Firefox will now share your info with another party by default

Firefox will now share your info with another party by default.

Attached: its-all-so-tiresome-8881488.png (722x283 91.76 KB, 106.3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Install Brave

Attached: image.jpg.png (700x400 925.06 KB, 48.7K)

wow firefug sending your data to cuckflare for no reason.
wow new "security features" of the week which are obviously bullshit just from reading the names of them
wow DNS over HTTPS so now you can pretend to have confidentiality and integrity while getting some retarded error about the DNS server having a bad cert probably with no way to accept the "bad cert"
I'd normally be infuriated, but firefug is basically just some irrelevant phone app at this point.


Here's an explanation of why they're doing this:
Here's a tutorial on how to configure or disable it:

For now Mozilla only offers to route traffic through Cloudflare or Google. They signed a contract with both of them and those companies in regards to the Study which prevents them from keeping records or selling/transferring the data to third-parties. Even then, if you don't trust them, you can easily disable this new experiment.

From a Mozilla employee:
From OP's blog post:
So, again, it's fucking nothing.

I was going to mention how HTTPS everywhere addon works properly in the spyware watchdog thread by making their SSL observatory feature an opt-in option and lets you send requests over tor for better privacy. You're still sharing your with a third party but they're doing in the best way they can and the user has to enable it.

I've been putting off making my own DNS server for years now but this might be the thing that pushes me over the edge.

Creating a fetching DNS server is easy as fuck.
You can even use a shitty SBC or a VM for that.

Stop spreading FUD

Attached: BraveAdsExplained.png (1920x1080, 172.84K)

Attached: Eternal_Tipping.webm (640x360, 6.6M)

what is this autism?
also, to clarify , the default setting is "David"

Oh, and that Brave(r) Ads(Tm) model? It's outdated. Brave never has, and never will, give users a fraction of the money earned through Brave Ads.
Funny how Mozilla added Pocket Ads, which are locally managed and no data is ever sent unless you click an ad, yet you retards can't shut up about how Pocket ads are somehow the antichrist.
You guys are a bunch of stupid hypocrites. Brave is the exact same thing as Firefox, yet you keep shilling for Brave and spreading FF FUD because of some fake news you read right here.

Attached: brave3.jpg (1920x973 455.28 KB, 269.23K)

Here are the other pics, since 8ch won't let me add 6 to a single post.

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Why in the fuck is this cancer seeping in to every fucking browser?


How in the fuck can Firefox bypass my network configured DNS? Why in the fuck does a client application get to just ignore what the gateway tells it to use for DNS?

It can only do so when you browse. Instead of sending a normal DNS request to a DNS server, Firefox will pack it and send it through HTTPS to cloudflare. You'll still need a local DNS for other non Firefox applications (ssh, ...). Unless this turns out to be a kernel module/service that's required for Firefox to run.


killyourself rustfag

Because it is legit pretty useful to sync bookmarks between devices, even if they don't have a Pocket app or the same browser installed. As long as the device has a browser and an Internet connection all those bookmarks are available.

In other words, you refuse to read the post, you refuse to even attempt to consider their position. You already formulated your own opinion and refuse to consider others.
That's the entire point of this experiment you mongrel. They designed DNS over HTTPS so less data is leaked to third parties. For now they're using Cloudflare and Google because they don't have the resources, and frankly it would be overkill, to roll out servers for this.
Stay on topic.
The performance gains or loss of implementing it, if users want the feature or not, if it's a practical and viable solution, how many servers would be needed to do this, how much data is leaked, etc.
Your loss mate.

And while we're at it, cloudflare's regular DNS service is complete dogshit already. Let's hook up our client application to an even more convoluted method using the same dogshit provider, surely NOTHING can go wrong!

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Name one other DNS provider that provides HTTPS.

after what update will this take effect?
its currently already in the config (61.0.1) but disabled by default

Nobody knows. They're just testing this feature in Nightly.

Agree. But I guess one must be cautious. Firefox code is still open and anybody can build their own if not happy with what's available.

For my part, I use VLC for Youtube or web video and the rest of the web, I'm not interested in or I use Lynx (like I'm doing right now).

