

Have you read your SICP today?

Attached: sicpFAG.png (600x450, 273.72K)

I am both but honestly why not give it a fucking try.

I have some calculus books from the 70s that are pretty darn good, hell I even have an algebra book from the 1800s that is chock full of awesomeness and they were all pretty cheap compared to shitty overpriced coding for dummies book.

I'll check those out.

Yeah why not, no textbook is too intimidating! not even this one, hell it's funny.

Attached: pandamonium.jpeg (201x250, 9.24K)

Thank you, I'm particularly interested in book 1 as I'll be "looking" at c, c#, and c++.

ok...I'll check that out (the book), I won't be checking out that spoiler image anymore.

Upgrading and repairing pc's ?

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Apostol? It's still used in some top schools, and highly recommended.

C is godly, C++ is C with some dirty hacks
...C# on the other hand is Java on the CLR

very different things

That's the right attitude. Please ignore the people who tell you things are too hard. Most of the time it isn't the case, and when you do struggle with a section, it just spotlights an area you need to learn more about or do more work in. Learning should always involve some amount of struggle.

Are you retarded? Compsci is the easiest field of study I know. The only place where it starts to get really annoying is advanced category theory (not even that hard though, it's just another type of math really), logical programming as a paradigm (Prolog really sucks) and dealing with AST's (Dragon book got you covered though), and no Pajeet is ever going to get into that shit so no worries, you'll get hired without that shit

You sound like the retard here. Not to mention, you listed undergraduate level material as 'hard', which makes me wonder if you have any idea about the scope of the field. I can tell that you certainly didn't go to a top 10 school, and didn't venture anywhere near the graduate programs of a top 250 one. >>>/g/