I mean I don't use Firefox either, but that's because they've consistently astounded me with catastrophic decision after catastrophic decision for the last few years. This cloudflare nonsense is just one more catastrophic decision and like the others I'm beside myself that anybody involved could have thought this was a good idea.

in countries where you can't trust ISP, anything other than plain old DNS is a benefit to security.
stop with that FUD dude.

really makes ya think

This is an era for "going crazy", not steadiness.
I mean, if people were aware of the extent of what Snowden and Wikileaks - to only cite those - revealed the world should have been on fire.

I kinda like came to certain realizations:

1 - People make a huge deal out of projections
2 - People have no idea how powerful they are when aware
3 - Let the sheep go through their own suffering, it will reach an unbearable limit and something will happen
4 - Whatever happens, never panic.
5 - Smoke weed and enjoy life away from this BS. A week off technology grounds one back and one finds much joy and energy coming back to it to play, not work or fight.
6 - Make the best toys you can.

Is this a bot?

I am what you wish for me to be!

Fucking this.

This is a bot.


Maybe it's a simplistic Human life without BS.

There are a bunch of small ones.

Is Ungoogled Chromium any good?

Attached: 3f332ff5026aa17764034daa94e155e4bfe9a4bc009d4c442cf2685b62dd31c7.jpg (452x469, 43.99K)

False. There are other DNS out there, jewgle and cloudberg are the worst, might as well redirect it all to Mozilla used these two specifically either for money or because they're cucks who get off on being owned by jewgle, possibly both. Also Mozilla has a lot of resources, they blow millions on pet niggers alone.

thank god ive been using Opera for like 3 years already

Mozilla has astroturfing efforts that are almost but not quite as good as Microsoft. Fucking nobody should be using shitfox after all of what they have pulled through the years with pocket, whatever shit they are doing with Rust (Look at some of the key people in Rust and if you don't get why Rust is a joke then there is no hope for you, the whole language could collapse at any time one of the trannies or personality disorder sufferers either checks out or gets checked in), and that stupid promotional shit where they installed a fucking pretend spyware extension universally to promote a TV show.

absolutely nigger tier

Yes. Better then Iridium.

Pale Muthafuk'n Moon muthafukkaz sheeit

systemd integration coming in 3... 2... 1...

no fuckboy, i've read about 20000 of these garbage tech hipster blogposts already and i can already predict what they weill say. maybe if you want to keep apologising over modern browsers' utter retarded shit, you'd be better off with your kind at reddit or HN
no, this is a trivial change with and a known application with known performance characteristics assuming a competent initial implementation. you sound like a fucking retard (aka "senior enterprise engineer") for claiming this is a thing that needs to be tested as if it's some kind of new experimental technology. it's opening a fucking HTTPS connection to ask for 100 bytes of text
yeah, let's test if they're dumb enough to want this. much science
already known.
already known

So they don't have a lot of resources once they were blown on niggers, no?

Mozilla employees are fucking gay.



That isn't at all what he said. Mozilla used (((cloudberg))) instead of opennic/etc for a reason. Why do you you think that is?

oh okay, better send half the world's DNS requests through cuckflare then

OpenNIC sure as fuck cant process them all. You know how slow it already is?
>Mozilla used (((cloudberg))) instead of opennic/etc for a reason
Because it's fast as fuck.

You idiots seem to think projects with words like "community" and "democracy" are used where random fucks run nodes is gonna stop the boggiemen.


u fucking wot m8. i tunnel my DNS through tor like a white man. the 3 times per year when I use clearnet I just use whatever DNS my router gave me. routing everything through cuckflare literally solves no problem and just creates a potential problem since now one guy can see everyone's traffic in the world

Yeah its way worse than 99% of users sending their DNS over clearnet right to Google or their (((ISP))) really this is a massive conspiracy.
Congratz you get to be special

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I can't even tell where the sarcasm ends anymore. It _is_ better to use your ISP's DNS than to route it to cuckflare, objectively. What the fuck does this have to do with le conspiracy theories and boogeyman? If someone wants to MITM 9 million people, he will have a much easier time when all traffic is routed through cuckflare's dumbass shit.

>He trusts (((verizon))) and (((at&t))) and (((timewarner))) with unencrypted DNS that is trivial to mitm
Look man its all fucked and this solution is considerably less fucked and will make the internet more secure and faster for hundreds of millions of people.

Projects with "CLOUD" and "US" are the bogeyman. The three-horned agency filters everything in & out of the US. Check out Snowden's revelations:

"... NSA's "Upstream" operations, which use fiberoptic intercepts to filter through vast quantities of raw internet traffic. Such dragnet operations often involve the complicity of telecommunications companies, as evidenced in 2006 when Mark Klein, a former network engineer, revealed that the NSA had installed equipment at an AT&T switching facility which diverted internet traffic into government databanks."

Now, if Firefox uses Cloudflare, a US based company, and directs all the users DNS requests through them, your browsing traffic will cross the US, and you're fucked!

That's how Google and Facebook and all Data Mining Corp. fucked everybody over. Moving your data from one server to another, it will most likely end up crossing the US and get filtered. Wherever you are on this planet.

Also why is the US the main operator of Root Name Servers (

Add to this the Speck joke in the 4.17 Linux Kernel pushed by a Google dude ...

This is a Co(s)mic show ... Hahahahahaha!

Yeah DNS resolvers are so much safer in the hands of at&t where they lack even basic encryption or authentication.

They're not using Cloudflare's DNS. They're still using your PC's DNS, but the requests are encripted with https and routed through Cloudflare servers.



A relevant post from a Mozilla employee. Once again, this board spreads FUD.

Forgot pic. Fuck.

Attached: Screenshot_20180806-121047_1.png (1440x746, 89.15K)

Why, because donating to some anti-gay cause suddenly makes the inventor of javashit and the guy under whose watch Mozilla was already going to ruin somehow exonerated?

Fuck off cuck. This board is for Brave missiles

No, I don't trust them you illiterate fuck. And I don't trust cuckflare either. Do the math. If 1 billion users used cuckflare and it was MITMd, 1 billion people would be MITMd. If they were split across 1000 different DNS services and 100 DNS services were MITMed, 100 million people would be MITMd. 100 million is less than 1 billion. Which is why this cuckflare DNS thing is fucking stupid.

You're one of those dickfucks that can only reason in terms of DNS and has no idea how computers work. DNS doesn't need to be encrypted, you insufferable fuck. Go back to /g/. You learn literally nothing by watching someone's DNS requests, since you already know 99% of what he's doing because you'd also have access to all his traffic and what IPs he connects to.

Yes, I agree, this should just be a "test" and never make it to a real release.

firefox was fucked once they kicked out his guy

Here is a list of just few of the anti user things that firefox does by default:
Sends unique hash of all downloaded files to Google
Sends certificate to OCSP servers, effectively disclosing which sites you visit and at what time
Everytime you start the browser it consults a shitload of big cloud provider servers
Sends crash reports with private data (probably through some amazon/azure/etc. servers again)
Includes DRM support, effectively normalizing DRM on the web
Engages in advertising campaigns that are directly integrated into the browsers, they cash in millions with these campaigns and use it to pay themselves hefty salaries despite constantly begging for donations. (eg. installing extensions without user permission to just advertise some tv show called mr. robot)
Includes Google analytics in default pages
Enables firefox studies by default (this will turn into another data mining cash grab scheme, just wait)

There is a lot more things, and there will be a lot more as long as people keep defending and tolerating mozilla's anti user mentality. Face it buddy. Mozilla is corrupt and no longer respects its users. They see users just as cash cows.

It's almost as if there was a way of anonymously making DNS requests.

Go read Mozilla's blog post on why they're doing this it's solid.
Firefox is NOT changing the DNS to Cloudflare's, they're using Cloudflare as a DNS over HTTPS resolver. DNS over HTTPS would be a new standard that makes it harder for third parties to MITM DNS requests, and any server could be used as a resolver.
For now Mozilla is testing this feature and using Cloudflare as a resolver. They don't know when and if they are going to ship this feature in stable and even if they did, they most likely wouldn't use Cloudflare as a resolver but their own infraestructure. Calm your tits.

So those security features are somehow an avail plot against users? Don't use them if you don't trust them, but to claim there's some kinda conspiracy is beyond retarded. Those are standard features in every web browser.
It makes connections to the websites added to the homescreen to update the favicon and thumbnails.
Yes, and?
No, it doesn't.
DRM is already normalized you imbecile. It was added by the W3C as a standard. Whether or not you agree with it is irrelevant since the DRM support in FF is easily disabled.
You're being exaggerated.
Enable Do Not Track.

This thread is just a domestic fuds who are mad because they won't be able to snoop on our DNS queries.
Probably the same ones who said don't use self-signed HTTPS because the NSA can spy on your OCSP queries.


The term FUD is probably older than you, faggot.


Fucking this. Eich has made Brave into a viable, competitive browser within two years of its inception. What can any of us here say about our lives? Lmfao

Chosoe one.

Firefox when you have Pocket enabled?

That too. Point is, Firefox sold out long ago and is just marketing to normies who they think won't figure out they're being sold a line of bullshit.

yeah this is HORRIBLE. Cloudflare that actually has agreed to legally binding privacy guarantees is sooo much worse than at&t (or time warner or cumcast) a company with a much worse history.

Attached: DcoyWbWX0AAPdt6.jpg (500x275, 19.28K)

Cloudflare using that data, not exposing it, is what I'm more worried about. So those "guarantees" are bunk.

Also, hooray more centralization of critical internet services!

Also also, this is out of Firefox's wheelhouse. The system has a DNS resolver for a reason. This is more stupid bullshit that's going to have to be troubleshot when a user is on Firefox.

Incorrectly implying thats the only part of the agreement
you are really retarded

I don't want the web browser making decisions about where to send DNS queries. That is literally not its fucking job!

Know how I know you don't have to deal with browser problems for a living?

This is yet one more layer in front of what should be a very simple DNS lookup. We already have to deal with multiple layers of caching, including TTLs on upstream servers, local servers, proxies, and of course the os.

Now the Goddamn browser has to get in on the game too! Leave it to SV fuckheads to over-complicate literally everything.


are you actually this fuckin out of your depth or are you paid to tardpost


It's all so tiresome.

nice one samefag

Look faggot you may use gloriously resolve all your DNS through tor or something like that but 99% of idiots don't even know what DNS is and are going to be stuck with their ISP getting unencrypted unauthenticated responses from an entity that IS selling data vs an organization that is providing encrypted and authenticated dns that has legal agreements saying they WONT sell data.

Did you mean
better 'one is/proceeding to (then->)' Iridium
better 'than' Iridium (worse than UGC)


fuck off with your shilling samefag

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I could get behind their decision if they (provide an option to) randomly switch between encrypted OpenNIC DNS servers outside of your country (bonus points for servers outside Fourteen Eyes).

I falsely assumed they were using DNSCrypt but you get the point.

kil urself my man lol
you keep repeating this what the fuck does that even mean
you're a grug for believing this. sorry to be the one to inform you
also you point out that there are other viable alternatives for securing DNS that mojira could have chosen, but they didn't. They could have chosen OpenNIC or started funding a decentralized effort. They could have done an infinite number of things. Instead, they chose to override the user's explicit settings and centralize DNS with Cloudflare, because they've been taken over by delusional millenial fuckwads who think corporations love you and laws matter in CY+4.

Attached: fucktard.png (132x73, 3.74K)

DNS over HTTPS is a new web protocol. Mozilla is the only one who is trying to add it to the browser, and for the time being they're using Cloudflare. You can use any resolver you want.

Congratulations on successfully describing the situation everyone in this thread is talking about, although next time I would skip the bizarre attempt to minimize the issue where Mozilla is sending all of your network requests to Cloudflare.

They are not. This is still a beta function and it is not enabled by default. Just to test how much of a flaming faggot you are I actually downloaded the Nightly and took a look at about:config, and turns out, you WERE a flaming faggot, as pretty much as everyone else in this thread.

FYI, Firefox Studies page states that they will explicitly inform you if they start sharing your data with a third party, IF said third party does not conform to their privacy policy. Also, this whole Firefox Studies thing can be turned off by unticking "Allow Nightly to install and run studies" under Privacy and Security tab in Firefox settings. Now fuck off.

They share some shit with Google by default, and I don't remember it being opt-in. See Faggot.

thanks for confirming you're one of the delusional millenial fucktards who thinks corporations love you and law matters

That only guarantees only Kikeflare, CIA and NSA are spying on you and messing with the contents. I bet you think is safe too because it's encrypted.

I stand corrected and am a faggot as well. Thanks for sharing. The question is now what browser should we trust that is up to date with web standards. Maybe I'll make a thread about it sometime.

Law matters and you can sue them. Refer to the GitHub discussion in previous post I'm replying, someone is talking about taking legal action against Mozilla. Of course it has to be a class action lawsuit because no individual can fund a legal action against Mozilla's lawyers but technically you can sue them for doing shady things.

Chances are the web pages you are browsing use Cloudflare to some extend and CIA/NSA probably has even your sleep schedule in one of their databases. Your concerns belong to a completely different threat model.